Paul makes a bold statement when he says, “…let us go into perfection…” How can any of us be perfect? We hear so much that we are all sinners, but the Lord Jesus commanded us to, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”
How do we, as mortal humans, attain perfection? Brother Branham explains this very important question, along with that mysterious Man named Melchisedec, in this week’s sermon, “Hebrews Chapter Five And Six #1.”
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But I believe in the supreme authority of the local assembly. Yes. Let each church be its own, choose its pastors, its deacons, its, whatever it is. And then, that way, the man in there has no bishop over him. The Holy Spirit wants to speak something to that church, they don't have to ask anybody about whether they could do this or do that. It's the individual in contact with the Holy Spirit. Show me by the Bible what's greater, in the Bible, than a local elder to a local church? That's right, yes, sir, the sovereignty of the local church, each church in itself.
Now, no matter what kind of an experience you ever have, church, I want to ask you something. No matter how good it looks, how real it seems, it first must be tested by the Bible. Always on the Word! Don't never leave That, for any kind of experience.
Oh, I know there's many rise up and go out and say, "Oh, I don't need to go to church anymore. Praise God, the Holy Ghost has come, He's the teacher." When you get that idea, you're just wrong. For why did the Holy Ghost set teachers in the church, if He was going to be the teacher? See? There are first apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. The Holy Spirit set teachers in the church, so He could teach through that teacher. And if it--it isn't according to the Word, God doesn't confirm it, then it isn't the right kind of teaching. It must compare with the entire Bible, and be just as alive today as It was then. There's the real thing made manifest.
Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ,... What's he saying? All these first five chapters has been laid on Christ, to show who He is. Now we're leaving those principles of the doctrines of Christ.
And so, therefore, Melchisedec, the great Priest, like a man, He had no beginning and He has no end. And when we, through that theophany, that, we were made in the image of God before the world was ever made; when that theophany has been made flesh and dwelt among us, then, through His death, we ourselves receive His Spirit and we have no end; Eternal Life; not Angels, but men and women. Oh, I... Somehow, if I could only get it in a way that my--my audience would catch it! You will never be an Angel. God made Angels, but God made man. And what God does is off of God, which is as Eternal as God is. And man is just as Eternal as his Creator, because he was made from Eternity.
Watch this. Let's get this word "perfection." Do you know there's only one way you'll stand in the Presence of God? That's, perfect. God cannot tolerate unholy things.
So who can say that this is holy and that is holy? There is only one thing holy, that's Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, Who has been made Perfect. And our requirement is to be perfect. Now, how we going to be it?
They say, "Nobody can be perfect, the Bible said, 'There is none perfect.' There's your contradiction." Is it? All right. You cannot be perfect in yourself. If you're trusting in what you done, you're lost.
"The law having a shadow of good things to come," all the ordinances and the baptisms and the... all the other things they had, "could never make the worshipper perfect." And, yet, God requires "perfect."
You being a good, loyal man, will never make you perfect. You can't merit one thing. There's nothing about you, to merit. You are lost. You say, "Well, I kept the law. I keep the sabbath. I keep this, all the ordinances of God. I do this." Paul said, "Let us lay aside all those things now."
How do we get into It? Romans 8:1.There is therefore now no condemnation to those that are in Christ... that walk not after the things of this world, the flesh, but after the things of the Spirit, that pay no attention to what the world has got to say.
"How do you get into It?" You're born in It. First Corinthians 12. For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body,...
Oh, how perfect and solid we can stand, this morning! How you can look, if death is staring you right in the face, you could say like Paul, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
If you're a Christian, this morning, 'cause you belong to church, you're lost. If you're a Christian because you've passed from death unto Life, you're free from judgment; into Christ, you're becoming into perfection all the time. God cannot see one thing. You say, "Well, will I ever make a mistake?" Sure, but you don't do it willfully.
Friends, "Let us go on to perfection." We have... we're not... We're without excuse today. We have no excuse, at all. The God of Heaven has appeared in these last day and is doing the very same things that He did then, when He was here before, when He was on earth. He has proved, as we're coming through this Bible. And you--you, class, know this, that we have taken miracle by miracle, and sign by sign, and wonder by wonder, that He did with the children in the wilderness, the things and signs that He did; the things that He done when He was here on earth, manifest in the flesh; and the very same things are taking place today, right here among us. Here is the Word to vindicate it. Here is the thing to say it's right, to make it right. Here is the Spirit of God to do the same thing, so we're without an excuse.