Quiz Results
Here are the current quiz results for
Birth Pains.
Anyone taking the quiz after
Friday, June 5, 2009
will not have their score posted.
Fred Paka | 90 | 12 |
Ghys Silissili | 100 | 22 |
Jeniffer Luana | 95 | 17 |
Joseph Chavez Morales | 100 | 11 |
Joseph Muñoz Rodríguez | 100 | 10 |
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong | 100 | 22 |
Rodé Rodríguez Ordierez | 100 | 11 |
Roy Paka | 100 | 14 |
Sofia Gómez Almeyda | 90 | 11 |
William Chavez Morales | 100 | 9 |
William Chavez Morales | 100 | 13 |