POSTED 2/1/2025

That’s the way the Gentile kingdom issued in, and it’ll go out the same way, that’s right, by supernatural works, supernatural interpretation. You know what I’m talking about. The working of the supernatural, oh, how marvelous!

POSTED 1/1/2025

He is here, tonight, in all His redeeming power. He is here to make whole, every sinner, to take back every backslider. He is here to heal every sick person.

POSTED 12/1/2024

But if you have made your investment, and got your policy stamped and sealed by the Holy Spirit, there is nothing going to rub it out.

POSTED 11/1/2024

We can’t discern by what people think, what intellectuals tell us, what psychiatrists tell us. We got to go by what God says. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

POSTED 10/1/2024

We talk about Him. We think about Him. We read about Him, what He did, what He was, how He lived, what kind of a works He did, and then forget about it. Do you realize that He is with us, not only with us, but in us? Oh, how I think that!

POSTED 9/1/2024

Now you know that Scripture is made plain, don’t let the veil of flesh now bother you, see. Remember, it’s the promised Word of today. How many understands it? The promised Word

POSTED 8/1/2024

"The Gospel came not in Word only, but through power and manifestation of the Word." That’s what the writer said, "Power and manifestation." In other words, "The Word, vindicated, is the Gospel," see, Mark 16.

POSTED 7/1/2024

“The Rock and the water followed Israel.” Followed them! Wherever they went, It went, too.

POSTED 6/1/2024

And, as He went up, He broke every devil power that holds over man. He ascended on High, and give gifts to man, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Mighty Conqueror!

POSTED 5/1/2024

And when we’re in trouble, and trusting Christ, there’s one thing sure: the Holy Spirit will point us to the Word that will guide us to the North Star, and to deliver of everything we have need of. He is our Absolute.