
58-0105 Have Faith In God

Have Faith In God
Scores will be accepted until Wednesday, January 23, 2013
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

"You _______, who take the tapes, my boys, my good friends, brothers, Brother Leo Mercier and Gene Goad is here."
Where in the Bible did Brother Branham read from?
What kind of tree did Jesus curse in the Scripture reading?
What did Jesus say could be cast into the sea if you spoke to it and did not doubt in your heart?
Which of the following did Brother Branham say faith is?
Faith is something that's just as calm and settled as it can be.
In the story that Brother Branham tells about the twenty-five cents for the loaf of bread, what did the twenty-five cents represent?
What is the old proverb Brother Branham liked to quote once in a while?
How long were Goliath’s fingers?
If anyone should've accepted the challenge of Goliath, it should have been David.
Brother Branham said, "Christ is not known by _____, but He’s known by _____."
"That's the best I know to tell a man. "______________." And if there's any life in you, it'll show up when you're in the presence of the resurrected Jesus."
What color were Jesus' eyes?
Which of the following is NOT one of the people Brother Branham uses as an example of those who had an experience that God keeps His Word?
Brother Branham said to the audience in this message, "'ll be guilty of sin (and sin is unbelief), if God will show Himself _____ tonight in the building, and you'll go out of here still with _____ in your heart."
What overrides our unbelief?
Brother Branham tells a story of a man longing to see _____.
What prayer card number did Brother Branham start with?
Which book in the New Testament teaches that Jesus Christ today is a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity?
One is preaching the Word, and the other is working through a gift, same Spirit, two different ________.

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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58-0105 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Have Faith In God. Anyone taking the quiz after Wednesday, January 23, 2013 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen10014
Aaron Wenger10019
Abbey Kingston10015
Abigail Barber1006
Abigail Garcia1003
Abigail Jensen9510
Abigail Milner1008
Abigail Olin10012
Abigail Sanger10014
Adela Isaacson10019
Adelina Catrina10015
Adina Muresan9521
Adriana Sanchez10020
Albu Lidia10017
Alexis Fehr10015
Alix Lacombe10020
Aliyah Powe9511
Allison Matty10015
Ally Daulton10014
Alyssa Scheifers10021
Amalie Thorsen10016
Amalys Kiener9027
Amanda Bourbonnais10019
Amanda Mutchler9521
Amber Milton1009
Amber Pister1008
Amber Pruitt10016
Amelia Gary1005
Amelia Klopp10015
Ana Maria10012
Anabel Lafond10014
Anaclaire Dockens10010
Anaiah Harris1004
Anca Lazea10019
Andreea Mihalescu10022
Andrej Lysyanskyj1005
Andrew Bomberger9016
Andrew Chambless1007
Andrew Farrie1004
Andrew Watson10019
Angela Bowin10016
Anglyn Toussaint957
Anna Alexander10010
Anna Andrews10011
Anna Burba1007
Anna Crutchfield10014
Anna Harris10012
Anna Myers10013
Anna Phillips1003
Anna Sampson1008
Anna Sanger9512
Anna Seraiah10011
Anna Sganzerla10019
Anne Emongo1008
Anton Cherednichenko10017
Arindell Thomas10016
Ashlea Mccullough10014
Ashley Pister10014
Ashley Roberts10013
Audrey Daulton9510
Audrey Lacroix10014
Audrey Wallace10014
Austen Dockens10023
Austin Pister10015
Austin Taylor9017
Autumn Klopp10012
Ava Toy1006
Badarau Rahela10016
Benaiah Alexander1006
Benjamin Buitenkamp10019
Benjamin Ceballos9510
Benjamin Chavez10014
Benjamin Evans9510
Benjamin Phillips10010
Benjamin Rains1007
Bethann Fritzinger1004
Bethanny Mellema1009
Billy Joe Cullinan9513
Blake Hulan8512
Blithe Smith1009
Bobby Marsteller959
Bogdan Burba10015
Briana Lewis9516
Brianna Bray1008
Caitlyn Reaves9519
Caitlyn Robinson9516
Caleb Harris10010
Caleb Hess9520
Caleb Longwell9513
Caleb Odwyer1006
Caleb Reese10012
Carissa Bahner10012
Carissa Powe10013
Carol Garcia9511
Caroline Crawford959
Carrie Taylor10019
Cassia Smith10013
Catrina Lidia10029
Celestial Cummings9016
Chai Smith10011
Chandler Reaves9014
Chantel Mellema10015
Charity Brodeur1009
Charity Freeman9027
Charity Kayembe909
Charlie Farrie Iii10011
Cheyenne Cruz9517
Chishamiso Mafura10020
Christiaan Pot10017
Christian Crawford9513
Christian Hare10010
Christian Plante9523
Christian Smith10021
Christianna Smith1007
Christine Dade9018
Christine Robinson10011
Christopher Wenger10017
Daisy Aguillon9012
Damaris Pot10024
Daniel Evans Jr9510
Daniel Hagmann10012
Daniel Kenworthy9511
Daniel Lev10016
Daniel Martens10016
Daniel Roberts959
Daniel Sampson10011
Darius Nedesca10019
David Lysyanskyj1008
David Mellema10011
David Olin10017
David Pantin9016
Deborah King9525
Derek Sutton1007
Dillan Hammond10014
Dmitry Foster9014
Dorcas Mukendi10015
Echo Cook1006
Elaina Kaptain10010
Eleanor Bowin9527
Elena Dupont956
Elias Lambie905
Elijah Harris1007
Elijah Holmes10010
Elijah Kayser10011
Elisabeth Landrum10013
Elisabeth Ponder9019
Ella Moore9513
Ella Toy1005
Ellen Martens9517
Emanuel Deschamps10015
Emilie Hebert9527
Emily Cook10013
Emily Holmes10014
Emily Salzman8519
Emily Sampson10017
Emily Wolfe9514
Emma Moncada9013
Emma Moore10010
Emmalee Sanger1004
Emmalyn Hagmann9010
Emmanuel Harris1005
Emmanuel Mtetwa957
Endy Toussaint10012
Enoch Rains1006
Ester Giuliari10024
Esther Borlovan9519
Esther Gasper10017
Esther Lashley10021
Esther Tshibangu10020
Esther Wenger9514
Ethan Truelock10013
Eunice Strite1008
Ezra Doyle906
Faith Brandt8011
Faith Chambless9511
Faith Johnson10011
Faith Thorson958
Felicite Narugano9517
Fiona Riley10011
Frederik Deschamps10016
Gabriel Cook9514
Gabriel Dupras10021
Gabriel Ketzer957
Gabriel Waller10012
Gabriella Landrum959
Gauge Hammond10010
Gavin Cook1008
Gideon Cook10016
Gideon Harris952
Gloria Sanchez10029
Glorianna Williams1008
Grace Dominguez9513
Grace Ketch8512
Grace Lunsford1009
Grace Milner9510
Grace Mukendi9013
Grace Wells9513
Gracey Taylor9014
Hadassah Lambie907
Hadassah Phillips1005
Halle Householder10012
Hannah Arnette10020
Hannah Brown9017
Hannah Campominosi9514
Hannah Cook10022
Hannah Gary9513
Hannah Holmes10015
Hannah Kenworthy10013
Hannah Lev10010
Hannah Mcmasters10017
Hannah Sampson9513
Hannah Wahl9513
Hannah Wilson10017
Hannah Yancey10014
Heather Delong9026
Hector Herrera959
Heidi Thorson956
Hope Chambless10011
Hope Cook10011
Hope Sanger1009
Hope Schultz1005
Hunter Friel9515
Immanuel Lashley9024
Isaac Hyde9524
Isaac Joseph Dawson959
Isaac Kenworthy1008
Isaac Martens10013
Isaac Martin9512
Isaac Waddell10019
Isabel Kenworthy10016
Isabele Toy1009
Isabella Collins954
Isaiah Andersen1007
Isaiah Collins10016
Isaiah Fritzinger9513
Isaiah Kayser1008
Isaiah Smith955
Israel Batakanwa9516
Israel Doyle10010
Ivan Wittmeier9512
Jacob Newman9516
Jacob Sanchez10013
Jared Strite10010
Jason Hess8517
Jean-Daniel Plante9520
Jeanne Darc Matchum10024
Jehoiada Barratt1003
Jehu Cummings9022
Jenna Kingston10019
Jennifer Fehr9517
Jenny Riopel10018
Jeremiah Bray10011
Jeremiah Salzman9016
Jesse Cullinan9510
Jesse Dyck10025
Jesse Myers1009
Jesse Strite1008
Jessica Dawson956
Jessica Herrera8513
Jessie Lacroix9516
Jesus Rembao10020
Joanna Dawson10012
Joanna Herrera9513
Joanna Hess10016
Joanna Premaka1007
Joanna Strite9515
Joe Espeseth9512
Joel Alexander1008
Joel Dyck10024
Joel Evans957
Joel Wilson9515
John Hyde Iii10019
Johnny Boggs10010
Jonah Derksen9513
Jonah Dickson1002
Jonathan Schultz10011
Jonathan Vaughn10018
Jordan Kouba959
Josef Burba10010
Joseph Blaine Olin10017
Joseph Chavez1008
Joseph Chavez Morales10011
Joseph Dawson10011
Joseph Geransky956
Joseph Gonzalez10013
Joseph Mhindurwa10017
Joseph Smith10015
Joseph Strite1005
Joseph Taylor9013
Joshua Campominosi10012
Joshua Cook10019
Joshua Cook10020
Joshua Fritzinger959
Joshua Garrett9521
Joshua Gary1003
Joshua Johnson958
Joshua Kaptain10010
Joshua Kraus9016
Joshua Landrum1005
Joshua Mauldin10019
Joshua Moncada9010
Joshua Odwyer10014
Joshua Premaka10010
Joshua Roberts10015
Joshua Sanger10013
Joshua Strite10012
Joshua Taylor9012
Josiah Canada10011
Josiah Dickson1006
Josiah Isaacson10010
Josiah Olson1006
Josiah Sanger1009
Joy Alexander1002
Joy Salzman8517
Joy Tshibangu10024
Joyanna Sanger1007
Joylin Strite10019
Judah Cook10016
Jude Steward10017
Julia Berthiaume10022
Julia Perozok10014
Juliana Amalong9513
Julianna Hare10014
Justin Bailey10011
Justin Strite10016
Kaci Hammond10013
Kaitlyn Sanger10015
Karen Navarro9021
Karla Mina10018
Karson Kaptain1006
Katelyn Kingston9513
Katherine Crutchfield10023
Katie Kenworthy1009
Katie Speed10017
Katie Sutton1009
Katreina Wagner10016
Kayla Myers10015
Keila Navarro10022
Kendall Speed10014
Kimberly Florian10024
Kristen Martell10020
Larkanne Barber9515
Laura Dockens10016
Laura Kenworthy1006
Laurisa Borlovan9520
Leah Martin9517
Levi Hare1007
Levi Powe10012
Lidia Surd10020
Lilia Gary1005
Liliana Smith10019
Liliya Lysyanskaya10010
Lillia Sanger10011
Lillian Barczynski10015
Lillian Holmes1007
Lily Householder1009
Lilyann Myers10014
Lincoln Sanger10011
Lino Sganzerla10021
Lita Ketzer1009
Lois Hyde9517
Lois Prescott9513
Luke Cook1009
Luke Kingston1009
Luke Smith1009
Lydia Phillips958
Lydia Wahl8514
Madelyn Evans9512
Madelynn Landrum1007
Malachi Kayser10013
Malachi Mellema10014
Malena Modirzadeh10018
Malu Mbayabu10014
Margarita Toapanta10018
Maria Cherednichenko10015
Marianna Belan10014
Marie Thomas9512
Marie-Grace Kisalu10013
Mark Perozok10011
Marrion Lauver1005
Matthew Brodeur10014
Matthew Buitenkamp10024
Matthew Fritzinger9011
Matthew Martens10015
Matthew Schultz10016
Matthew Yancey1009
Meaghan Geransky1007
Meda Hyde8520
Meda Smith10013
Meghan Kenworthy10019
Melody Dominguez9011
Melody Walker-Campbell9518
Mia Dupont954
Micah Campominosi1007
Micah Harvey1004
Micah Helm10017
Micah Kesslar10019
Michael Dickson958
Mikayla Guerra9011
Miryam Dupras9016
Mitchell Bailey10013
Monica Crisan10023
Moriah Lunsford10013
Moriah Martin10014
Mulanga Mbayabu10015
Muntean Andrei8016
Myra Riley955
Myriane Ouellette9525
Nala Hope Bhagwandass10017
Naomi Crutchfield10020
Naomi Dyck10027
Naomi Forde9513
Natalia Santos9513
Natalya Wittmeier9511
Nataniah Kayser1006
Nathan Berthiaume909
Nathan Dockens10020
Nathan Hyde9026
Nathanael Duvall10013
Nathanael Perry10015
Nathaniel Dickson1003
Nathaniel Sanger1006
Nazar Burba10018
Nichole Qualls9522
Noah Fogelsanger8510
Noah Harvey1007
Noah Smith10014
Noemi Bahena9016
Ntambwe Kabengela959
Nuvia Gabriel8022
Odia Kabengela9512
Olivia Borlovan9516
Olivia Marsteller10010
Olivia Williams959
Patience Smith1003
Patrick Sanger958
Paul Berthiaume10016
Paul Emongo10012
Paul Fritzinger Jr.1006
Paul Hyde10015
Paul Johnson1006
Paul Kenworthy1009
Paul Lauver956
Paul Mcmasters9519
Paulina Aguillon959
Philip Moore10025
Philip Perozok1009
Preda Adrian9016
Princess Barclay9517
Princess Nero9018
Priscilla Mattei10022
Racheal Gary10019
Rachel Addington8515
Rachel Bileko10013
Rachel Esther Dawson9512
Rachel Howdeshell9517
Rachele Mubanga9518
Rachelle Linette Meza10025
Ralyah Thomas10015
Rebeca Marrero10018
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9516
Rebecca Vallee9518
Rebekah Campominosi10015
Reuben Fritzinger10018
Rhoda Miller1008
Roney Ramdeen10021
Rosa Sanchez10028
Rosanna Sanger10028
Rutendo Vera10012
Ruth Hyde10011
Ruth Mtoko9521
Ruth Perozok1006
Ruthanna Fritzinger9516
Samantha Wolfe9518
Samuel Bahner10013
Samuel Ballard10012
Samuel Gasper10010
Samuel Harris1005
Samuel Lacombe10027
Samuel Myers10011
Sarah Amber Ferrante10017
Sarah Andrews10013
Sarah Batakanwa10014
Sarah Bélanger9519
Sarah Freitas10015
Sarah Gary9523
Sarah Gélinas9521
Sarah Keller10025
Sarah Odwyer10010
Sarah Perry10022
Sarah Pope10016
Savannah Gonzalez9512
Scheela Toussaint10015
Sephora Dade9514
Serenity Cook8011
Serenity Wallace9515
Seth Hanson9511
Shalom Mtetwa10017
Shalom Strite10010
Shammah Mtetwa10010
Sharon Tshibangu10023
Sharon-Rose Boisvert9013
Sharon-Rose Mukendi9510
Sharon-Rose Stephen10017
Sharron Martell10020
Sheila Zimmerman9013
Shepherd Kitchen1008
Silas Emongo10010
Silas Garcia1002
Silas Lunsford10012
Simeon Fritzinger1003
Solomon Alexander8012
Spencer Cook10017
Speranza Bertuzzi10018
Stefanescu Alina9018
Stephen Bahner10010
Stephen Schultz10013
Susan Olin9514
Sydney Luckey9517
Tabacaru Adrian10020
Tabacaru Andreea10016
Tabacaru Andrei10012
Tabacaru Iosif10014
Tabacaru Mirela10021
Tabacaru Paul8521
Tabacaru Roxana10017
Tabacaru Samuel10018
Tabitha Barber10013
Tamara Dyck10022
Tatyana Kouba1009
Thamar Kisalu10010
Tima Burba9517
Timo Pot10011
Timothy Allison9524
Tina Manecci10021
Titus Garcia1002
Travis Zimmerman9015
Truman Miller9011
Valarie Byers10014
Verónica Toapanta10015
Victoria Fehr10014
Waulker Moore9515
William Chavez Morales9013
William Dickson957
William King10021
William Rainey9522
William Seraiah1008
William Yancey10011
Wyanita Cook1009
Zachary Cook10014
Zachary Martens9511
Zachary Wilson10012
Zion Kisalu10019
Zoé Musafiri10017
Zoe Odwyer10012
Zoë Sanger9516