64-0726E Broken Cisterns
The Foundation Quiz
Due: Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Brother Branham said Jesus makes three Comings. He come, first, _______. He comes, second, as a Rapture, _______. He comes, third, _______, King and Queen.
With His Bride, to take away His Bride, to redeem His Bride
With His Bride, to redeem His Bride, to take away His Bride
To redeem His Bride, to take away His Bride, with His Bride
To redeem His Bride, with His Bride, to take away His Bride
Israel had done two great evils. God said they had turned from Him, _______, and had hewed themselves ______ to drink out of.
To worship other gods, Idols
The prophets, Wells
The ark of the covenant, temples
The Fountain of Life, cisterns
He even give them a law, "Touch not, handle not, taste not." Just not because of the evil of doing it, but the evil of _______what He said do.
How many knows what a cistern is?
A thing that's dug in the ground to take the place of a well
A tank filled with rainwater used for washwater or drinking water
Stagnated water full of frogs, lizards, snakes and wiggle-tails
All of the above
We notice one thing about a cistern that's different from a well. What is it?
A cistern will get empty
A cistern fills itself up with fresh water
A cistern is clean
A cistern has no bugs in it
One of the great sins that the church has done today, just like Israel then, it left __________, and has hewed themselves out man-made cisterns.
The World Council of Churches
The spiritual leaders of today
Him, the Fountain of living Water
The holy city, New Jerusalem
What are we baptized into by the baptism of the Holy Ghost?
The mystical Body of Christ
The World Council of Churches
The cistern system
None of the above
This cistern system is certainly a perfect example of denomination. A wise man ought to look, and earnestly go into it, for God has proved through the ages that He's for it and always did work with it.
You cannot make a man see the Word of God till his _____ has been changed.
The Lord told Brother Branham in a vision that, "The evidence of the Spirit was those who could ________."
Speak in tongues
Receive the Word
Hear the Word
No prophet ever had anything to do with a denomination, but hated it.
We find out what the cistern is, now what is a fountain of living water?
A geyser
An artesian well
A river
An ocean
Where did the little Welshman say the Welsh revival was taking place when some dignitaries from the States asked him?
"Not among dignitaries and Doctors of Divinity"
"Among the beggarly and poor in the city"
"The Welsh revival is in me"
"It can only be found in the Welsh organization"
"Sometime God takes the little old guy don't even know his _______, and right amongst a bunch of illiterate people that hardly knows their right hand from the left, He can raise up a revival that'll shake the world."
Right from his left hand
Quit looking at what you are, and look what ______.
You could be
He is
The church can do
Other people are
We can't breathe without God's service. That's how dependent we are on Him.
God rejoices in _______.
His people
The church
Outside of Jesus Christ and His Word of Life, what is a broken cistern?
Anything that tries to substitute It
Anything that you try to do to bring you peace
Any kind of a joy that you receive from anything else
All of the above
"That's my _______, is looking at Him, watching His hand work and see what He is doing. There is no other fount I know!"
The Old Testament shows what _______, the New Testament tells what _______.
He'll do / He did
He was / He’ll be
He did / He'll do
He’ll be / He was