57-0901M Hebrews, Chapter Three
In Chapter One, we learned the Book of Hebrews was written by one of the greatest Bible expositors of all time: Paul. In the first few verses, we learned that “sundry” means old and “divers” means many. Brother Branham went on to summarize the first chapter as, “exalting Jesus, and separating Him from being a prophet.” And “He is trying to show that God purposed all things in Christ, and Christ was the express image of God. The entire rest of the chapter deals with how that He was higher than Angels, higher than all powers. Angels worshipped Him. Paul was trying to magnify Him.”
The second chapter builds on the first, continuing to lift Jesus higher in Paul’s letter to the Hebrews. Brother Branham explained how the prophets are angels, or messengers, to bring the Word to the people. He went further to say that we are all messengers of good news or bad news. Towards the end of the chapter, we learn that Jesus became flesh so He could sympathize with (succour) the trials and tribulations we suffer. Our Lord did not come to earth as an Angel, He came as a man so he would know what it was to feel temptation or sickness. That should make us all feel good!
Jesus knows the pain you feel, He can save and He can heal;
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.
Now the Gospel Waters get deeper in Chapter 3. We learn about the provocation, how we are different from the world, and we hear many encouraging testimonies from Brother Branham.