
63-1103 Go, Wake Jesus

We talk about Him. We think about Him. We read about Him, what He did, what He was, how He lived, what kind of a works He did, and then forget about it. Do you realize that He is with us, not only with us, but in us? Oh, how I think that!

What a feeling of security it must have been, to think about the very Creator Himself, sailing through troubled waters with them.

Oh, what a safety it is today, to know that the very God that made heavens and earth, that made this dust that we dwell in, called bodies, is sailing down life’s sea with us, knowing that sickness and pain upsets us, and death stares us in the face. But what have we got to dread? The very Creator of the very dust, the very sixteen elements that make us up, the petroleum and cosmic light, sails with us through every storm and every sea. His truth can never fail. He is with us, and said, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 63-1103
  • Location: Tucson, AZ
  • Duration: 2 hrs
  • Scripture: Matthew 8:23-27
Go, Wake Jesus
Scores will be accepted until Thursday, October 31, 2024
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

If there’s any healing, it has to come from _______.
Electricity is in the wires, but you must _______.
If we’re not condemned, then we have favor with God, and we know we’re going to get what we ask for.
The Lord Jesus’ earthly ministry has ceased.
"Greater is He that’s _______ you than he that’s in the world."
A person can claim to be most anything, but that isn’t the sign that they are what they claim to be. Which of the following did Brother Branham give as an example of this?
What does it mean to "blaspheme" the Holy Ghost?
The disciples chose Matthias to take Judas’ place. Who did God choose?
Jesus said the two spirits in the last days would almost deceive the very Elected if it were possible. Who will know the difference?
What does the word Messiah mean?
Do we have power?
Who said, "Think it not strange when trials come upon you, fiery trials. It’s better to you than gold. It’s done to prove you"?
What does the word Christian mean?
"He is the Word, but God had to use _______ to fulfill, or to display His attributes."
When Brother Branham said he hand-loaded shells, what kind of rifle did he say he shot?
"Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
As long as Satan has got us fighting one another, he doesn’t have to fight at all.
"When the Word is put into _______, It’s a Discerner of the thoughts of the heart."
Brother Branham said, "I think this is the most wonderful times of my life, when I can ___________."
God has already healed you. The only thing He wants you to do is believe it.

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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63-1103 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Go, Wake Jesus. Anyone taking the quiz after Thursday, October 31, 2024 will not have their score posted.

« Wyanita Cook »10021
Aaleah Brown10015
Abdan R Nzaou9013
Abigael Haule10020
Abigael Kipkoech10017
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Mushavire10024
Abraão Matias10012
Abraham Mboungou9524
Abraham Mvondo Koe1007
Abraham Urrutia10014
Abrantes Pedro9516
Acacia Etongomex1008
Acacia Tati Oneay1006
Adapshon Yohunsthon8024
Adelaide Connell10016
Adéliah Leclerc1006
Adina Dickson1003
Adina Strite1004
Adino Andries957
Adjowa Kougnaglo10022
Adoniram Hyde10015
Afanwi Che8512
Alayna Cook10011
Alayna Wittmeier10011
Alba Cabrera Salazar8014
Alba Ivania Sánchez9528
Albert Enock10019
Albert Mokono8011
Aleah Davis10010
Alegria Manongo1005
Alejandra Valeria Rubio Fregoso9513
Alexandre Vieira10014
Alice Repass1009
Aline Moreira9519
Aline Ngapesie Seche9511
Allan Sanchez1007
Allégresse Musenga10020
Allégresse Tshidibi9012
Alliance Fuma10017
Allison Sanger10015
Altesse Ngadio10010
Amarachi Kevin8523
Amber Dickson1007
Amber Rains10015
Amber Repass9511
Amelia Andersen10016
Amélia Botnica955
Amelia Jackson10012
Amélia Jessinau10020
Amélia João10015
Amelia Khan9520
Amira Ikouadja1008
Amos Sivi9523
Amram Aggee10025
Amram Karanja908
Amy Cook10017
Ana Gonzaga10016
Anahi Villalba Piñanez9015
Andrea Chávez10019
Andrea Eriksen10017
Andrew Bomberger9528
Andrew Farrie10016
Ange Ngoumogni1007
Angela Montaño9015
Angelo Romano8516
Anna Bongela10020
Anna Cook10024
Annaëlle Ntsana Ibara10023
Anne Malonga Bouwala1009
Annie Maina10019
Annisha Gonzales10022
Antipas Asaka10014
Antonio Gabilondo954
Apollinaire Ebeya10013
Apolos Olivares9510
April Geransky9013
Aquilas Ngbanda10012
Aquilla Riehl8519
Archange Babela10013
Areli Sanchez9514
Ariel Marijani1006
Aristote Bolebole9515
Arlie Bronson1001
Arminda Pedro10014
Ashley Pister10025
Ashllyn Muñoz Pinto9011
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Aspen Hollar10016
Atty Lungo905
Audlyse Maleke10020
Augustin Mvondo Koe1008
Augustine Lihamba10015
Austin Pister10027
Ava Repass1007
Ava Toy10018
Ayodele Ramirez1009
Aza Smith10014
Bailey Derksen1005
Baraka Kini1002
Baraka Kinyua10012
Baraka Toha9524
Barnabas Kalala10022
Beleive Etongomex1004
Ben Kinkondi8516
Benaiah Halverson10011
Benaiah Strite1007
Bene Pendeza9528
Benedicte Kazadi9514
Bénédicte Toko10018
Bénédiction Mutwedu9518
Bénit Massima Wandja10016
Benjam Jamba1002
Benjamim Malonda10020
Benjamin Amblalsso9523
Benjamin Gichunge10013
Benjamin Silva906
Benjamin Waweru1009
Berge Nzimbou Mouele10023
Berryl Akiambong806
Bethanny Mellema9521
Bethany Nzapu10026
Bethany Waweru1006
Betty Nkounkou10010
Beulah Rains1003
Bienfait Bunguli8516
Bienvenue Ognouga9513
Billie Peace10012
Billy Akota10024
Billy Cizemba1008
Billy Cleopas10017
Billy Herman10010
Billy Kapongo10013
Billy Nzouanda10013
Billy Paul Seche Ndesie903
Billypaul Dickson1008
Blanche Asssouguena Noah9025
Boaz Gichunge10015
Boaz Gouakoubele10020
Bonheur Mapana10014
Branham Khamdem1005
Branham Nzogue1004
Bransen Wilbert9513
Brice Ekondo8524
Bruno Umba1007
Caleb Kabeya9010
Caleb Simeu10010
Camila Villalba Piñanez9512
Cândida Manongo10019
Candy Martinez10022
Carisa Masango1002
Carissa Cook9517
Cathy Muleba10018
Céleste Tchikaya Makaya9522
Charity Rains1005
Chaya Meda Mamboundou10024
Chella Zoe1004
Cheridan Nzaou9513
Chloe Newman1008
Chris Kiplagat9514
Chris Sitou10013
Chris Tshimungu10019
Christ Bassoukissina10021
Christabel Makoni10027
Christian Dexter9514
Christianne Kongo9010
Christie Cizemba902
Clare Phambu10013
Clarissa Aguilar Aguilar10021
Claude Niaty10018
Claúdio Magalhães Cláudio8520
Clem Sitou10010
Collins Eale10022
Connie Chengo9526
Crechmina Kampala Bouligui10025
Crispin Lumuma9521
Daizy Okello10028
Damaris Barratt1009
Daniel Barrera10021
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Dickson10013
Daniel Kabangu10013
Daniel Lodi9527
Daniel Malonga10010
Daniel Respect1008
Daniella Ojar903
Darnich Xxx10011
Davi Lima1005
David Benson9516
David Davis954
David Muamba10019
David Ndoko9020
David Telou10012
Davy Jeremie Kernel Bakenda Tongo10010
Deborah Ongouo10023
Delia Gutierrez10016
Delices Meda Mberi Kimpolo10013
Denise Mariam Narugano10028
Dieulv Tshingej9528
Divine Moubolou Kombila10012
Divine Ndoli9517
Domingos José8516
Dominique Atanga Essengue10025
Dorcas Ambassa1004
Dorcas Ndouma10022
Dorcas Omotopo10016
Dorivaldo Manongo10014
Dorose Diambela Kaya1009
Dove Esther Hôll Evina1003
Dublin Kimangou10027
Dumba Kudzai10026
Ebenezer Lungu858
Ebi Joshua D10013
Éclat Bakaya9524
Eden Joel D958
Edison Colcha9522
Éliam Leclerc1002
Eliana Milner10014
Elias Botnico9510
Elias Luciano10013
Elías Samaniego Piñanez1005
Eliel De Souza9010
Eliezer Kores9522
Eliezer Muzungu10021
Elihu Kifalme Rugendo953
Elijah Riehl10015
Elisa Jones9514
Elisee Dickson1005
Elisee Onana10017
Eliseu Francisco9521
Eliseu Sadraque10021
Eliu Perez Olivares10014
Eliza Oliveira8511
Elizabeth Mpasela10021
Elizabeth Riehl10022
Ella Mcmasters10012
Ella Ngatse1004
Ella Smith9012
Ella Toy10016
Elma Menezes Santos Peixe De Albuquerque10013
Elohïm Nsumbu9022
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emily Cook10025
Emily Sanchez1003
Emma Slager1003
Emmanuel Kayembe9526
Emmanuel Kipkoech1008
Emmanuel Nkondje10014
Emmanuelle Ndoli9518
Enoc Valencia9512
Enoch Dickson956
Enoch Fritzinger10015
Enoch Kores9027
Enoch Wilson953
Esaie Israël9517
Esdras Cadena Parga957
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana9525
Espoir Ngoma10019
Essohanam Wembou10027
Ester Menezes10015
Esther Ab10015
Esther Marima10026
Esther Mbelu9514
Esther Mboungou Malonda10019
Esther Mokili10026
Esther Mvemba1004
Esther Nkondje10010
Esther Nzouanda10016
Esther Premaka10028
Esther Rushanika10015
Estherh Amatcha1007
Eula Bonnette10012
Eunice Pemba Tchicaia10011
Eunice Pemba Tchicaia10024
Evelyn Nohemy Alas9521
Evelyn Quintanilla10022
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou1003
Ezra Olivares1001
Faith Brandt10023
Faith Mwale10021
Faith Tetsa1009
Faradja Makand9022
Fátima Martínez Aguilar858
Febe Montoya Pérez9512
Fernando Perez9511
Fidel Ntiza9523
Fidèle Nkondje10012
Florence Lacombe1003
Florence Nsamba9018
Florência Kinga10018
Fomefo Clarisse959
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Fred Frank Emini Ondoua10012
Freddyne Okoumone10022
Gabriel Cardoso10015
Gabriel Njege8511
Gabrielle Basraj10012
Gabrielly Freire9523
Galilee Basraj1000
Gemima Kazadi10012
Gemima Mboussa9514
Gemima Nsamba10017
Genesis Rubio9518
Geneva Adzome9011
Gideon Strite1001
Gloire Toko1008
Gloria Dowati10018
Gloriana Likibi9019
Glorianne Gélinas1009
Grace Alexander9512
Grâce Bemba10010
Grace Cook10018
Grace Dickson10014
Grace Dowati10023
Grace Maina8520
Grâce Okoumoné10014
Grâce Ongamba10028
Grâce Simande Seche9011
Grace Wachira8520
Gracelyn Basraj1006
Gracia Mbuyi10020
Gracious Cleopas1009
Gradi Kajibwami10019
Hadassa Stopa10013
Halo Medie Branham1000
Hannah Campominosi10025
Hannah Hunt10016
Hannah Simango10016
Hannah Wahl10025
Happiness Michael9514
Happy Bakalania9019
Harmony Bonnette10014
Hattie Ambassa1001
Hattie Cizemba10010
Hattie Roberts8015
Hazel Slager1003
Heidi Kofod10016
Helen Ortiz Mosquera10011
Helena Manongo1003
Hilaviel Hope Baptista1008
Hope Dexter10015
Hope Emini Mbang954
Hope Munyao9019
Hosea Ndiwa9024
Idiate Emeraude907
Imani Maene10022
Innocent Kiwara9526
Isaac Katelengabo9511
Isaac Matadi9521
Isaac Ndoli10021
Isaac Zuango9527
Isabel V M P S Albuquerque9516
Isaiah Ray958
Isaías Manongo1009
Israël Kaniki Mitewu10020
Ivah Bonnette10010
Iverdon Mabiala Moussoungou8525
Ivory Newman1002
Jaden Fehr10019
Janet Zavala9520
Jasper Purdy10013
Jayden Newman10010
Jaziz Kongo9515
Jean Daniel Dang9521
Jean Paul Luketa8525
Jehoiada Barratt10015
Jemima Nehon1007
Jephtar Hlakuinjeya10025
Jeremias Manongo10011
Jeshurum Chenwi909
Jeska Tshibemba10013
Jessejoseph Alanwi8014
Jewel Njoroge1008
Jezaiah Halverson1006
Joan Yashim9510
Joao Zoe10012
Jobregal Wallace1006
Jochebed Mahadeo1009
Joe Billy Mwinkeu8025
Joed Simango10010
Johanna Boodoo10022
John Brown1006
John Lukusa10021
John Sharrit Mboungou1002
Johseph Amatcha10012
Jokebed Ngono Etoga10014
Jonah Dickson10014
Jonas Mboungou10020
Jonathan Benjamin Muleba10011
Jonathan Davis10012
Jonathan Durawo9027
Jonathan Fortunat10024
Jonathan Haule9513
Jonathan Meighoo1003
Jonathan Mountou10015
José Conde10026
José Fosso9512
José Jamba953
Jose Marcos Filho809
José Ngoma Panzo10020
José Pablo Gabilondo957
Jose Pavon Urbina9511
Joseline Manda Mouetoua9019
Joseph Branham De Djoko Otulu1004
Joseph Chávez1004
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Denga10016
Joseph Karanja8022
Joseph Kini1004
Joseph Laniru8511
Joseph Lukusa855
Joseph Malonga855
Joseph Mario800
Joseph Mountou10011
Joseph Munzekere10024
Joseph Ngampana10017
Joseph Oben Nzogue1008
Joseph Percéveré10014
Joseph Tetsa1005
Joseph William Mayaka10010
Joseph Yakin1005
Josepha Fopa10010
Joséphine Muleba9512
Joséphine Rushanika10028
Joshua Murimoga8512
Joshua Muvhami10020
Joshua Rains10013
Joshua Telgenhoff10013
Josué Djevou10023
Josue Dolores Ramirez9018
Josué Silva Ribeiro9018
Josué Waffo1003
Joy Wairimu806
Juan Cervantes Cruz1006
Juan Rondon Gallardo9511
Juanjo Ospina10022
Jubilé Telou1008
Jubilee Barratt10011
Justine Simo Toualeu1000
Kabuo Kataka1009
Kambale Musumba9528
Kanyere Lusasa10012
Karen Pérez Mata10018
Kashoba Abel9026
Kate Davis10017
Katilene Moraes10017
Kavira Armantine809
Kavira Bunguli9010
Kazadi Tshidibi8010
Kelvin Daud10024
Keren Tshimanga10023
Kerene Jaime10019
Kesia Furmann10017
Kethura Nsiété9514
Ketura Kombila Bouanga957
Kimberly Beejadhar10019
Klívia Oliveira8022
Lamech Branham9518
Landry Nombo1006
Larissa Alves Teixeira9514
Larosée Okoumone9518
Laura Bedoya Gómez9013
Laurete Mboungou10016
Leah Muthee10023
Léonie Lacombe1001
Lerina Mputu9525
Letizia Mattei9012
Levi Hare9019
Levy Wanet10016
Liam Helm1008
Lídia Lobato10022
Lilia Toy10017
Lily Clarke9519
Lily Moncada9515
Lilyanne Keding9516
Lincoln Hyde10012
Lino Miguel10027
Liss Kombila Moubeyi1007
Loice Kipkoech10014
Loïce Mounguengué10013
Lord Ikouadja10011
Lord Ngoma10020
Love Njoroge1005
Lucas Helm1004
Lucas Ray10011
Luís Mussassi10016
Luke Vandenbosch9520
Luz Cabrera9521
Lys Désirée Cizemba1005
Lys Kini1005
Lys Moussavou10013
Madeleine Ntumba10025
Madelyn Wilson1001
Magdaline Thuku10024
Mahalia Austine1008
Makaela Pantalacci10012
Makanaka Madzivanzira9510
Malachi Dexter10013
Manace Severain10016
Manassé Kifutu8522
Manassé Mukendi10019
Marc Fegue Nke1008
Marcelino Santiago Nguema Akendengue10010
Marcos Mavindi9021
Maria Gutierrez9519
Maria Lambie10015
Maria Yocheved De Djoko Otulu9511
Mariana Jamba10011
Marie Bemba10011
Marie Mballa Koe1007
Marie Nga Ndongo9521
Marie Nzogue10012
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Mark Gichuki9514
Maros Mboungou10018
Marrion Masango1006
Marrion Ngbanda10014
Marrionne Élue Loumbou9516
Marry Karonga10011
Martin Gichunge1008
Martine Babokana1008
Maryam Ondoa806
Maryi Salinas Zuniga10018
Masengu Tshidibi857
Maska Lungo10012
Mathurin Bemba10019
Matrimony Alfonso10021
Matthew Riehl10016
Maxwell Musyoki1009
Mazvitaishe Muchenje9518
Meda Amelia Mayaka1008
Meda Bampadi10014
Meda Fouomekong1002
Meda Nzouanda10019
Meda Toko10015
Melanie Isaac10021
Melissa Hyde1002
Mengong Esther9511
Mercia Mouanga Bahena9523
Mercy Bonnette10015
Mercy Kipkoech10021
Mercy Makau10019
Mercy Muthee10015
Merdy Manangua10016
Merise Etongomex1008
Merphy Allegresse Nkouka9526
Merveil Doukaga10025
Merveille Kabeya10025
Meschac Ballend Pouna10018
Mia Siler9521
Micah Garcia10012
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Halverson10013
Míchãël Mayoukou10016
Michael Miracle9517
Michée Ngampana10013
Michel Silva9516
Michelle Díaz9026
Miguel Perez Olivares1005
Mike Tille9512
Miriã Ngoma Panzo1003
Miriam Hangi10021
Miriam Mboungou956
Moïse Nkondje1007
Moneth Davis10023
Moriah Daniel903
Moses Barratt10013
Muhanga Matinda10024
Muhindo Mukonzo1006
Naboth Mboyo Longila Empompolongo10012
Naomie Alono10015
Naomie Pambou9524
Nataly Martinez Aguilar8510
Natalya Wittmeier10022
Natasha Andries9517
Nathanaël Nzogue1003
Nathaniela Baptista1005
Naturedivine Itoua1002
Nautresor Makosso9520
Nazaré Joaquim10014
Neema Kajungu10025
Neema Njoroge1002
Nehema Pongo9016
Nelson Aguilar Aguilar9015
Nelson Mavindi9510
Nelvie Tati Apembet8516
Neville Bill Olihré1001
Neville Mutombo10021
Ngongwhig Ngong1001
Nissi Mwadi10017
Nissi Shammah Vangu10021
Nkoum Samuel1005
Noa Forsberg8517
Nokutenda Makoto855
Nolvia Banegas Osorto10024
Obadiah Meighoo1000
Obed Cook10015
Obie Halverson1008
Oceane Imack10012
Odile Bella Koe1002
Olivia Brown9511
Oracle Toko10019
Orman Neville Vangu9523
Osvald Mengue10016
Ozias Kombila Djembi10015
Pablo Rocha10018
Paradox Ansi Mavinga1004
Parousia Bosau9510
Patience Nzomo1003
Patrick Bidje1007
Peace Nzomo1004
Peniel Tetsa10011
Peter Kinyanjui9521
Peter Kiwoy10017
Peter Mazaba10025
Peter Waithaka9521
Phebe Dickson10011
Philippe Andeng1005
Phillip Jackson10016
Phydrich Makala8523
Pierrette Fouomekong10016
Plaxcedes Karonga9520
Praise Katuga9511
Precieuse Mukanya10015
Pricila Rono8523
Primrose Jones9511
Prince Héritier Oniangue Elenga10026
Prince Okoumone10016
Prince Rescapé Vangu10011
Princesa Cadena Parga10010
Princesse Emini Kengne956
Princesse Tsimba Vangu10023
Priscilla Brown10018
Prodiges Makelet8516
Rachel Chavungama1007
Rachel Tsimi9514
Racheté Bolebole9513
Rebecca Chavungama1008
Rebecca Mabiala10010
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Nzuki10024
Rebecca Pierre10016
Rebecca Toko10012
Rebekah Ambassa1002
Rebekah Andries1007
Rebekah Samaniego Piñanez1002
Régina Balebela10014
René Benjamín Gutiérrez Rivas859
Rhema Kiwoy10013
Rhoda Wallace1009
Rhuth Amatcha10010
Rishard Khan9519
River Monster10010
Rocher Ngatse10013
Rommel Richards10021
Rosella Ngbanda10019
Rosiana Ngungu954
Rubiedove Cleopas10012
Ruth Cabrera Salazar9516
Ruth Díaz9515
Ruth Gabriela De Djoko Otulu1008
Ruth Gavanga9520
Ruth Gichunge908
Ruth Kipkoech10010
Ruth Munangati9019
Ruth Murei10018
Ruth Respect Aok10015
Ruth Urrutia Cruz1007
Rylan Hunt10011
Saah Awawah9511
Saah Beshia10013
Sadrac Paez9519
Salem Mavinga10014
Salem Mutambo9517
Salem Ndoli8510
Salma Jimenez10018
Salome Bakandi10015
Salomon Matondo10018
Salvatrice Ngandu9017
Samantha Yashim10012
Samara Abigail Sandoval900
Samuel Ceballos10014
Samuel Dickson10013
Samuel Khiendo951
Samuel Mbira10016
Samuel Villalba Piñanez1005
Samuel Waithaka10013
Samy Mulunda10027
Sandra Adzoyi10026
Sara Oumaouma10017
Sara Sánchez Peña10024
Sarah Amatcha10013
Sarah Chipilipili8021
Sarah Hope Mayaka1006
Sarah Kapinga10018
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda1004
Sarah Wallace10012
Sarha Mounguengué10016
Schilo Paul Claudine Ikouyou Libedi10016
Scofield Etongomex1002
Sephora Ifomo1009
Serafina Manongo1003
Seth Jackson10020
Seth Nsitu1004
Shalom Dafana10021
Shalom Sezenyu10012
Shalom Wiltshire10018
Sharon Agudelo10018
Sharon Bemba Obangue10021
Sharon Bemputa9511
Sharon Espinoza Ayala10024
Sharon Gichunge10011
Sharon Huallpa Condori10028
Sharon Joy Perez Olivares10012
Sharon Laniru809
Sharon Ms9512
Sharon Mumba9523
Sharon Odhiambo9520
Sharon Peña Moza9515
Sharon Pongo8510
Sharon Rose Mayaka10012
Sharon Rose Nzogue1006
Sharon Urrutia Cruz1007
Sharonrose Dakwa9520
Sharonrose Tshamala10012
Sharrit Mbuyamba10016
Shedrack Kisegendo9023
Shekinah Masango10012
Sheniah Hamilton10021
Shiloh Marima1008
Shiloh Mudiwa9526
Shiloh Newman1004
Silas Dickson10010
Silas Ray10013
Silas Ziyambi10019
Simon Tsayem9015
Simphe Routouroutou10027
Skinner Lekibi9013
Solomon Alexander10024
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia9521
Sterling Williams1003
Susana Wesley De Djoko Otulu1009
Tabitha Wiltshire10021
Talla Blessing1008
Talla Rebecca1006
Tejranie Gomes10018
Teresa João10025
Teresa Munongo10016
Terrilynn Cook10013
Thandiwe Chikambwe10021
Timothy Meighoo1006
Tinashe Soyapi10027
Tinotenda Shangarai10017
Tiwa Jefferson957
Valarie Hyde10018
Valerie Dickson1009
Vandana Tadala1002
Venceslau Lopes10015
Veronica Biziki9516
Verônica Mussassi10014
Veronica Riehl1009
Victoire Nkondje9516
Victor Luis Miranda10014
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10016
Viviane Cibi900
Welcome Ngulube10024
Welima Asonglia10015
Wesly Dilus9513
Wilfredo Villalobos Espinoza9023
William Chavez Morales10014
William Chavez Morales10018
William Dyck1001
William Honnête Loumbou8012
William Kueté Mbouna951
William Mutisya9021
William Owusu8512
William Pavón Urbina959
William Pitian9512
William Tetsa10018
Wonderful Vangu10016
Yasmin Irik Costa9520
Yona Dickson955
Zavier Hunt1008
Zénas Tshishimbi8518
Zephaniah Meighoo1001
Zina Dewar1004
Zion Masango9511
Zion Mwinaminayi953
Zoé Bemba10013
Zoe Danleu Zeefack854
Zoe Hyde1000
Zoe Karanja803
Zoe Rosella Ayeni10027
Zurisaday Muñoz Pinto908