Young Foundations (YF)

About us
Young Foundations is a ministry of Voice Of God Recordings, dedicated to encouraging young Christians in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

As children and young adults face the many distractions and temptations in the world today, Young Foundations has been designed to provide them with the personal attention and direction they need to keep their focus on the basic values essential to the life of a young believer.
When did Young Foundations start? What is its purpose?
Brother Joseph founded the Young Foundations ministry in March, 2006. The Lord placed the burden on his heart to provide an avenue for young people throughout the world to draw strength from each other. This fellowship, anchored by the Word of the Lord brought to us by God’s prophet – William Marrion Branham, is not bound by doctrine or separated by churches.

Young Foundations (YF) is careful to stay out of any doctrinal issues, and thereby to open the door to all Message churches and their youth. The YF message is simple: Place God first in all things, stay away from the world, encourage each other, and believe God’s prophet.
I want to stay in touch with other Message youth around the world through chats or forums. How can I do this?
We don’t offer open chat sites or forums, because we’ve seen how these can often have a more negative than positive impact. We understand your desire to have fellowship with other young believers. It’s a daily struggle rubbing shoulders with the world, and it’s a definite encouragement to have fellow believers to draw strength from in our walk with the Lord.

That is why Young Foundations was started, to encourage young believers in their walk with Christ. Often this is done through youth camps or events, and most importantly, by pointing the youth back to the Word of God. To sign up in YF and be added to our email list, please visit the Young Foundations sign-up page.

Signup and Accounts

I want to be a part of Young Foundations. What do I need to do?
If you are a young believer between the ages of 0-28 and have never been married, you can go to the Young Foundations sign-up page to fill out and submit the form.

Once you have verified your email address, you will be added to our mailing and email list, and will have access to your own YF account online. After you are signed up in YF, your ID number and password will be emailed to the email address you signed up with.
What is the YF ID number?
When you sign up in YF, an ID number is automatically generated for your new YF account. This allows you to login to manage and update your own YF account information, as well as take Tape quizzes, keep track of your quiz history and gain a trophy to be a part of YF events.
How do I activate my YF account profile once I receive my ID number and password?
In order to access your YF profile page, you will need to login to activate your account with the ID number and password that was emailed to you when you first signed up. After you are logged in, you will be asked to verify your account information. Here, you will be able to edit all of your information such as mailing address, email address, and phone numbers. You MUST sign in to your account in order to activate it and take the quizzes.

• Note – If your birthday or gender was entered incorrectly at sign-up, you will need to contact YF at yf@youngfoundations.org to correct this on your account.
What is a YF card?
Young people who live in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Trinidad will be mailed an ID card that will display your YF ID number on the back, for reference.
I can't find my ID number or remember my password!
If you've lost or can't remember your YF ID number, don't panic, simply send us an email to yf@youngfoundations.org including your full name, date of birth, and email that you used to sign-up with, and we will email you your ID number. If you've forgotten your password, there is a password reset button on the login page.

•Note – If you attempt to login more than 10 times, you will be locked out of your YF account and will have to notify us to reset your password. You MUST have a valid email address for the password reset to work, since it sends you an email to create your new password.
Can I still log in to my YF account after I turn 29?
If you cannot log into your YF account and recently turned 29, it because you have "aged out". If you had YF points you would like to redeem, please email us and we will temporarily open your account to use your points.
How do I receive notifications from YF?
You must login to your YF profile page and select to receive email and/or text notifications. You MUST supply a valid email address and/or phone number in order to receive notifications. You can also sign up to receive WhatsApp, filling out the information and submitting it.

•Note – You can unsubscribe from these notifications at ANY time by either replying “STOP”, or unchecking the notifications box on your YF profile page.
What will I receive if I sign up for notifications?
The content we send out for YF Notifications can vary from event reminders, to Quiet Time reminders, encouraging quotes or Scriptures, or maybe just an uplifting note from YF or Brother Joseph.

•Note – Text notifications only work for those that live in the US.
I am signed up in YF, but I have never received any YF material.
Being signed up in YF doesn't mean you will automatically be sent material. There are many remote parts of the world where we are unable to regularly send material due to the great distances or bad mailing systems.

•Note – If there are special mailings that you did not receive, it is possible your YF account did not meet certain criteria for receiving material. For more information on this, please read the FAQ concerning a trophy.

Tape Quizzes

What is “The Foundation” tape? What is the tape quiz?
Our main focus in Young Foundations has always been to point the youth back to the Word. Since we first launched our website in 2007, we have posted new tapes and quizzes on Young Foundations every month.

Young people from all across the United States and world listen to these 2 messages as they become available, and then take the quizzes. It has proven to be a great encouragement and blessing to both the youth and the parents.

Anyone is welcome to join in and take the quizzes, however, only those with a YF account can submit their quizzes for points.

•Note – You can only take a quiz one time for reward points. All other submissions of the same quiz will not count after that.
What are reward points? Who is eligible for reward points? What are the rewards?
Just like a Sunday School teacher gives her students a prize for learning a Bible verse correctly, Young Foundations wants to reward the youth who are dedicated to this Message. We want to do everything we can to point you to the Message of the hour and get you to hear the Voice of God to this generation. Reward Points are designed to do just that.

YF Reward points are available to ALL youth signed up in YF, and are earned from listening to the tape messages and taking the quizzes.

•Note – Currently, reward points are only redeemable for those that live in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Trinidad. If you live outside of these regions, you can still sponsor Agapao Tablets with your points.
How do I get reward points?
When you log into your YF profile to listen to the monthly tape and take the quiz, you will get "Reward Points" added to your YF account. You can also earn more points by listening to past tapes and taking the quizzes.

•Note – You will receive around half the points for archived quizzes depending on your score.
How many points do you get for taking a quiz? And how does the scoring work?
To receive credit and earn points for taking a tape quiz, you must score at least an 80% or greater on the quiz.
  • If you score 95-100% on the monthly quiz, you will receive 10 points, or 5 points for an archived quiz.
  • If you score 85-90% on the monthly quiz you will receive 9 points, or 4 points for an archived quiz.
  • If you score 80% on the monthly quiz you will receive 8 points, or 3 points for an archived quiz.
  • If you score 0-75% you will receive no points for the monthly quiz or archived quizzes, and the quiz will NOT count towards your trophy.
How do I earn more reward points?
"The Foundation" tape quizzes that are posted monthly are the primary way to gain YF points, but you can also earn points by submitting the Cub Corner Magazine "Tape Quiz" and also by taking archived quizzes on the YF website.

•Note – To receive full credit for the current month’s tape quizzes, you must submit them on time.
Can I take the quiz while I listen to the tape?
Yes! We want you to! Our purpose for making the quizzes is to keep you in the WORD by listening to His Voice! While some might take the quiz after, you are allowed to take it while listening to the tape also.

•Note – It is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY that you listen to the message to take the quiz and receive reward points.
What is the proper way for the younger kids to take the quizzes?
We know that for the younger children it can be hard to take the quiz on their own, that’s why we encourage the parents to take the quizzes with them! Either by printing them out or taking it on a device, you can take the quizzes with your children while listening to the message at the same time.

When you come to a question on the quiz, you can pause the message just to be sure your little one gets it. You will be surprised how much they absorb!
I took a tape quiz but my points or score did not show up on the results page or on my YF account.
There are a couple things that can cause your score or name not to show up on the website or your YF profile page.

Make sure your YF account has been activated, and that you are logged into your account (not your sibling’s) when taking the quiz.

To have your name and score posted for the quiz, make sure you click the submit button at the end of the quiz. If it does not show up on the results page, you may have accidently selected the check box that you do not want your results posted online. If that is the case, please notify us and we will correct it.

•Note – If you are still having problems, please email us at yf@youngfoundations.org. You will never be a bother to us, so please let us know anytime you have a question.
I cannot redeem rewards where I live. Can I still sponsor an Agapao Tablet with my reward points?
If you live outside of the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand or Trinidad, you will not be able to redeem rewards with your points. However, you CAN still sponsor Agapao tablets with your points.

If you wish to sponsor Agapao tablets, please email Young Foundations at yf@youngfoundations.org. Please include your YF ID and the number of tablets you would like to sponsor with your points.


What is a trophy? 🏆
The trophy feature was added to help us maintain what we feel is the right atmosphere at all YF events. It is never our goal to exclude anyone or to leave anyone out. By having a trophy on your YF account, it shows us that you are in the Word, and that you still desire to be a part of the different activities and rewards we offer. We are excited to continue holding these events and offering the Tape quizzes to help keep you more fortified in the Word, and with one another, as fellow soldiers of the Cross.
Do I have to have a trophy?
In order to attend any local or international YF events, including Bistros, Gyms, Camps, Study Hall, or Creations classes, you must have a TROPHY Icon on your YF profile page. Having a trophy also makes you eligible to receive special mailings from Young Foundations.
How do I get a trophy?
Your TROPHY can be obtained by consistently listening to the 2 monthly tapes that we post on the YF website, and submitting the Tape quizzes on time. Please note that it is a requirement to listen to each message as you take the quiz.
When I get a trophy, where will it show up?
After you have acquired a trophy on your account, it will be displayed underneath your YF ID and profile picture when you are logged in.
Why did I lose my trophy?
For you to maintain a trophy on your YF account, you must consistently listen to the two messages and submit the tape quizzes we post each month. If you have not listened to the tapes and submitted the quizzes on time, you can lose your trophy.
I’ve taken multiple quizzes, but my trophy still isn’t showing up.
Although you can receive points for taking extra quizzes, submitting multiple quizzes will not make your trophy appear back on your account. Acquiring and maintaining your trophy is based on consistency. After several months of listening to the tapes and submitting the quizzes on time, your trophy will be reinstated to your YF account.

YF Activities and Events

How do I find out when there is a YF event in my area?
To be notified of YF events in your area, such as camps, banquets or Quiet time, you MUST be signed up in YF and have a trophy icon on your YF profile page. You cannot attend one of these events until after you are registered and have acquired a trophy, which is displayed under your ID number when logged into your account.

If you are a believer between the ages of 0-28 and never married, and would like to sign up in Young Foundations to be added to our mailing and email lists, and start working towards your trophy, please visit the sign-up page at Young Foundations sign up.

•Note – If you are new to YF and do not have a trophy and have a question about attending a YF event, please contact us at yf@youngfoundations.org.
Youth around the world are encouraged to spend Quiet Time with their Heavenly Father every day. Quiet Time is not something new to a Christian, they have always had Quiet Time. This is a time set aside from all the distractions of day-to-day life.

If you have an hour to take out of your day and pray, read your Bible, or listen to the prophet, we are confident that you will grow closer to the Lord. Watch how it changes the course of your day. Your attitude, your spirit, your discernment, your actions, your thoughts, your decisions; the list goes on and on. If you only have 30 minutes, or 15, the Lord will take whatever you will give Him. This is Quiet Time!

•For more information about Quiet Time events in your area, please contact your local VGR office manager.
What is Global QUIET TIME?
Brother Branham encouraged a prayer time for believers around the world, through a universal prayer offered to the Lord at 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, and 3:00 pm. Brother Joseph also felt to encourage everyone to participate in "Quiet Time" around the world.

So, on Saturday, the 24th of September 2011, we began a Global Quiet Time for all believers who wished to take part. Every Saturday at 7 am (Jeffersonville time), believers spanning the entire globe find their special places to get quiet before the Lord. We know it will make a difference in your life, as it certainly has ours and so many others. The testimonies we’ve received over the past years have been astronomical. Quiet time IS changing lives.

Cub Corner

What is Cub Corner Magazine? Is it available in different languages?
Cub Corner magazine is a publication specifically designed and illustrated for younger children, ages 0-15. In these magazines you’ll find stories of Brother Branham and the Bible, testimonies, games, puzzles, quizzes and more! Cub Corner magazine is printed in English and translated into many other languages. The translated PDF files of the magazine can be found on the Cub Corner website by selecting your language at the top of the page, then clicking the red “CC Magazine” icon.

We currently offer Cub Corner magazine in these languages, and as new translated issues become available, we will post them on the Cub Corner website .
Who can get Cub Corner magazine?
Anyone can! We have many past issues on the Young Foundations products page that can be purchased, and we also offer free PDF versions on the Cub Corner website that can be viewed on tablets and other devices.

If you are signed up in YF, have a trophy, and live in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand or Trinidad, and are between the ages of 0-15, you will automatically receive Cub Corner Magazine in the mail as we print new issues.
I signed up in YF, but I stopped receiving Cub Corner magazines and YF material.
If you do not keep your mailing address updated, then all of your mail will be returned to us or lost in the mailing system. It is your responsibility to make sure we have your most current address to ensure that you receive your YF material.

Also, if you lose your trophy at the time we mail a new magazine, there is a chance you will not receive it. You MUST have a trophy on your YF account to automatically receive the magazine.
Is Cub Corner magazine free?
If you are 0-15 and have a trophy on your YF account at the time of us sending the magazine, you will receive it free of charge.

If you did not get the magazine, you can purchase it on the Young Foundations products pagefor $2 per issue. We also have free digital versions on the Cub Corner website in PDF format.
Can I subscribe to Cub Corner? Do you send Cub Corner every month?
Our goal is to produce a few issues a year, along with other mailers for the children. Though we do not offer subscriptions, if you are between the ages of 0-15 and have a trophy on your account at the time we mail the magazine, it will automatically be mailed to you, free of charge.
How do I get points for the Cub Corner magazine quiz?
If you have taken a quiz in any of the Cub Corner magazines, email us including your name, YF ID, tape titles and issue of the magazine, and we will add 10 points to your YF account. If you live in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, or Trinidad, you will also receive a special collector’s coin!

Note – You can only submit this quiz one time on your YF account.


I am a Sunday School teacher and would like some material for my class.
While we do not offer Sunday School curriculums, we do have some tools and supplies on our websites that may be useful for you in keeping your children in the Word. Many parents and Sunday school teachers around the world use the online Creations classes to incorporate Bible and Message based lessons with activities into their schooling for their children.

The Cub Corner magazines are also another way to create lessons and activities for the youth. We offer most past issues of Cub Corner magazines on the YF website to purchase, and all Cub Corner magazines for free in PDF format to print from the Cub Corner Website.

•Note – Physical copies of Cub Corner magazine are only available in English. All foreign Cub Corner magazines are only available in PDF format.
What is Creations and how do I participate?
In Spring of 2013 we launched a new program within Young Foundations called “Creations.” Creations is a place where the YF youth can come to not only learn new trades or skills, but also be taught valuable life lessons from the Word of God. We offer classes such as sewing, woodshop, craft and home-economics for youth in Jeffersonville and abroad. Anyone is welcome to attend Creation classes that have a trophy on their YF account, and fit the age requirement for that class.

To view the current Creations calendar, as well as all past Creations classes, please visit the Creations website. Nearly all past Creation class lessons are posted on the Creations page for youth, parents and Sunday Schools to use. This has been a tremendous resource for so many. For assistance with class registration or other questions, please write us through our CONTACT US page on the Creations website.


I have a testimony that I would like to share with YF.
We love to hear your testimonies and share them with others! You can send any testimonies or event reports through our CONTACT US page. Please add a note if you DO NOT want your testimony posted to any of our platforms such as Lifeline or Cub Corner magazine.
What is the Jesus Jar Project? Has it changed to the Agapao Tablet sponsorship?
When the Jesus Jar project first started, it was to encourage the children to become “missionary minded” in saving their pennies to help the Bride around the world.

In past projects, we would get with the missionary brothers to assess the needs of believers in different regions of the world. Brother Joseph would then decide which needs should be met by the sponsorship funds. Those who would send in their contributions would receive a small token or sticker specific to the project.

Since then, the Jesus Jar project has moved to the sponsorship of Agapao Tablets. Tablets can be sponsored through the Branham.org website by clicking here, and the Young Foundations website by using YF rewards points.
