And then if we be anointed, we are God's messengers. We are messengers to the world, an ambassador of Heaven, professing that we are pilgrims and strangers. We're not of this world. But we seek a City to come, whose Builder and Maker is God.
Oh, what He'd scream tonight. How His Spirit screams through His preachers, "The hour is at hand!"
We discern. We watch the atomic bombs. We know who is going to take Clark Gables' place, and who is going to do this, that, or the other; or who will be the vice-president. We're interested in that, but we cannot discern the signs of the time. We're at the end.
We, as Christian, gam our mind full of such tommyrot, when we ought to be in prayer somewhere, and study the Bible, to know the signs of the time we're living in.
I'm one of your pastors, with Brother Neville here. I want you to take It to record. The Bible said, "If there arise one among you, and he says such-and-such, and it doesn't come to pass, don't hear it, for I haven't spoken. But if he speaks in My Name, and what he says comes to pass, then hear It." Amen. "For I am with that prophet, or preacher, whatever it may be. If what he says comes to pass, then hear him."
Now, friends, let's hear Him, the Holy Spirit speaking in our midst, showing divers miracles, and signs, and wonders. Let's just not pass over It as just common happenings. Let's remember that It's Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever; confirming His Word. We must do it. Oh, please do it. Take heed. Let every other thing be secondary, even your home, your husband, your wife, your children. Whatever it may be, put it second. Place God first. You say, "Brother Branham, over my children?" Over anything. Place God first. Let Him be first.
Not what men say, what the church said, but what God's will was. Oh, we need to seek the will of God, not the favor of your neighbor, not the favor of your children, not the favor of your husband or your wife. But, seek the will of God, and do that first. Then everything else, the will of the wife and the will of the children, will fall right in with it. But, place God first.
No wonder He was exalted. No wonder He is who He is tonight. God has exalted Him, and all the powers in Heavens and earth is give to Him.
But, He broke through that veil. He opened up the way. He broke the veil of sickness. He broke the veil of sin. He broke the veil of weary. He broke the veil of depressed. He broke every veil, and made a highway for the wayfaring man, walking up the King's highway. Oh, my, when He passed the moon and the stars, on and on!
The only way He could become the Captain of our salvation, He had to suffer.
And here we are today, living in the end time, with the same Jesus, the same things, same signs, same wonders, same salvation, same Spirit doing the same things, same Gospel, same Word, same illustrations, same manifestation, everything. It behooves us not to neglect this great salvation, for we'll have to give an account, someday, with what we do with the Son of God.
Water can never wash the Blood of Jesus off of your hands or your soul. There's only one way to do it, that's accept It as your personal pardon and be reconciled to God.
How can you reject such matchless love of One who died? The holy God of Heaven became a sinful Man; not because He sinned, but because He had your sins, and bare them there to Calvary.