
64-0802 The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride

The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride
Scores will be accepted until Thursday, August 7, 2014
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

"This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by the way of ________: That ye may be ________ of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandments of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:"
Why did Brother Branham read Second Peter the 3rd chapter, and compare it with Revelations 21?
How many stages of the world are there?
The same plan of redemption is used to redeem, both, world and the persons that live in it.
_______ will be taken from the earth, just exactly like _______ was taken from you.
The baptism of ____, on earth, only is to cleanse it and make it a fit place for God’s meek to live in. Like He did us, His creation, to live in. Before He could come in it, He had to give us the baptism of ____; then the Holy Ghost come in and live.
To be the Bride, you have to be part of Him. What part of Him is it?
The Millennium reign, the thousand years, is the New Earth.
When does the Holy Convocation come?
You were made for a(an) ________ purpose, because you was the manifestation of an attribute that was in God, that thought of you and expressed you; and He made a earth to take you out of, and to make you a human being.
There is no such a thing as spiritual death to a baptized saint of God.
All the curse of sin is gone when _________.
Christ is on earth, today, preparing the New Jerusalem.
He ain't going to raise up a new _______; He redeems the one that's already here. He ain't going to make no new _______; it's this one right here. He's just going to burn it off, cleanse it, like He did you.
Who said one time, “It's given to you to know the Kingdom of God, but not to them?"
Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God.
"And they need no light, for the Lamb and the Lord God is the Light thereof."
To ________, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
Those who went in with Noah, by _________, was the one who walked out upon the new earth after its water baptism.
Fill in the blanks from the song Brother Branham sang: "The _____ will be gentle, and the _____ will be tame; And the _____ shall lay down by the_____, And the beast from the wild, will be led by a child; But I'm going to be changed."

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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64-0802 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride. Anyone taking the quiz after Thursday, August 7, 2014 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen10015
Aaron Wenger10020
Abbey Kingston10016
Abel Meighoo9513
Abigail Barber958
Abigail Garcia1005
Abigail Milner10010
Abigail Olin10013
Adam Connell1003
Adam Geransky906
Adelaide Connell1006
Aimee Tambwe9013
Alexander Martens10016
Alicia Gokool10015
Alix Lacombe9022
Allison Matty10017
Amalys Kiener9528
Amber Pister10010
Amber Rains1005
Amber Reed9515
Amelia Andersen1006
Amelia Hyde1006
Amelia Khan809
Amelia Klopp10016
Amourvie Miambanzila10020
Anaclaire Dockens10011
Anderson Beejadhar10013
Andrea Chávez10018
Andrew Bomberger9017
Andrew Chambless958
Andrew Martens10011
Anna Alexander10012
Anna Andrews10012
Anna Crutchfield10016
Anna Harris10014
Anna Sanger10014
Annalisa Sieunath1008
Annie Zepeda Pacheco956
Anton Cherednichenko10018
Aquilla Riehl1009
Arindell Thomas10017
Arsen Prysiazhniy10012
Ashlea Mccullough10016
Ashlee Greene10017
Ashley Doodnath10012
Ashley Galebach9017
Ashley Pister9515
Auriana Larkin955
Austin Pister10017
Autumn Klopp10013
Autumn Walker959
Ava Toy1007
Bartosz Sikora809
Becky Rathel10019
Belhina Schancylia Ayeni9026
Beloved Akanji10010
Benaiah Alexander1007
Béni Moussounda Paka10011
Benjamin Buitenkamp10021
Benjamin Ceballos10012
Benjamin Chavez10016
Benjamin Evans10012
Benjamin Fritzinger1004
Benjamin Kuchel958
Benjamin Mahadeo1005
Benjamin Rains1009
Bethann Fritzinger955
Bethanny Mellema10011
Bethany Lavin9011
Bethany Sanger1007
Billy Joe Cullinan9514
Bobby Marsteller10010
Brianna Bray9510
Caitlyn Robinson9518
Caleb Carbonneau10013
Caleb Chavez1006
Caleb Harris10012
Caleb Isaacson959
Caleb Odwyer1008
Caleb Reese9513
Carissa Bahner9013
Carol Garcia10012
Caroline Scott9511
Cassia Smith10015
Céphas Bongolota9522
Chantel Mellema10016
Charity Brodeur10011
Christ Moussounda Paka1008
Christen Gutierrez10013
Christian Hare10011
Christian Leadingham10012
Christian Plante9525
Christianna Smith1008
Christina Manecci9523
Christine Robinson9512
Christopher Wenger10018
Chrys Djatche De Kamgaing9520
Daisy Aguillon8514
Daniel Dickson903
Daniel Evans Jr10012
Daniel Kuchel1007
Daniel Martens8018
Daniela Díaz Ovando9023
Danielle Ibaressongo10013
David Mancassola10021
David Martens10018
David Mellema10013
David Telou10010
Deborah King10026
Deivid Ramos9019
Derek Sutton1009
Echo Cook957
Elaina Kaptain9512
Elainah Sanger1006
Eleanor Olson1005
Elias Lambie1007
Eliezer Gabriel9513
Elijah Mahadeo1007
Elijah Riehl1005
Elijah Sieunath10010
Elijah Teelucksingh1007
Elisabeth Gabriel1009
Elisabeth Garrett10025
Elisabeth Landrum10014
Elisabeth Ponder10021
Elisabeth Scott9517
Elizabeth Riehl10012
Ella Moore9015
Ella Sanger959
Ella Toy1006
Ellen Martens10018
Emily Garcia905
Emily Lavin8513
Emily Medlin8512
Emma Moore10012
Enoch Rains957
Ephraim Hssiheuhssi Fokou9527
Esperanza Garcia10021
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana8524
Esther Caicedo Lopez9021
Esther Gasper10018
Esther Lashley9523
Esther Olin9517
Esther Wenger10016
Ethan Shabaga855
Etienne Surprenant10018
Eunice Strite10010
Evans Paka1006
Ezekiel Milner857
Ezra Doyle907
Faith Brandt9513
Faith Chambless10012
Faith Thorson9510
Francisco Pacheco Herrera9525
Fred Paka10013
Frederik Samuel Kofod1002
Gabriel Cook8515
Gabriel Isaacson9011
Gabriel Ketzer959
Gabriel Suarez10010
Gabriel Waller8513
Gabriel Wittmeier1005
Gabriella Landrum10011
Gabriella Mohammed1007
Gavin Cook909
Genesis Suarez1005
Genesis-Starr Kisalu10016
Gerardo Suarez10014
Gideon Harris1004
Giovanna Suarez1009
Giulianna Suarez10012
Gloria Chavez10028
Glorianna Williams10010
Goshen Karwali9522
Grace Dickson904
Grace Garrett9017
Grace Konzelman10023
Grace Milner10012
Grace Mukendi9515
Grace Wells10015
Hadassah Brewster9512
Hadassah Forde9510
Hadassah Lambie909
Hannah Holmes10017
Hannah Hunt956
Hannah Kenworthy9015
Hannah Lev10011
Hannah Mcmasters10018
Hannah Olin10010
Hannah Prescott10011
Hannah Wahl10014
Hannah Wilson10019
Hannah Wittmeier1004
Hannah Yancey10016
Harmony Kofod10010
Haylie Mckinney10014
Heather Delong9528
Heidi Kofod1006
Heidi Thorson1007
Hermelinda Quispe Puma9022
Hope Chambless10012
Hope Cook9512
Hope Sanger10011
Hope Schultz1007
Hoseah Gokool10011
Hunter Amalong10013
Immanuel Lashley8526
Isaac Dawson10010
Isaac Martens9515
Isaac Meighoo9518
Isaac Ndoli10018
Isabel Kenworthy9518
Isabelah Kofod1003
Isabele Toy10010
Isabella Collins1006
Isaiah Andersen1008
Isaiah Fritzinger10014
Isaiah Hudson10010
Isaiah Kayser8010
Isaiah Lunsford9515
Isaiah Smith957
Ischa Diono Talla10013
Isha Lacombe10018
Israel Doyle9512
Israel Stricker1008
Ivan Wittmeier9013
Jacelyn Prakash958
James Wiltshire10015
Jamie Hudson1007
Jared Strite9511
Jason Hess9018
Javier Zepeda Pacheco10010
Jehoiada Barratt1005
Jemima Abraham954
Jenna Kingston9521
Jenna Warme9521
Jeremiah Bray9012
Jeremiah Cook8011
Jeremiah Olin10011
Jesse Cullinan9512
Jesse Dyck10026
Jesse Strite9510
Jessica Dawson1008
Jireh Mulombo10019
Joanana Newton10020
Joanna Dawson9514
Joanna Hess10017
Joanna Prescott907
Joanna Strite10016
Joel Alexander1009
Joel Dyck10025
Joel Evans909
Joel Kaptain955
Joël Pambou807
Joel Wilson9517
Johanna Kofod1008
John Charles10012
John Hyde Iii10020
John Moses Erickson1004
Johnny Boggs10011
Jonah Dickson1004
Jonathan Ramsundar958
Jonathan Schultz9013
Joseph Blaine Olin10019
Joseph Chavez10010
Joseph Chavez Morales10011
Joseph Dawson10012
Joseph Evans956
Joseph Gangala10027
Joseph Gary1002
Joseph Geransky1008
Joseph Munzekere10023
Joseph Smith10017
Joseph Strite1007
Joseph White9014
Josepha Tambwe9513
Joshua Campominosi10013
Joshua Charles9510
Joshua Clarke1004
Joshua Fritzinger10010
Joshua Garrett9523
Joshua Gary1005
Joshua Kaptain9512
Joshua Kesslar9519
Joshua Landrum1007
Joshua Mauldin10020
Joshua Odwyer9016
Joshua Rains1003
Joshua Sanger10015
Joshua Schultz1002
Joshua Strite9513
Joshua Williams10017
Josiah Dickson1007
Josiah Forde9511
Josiah Isaacson10012
Josiah Lunsford9512
Josiah Olson1008
Josiah Teelucksingh1004
Josue Ceballos1007
Josue Kalubi9528
Josue Kazadi10023
Joy Alexander1004
Joy Salzman8019
Joyanna Sanger1008
Joylin Strite10020
Jubile Telou1006
Judah Connell958
Julia Perozok10015
Julianna Hare10016
Justin Bailey10013
Justin Strite10018
Kahindo Aimerance8516
Kaitlyn Sanger10017
Katelyn Kingston9514
Katherine Crutchfield10024
Katie Speed10019
Katie Sutton10011
Katreina Wagner10018
Kay Olson1007
Kayla Walker957
Kelly Rodríguez González8021
Kendall Speed10016
Kevin García Siete8519
Kimberly Beejadhar1009
Kimberly Florian10025
Kinley Speed10011
Kristen Martell10022
Kylie Morrison1003
Kyria Paka959
Lajoya Charles9513
Laura Carbonneau10011
Laura Geswein10014
Lauren Reilly10023
Laurisa Borlovan10022
Leah Martin9518
Leah Mayers1009
Levi Hare1009
Lilia Gary1007
Liliana Smith10021
Lillia Sanger10013
Lillian Hyde8010
Lily Clarke1009
Lily Weerts1004
Lincoln Sanger10013
Lita Ketzer9011
Lois Hyde9519
Lois Prescott9514
Lori Williams9017
Lucas Samaniego Valdez8026
Luke Cook9010
Luke Kaptain10014
Luke Kingston10010
Luke Smith10010
Lydia Nodier9525
Lydia Phillips10010
Lydia Wahl9516
Lys Moussavou10012
Madelyn Evans10014
Madelynn Landrum1009
Malachi Olson956
Malachi Riehl1002
Maria Cherednichenko10017
Marie-Grace Kisalu9515
Mark Forde10025
Mark Perozok9013
Mary Wiltshire10010
Matthew Brodeur10015
Matthew Buitenkamp9526
Matthew Doodnath9010
Matthew Fritzinger10013
Matthew Martens10016
Matthew Pflueger10022
Matthew Riehl1006
Matthew Schultz10018
Matthew Williams10020
Matthew Yancey10010
Mckenna Kitchen10012
Meaghan Geransky1009
Meda Evans953
Meda Hyde9522
Meda Meighoo1003
Meda Smith10014
Meda-Joy Ramsundar10015
Micah Garcia952
Micah Harvey1005
Micah Kaptain805
Micah Kesslar8521
Micaiah Baboolal1003
Michael David Weerts1005
Michael Dickson1009
Michael Freitas9514
Michael Lashley9521
Michaela Hudson10010
Michail Belan10014
Michelle Tempo10021
Mitchell Bailey10014
Moriah Lunsford9515
Moses Barratt1003
Muhanga Matinda9022
Myriane Ouellette9526
Nala Hope Bhagwandass10019
Naomi Crutchfield10022
Naomi Dyck10028
Naomi Forde9514
Natalya Wittmeier9512
Nataniah Kayser808
Nathan Brandt10023
Nathanael Perry10017
Nathaniel Dickson955
Noah Harvey1008
Noah Martens10015
Noah Smith9516
Noah Walker955
Noemy Santos9525
Olivia Borlovan9518
Olivia Marsteller9512
Orman Bajika10021
Parfait Mayele953
Patience Smith1005
Patrick Sanger959
Paul Fritzinger Jr.1008
Paul Hyde9017
Paul Kaptain958
Paul Mcmasters9521
Peter Mazaba9521
Philip Perozok10011
Précieuse Acsa Mfoutou Tsoumou1002
Preda Adrian10017
Preda Daniel10015
Preda Natanael10010
Princess Nero10020
Priscilla Mattei10024
Rachel Andrews10010
Rachel Chinyama10014
Rachel Dawson9514
Rachel Gnihinga Paka1008
Rachel Lapp10023
Rachelle Meza9027
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong10022
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9518
Rebecca Vallee9020
Rebekah Campominosi10017
Rebekah Chavez10019
Rebekah Gosine1009
Reuben Fritzinger10019
Riasa Shabaga958
Rishard Khan908
Rochi Issaka8526
Rose Ndlovu10022
Rose Yakam1008
Roy Paka10014
Ruth Hyde10012
Ruth Lashley10027
Ruth Mtoko10022
Ruth Pambou9518
Ruth Perozok1008
Ruthanna Fritzinger9518
Saadi Ayami Latoundou10024
Salome Forde906
Samantha Wolfe9520
Samuel Bahner9015
Samuel Ceballos1004
Samuel Dickson1002
Samuel Gasper10011
Samuel Gokool10023
Samuel Harris1007
Samuel Lacombe9528
Sarah Amber Ferrante10019
Sarah Andrews9514
Sarah Beejadhar952
Sarah Keller10026
Sarah Odwyer9511
Sarah Pele8017
Sarah Perry10023
Sarah Scott10016
Sarah Teelucksingh1003
Savanna Anderson9516
Savannah Naber9512
Shalem Laguna9513
Shalloum Gokool10018
Shalom Leadingham1005
Shalom Strite10011
Shalom Wiltshire1007
Shalome Shyamba10015
Shamgar Gabriel1006
Sharron Martell10022
Sharron-Rose Kisalu10013
Silas Garcia1003
Silas Lunsford10013
Silas Stricker855
Simeon Fritzinger1004
Solomon Alexander10014
Stephen Gosine10014
Stephen Schultz10015
Susanna Leadingham1009
Sylvia Paka10011
Tabacaru Adrian10021
Tabacaru Andrei10014
Tabacaru Iosif10015
Tabacaru Lulia9512
Tabitha Barber9514
Tamara Dyck10024
Tamara Stephen10015
Tatiana Rodríguez González9019
Thamar Kisalu10012
Thea Stephen10015
Theo Harvey1004
Timothy Allison9525
Timothy Forde9514
Titus Garcia1003
Valarie Byers10015
Valerie Hyde807
Violet Martens1003
Vladislav Kolesnik10024
William Chavez Morales959
William Chavez Morales10013
William Diaz10010
William Dickson1008
William King9023
William Kuchel1009
William Mcmasters9528
William Rainey9023
William Seraiah10010
William Yancey10013
Wyanita Cook10011
Yannick Pajip10024
Yapo Assamoi9027
Zachary Martens10013
Zachary Wilson8013
Zebadiah Kofod9512
Zion Kisalu10021
Zoe Odwyer10014
Zoë Sanger10018