59-0419A My Life Story
And that last promise, when I kissed her on the cheek that morning, that I'd meet her there that day. I believe she'll be standing at that post, screaming my name. I've lived true to that promise since, Lord, around the world, in all kinds of places, trying to bring the Gospel. Getting old now, and tired, I'm wore out. One of these days I'm going to close this Bible for the last time. And, God, keep me faithful to the promise. Keep Your grace around me, Lord. Let me not look at the things of this life, but live for the things that's beyond. Help me to be honest. I don't ask for a flower bed of ease, no, Lord, when my Christ died there under suffering. And all the rest of them died like that. I don't ask for any easy thing. Just let me be honest, Lord, truthful. Let people love me so I can lead them to Thee. And someday when it's all over and we gather around under the evergreen trees, I want to get her by the hand and walk her up, to show the people of Angelus Temple and all the others. It'll be a great time then.
Sermon Info
- Date: Saturday, 59-0419A
- Location: Los Angeles, CA - Angelus Temple
- Duration: 120 min
- Scripture: Hebrews 13:12