
64-0726E Broken Cisterns

Broken Cisterns
Scores will be accepted until Wednesday, July 16, 2014
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Brother Branham said Jesus makes three Comings. He come, first, _______. He comes, second, as a Rapture, _______. He comes, third, _______, King and Queen.
Israel had done two great evils. God said they had turned from Him, _______, and had hewed themselves ______ to drink out of.
He even give them a law, "Touch not, handle not, taste not." Just not because of the evil of doing it, but the evil of _______what He said do.
How many knows what a cistern is?
We notice one thing about a cistern that's different from a well. What is it?
One of the great sins that the church has done today, just like Israel then, it left __________, and has hewed themselves out man-made cisterns.
What are we baptized into by the baptism of the Holy Ghost?
This cistern system is certainly a perfect example of denomination. A wise man ought to look, and earnestly go into it, for God has proved through the ages that He's for it and always did work with it.
You cannot make a man see the Word of God till his _____ has been changed.
The Lord told Brother Branham in a vision that, "The evidence of the Spirit was those who could ________."
No prophet ever had anything to do with a denomination, but hated it.
We find out what the cistern is, now what is a fountain of living water?
Where did the little Welshman say the Welsh revival was taking place when some dignitaries from the States asked him?
"Sometime God takes the little old guy don't even know his _______, and right amongst a bunch of illiterate people that hardly knows their right hand from the left, He can raise up a revival that'll shake the world."
Quit looking at what you are, and look what ______.
We can't breathe without God's service. That's how dependent we are on Him.
God rejoices in _______.
Outside of Jesus Christ and His Word of Life, what is a broken cistern?
"That's my _______, is looking at Him, watching His hand work and see what He is doing. There is no other fount I know!"
The Old Testament shows what _______, the New Testament tells what _______.

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64-0726E Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Broken Cisterns. Anyone taking the quiz after Wednesday, July 16, 2014 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen9515
Aaron Wenger9020
Abbey Kingston9516
Abel Meighoo10013
Abigael Kitsa9512
Abigail Garcia1005
Abigail Martens1008
Abigail Milner9510
Abigail Olin9513
Abigail Sanger10016
Adam Connell1003
Adam Geransky1006
Adelaide Connell1006
Adina Muresan10022
Adolfo Sanchez1004
Alba Aguilar9522
Alexander Martens10016
Alicia Gokool10015
Alix Lacombe10021
Allison Sanger1005
Ally Daulton9516
Alphie Mbaitema9519
Amalys Kiener8528
Amber Pister10010
Amber Rains1005
Amelia Klopp10016
Ana Cristina Mihalescu10010
Ana Sandoval Sanchez8514
Anaclaire Dockens9511
Anderson Beejadhar9013
Andrea Sanchez1006
Andreea Mihalescu10024
Andrej Lysyanskyj1006
Andres Sánchez Avila10016
Andrew Bomberger9017
Andrew Chambless1008
Andrew Farrie1006
Andrew Martens10011
Angalina Edwards9514
Angelica Raigoso10014
Anna Alexander10012
Anna Andrews10012
Anna Crutchfield10016
Anna Harris10014
Anna Nyarko9513
Anna Phillips1004
Anna Sampson1009
Anna Sanger9514
Annalisa Sieunath1008
Anton Cherednichenko10018
Antonio Sanchez1002
April Blanchard10011
Aquilla Riehl1009
Areli Sanchez1008
Arindell Thomas10017
Arsen Prysiazhniy9511
Asaph Singh956
Ashlea Mccullough10016
Ashlee Greene10017
Ashley Doodnath10012
Ashley Pister10015
Auriana Larkin905
Austen Dockens9024
Austin Pister10017
Autumn Klopp10013
Azariah Emond9511
Bartosz Sikora909
Becky Kengne9528
Becky Rathel9019
Benaiah Alexander907
Beniamino Bertuzzi10024
Benjamin Abbott8513
Benjamin Blanchard1008
Benjamin Buitenkamp10021
Benjamin Ceballos10011
Benjamin Chavez10016
Benjamin Evans9512
Benjamin Kuchel958
Benjamin Mahadeo1004
Benjamin Marcano1004
Benjamin Phillips9511
Benjamin Rains959
Benjamin Sanchez10018
Bernadette Ebambi10011
Bethann Fritzinger1005
Bethanny Mellema10011
Bethany Lavin10011
Bethany Sanger1007
Bethelehem Bunga9017
Bienvenu Dilukanga10020
Billy Joe Cullinan10014
Billy Konde9014
Billy Mutanda9514
Billypaul Tsimba10013
Blanchard Santer9526
Blithe Smith10010
Boaz Kilasi1009
Bobby Marsteller10010
Branham Eale9517
Brianna Bray10010
Brooke Waller8511
Caitlin Blanchard8012
Caitlyn Robinson9518
Caleb Chavez1006
Caleb Cook1005
Caleb Harris10012
Caleb Jimenez9511
Caleb Odwyer1008
Caleb Páez10015
Candy Martinez10016
Carissa Bahner9513
Carmel Phambu905
Carol Garcia10012
Caroline Crawford9010
Cassia Smith10015
Celestial Cummings9517
Cesia Cisneros Garcia1009
Chai Smith10013
Chantel Mellema10016
Charity Braithwaite1005
Charity Brodeur10011
Charity Johnson1004
Charlie Farrie Iii10013
Christen Gutierrez10013
Christian Crawford10015
Christian Hare8011
Christian Leadingham10012
Christian Plante9525
Christian Smith10022
Christianna Smith1008
Christin Hakizimana10020
Christina Manecci10023
Christina Singh9520
Christine Robinson10012
Christoph Wittmeier1005
Christopher Wenger10018
Chrys Djatche De Kamgaing10020
Chrysostome Ngaba10024
Ciprian Lihaciu10021
Claudia Cantor Cisneros858
Claudine Kalunda9021
Damaris Hernandez Flores10018
Daniel Bikim8017
Daniel Dickson1003
Daniel Evans Jr10012
Daniel Gomez8513
Daniel Kuchel957
Daniel Martens10018
Daniel Sampson10013
Daniel Sanger1007
Danielle Browne1007
Danielle Perry10020
David Lysyanskyj1009
David Mancassola10021
David Martens10018
David Mayembe9518
David Mellema9513
Debora Kitsa9510
Deborah King9526
Deivid Ramos Fuentes10017
Denis Martinez9012
Derek Sutton1009
Dieu Kanda10019
Dorcas Mukendi10017
Echo Cook907
Efrain Gutierrez Jr959
Elaina Kaptain8512
Elainah Sanger956
Elias Lambie1007
Elias Singh1007
Eliezer Gabriel10013
Elijah Holmes10011
Elijah Kayser9512
Elijah Mahadeo907
Elijah Mutchler8510
Elijah Riehl1005
Elijah Sieunath10010
Elijah Teelucksingh1007
Elisabeth Gabriel1009
Elisabeth Garrett10025
Elisabeth Landrum10014
Elisabeth Ponder9521
Elise Rotsch1008
Elizabeth Riehl10011
Ella Moore9515
Ella Sanger1009
Ellen Martens10018
Emily Holmes10015
Emily Lavin9512
Emily Salzman9520
Emily Sampson10019
Emily Taylor9519
Emily Telgenhoff9011
Emma Martens1009
Emma Moncada9515
Emma Moore10012
Enoch Fritzinger905
Enoch Johnson1006
Enoch Rains1007
Eric Mosala8521
Esperanza Garcia10021
Esteban Cantor Cisneros1007
Esther Borlovan10020
Esther Gasper9518
Esther Hernandez10016
Esther Lashley10023
Esther Olin10017
Esther Wenger10016
Ethan Fritzinger10010
Ethan Shabaga1005
Ethan Truelock10014
Eunice Segura Paez957
Evelyn Diaz10015
Ezekiel Milner1007
Ezra Doyle957
Faith Brandt10013
Faith Chambless10012
Faith Johnson10012
Faith Thorson9510
Faustine Nlandu10023
Febe Rodríguez Rosero1008
Félicité Narugano10019
Fhuti Bunga9011
Fidele Aindoko8017
Franck Loma9522
Francois Katompo8023
Fruisna Mabouana Nkengue9521
Gabriel Cook9515
Gabriel Ketzer1009
Gabriel Suarez10010
Gabriel Waller10013
Gabriel Wittmeier1005
Gabriella Landrum10011
Gabriella Mohammed1007
Gavin Cook809
Genesis Suarez1005
Genesis-Starr Kisalu10016
Gerardo Suarez10014
Giovanna Suarez1009
Giulianna Suarez10012
Gloria Chavez10028
Glorianna Emond1008
Glorianna Williams9510
Grace Dickson1004
Grace Kasongo9010
Grace Lunsford9511
Grace Milner10012
Grace Mukendi10015
Grace Wells10014
Grant Matty807
Hadassah Brewster9512
Hadassah Forde10010
Hadassah Lambie959
Hadassah Phillips1007
Halle Householder9013
Hannah Caswell10017
Hannah Gokool10022
Hannah Holmes10017
Hannah Kenworthy10015
Hannah Lev10011
Hannah Mcmasters10018
Hannah Olin10010
Hannah Prescott9011
Hannah Sampson9515
Hannah Wahl10014
Hannah Wilson10019
Hannah Wittmeier1004
Hannah Yancey10016
Harmony Kofod10010
Haylie Mckinney10014
Heather Delong10028
Heidi Kofod1006
Heidi Thorson1007
Hope Chambless9512
Hope Cook10012
Hope Kenworthy955
Hope Sanger10011
Hope Schultz1007
Horeb Rodriguez1005
Hoseah Gokool10011
Humble Mabiala9519
Hunter Amalong9513
Immanuel Lashley10025
Inna Lensen9019
Isaac Bileko8514
Isaac Dawson10010
Isaac Garrett10012
Isaac Kasongo9529
Isaac Martens10015
Isaac Meighoo10018
Isaacson Luemba9515
Isabel Kenworthy10018
Isaiah Andersen1008
Isaiah Fritzinger10014
Isaiah Hudson10010
Isaiah Lunsford10015
Isaiah Smith1007
Isha Lacombe10018
Israel Doyle9512
Israel Stricker958
Ivan Wittmeier10013
Ivana Fritzinger1007
Jacelyn Prakash1008
Jacob Cisneros Garcia1007
James Mugana10016
James Wiltshire10015
Jamie Hudson1007
Jamille Gonçalves10016
Jared Strite10011
Jason Hess9018
Jeanne Darc Matchum9026
Jefte Gutierrez10026
Jehoiada Barratt954
Jemima Abraham954
Jenna Kingston10021
Jenna Warme10021
Jeremiah Bray10012
Jeremiah Cook9511
Jeremiah Olin10011
Jeremie Tousignant10017
Jérémie Tshitenge10020
Jesse Cullinan10012
Jesse Dyck10026
Jesse Strite9510
Jessica Dawson1008
Jessica Sanchez10015
Jethro Cook9511
Joanana Newton10020
Joanna Dawson10014
Joanna Hess10017
Joanna Prescott907
Joanna Strite9516
Jocabed Jiménez10013
Joel Alexander959
Joel Dyck9525
Joel Evans959
Joel Wilson9017
Johanna Kofod1008
John Moses Erickson954
Johnny Boggs10011
Jonah Derksen9015
Jonah Dickson1004
Jonathan Schultz10013
Jorge Paez10017
Jose Paez10013
Joseph Blaine Olin10019
Joseph Bunga9014
Joseph Chavez1009
Joseph Chavez Morales10010
Joseph Dawson9512
Joseph Evans1006
Joseph Gary1002
Joseph Geransky858
Joseph Johnson1005
Joseph Mirimo10027
Joseph Muñoz Rodríguez1008
Joseph Smith9517
Joseph Tsimba1006
Joseph Weri9515
Joseph White10013
Joshua Campominosi9513
Joshua Cook9520
Joshua Fritzinger9510
Joshua Garrett10023
Joshua Gary1005
Joshua Johnson10010
Joshua Kaptain10012
Joshua Kesslar9519
Joshua Landrum1007
Joshua Mauldin10020
Joshua Odwyer10016
Joshua Sanger10015
Joshua Schultz1002
Joshua Strite10013
Joshua Williams10017
Josiah Dickson1007
Josiah Forde9511
Josiah Isaacson10012
Josiah Lunsford9512
Josiah Olson1008
Josiah Teelucksingh1004
Josué Bilanga9525
Josue Ceballos9012
Josue Cordero10012
Josue Kazadi10022
Joy Alexander1004
Joy Salzman8519
Joyanna Sanger1008
Joyce Milandu10011
Joylin Strite10020
Juan Martinez909
Judah Connell1007
Julia Perozok10015
Juliana Amalong9515
Juliana Pashko10015
Julianna Hare10016
Justin Bailey9513
Justin Strite10018
Kaitlyn Sanger10017
Katelyn Kingston10014
Katherine Crutchfield10024
Katie Kenworthy10010
Katie Speed10019
Katie Sutton10011
Keila Belony909
Kelly Malembe9027
Kendall Speed10016
Kimberly Beejadhar909
Kimberly Florian10025
Kinley Speed10011
Konnor Fritzinger1009
Kristen Martell10022
Kylie Morrison1003
Lajoie Amazone8521
Lajoie Mavungu9016
Larkanne Barber10016
Laura Dockens9018
Laura Geswein10014
Laura Kenworthy1007
Lauren Reilly10023
Laurisa Borlovan9522
Lazaro Sanchez1003
Leah Martin10018
Levi Garrett10010
Levi Hare959
Lilia Gary1007
Liliana Smith10021
Lilija Kovalenko9020
Liliya Lysyanskaya10011
Lillia Sanger10013
Lillian Holmes1009
Lillie Pister10016
Lily Householder9011
Lily Paz Rodriguez9512
Lily Weerts1004
Lincoln Sanger9513
Linda Rodríguez Ordierez10010
Lita Ketzer10011
Loida Vargas Morales10016
Lois Hyde9519
Lois Prescott9014
Lori Williams10017
Luke Cook10010
Luke Kaptain9514
Luke Kingston10010
Luke Smith10010
Luz Jiménez10019
Lydia Nkfutela9520
Lydia Nodier9525
Lydia Phillips9510
Lydia Wahl10016
Madelyn Evans10014
Madelynn Landrum1009
Malachi Kayser10014
Malachi Olson1006
Malachi Riehl802
Malu Mbayabu10015
Marcos Hernandez10029
Maria Caballero Zambrano10025
Maria Cherednichenko10017
Maria Martinez10017
María Mateus9517
Marianna Belan10015
Marie-Grace Kisalu10015
Mark Forde8525
Mark Perozok10013
Martha Caballero Zambrano8523
Mary Wiltshire10010
Matei Lihaciu10024
Matthew Brodeur10015
Matthew Browne10011
Matthew Buitenkamp9026
Matthew Doodnath10010
Matthew Fritzinger9512
Matthew Kaptain1009
Matthew Martens10016
Matthew Pflueger10022
Matthew Riehl1006
Matthew Schultz10018
Matthew Williams10020
Matthew Yancey10010
Mckenna Kitchen10012
Meaghan Geransky1009
Meda Evans1003
Meda Hyde10022
Meda Meighoo1002
Meda Smith10014
Meda-Joy Ramsundar10015
Meghan Kenworthy10020
Melisa Ponce8519
Melissa Herne9525
Merite Luemba10012
Merveille Masengu10019
Micah Campominosi1008
Micah Harvey955
Micah Kaptain1005
Micaiah Baboolal1003
Micaiah Greene1006
Michael David Weerts1005
Michael Dickson1009
Michael Freitas10014
Michael Greene9017
Michael Lashley10021
Michael Mwangando10022
Michael Taylor8517
Michaela Hudson10010
Michail Belan10014
Miguel Ángel Bautista9518
Miguel Cordero1009
Miguel Martinez Raigoso1009
Mitchell Bailey10014
Modeste Dague9022
Moises Cadena10024
Montgomery Blanchard9514
Moriah Lunsford10015
Moses Barratt1003
Moses Rotsch956
Myriam Roussil9019
Myriane Ouellette10026
Nadege Mbuyi10022
Nala Hope Bhagwandass10019
Naomi Crutchfield10022
Naomi Dyck10028
Naomi Forde10014
Naomi Fritzinger1002
Natalia Puga10012
Natalia Santos10014
Natalya Wittmeier10012
Nathan Berthiaume10010
Nathan Dockens9521
Nathan Kabwela10023
Nathanael Ferreira8514
Nathanael Perry10016
Nathaniel Dickson1005
Nehemiah Gokool10013
Noah Harvey908
Noah Martens10015
Noah Smith10016
Noe Cisneros Garcia1004
Olivia Borlovan10018
Olivia Marsteller10012
Oman Pacheco Herrera9524
Pablo Sanchez10010
Patience Smith1004
Patrick Sanger909
Paul Daniel Sissoko9013
Paul Kaptain1008
Paul Mcmasters8521
Perla Diaz10017
Philip Perozok10010
Preda Adrian9517
Predestine Ngimbi802
Princess Barclay10018
Princilia Ndembe905
Priscilla Bugg10014
Racheal Gary8020
Rachel Andrews10010
Rachel Chinyama10014
Rachel Dawson9514
Rachel Martin10020
Rahela Badarau10017
Ralyah Thomas10016
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong10022
Rebeca Diaz10020
Rebeca Sanchez10010
Rebecca Mulwa9514
Rebecca Ramkhelawan10018
Rebecca Roussil9017
Rebekah Campominosi10017
Rebekah Chavez10019
Rebekah Gosine1008
Rebekah Moriah Gabriel10015
Rehoboth Luemba10015
Riasa Shabaga1008
Rita Gatse10027
Roberson Luemba1007
Rosa Sanchez10035
Rose Ndlovu10022
Rutendo Vera9513
Ruth Gokool10019
Ruth Hyde10012
Ruth Kilasi1009
Ruth Lashley10027
Ruth Mamboma8518
Ruth Mbuangi9512
Ruth Mtoko10022
Ruth Perozok1008
Sahily Segura Paez1004
Salma Jimenez10013
Salome Forde906
Samantha Wolfe9520
Samuel Bahner9015
Samuel Ballard9013
Samuel Dickson1002
Samuel Freitas1008
Samuel Gasper10011
Samuel Gokool10023
Samuel Harris1007
Samuel Kalanda9524
Santiago Zamora Ávila10015
Sara Jimenez10016
Sara Sánchez Peña10019
Sarah Amber Ferrante10019
Sarah Andrews10014
Sarah Beejadhar902
Sarah Freitas10016
Sarah Keller10026
Sarah Molony Bileko9516
Sarah Odwyer10011
Sarah Perry10023
Sarah Teelucksingh1003
Scarlet Cuevas Palomar10018
Sephora Avuka9522
Serenity Cook9513
Seth Hanson10012
Shalloum Gokool10018
Shalom Wiltshire1007
Shamgar Gabriel1006
Sharon Martinez908
Sharon Rania9522
Sharon Sanchez10014
Sharon Sandovál Sánchez10015
Sharron Martell10022
Sharron-Rose Kisalu10013
Shaylyn Hubert10016
Shekinah Tsimba1008
Shepherd Kitchen1009
Silas Garcia1003
Silas Lunsford10013
Silas Stricker1005
Simeon Fritzinger1004
Solomon Alexander10014
Sophia Foster957
Speranza Bertuzzi10020
Stephen Gosine10013
Stephen Schultz10015
Stephie Bambale10015
Susana Gutierrez1004
Susanna Leadingham959
Tabacaru Adrian10021
Tabacaru Andreea10017
Tabacaru Andrei10014
Tabacaru Iosif10015
Tabacaru Lulia10011
Tabacaru Mirela9522
Tabacaru Paul10022
Tabacaru Roxana10018
Tabacaru Samuel10019
Tabitha Barber10014
Tamara Dyck10024
Tamara Stephen10015
Tatiana Rodríguez González10017
Taylor Evans10013
Thamar Kisalu9512
Thea Stephen9515
Theo Harvey904
Timothy Allison10025
Timothy Forde9514
Titi Kiangebeni9514
Titus Garcia1003
Torrey Messer8520
Travis Zimmerman10016
Ushindi Kasongo908
Valarie Byers10015
Victoire Kalunda9015
Victoire Leke10018
Violet Martens1003
William Branham9511
William Chavez Morales1008
William Diaz10010
William Dickson1008
William King9523
William Kuchel959
William Mcmasters9028
William Rainey10023
William Seraiah10010
William Yancey10013
Winston Ditlow8018
Wyanita Cook10011
Yuri Candelo Saa9523
Yves Okoko9520
Zach Sanger1003
Zachary Martens10013
Zachary Wilson9513
Zara Gutierrez1002
Zebadiah Kofod10012
Zion Emond10013
Zoe Garcia Cisneros1006
Zoe Odwyer10014
Zoë Sanger10018