
62-0122 Confirmation Of The Commission

It’s not you that does miracles. No. They want to say, “Let me see you do this.” Now, God never said for me to do it. He’s already done it. The only thing for me to do is take His Word and hold on to It, and He will bring it to pass. That’s right. That’s exactly. It isn’t you. It’s the God that’s in you.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Monday, 62-0122
  • Location: Tempe, AZ
  • Duration: 2 hrs and 6 min
  • Scripture: St. Mark 16:14-20 and St. John 14:12
Confirmation Of The Commission
Scores will be accepted until Monday, September 30, 2024
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

Was Brother Branham preaching in Tempe or Mesa, Arizona?
The Gospel is complicated.
"That’s all you have to do. That settles it. _______, and you’re fully educated, as far as I’m concerned."
Who wrote the song Only Believe?
"And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, _______ the word with signs following. Amen."
The only way that the signs of Mark 16 can follow the believer, is that the Holy Spirit, Himself, takes the Word of God and _______ it to the people.
"The living _______, spoke by a living _______, must be in a living _______."
How much Truth did the first lie that was ever told have?
Paul said to Agrippa, "In the way that’s called '_______,' that’s the way that I worship the God of our fathers."
There’s only one thing that Jesus Christ can be different in, that is, a physical, corporal body.
The Bible said, "A woman that cuts her hair is _______."
"The proof of the pudding is the _______ thereof."
When Paul was in the ship ready to go down, how many devils set on the seas and said, "We got you now, Paul. Oh, you’re going to take it back"?
"There’s always three classes of people, that’s: unbelievers, make-believers, and believers. We still have them today. That’s right. Unbelievers, make-believers, and believers; Sodomites, Lotites, and _______."
Abram’s name was changed to Abraham, “father of nations,” and Sarra’s name was changed to Sarah, "_______."
We are catholic, too, apostolic catholic.
"God watches over His Word, to confirm It. The only thing He’s trying to do is to find a _______ that He can get into."
God _______ changes His program.
What was the little fellow in the striped tie healed of?
Nervousness is a bad thing, but God can heal it.

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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62-0122 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Confirmation Of The Commission. Anyone taking the quiz after Monday, September 30, 2024 will not have their score posted.

Aaleah Brown10015
Aamani Mhundwa1008
Aarón Antonio Benavides958
Aaron Derksen10025
Aaron Wagner955
Abdan R Nzaou10013
Abel Daso10017
Abigael Haule9520
Abigaël Yapo9019
Abigail Banzadio1008
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Garcia10015
Abigail Laku Wani10011
Abraham Kasongo1009
Abraham Mvondo Koe1006
Abraham Urrutia10013
Absinthe Kadiata9513
Acacia Etongomex1008
Acacia Kabengele10016
Acacia Obieme10012
Acacia Tati Oneay1006
Acacias Nkouka1007
Adam Geransky10016
Adelaide Gabriela Mundongo Dondo Dondo10016
Adéliah Leclerc1006
Adelina Winner Mubiayi10014
Adilson Mucumbi10015
Adina Strite1004
Adino Andries1007
Adona Mackson1006
Adoniram Hyde10014
Adrian Pafung Tchata9514
Agapao Macaia900
Aime Nzembi Manganga10026
Aimée Eyebe10020
Aissetou Mvou Bane10025
Ajay Mhundwa1009
Alayna Cook9511
Alayna Wittmeier10011
Alba Cabrera Salazar9014
Alba Sánchez10028
Albertina Mpono9516
Alegria Manongo1005
Alex Ontiri9022
Alexandre Vieira10014
Alice Repass1009
Aline Jiménez10018
Alliance Massamba10012
Allison Sanger10015
Alpha Obieme10017
Altesse Ngadio10010
Alvie Loemba10012
Alyssia Bélanger1004
Amarachi Kevin9023
Amber Dickson957
Amber J E Williams10015
Amber Rains10015
Amber Repass10011
Amedé Ndamba9521
Amelia Hyde9516
Amira Ikouadja1008
Ammialma Mpama1005
Amram Aggee10025
Amy Cook10017
Ana Dos Santos8012
Ana Emanuela Meñe Bikie1007
Anahi Villalba Piñanez10015
Anastasie Lukusa8519
Andrea Chávez10019
Andrew Farrie10016
Angel Joseph10017
Angela Kalamba1009
Angela Montaño9015
Angélica Garcés Ospina10019
Angelo Romano9516
Anna Cook10024
Annaëlle Ntsana Ibara9023
Anne Malonga Bouwala1009
Anne Mbodo10015
Annesophie Deschaines1002
Annie Gabrielle Margie Segha Ndong9512
Annisha Gonzales10022
Antipas Asaka10014
Antonio Eligui Afugu Eleng952
Antonio Gabilondo1004
Antonio Mitogo Afugu Eleng956
Apolos Olivares10010
Arcange Douanla8013
Archange Babela10013
Areli Sanchez10014
Ariella Mhundwa1004
Aris Mayela9524
Arlie Bronson1001
Arnold Massamba9518
Aryana Mouanga1004
Ashley Pister9525
Asnaida Mubiayi1008
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Aspen Hollar10016
Atty Lungo954
Audlyse Maleke10020
Augustin Mvondo Koe1008
Augustine Lihamba10015
Augustine Mulenga10019
Aurora Purita Ada1008
Ava Repass1006
Ava Toy10017
Aza Smith10014
Baraka Kinyua10012
Baraka Toha10024
Beleive Etongomex1004
Belia Frazier10014
Bella Jackson10015
Bella Toy10016
Benaiah Halverson10011
Benaiah Strite1007
Bene Pendeza10028
Bénédicte Toko10018
Bénédiction Mutwedu10018
Benedith Manika9024
Beni Kemene Ewoundi10019
Béni Makoundit Israël8025
Béni Mialebama10016
Bénie Mbielingo9518
Benjamim Malonda9519
Benjamin Amblalsso9023
Benjamin Bunbun8519
Benjamin Gichunge10013
Benjamin Mazaba1008
Benjamin Mazyambo10022
Benjamin Ngoma1003
Benjamin Plante1009
Benjamin Sanger9511
Benjamin Silva906
Benlévi Mazaba1006
Bérénice Abega Mouer905
Bérénice Kongo1009
Bernard Nzita957
Bernice Élisa Boupè Tchouansi1005
Beth Croasmun10017
Betty Nkounkou9510
Beulah Rains953
Bevan Rutechura958
Bianca Valencia10015
Bianey Jimenez1008
Bienvenue Ognouga10013
Bill Nsakala10025
Billie Peace9512
Billy Cizemba958
Billy Cleopas10017
Billy Etukudo9012
Billy Herman9510
Billy Nzouanda9513
Billyden Rutechura8011
Billypaul Dickson1008
Blanche Asssouguena Noah10025
Blanche Mialebama9513
Blessed Rutechura10016
Bonheur Buttin10010
Bonheur Mapana10014
Branham Bosau9012
Branham Khamdem1005
Branham Nzogue1004
Bransen Wilbert9513
Brayanne Mafoua10011
Brevethia Goma10014
Bridie Kalwara9520
Byron Colcha Flores10025
Caleb Dupuis1009
Caleb Harris10022
Caleb Mubamba10019
Caleb Nkouka Emmanuel959
Caleb Simeu10010
Caleb Soloka10020
Caleb Wenger1000
Câline Wright9024
Camaél Bahouma9013
Camila Martinez Sosa1008
Camila Villalba Piñanez10012
Candice Abega1007
Carla Antsiabot10016
Cathy Muleba10018
Cedric Funk1008
Céleste Mipfouna10015
Celia Funk958
Chandrelle Ngantsui9522
Chanelle Abogo10018
Charity Brodeur10021
Charity Rains955
Charlie Farrie10023
Chaste Rubingisa904
Chaya Meda Mamboundou10024
Chella Zoe1004
Cheridan Nzaou10013
Chibwe Kawanga10018
Chico Yengo10019
Chloe Newman1008
Chris Kiplagat10014
Chris Sitou9013
Christ Bassoukissina10020
Christ Foja10010
Christ Massamba1007
Christ Ngayi10016
Christabel Adina959
Christabel Makoni10027
Christian Banzadio Jr10010
Christian Dexter9514
Christiane Biazi10015
Christianna Smith10018
Christianne Kongo10010
Christie Cizemba1002
Christine Chamangwa9525
Christine Robinson10023
Christoph Wittmeier10015
Christophe Plante10012
Christy Thorson10014
Cindy Davis9520
Clare Phambu10013
Clarissa Aguilar Aguilar10020
Claude Niaty10018
Claver Kondi9515
Clem Sitou10010
Cohen Mihindou1005
Collins Eale10022
Colombe Dihoulouk956
Cornelius Karanja9510
Cristal Cabrera Salazar10012
Cyrline Mabandzamoukono9522
Daizy Okello10028
Dalwin Djiokep Tchata9511
Damaris Barratt1009
Daniel Bahouma10010
Daniel Barrera10021
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Kabangu10013
Daniel Malonga10010
Daniel Tiago959
Daniela Payés Castilblanco1007
Daniella Ojar953
Danielle Sandza Peppe9512
Danny Sanger10017
Davi Dos Santos Primak1009
Davi Lima954
David Alfonso Vale Diogo10011
David Desouza10010
David Eribó10013
David Lysyanskyj9520
David Masakwa959
David Nagera Páez10017
David Ngueoung Tchata957
David Raphael Dondo1006
David Sanger10014
David Telou10012
Dayana Moussolo10012
Débora Mialebama10014
Déborah Buanga10020
Deborah Nhimbe10023
Deborah Ongouo10023
Deborha Massivi10026
Deivixon Orozco Calderon10013
Delali Precious Dzorkpe8512
Delices Meda Mberi Kimpolo9513
Delphin Bosulu9515
Derrick Phiri8527
Derrick Phiri10027
Désire Mialebama9017
Dickson Meela8021
Dieu Merci Luyeye Makiese9523
Dieulv Tshingej10027
Diol Bea10025
Divin Nzita957
Divine Moubolou Kombila10012
Divine Ndoli10016
Divine Rose Manga1007
Dominic Gallegos9515
Doni Rodrigues1008
Dorcas Ambassa1004
Dorcas Ndouma10022
Dorose Diambela Kaya1009
Dosangio Dondo10017
Dove Esther Hôll Evina1003
Drivin Mabiala10015
Dublin Kimangou10027
Dumba Kudzai10026
Duvald Sabou Tchata1007
Dzabaku Precious1002
Ebenezer Joao Dondo1008
Ebenezer Lungu958
Ebi Joshua D10013
Éclat Bakaya10024
Eden Dyck1004
Eden Joel D958
Edgar Massoko Mangue9525
Edison Colcha10022
Ednah Matoi10023
Eflorda Kala Boukandou9522
Eghaghe Rejoice9519
Elainah Sanger10016
Elane Gomes10019
Elchanan Gallo Siéwé10018
Eldine Koumba9022
Eliakim Joseph Favero9513
Éliam Leclerc1002
Eliana Milner10014
Élianne Dupuis10012
Elias Maina903
Elias Meñe Bikie1008
Elias Roman Rubio957
Elías Samaniego Piñanez1005
Eliel De Souza10010
Eliezer Kores9522
Eliezer Muzungu10021
Elihu Kifalme Rugendo1003
Elijah Andre10011
Elijah Misemer10012
Elijah Umunnabuike10023
Elijah Wanet9013
Elisee Onana10016
Eliu Perez Olivares9013
Eliza Oliveira10010
Elizabeth Garcés Ospina10021
Elizabeth Mpasela10021
Elizabeth Riehl10022
Elizabeth Vidzah9525
Ella Daulton10017
Ella Mcmasters10012
Ella Smith10012
Ella Toy10016
Ella Weerts10010
Ellen Martens10028
Ellianna Jackson10015
Elliott Sganzerla1004
Elohim Bouyou10018
Elohïm Nsumbu8022
Elvis Wairimu10012
Emalena Wood10012
Emanuel Eulisses Luemba10011
Emanuel Hernández Aguilar9527
Emanuel Luemba10024
Emerald Sandoval1008
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emily Cook10025
Emma Slager952
Emmalie Koenig10011
Emmaneul Kumwimba9520
Emmanuel Aboudoukarimou10016
Emmanuel Boumbad9522
Emmanuel Jourdain10028
Emmanuel Kana906
Emmanuel Malikope10021
Emmanuel Mavoungou10021
Emmanuel Munangati9521
Emmanuel Nkondje10014
Emmanuelle Ndoli10018
Emme Tita9511
Enalah Mbale10026
Enoch Biboutou8010
Enoch Dyck1004
Enoch Garcia8514
Enoch Kores9027
Enoch Rukwaro855
Enoch Wilson1003
Enock Mafuke10024
Ephraïm Mananga1007
Esaie Biboutou805
Esdras Cadena Parga1007
Esdras Reyes De Los Santos8514
Esmeralda Jiménez Montoya10014
Esmeraldo Alfredo10018
Esperancia Luzolo9519
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana10025
Espoir Ngoma10019
Estella Awana1008
Ester Santos1007
Ester Tshibango9015
Esther Fouty10011
Esther Fritzinger1000
Esther Lopema10020
Esther Marima10026
Esther Mboungou Malonda10019
Esther Mokili10026
Esther Narh Donkor8024
Esther Nkondje10010
Esther Nzouanda10016
Esther Rushanika10015
Estherh Amatcha1007
Eternity Rains1000
Ethan Musara10014
Etienne Surprenant10028
Eula Bonnette10011
Eunice Abega Nkoulou10010
Eunice Pemba Tchicaia9024
Eunice Strite10020
Eva Lukusa10012
Evelyn Nohemy Alas10020
Evelyn Quintanilla10022
Evodie Scotch8518
Exauce Ilunga9516
Exaucée Iboulli9518
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou1003
Exode Loumbou10020
Ezekiel Dyck1002
Ezra Cheruiyot10013
Fabian Geana8521
Faith Chambless10022
Faith Mackson10010
Faith Mwale10021
Faith Tetsa1009
Faith Thorson10020
Fátima Martínez Aguilar958
Febe Montoya Pérez9512
Febe Rodríguez Rosero10014
Felicidad Mene Bikie1006
Felix Funk10012
Felix Leevaylle Kemene909
Fernando Perez9511
Fidel Ntiza9523
Fidèle Nkondje10012
Firnelia Mombo9517
Florence Lacombe1003
Florência Kinga9018
Fomefo Clarisse959
Fostina Kumwimba10019
Francisco Leo10020
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Fred Frank Emini Ondoua9512
Freddyne Okoumone9022
Gabriel Cardoso9515
Gabriel Njege10011
Gabriel Wittmeier10015
Gabriella Landrum10021
Gabrielle Basraj9512
Gabrielly Freire9523
Gael Dondo10013
Galilee Basraj1000
Gédéon Ampion De Dzala8523
Gédéon Dihoulou10010
Gédéon Dupuis1007
Gédéon Mbenga10026
Gemima Boui Likibi10017
Gemima Kelemba9018
Gemima Nsamba10017
Geneva Adzome9511
Genia Barber10014
Geranna Bouwala Makélé10017
Gerssey Tchicaya1007
Gertie Ngassobo10024
Gideon Strite1001
Giovanna Suarez10019
Gloire Mafoua10012
Gloire Moukala10024
Gloire Nvounda9016
Gloire Toko1008
Gloria Itsitsi10016
Gloriana Likibi8019
Glorianna Williams9520
Glorianne Gélinas958
Glory Mbuebue10010
Gofer Jerónimo10016
Gordon Tutani1003
Goshen Karwali10024
Graça Sozinho10011
Grace Basdeo9516
Grace Mwila10021
Grâce Niomi Osoueti10011
Grâce Okoumoné10014
Grace Wachira9020
Gracelyn Basraj1006
Gracious Cleopas1008
Gustave Mabiala Mabikana9518
Hadassah Ngomeni Tchouansi10011
Halo Medie Branham1000
Hannah Divine Kinanga Berry10014
Hannah Hunt10016
Hannah Kofod10011
Hannah Mwila9526
Hannah Simango10016
Hannah Toy10016
Hannah Wittmeier10014
Hannan Biyoghe9512
Happiness Michael10014
Harmony Bonnette10013
Hattie Ambassa1001
Hattie Cizemba10010
Hattie Wenger1006
Hattie Wright Mbenze Pambou10017
Hazel Slager1002
Hector Alima10016
Heidi Fowler10019
Heidi Thorson10017
Helen Ortiz Mosquera10011
Helena Manongo1003
Henriette Biloa1005
Heureuse Kengue9510
Honorina Mouzimou10022
Hope Chambless10022
Hope Dexter10015
Hope Emini Mbang1004
Hope Kasongo10024
Hope Kenworthy10015
Hope Massamba1008
Hope Mpono959
Horeb Rodriguez10011
Ian Geer9515
Ian Strite1002
Idiate Emeraude906
Imani Maene10022
Immanuel Ngwa958
Innocent Sara10026
Ireine Mitang10021
Isaac King10010
Isaac Myers9514
Isaac Ndoli9021
Isaac Strite1005
Isaac Wachira9016
Isaac Zuango10027
Isaacwilliam Muamba9014
Isabel Pacheco Hidalgo10014
Isabella Silva1003
Isaias Perez10011
Israël Mboungou9515
Ivah Bonnette10010
Ivory Newman1002
Jacque Afane Kemene10015
Jaden Fehr10019
Jahaziel Arias García1006
Jaïrus Mavoungou9015
James Nkonde10020
James Tchouani908
James Terencio9514
Janet Zavala10019
Javier Guaima Arsile10016
Jayden Newman10010
Jaziz Kongo9515
Jean Divin Dinzenza1007
Jebadiah Kofod1000
Jecoliah Nutefeworla Apealete1001
Jedidiah Apealete1003
Jehoiada Barratt10015
Jehu Khan1009
Jehu Longila Empompolongo10015
Jemima Nehon1007
Jephtar Hlakuinjeya9525
Jeremiah Andre1007
Jeremiah Wenger1005
Jérémie Massala10011
Jeremy Olofin9522
Jerhed Miambanzila10014
Jesse Watson1006
Jessejoseph Alanwi10014
Jethro Cook8521
Jewel Njoroge1007
Jezaiah Halverson1005
Joakym Belanger1002
Joan Yashim10010
Joanna King1007
Joanne Murambiwa10019
Joanne Paula Gardner1009
Joao Antunes De Oliveira10010
João Miguel Rafael1008
Jobregal Wallace956
Jochebed Ukpong10021
Jockebed Baya10024
Joed Simango10010
Joel Kaptain10015
Joël Pambou1009
Joel Ruiz Orozco1005
Johanna Bieberach1004
Johanna Boodoo10022
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez9028
Johanna Sanger1001
John Brown1006
John Kayembe10019
John Keding9512
John Mburu9516
John Sandoval9511
John Sharrit Mboungou1002
John Wagner10011
Johseph Amatcha10012
Jokebed Mazaba10016
Jonah Cogdill9513
Jonah Dickson10014
Jonah Dondo10020
Jonah Kofod10013
Jonas Dos Santos Primak9516
Jonas Mboungou9520
Jonathan Fortunat10024
Jonathan Haule9513
Jonathan King10011
Jonathan Meighoo1003
Jonathan Mountou10015
Jonathan Tarutya Chivaura9522
José Conde10026
José Curvelo García8513
José De Abreu1003
José Macaia903
José Molache Eribo1007
José Mpono9511
José Pablo Gabilondo1007
Jose Vale Diogo1009
Joseph Ahiagbede10026
Joseph Amram Manga952
Joseph Beyeck1006
Joseph Branham De Djoko Otulu1004
Joseph Bunbun10022
Joseph Chávez1004
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Cilenge1004
Joseph Geransky10018
Joseph Kana10010
Joseph Karanja9522
Joseph Kiluala10011
Joseph Mario950
Joseph Mountou10011
Joseph Munzekere9524
Joseph Ngampana10017
Joseph Ngoma954
Joseph Oben Nzogue1008
Joseph Onesim Mifoundou Samy10010
Joseph Percéveré10013
Joseph Sandoval1009
Joseph Strite9517
Joseph Tchinda1008
Joseph Tetsa1004
Joseph Wanet1000
Joseph Watson1004
Joseph William Mayaka10010
Joseph Yakin1005
Josepha Fopa10010
Josephine Mbuyi10020
Joshua Jeriah Gardner10011
Joshua Kumwimba10016
Joshua Mweetwa10017
Joshua Rains10013
Joshua Telgenhoff10013
Joshua Watson1001
Joshua Weerts1008
Josué Agnagna Destin1007
Josue Ceballos10018
Josué Dihoulou10012
Josue Dolores Ramirez10018
Josué Sivitsomanwa9528
Josue Tita853
Josué Waffo1003
Joy Biangandu10018
Joy Kitheka8523
Joy Wairimu956
Juan Salomón Ngomo Ada9010
Juanjo Ospina10022
Jubilé Telou958
Jubilee Barratt10011
Judá Jimenéz Montoya10015
Jude Tempo1002
Judith Wilson10020
Junior Nkou10011
Junior Ompa10021
Juniper Sganzerla1001
Kai Lambert10011
Kaitlyn Misemer10015
Kambale Musumba10027
Karelle Mvouama10022
Kashoba Abel9026
Kate Davis10017
Kavira Armantine959
Kayla Frazier10011
Kelvin Daud10024
Kelyn Brown10016
Keren Kengue9012
Kerene Mpono10019
Kethia Samba10014
Kethura Nsiété10014
Ketsia Mazaba10013
Ketura Kombila Bouanga907
Kezia Thouansi1008
Kimberly Beejadhar10019
Kimia Mbielingo1009
Koumba Koumba Nathan9513
Kuchinevie Samuel1005
Kudiva Samuel9010
La Daronne Buttin1006
La Perle Buttin1006
Lagrâce Ngaffo9015
Lamech Branham10018
Landry Nombo1006
Larissa Soares10019
Larose Otenga9517
Larosée Okoumone9518
Larry Eliezer Pacheco1000
Laura Cogdill10015
Laura Geswein10024
Laura Kenworthy9518
Laurete Mboungou10016
Léa Mavoungou10016
Leah Muthee9523
Léanah Ngeleka10022
Léon Bouanga10015
Léonie Lacombe1001
Lerina Mputu10025
Levi Hare10019
Levi King1005
Levi Misemer10013
Lídia Lobato9522
Light Cleopas10017
Lilia Toy10017
Lillia Misemer10016
Lily King1003
Lily Toy1001
Lily Weerts10014
Lilyanne Keding9515
Lincoln Hyde10012
Lincoln Ndonda10015
Lindasonia Nyoni10017
Lingson Tonga10025
Lino Miguel9527
Lisa Forsund10016
Liss Kombila Moubeyi1007
Loïce Mounguengué10013
Loïs Ikouadja1006
Loise Rundi9514
Lord Ikouadja10011
Louise Sakana9528
Love Njoroge1005
Lovemore Musarara9521
Loyal Mpena10015
Luca Bazán Toneguzzo8015
Lucas Maboumba10012
Lucy Mburu9013
Luís Mussassi9516
Luisa Angel9014
Luke Mayers1004
Lumnwi Ndangang10021
Luz Cabrera9021
Lyly Mbambi9525
Lyne Boume9012
Lys Désirée Cizemba1005
Mabelle Tom10014
Madalyn Jackson10013
Madeleine Ntumba10024
Madelyn Wilson1001
Magdaline Thuku9524
Maikweki Joe10020
Maïmouna Soul10014
Malachi Dexter10013
Malaikah Mboula1001
Manace Severain8516
Manamou Nya10016
Manassé Janvier10022
Manassé Kifutu10022
Manassé Miambanzila10014
Manassé Mukendi10019
Manassés Kiluala10013
Manoela Silva10018
Marcia Doneta Kalala10013
Margaret Mutambo10020
María Gloria Esopi Bensin10018
Maria Gutierrez10019
María Molache Eribo10011
Maria Salas Arias9024
Maria Schurer10012
Maria Victor10019
Maria Yocheved De Djoko Otulu10011
Mariana Posso Zamudio9519
Marie Kongo10013
Marie Louise Manga10010
Marie Mavoungou10016
Marie Mballa Koe1007
Marie Nzogue10012
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Mark Gichuki9514
Maros Mboungou8518
Marrion Andeng9513
Marrion Ndouolo Branham9512
Marrion Ngoma10012
Marrionne Élue Loumbou10016
Marry Karonga9011
Martin Chanda10021
Martinez Karanja10013
Maryam Ondoa956
Maska Lungo9012
Mason Grillet907
Materne Olama10012
Matthew Koenig1009
Matthew Riehl10016
Matthew Wagner9515
Mcjaden Toha1009
Mckenna Kitchen9522
Meaghan Geransky10019
Meda Amelia Mayaka1008
Méda Branham1001
Meda Fouomekong1002
Meda Nzouanda9519
Meda Toko10015
Medah Mpasela10022
Melanie Isaac10021
Melissa Hyde1002
Melody Mayers1002
Melodyrose Khan10017
Memene Makélé Makélé10020
Mengong Esther9511
Mercia Mouanga Bahena10023
Mercy Bonnette10015
Mercy Dexter10010
Mercy Dube8523
Mercy Tenguem957
Merdy Manangua10016
Merise Etongomex1007
Merphy Allegresse Nkouka10025
Merveille Foja1006
Meschac Ballend Pouna10018
Meschac Diamosi10027
Messiette Jaspine Yandouma9512
Mia Flannigan10013
Mia Siler10021
Micah Harvey9515
Micah Kaptain9015
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Halverson10013
Micere Oduor9526
Michael Benga Nkengue1003
Michael Miracle10017
Michael Shammah9017
Michael Weerts10015
Michée Ngampana10013
Michela Mafouana10017
Michelle Díaz9526
Miguel Mavungo9021
Miguel Perez Olivares905
Mike Tille9512
Milka Silva10021
Miqueias Zaioncz8516
Mirabelle Makaya10025
Miriam Banegas Osorto10020
Miriam Hangi10021
Miriam Mboungou856
Mirlanda Cenesca10017
Moïse Nkondje957
Moriah Daniel853
Moses Barratt10013
Moses Njenga1006
Muhanga Matinda10024
Muringa Modeste10024
Mutua Gitonga9018
Myla Wenger1003
Myriam Loumbou1004
Naboth Mboyo Longila Empompolongo10012
Naomi Marie10019
Naomie Bahouma10011
Naomie Pambou10024
Nataly Martinez Aguilar9510
Natalya Wittmeier10022
Natanael Melo Santos10020
Natanael Oliveira10015
Natasha Andries10017
Nathan Barber10017
Nathan David1008
Nathanaël Nzogue1002
Nathaniel Black9512
Ndangang Jokha10018
Ndjié Danleu10010
Neema Kajungu9525
Neema Njoroge1002
Nehemias Cadena Parga10012
Nelson Aguilar Aguilar9015
Nelvie Tati Apembet10016
Nemalie Auxia Matsanga Émane10011
Neville Mutombo9521
Neville Muvhami9524
Ngam Kemene10015
Ngongwhig Ngong1001
Ngonidzashe Vangana10021
Nissi Shammah Vangu10021
Nkoum Samuel1004
Noah Harvey10018
Noah Helm10013
Noah Joseph Kabeya1003
Noclea Oyombi10028
Noé Bindzi10011
Noelle Black9015
Noemi Jimenez10012
Nokutenda Chinomwe9512
Nolvia Banegas Osorto10023
Nuptia Bouesso10023
Obadiah Meighoo1000
Obed Mukendi10013
Obie Halverson1008
Octavia Macaia9016
Odile Bella Koe1002
Oliver Wood10011
Olivia Brown10011
Olivia Weerts1006
Oméga Mavoungou10021
Ophelia Brown1004
Oracle Bayombe9521
Oracle Toko10019
Orman Bajika10023
Oscar Geunolet Moussougou9523
Ozias Kombila Djembi9515
Paola Bouanga1008
Paradoxe Mboumba9516
Pascal Joseph Kabangu10026
Patience Nzomo1003
Patience Smith10015
Paul Imboussi10012
Paul Landou9510
Paulo Moratelli10019
Peace Nzomo954
Pearl Margaret Gyimah8526
Pélagie Betchem10025
Peniel Mayamba9516
Peniel Tetsa9511
Penielle Nya10012
Perfectafe Fouty1007
Perside Goma1009
Peter Kasongo10018
Peter Wagner1008
Peter Waithaka9521
Pharelle Goma1006
Phillip Jackson10016
Phydrich Makala9523
Picu Ionut8010
Pierrette Fouomekong9016
Pierrot Kaniki10024
Plaxcedes Karonga9520
Praise Katuga10011
Précieuse Acsa Mfoutou Tsoumou1003
Precieuse Mukanya10015
Precieuse Susanna Yedidiah Mpama1009
Precious Lungu9514
Premices Mafoueta10014
Prince Nevanji9525
Prince Rescapé Vangu10011
Princesa Cadena Parga1009
Princess Marifred Merinah Mpama1003
Princesse Bayombé10016
Princesse Emini Kengne1006
Princesse Nkantsa8510
Princesse Nkondi10012
Princesse Tsimba Vangu10022
Priscilla Brown9518
Priscille Nsegue Atsa10022
Priscillia Mimpeh Nkengue1004
Prodiges Makelet10016
Purvianve Mavoungou10013
Rabecca Mazuba10021
Rachel Baembere10017
Rachel Kalamba10011
Rachel Sango9517
Raquel Bueme Ndong Mosobuy9513
Raquel Mubiayi10021
Raquel Zoe Molache Eribo10011
Rebecca Andre10014
Rebecca Babaka9521
Rebecca Banzadio1005
Rebecca Bumba907
Rebecca Mpono10013
Rebecca Ngandu9519
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Nzuki10024
Rebecca Pierre10016
Rebecca Poudzou9522
Rebecca Prey10020
Rebecca Toko10012
Rebecca Ukpong10019
Rebekah Ambassa1002
Rebekah Andries957
Rebekah Antony10015
Rebekah Laku Wani1008
Rebekah Manga10010
Rebekah Mhlanga9518
Rebekah Samaniego Piñanez1002
Reina Sublime Fouty1006
Reine Dimbou9012
Renate Thorsen9525
René Benjamín Gutiérrez Rivas1009
Rhoda Wallace959
Rhode Hameni Tchouansi10011
Rhuth Amatcha10010
River Monster9010
Roan Donahue10022
Roberto Bumba8512
Rodwige Miambanzila10010
Rohi Khan10018
Roldi Wamba10017
Romaël Mbouka9518
Ronald Mapiye10025
Rose Flannigan9514
Rose Keding10010
Rose Malanga10012
Rose Manebo Tchinda909
Roseline Bidzogo Ngono10022
Roy Saidi9024
Ruben Magalhães10014
Rubiedove Cleopas9511
Rudelle Mambouo10026
Ruht Vidal Benitez1003
Rumbidzai Shoko9521
Ruth Cabrera Salazar9016
Ruth Chengo9021
Ruth Díaz10015
Ruth Gabriela De Djoko Otulu1007
Ruth Malanda10014
Ruth Molache Eribo10014
Ruth Pambou10020
Ruth Urrutia Cruz1007
Rylan Hunt10011
Saah Awawah10011
Saah Beshia9513
Sadie Funk10010
Sagesse Makosso10019
Salatiel Paul Fuma9011
Salem Bamvangila10022
Salem Ndoli9510
Salem Panashe Fuma10021
Salma Fuma9519
Salma Pérez Reyes1009
Salome Bakandi10015
Salomon Matondo8518
Salomon Sandoval1009
Samantha Yashim9512
Samara Choguya1006
Samuel Ceballos10014
Samuel Dickson10012
Samuel Harris10017
Samuel Khiendo1001
Samuel Mboungou10012
Samuel Román Rubio953
Samuel Villalba Piñanez1005
Samuel Waithaka10013
Samy Mulunda10027
Sandra Adzoyi9526
Sara Dalisay9513
Sara Sánchez Peña10024
Sarah Amatcha10013
Sarah Chipilipili9521
Sarah Funda10019
Sarah Hope Mayaka956
Sarah Kapinga8517
Sarah Lys Manga1008
Sarah Mandabva1002
Sarah Mbuebue10012
Sarah Mfangavo9027
Sarah Mwangangi8021
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda1004
Sarah Wallace10012
Sarha Mounguengué10016
Scheikina Milse9513
Scintille Fouty1002
Scofield Etongomex1002
Séphora Baya9526
Sephora Mananga10011
Serafin Pacheco Hidalgo10014
Serafina Manongo1003
Serenah Sanger958
Seth Dondo10011
Seth Nsitu1004
Severain Mboungomboungou9523
Shadrack Odhiambo8020
Shalom Ebin10026
Shalom Sezenyu9512
Shalom Strite9522
Shalom Wiltshire10017
Sharon Buanga10014
Sharon Chávez10012
Sharon Joy Perez Olivares9512
Sharon Kisala10022
Sharon Laniru959
Sharon Mubiayi10012
Sharon Rose Kana1008
Sharon Rose Mayaka10012
Sharon Rose Nzogue1006
Sharon Urrutia Cruz1007
Sharonrose Dakwa9520
Sharonrose Danleu Ngakak906
Sharonrose Tshamala10012
Shedrack Kisegendo9023
Sheila Garcia De La Cruz10026
Shiloh Jasi9017
Shiloh Marima1008
Shiloh Mudiwa9526
Shiloh Newman1004
Shiloh Ngwa9510
Silas Dickson10010
Silas Garcia9013
Silas Thorson10012
Silas Ziyambi10019
Sion Mihindou1002
Solomon Alexander9524
Splendide Grâce Bodjenga859
Stanislas Eyebe Kemene10017
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia9521
Stella Mavoungou10015
Stephanie Nagera Paez10015
Stephen Kiyai9022
Stephen Mwihaki9515
Sterling Williams1003
Steven Munsaka9025
Success Elfabes Tsoumou1003
Susana Wesley De Djoko Otulu1009
Symphonie Oumba Pambou857
Tabitha Fritzinger1003
Tabitha Sthill8012
Tabitha Wiltshire10020
Tadiwanashe Chinomwe959
Takunda Hove9527
Taliah Koenig1001
Talla Rebecca906
Tanatswa Mabika10014
Taty Paul9517
Tejranie Gomes10018
Tenguem Lily952
Terence Bamutake9013
Teresa Munongo10016
Terrilynn Cook10013
Thandazani Hlatshwayo9519
Thandiwe Chikambwe10021
Thandolwenkosi Cele10012
Theo Harvey9514
Theodor Selvik10024
Theophile Narugano9023
Thérèsa Manassé10021
Timothee Levy Kinanga Berry9511
Timothy Meighoo1006
Tinashe Ndino9518
Tinashe Soyapi10027
Towani Sisya9020
Trésor Ampion De Dzala9020
Ty Siler10020
Ulrich Mitela9514
Valarie Hyde10018
Valerie Tengende10023
Valois Abayo8515
Vandana Tadala1002
Vanessah Banzouzi Mampassi10027
Verônica Mussassi9514
Veronica Riehl1009
Victoire Kasongo8015
Victoire Nkondje10016
Victoire Nzinga8019
Victor Masungo9015
Victor Moussolo1007
Victoria Massamba904
Victoria Perez Reyes1003
Victorina Gabriel9013
Vitalis Mugova10025
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10015
Welcome Ngulube10024
Wesley Dexter10012
Wilfredo Villalobos Espinoza10023
William Chavez Morales10014
William Chavez Morales10018
William Dyck1001
William Eale10022
William Honnête Loumbou10012
William Kazinga9020
William Kenworthy10011
William Muoka10012
William Muriithi10011
William Owusu9512
William Tetsa10018
Winner Fouty10014
Winner Mpena1008
Wonderful Vangu10016
Wyanita Cook10021
Yaretzi Jardines Ortega10012
Yasmin Irik Costa9520
Zach Sanger10014
Zavier Hunt1008
Zelie Cyurimpundu10011
Zephaniah Meighoo1001
Zion Sandoval1005
Zoé Agnagna Destin10010
Zoe Banzadio10012
Zoe Bieberach1006
Zoe Chavungama10017
Zoe Danleu Zeefack954
Zoe Hyde1000
Zoe Jardinesortega1006
Zoe Karanja1003
Zoe Kiraka8512
Zoe Odwyer10024
Zoe Rosella Ayeni10027
Zoe Samaniego Pimentel1001
Zoe Wanet10010