
62-1230M Absolute

And, Lord, above all things, may we never forget, today, that we are tied to the absolute, our north Star, to Calvary, to Christ. And the Holy Spirit is taking the Words of God and making Them manifest literally to us, by healing the sick, showing us visions, raising the dead, and doing just exactly what He promised to do.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 62-1230m
  • Location: Jeffersonville, IN
  • Duration: 2hr - 22min
  • Scripture: Acts 26:15-20, Acts 23:11
Scores will be accepted until Monday, December 31, 2018
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"Every government is controlled by the devil. There is coming a government who will be controlled by Christ, but that’s in the _______."
Fill in the blank to the Scripture reading: "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and _______ among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."
According to Webster’s dictionary, "Absolute" means, "Perfect in itself; limited in its power; primarily an ultimate."
Who did Brother Branham NOT use as an example of those in the Bible who had absolutes?
Who staggered not at the promise of God, through unbelief, but was strong, giving praise to God?
"Now, that’s the way the _______ of God is. No matter how much somebody else says it must be done this way, or that way, don’t you believe it. When you follow the Word exactly to the letter, that’s it. Hold onto It."
Who was Brother Branham's life-long friend that he used to ride bicycles with to go down and get an ice cream cone?
"You know, we got a lot of stars, but there’s only one true star, that don’t move. That’s the _______, ’cause it sets in the center of the earth. No matter whether you’re on the backside, upside, or wherever you’re at, that _______ is just the same."
God doesn’t deal with individuals. God deals with groups of men.
Who was Brother Branham prophesying about when he said, "His first invasion, he will go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his step. But he’ll come to his end, and nobody will help him. In disgrace will he be buried?"
Which of the following is NOT an example that Brother Branham used as an absolute?
Who said, "Go ye into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature"?
When did the Light come down at the river over Brother Branham and say, "As John the Baptist was sent forth and forerun the first coming of Christ, I send you with a Message to the world, to forerun the second Coming of Christ"?
The devil can impersonate any gift that’s in the Bible.
"The Word of the Lord always comes to the _______. Right. And he is always hated. Only the little group that love him, see."
"Listen. I want to tell you something. He had a purpose in _______ me. He had a purpose in _______ you. And I am determined, by His will, to do it; not to add to It, or take away from It."
The devil had always doubted Jesus being the Son of God.
Brother Branham tells the story of the dead Mexican baby that he prayed for, and it came back to life. How had the baby died?
Which song did Brother Branham say had a verse that was found penned on an insane institution’s wall?
In what country did Brother Branham tell his audience, of about thirty or forty thousand people, that he heard a dog bark, a bird sing, and a baby cry, in English?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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62-1230M Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Absolute. Anyone taking the quiz after Monday, December 31, 2018 will not have their score posted.

Aabraham Vudu9013
Aaleah Brown1009
Aaron Borders10026
Aaron Derksen10019
Aaron Householder10012
Aaron Knapp9013
Aaron Locke1006
Aaron Mugo8023
Aaron Munyunga1005
Aaron Ndongmo9516
Aaron Raczkovi10022
Abbey Kingston10021
Abel Meighoo9517
Abigael Mbawat8511
Abigail Aguillon1007
Abigail Barber9512
Abigail Dalisay9512
Abigail Farrie1004
Abigail Garcia959
Abigail Gerkin10014
Abigail Jensen10016
Abigail Kenworthy8512
Abigail Martens10012
Abigail Milner10014
Abigail Olin10018
Abner Perez Gomez10013
Abonui Ndangang10018
Abraham Bitoy Mangongolo9025
Abraham Mbianda8512
Abraham Myers955
Abraham Sanchez953
Adallae Martens1006
Adalynn Moore10012
Adam Connell1008
Adam Geransky10010
Adam Harris1006
Adan Sanchez1008
Addison Johnson1006
Adelaide Connell10010
Adler Vasko1004
Adolfo Sanchez1004
Adoniram Hyde1009
Adrian Preda9522
Adriana Sanchez9526
Adriano Tchoffo Lele8512
Aerilyn Davis1006
Afi Agbenonhevi10020
Afton Baletka1002
Aggée Ngassa10020
Ailin Selvik10024
Alan Holden8521
Alana Santos10023
Alannah Grother1007
Alayna Cook1005
Alayna Wittmeier1005
Alba Sánchez9022
Aleah Grother10011
Alexander Martens10021
Alexis Barfield1009
Alice Parker902
Alicia Balgobin10014
Alina Houchen10015
Aline Jimenez9513
Alix Lacombe10026
Allison Riley957
Allison Sanger1009
Alphie Mbaitema10020
Alysha Helm1009
Alyssa Nicholson9510
Alyssa Troyer10016
Amalie Thorsen9522
Amanda Mutchler8527
Amanda Parker10017
Amandah Southworth10022
Amariah Sanger1009
Amber Barfield10015
Amber Pister10014
Amber Pruitt10022
Amber Rains959
Amber Williams1009
Amber-Ruth Ross10011
Amelia Hyde10011
Amelia Klopp9521
Amelia Phelps10011
Amos Andries10023
Ana Barajas8520
Ana Sanchez1006
Ana Sandoval Sanchez10014
Anaclaire Dockens10016
Anca Lazea8525
Andercia Sousa10026
Anderson Beejadhar9518
Andre Tina10027
Andrea Bayona8522
Andrea Sanchez1006
Andrea Walker9015
Andrés Bayona10020
Andres Sánchez Avila9517
Andrew Bomberger8522
Andrew Chambless9513
Andrew Farrie9510
Andrew Freitas1009
Andrew Knapp8513
Andrew Martens10015
Andronucus Onedaille857
Ange Kapinga10012
Angel Castelo Branco1007
Angel Ross1006
Angelica Martínez -Raigoso10015
Angelica Martínez Raigoso9515
Angelina Bugg9514
Anita Longoria/Ellis9518
Anna Alexander10016
Anna Andrews9017
Anna Bailey1007
Anna Cook10018
Anna Crutchfield10020
Anna Harris9518
Anna Mpoyi10018
Anna Myers10019
Anna Ngoma9019
Anna Phillips1008
Anna Sampson10014
Anna Sanger10018
Annabell Sandoval854
Annalisa Sieunath9513
Anne-Marie Gallant10026
Annikah Helm1008
Annisha Gonzales10017
Antipas Asaka1008
Antoine Boulé10010
Antonio Lelo10024
Antonio Sanchez1002
April Blanchard9515
April Geransky1007
Aquilla Riehl10014
Areli Sanchez958
Ariel Koenig9519
Ariel Sharon Bwabwa10013
Armand Noubi9028
Armando Ntoto9019
Arnaud Kengni8026
Asaph Singh10010
Asher Kibozi10013
Ashlea Mccullough10020
Ashley Doodnath10016
Ashley Pister9520
Ashley Roberts10019
Ashley Vandenbosch10018
Aspen Vasko1006
Audrey Daulton10016
Auriana Larkin1009
Auriane Kobwa9510
Aurora Newton956
Austin Pister9521
Autumn Costides1009
Autumn Guidry9011
Autumn Klopp10017
Autumn Walker10014
Ava Toy8512
Axel Sanchez1009
Ayali Zorrilla9020
Aza Smith1008
Azariah Emond10015
Beatriz Zanella9020
Belia Frazier1008
Bella Jackson1009
Bella Toy9510
Ben Webb9012
Benaiah Alexander10011
Benaiah Fritzinger1006
Benaiah Halverson1005
Benaiah Jones1004
Béni Ngondo9510
Benis Tshibwabwa9518
Benjamin Blanchard10014
Benjamin Ceballos9516
Benjamin Chavez10020
Benjamin Davis1003
Benjamin Evans9516
Benjamin Fritzinger1008
Benjamin Householder10016
Benjamin Kuchel9512
Benjamin Mahadeo959
Benjamin Phillips10016
Benjamin Plante1004
Benjamin Rains9513
Benjamin Sanchez10018
Benjamin Sanger1005
Benuel Lapp9518
Bethann Fritzinger10010
Bethanny Mellema10015
Bethany Derksen10024
Bethany Keith9014
Bethany Mcmasters952
Bethany Sanger8511
Bethel Mussango10011
Beya Kabengela9519
Biancia Jonas1008
Bianey Jimenez1003
Bijoux Kasinguvu10018
Billy Joe Cullinan10019
Billy Mpanzu10016
Billy Ngandu957
Billy-Paul Dickson1002
Billypaul Tsimba8014
Binjamin Kapinga1008
Blanchard Santer10027
Blanche Asssouguena Noah8520
Blessing Leugoue9510
Blithe Smith10015
Bobby Marsteller10014
Boenerges Marrion9012
Boy Test #3 15Yrs. Turns 16 After 13-15 But Before 16-10016
Branham Bulele9519
Branham Tounda8011
Brianna Bray10014
Brooke Waller10016
Bryson Fogelsanger10012
Cael Gagnon1006
Caitlin Blanchard10017
Caitlin Olson907
Caitlyn Robinson10022
Caleb Carbonneau9518
Caleb Chavez10010
Caleb Cook1009
Caleb Harris10016
Caleb Jimenez9511
Caleb Johnson957
Caleb Kashoba9514
Caleb Lambie1006
Caleb Mukendi10024
Caleb O'dwyer10012
Caleb Páez9015
Calvine Atsami Tchoffo8519
Camillia Houchen10016
Candy Martinez10016
Carissa Bahner9018
Carissa Cook10011
Carol Garcia10016
Caroline Crawford9515
Caroline Nunez10020
Caroline Scott10015
Carter Phelps958
Carter Smith10010
Catalina Abadia10013
Cebrix Nouango10015
Cedrick Phambu10019
Celeste Jones10012
Celiane Medadjio10019
Céline Mbombo953
Cesia Cisneros Garcia9510
Chaeli Baker10011
Chai Smith9517
Chantel Mellema10021
Charity Brodeur10015
Charity Freeman9532
Charity Glasco9018
Charity Johnson958
Charity Kayembe9015
Charity Kazadi8523
Charity Lapp1009
Charity Southworth10021
Charles Andries10017
Charlie Farrie Iii10017
Charlie Morales8519
Cherish Williams1005
Chishamiso Mafura10026
Chloe Pesce859
Chris Umba9024
Christiaan Pot10023
Christian Buchholz10014
Christian Dexter1008
Christian Etamba9523
Christian Hare10015
Christian Leadingham8517
Christian Mwamba9523
Christiana Akumah9015
Christianna Sarten9023
Christianna Smith10012
Christina Manecci10027
Christine Robinson10017
Christoph Wittmeier1009
Christophe Plante1006
Christy Thorson1008
Chritela Mbulu9515
Chrys Djatche De Kamgaing10024
Cilicia Anning9518
Cindy Subryan955
Citadin Kalonji10022
Claire Riley1007
Claudia Cantor Cisneros959
Claudine Kalunda9522
Clemente Bueia9019
Colombe Ibula10012
Consolation Amoula10020
Constantino Cudianga10012
Corneille Kankolongo9512
Daddy Mitewu10020
Dafne Perez Gomez1006
Daîna Takam10021
Daisy Aguillon10018
Dallas Maniapoto9015
Damaris Barratt1003
Damaris Grace Formon10021
Damaris Hernandez Flores10018
Damas Ngangolo9514
Daniel Ainerua10013
Daniel Bayona10019
Daniel Bugg10016
Daniel Dexter1002
Daniel Dickson1007
Daniel Evans Jr9516
Daniel Habegger1009
Daniel Johnson9510
Daniel Kenworthy9017
Daniel Kinanga10015
Daniel Kingiela906
Daniel Kuchel9511
Daniel Martens9522
Daniel Roberts10015
Daniel Sampson10017
Daniel Sanger10011
Danielle Browne10012
Danielle Kedi Essoh9524
Danielle Perry10024
Darnell Clarke10016
Daudi Mlelwa9520
Dauphin Kalenga9519
David Ballard10027
David Bayona10018
David Bennett9010
David Cogdill9512
David Hagmann956
David Macias9515
David Mancassola10025
David Martens Jr10023
David Mellema10017
David Owusu10011
David Robinson1007
David Sanger958
Davilda Ndjie Ongolo1005
Dawson Ardiel1009
Deborah Andries10025
Deborah King10031
Deivid Ramos Fuentes9517
Denis Mwamba9515
Denise Narugano9522
Derek Sutton10013
Derrick Mmwende8022
Desiree Wallace9510
Destin Malonga8026
Diane Eyebe Mbolo9525
Divine Bambutana9524
Divine Ditona9012
Divine Lokange Kanioka9524
Dmitry Foster9020
Dominic Gallegos1009
Dominic Nyandoro8020
Dominique Dohou10028
Donat Kanyinda9512
Dorcas Kalonji10017
Dorcas Mbizi8516
Dorcas Mukendi10021
Dorcas Mutoba953
Dorcas Nsunda9525
Echo Cook9511
Eden Helm954
Edgard Muwawa9526
Edna Manuel10021
Eduardo Perez Gomez10010
Efrain Gutierrez Jr9010
Elah Kofod957
Elaina Kaptain10016
Elainah Sanger10010
Eleanor Olson1009
Elena Dupont9012
Eli Locke10015
Eli Medlin1005
Eliana Milner1008
Élianne Dupuis907
Elias Evans9015
Elias Lambie10011
Elias Mccoy1009
Elias Sanchez10010
Elie Veillette9515
Eliezer Gabriel10017
Elijah Beya10012
Elijah Green1009
Elijah Kayser10017
Elijah Mahadeo9512
Elijah Meighoo1006
Elijah Mutchler8014
Elijah Nicholson10013
Elijah Riehl959
Elijah Sieunath10014
Elijah Teelucksingh10011
Elijah Wanet1007
Elin Vold10019
Elisa Jones1009
Elisabeth Buitenkamp1006
Elisabeth Camacena10010
Elisabeth Fritzinger1004
Elisabeth Gabriel10014
Elisabeth Kraus10018
Elisabeth Landrum10018
Elisabeth Roberts803
Elisabeth Scott10021
Eliseo Sanchez10010
Elisha Coley10010
Elisha Pister10018
Elisha Pruette10021
Eliza Golden1007
Elizabeth Mckinney907
Elizabeth Rembou'hf1003
Elizabeth Riehl10016
Elizebeth Andries1009
Ella Alix8525
Ella Daulton10011
Ella Mcmasters1006
Ella Sanger10013
Ella Smith1006
Ella Toy10010
Ella Weerts1005
Ellen Martens10023
Ellen Mwiga10028
Ellie Andrews10012
Eloise Ouellette10010
Emalena Wood1006
Emanuel Deschamps10021
Emanuelle Bottamedi Santana1005
Emilee Locke1003
Emily Cook9519
Emily Daulton10015
Emily Gagnon10012
Emily Garcia959
Emily Lavin10017
Emily Medlin10017
Emily Salzman8525
Emily Sampson9523
Emily Telgenhoff9015
Emily Wolfe10020
Emma Gagnon958
Emma Joiner9510
Emma Martens10014
Emma Moore9516
Emmalee Sanger10010
Emmalyn Hagmann10016
Emmanu Kongolo9512
Emmanuel Beya9512
Emmanuel Dhemby9518
Emmanuel Floyd10015
Emmanuel Gaisie-Gwira10022
Emmanuel Jegede8527
Emmanuel Sanchez10012
Emmanuel Tshitenge9523
Emyly Mello10010
Enoch Fritzinger1009
Enoch Johnson10010
Enoch Lerdo1007
Enoch Rains9512
Enock Mukadi9024
Ephraim Mwanza9024
Erec Kingston9523
Éric Ekoume Ebouelle10026
Eric Mosala10021
Esdra Fofeu906
Esmeralda Jimenez908
Esperant Lofoli10023
Essie Bennett10023
Esteban Cantor Cisneros958
Esther Borlovan10025
Esther Hernandez10016
Esther Kambu8017
Esther Lashley10027
Esther Masanga10016
Esther Mbuaya907
Esther Ndingi9517
Esther Premaka10022
Esther Sotuminu9520
Esther Strunk1004
Esther Vudu10014
Esther Wenger10020
Ethan Jackson10012
Ethan Numer10012
Ethan Truelock10019
Etienne Surprenant10023
Eula Bonnette906
Eunice Davis10022
Eunice Elabo10020
Eunice Muenakabue857
Eunice Segura Paez957
Eunice Strite9514
Evalyn Davis954
Evelyn Diaz9515
Evelyn Fritzinger1007
Exauce Phebe10015
Ezéchiel Mayele10025
Ezekiel Garcia1003
Ezekiel Milner10012
Ezra Daulton1007
Ezra Doyle10012
Faith Brandt10017
Faith Chambless10017
Faith Glasco8512
Faith Johnson9516
Faith Koko9519
Faith Thorson10014
Febe Rodríguez Rosero1008
Felicite Narugano10023
Filippo Sganzerla10013
Fiona Riley10017
Flore Ndingi9513
Florence Davis9516
Florent Nguimbous8015
Francine Banza9515
Francisco Ibula10011
Franck Nzeusseu8527
Frank Lei9511
Frederik Kofod1006
Fruisna Mabouana Nkengue9521
Gabriel Bottamedi Santana1008
Gabriel Cook10020
Gabriel Jones10010
Gabriel Ketzer10013
Gabriel Lyons10016
Gabriel Peraza8512
Gabriel Prejean1005
Gabriel Suarez10015
Gabriel Waller10018
Gabriel Wittmeier1009
Gabriella Costides10014
Gabriella Evans9518
Gabriella Landrum10015
Gabrielle Matty955
Gaël Mbama8027
Galilea Perez9518
Gamaliel Perez10018
Garon Peraza1005
Gavin Cook10014
Gédéon Kabengele9516
Gédéon Kabwika9014
Gédéon Mbenga10021
Genesis Nunez10026
Genesis Suarez1009
Genevieve Mbezele Etoga9518
Genia Barber1009
Geordina Bawelatoma1006
Georges Vava9522
Gerardo Suarez10018
Germaine Mobunda909
Gershom Dupuy8515
Gertie Mujinga10017
Gertie Mwadi958
Gervais Nkodo10017
Gideon Habegger1007
Gideon Harris1008
Gilchrist Cook1007
Gilta Guta9522
Ginola Pouodje Lele8014
Giovanna Suarez9513
Giovardo Gallegos9517
Girl Test #3 12Yrs. Within 6 Weeks (13-15)10012
Giulianna Suarez10016
Giuseppe Pesce1008
Glorianna Emond10012
Glorianna Williams10014
Glorianne Gélinas1003
Goel Kabeya1009
Grace Andries10015
Grace Cook10013
Grace Dickson958
Grace Garcia Alba9511
Grace Ilunga10013
Grace Jainarine1002
Grace Jensen10013
Grace Kasongo10010
Grace Konzelman9527
Grace Lunsford9015
Grace Mafoumi8523
Grace Mbisha9522
Grace Milner9516
Grace Mukendi10019
Grace Newman957
Grâce Ngobeya9010
Grace Nsoki8512
Grace Patton9527
Grace Peraza9510
Grace Rinas9515
Grace Wells9519
Grace Wolters1003
Gracia Flores Lopez9016
Gracia Kabena959
Gracia Kasonga907
Grant Matty10011
Gretchen Peraza1008
Hadassah Deckous9512
Hadassah Forde9015
Hadassah Lambie10013
Hadassah Locke9510
Hadassah Phillips10011
Haley Medlin1004
Haley Vallance10018
Hannah Bellinger9526
Hannah Cook9528
Hannah Gagnon853
Hannah Gary10018
Hannah Householder10017
Hannah Kenworthy9519
Hannah Lev9016
Hannah Mcmasters10023
Hannah Newman958
Hannah Ouellette1007
Hannah Schultz1002
Hannah Toy9510
Hannah Vallance9515
Hannah Wahl10019
Hannah Wang9512
Hannah Wittmeier1008
Hannah Yancey10020
Harmony Bonnette908
Harmony Kofod10015
Harmony Olson1008
Hattie Kapinga Kadima9017
Hattie Kapinga Tshituka10011
Hattie Masengu9514
Hattie Mukeba10014
Hattie Nzeba9512
Hattie Sosia10015
Heaven Taylor10016
Heidi Kofod8011
Heidi Thorson10012
Helena Ibula1009
Helena Reyes9511
Helene Selvik10024
Héros Ngandu9519
Hezekiah Locke1008
Honore Afangafanga10025
Hope Chambless10017
Hope Cook10017
Hope Davis1008
Hope Dexter10010
Hope Henderson9012
Hope Kenworthy1009
Hope Lyons10024
Hope Pembe9522
Hope Sanger10015
Hope Schultz10011
Hope Wagner9513
Horeb Rodriguez1005
Humble Mabiala9520
Hunter Jensen8514
Ian Viramontes958
Ida Mujinga8514
Imani Maene9516
Indiana Ngah Mbongo9512
Isaac Bawelatoma10012
Isaac Bileko9514
Isaac Daulton10021
Isaac Dupuy9517
Isaac Gerkin10011
Isaac Gomez953
Isaac Householder1009
Isaac Kenworthy9014
Isaac King1004
Isaac Martens9019
Isaac Martin9518
Isaac Mpanzu10016
Isaac Myers908
Isaac Ray9514
Isaac Sanger9512
Isaac Sharp10016
Isaacson Luemba10015
Isabel Coley953
Isabel Kenworthy10022
Isabele Toy10014
Isabella Chipman1008
Isaiah Andersen9513
Isaiah Baboolal1006
Isaiah Coley10015
Isaiah Davis1006
Isaiah Frankfurter9513
Isaiah Fritzinger10019
Isaiah Hudson10015
Isaiah Hyde1003
Isaiah Kayser9014
Isaiah Mayers8518
Isaiah Newman10022
Isaiah Smith9511
Isaias Sanchez10011
Isha Lacombe10022
Israel Batakanwa8022
Israel Doyle10016
Israël Esmael10011
Israel Fofou Mouaffo954
Israël Kasumbi9010
Israel Stricker10013
Ivah Bonnette904
Ivan Wittmeier10018
Izabell Sandoval9512
Jackline Kibozi10011
Jackson Borders1008
Jacob Cisneros Garcia958
Jacob Sanchez9519
Jacob Telgenhoff9517
Jacob Yin8012
Jacques Elabo10012
Jacquie Ngomba953
Jaden Fehr9513
Jael Bawelatoma1002
Jake Barfield10017
James Freitas1007
James Phillips1006
James Wiltshire10019
Jamie Hudson10012
Jared Strite9516
Jason Bahner1009
Jayden Newman1005
Jean Khonde9515
Jean Pierre Khasa10018
Jean-Paul Kabongo8522
Jeffery Hart/Ellis10012
Jefte Gutierrez9526
Jehoiada Barratt1009
Jenna Kingston10025
Jenovic Esmael1007
Jephte Vudu9515
Jeremiah Andries10011
Jeremiah Bray9517
Jeremiah Cook8515
Jeremiah Olin9516
Jeremiah Walker1006
Jérémie Bukasa10025
Jeremie Phongi9517
Jeremie Tousignant10017
Jérémie Tshitenge10021
Jeremy Hagmann9510
Jeremy Householder9514
Jérémy Magnez Hyppolite908
Jeroel Maboukou10025
Jesse Cullinan10016
Jesse Erickson1004
Jesse Koenig9526
Jesse Myers10015
Jesse Strite9514
Jesse Taylor9513
Jessica Dawson9512
Jessica Mbulu9519
Jessica Riley9019
Jessica Sanchez10015
Jethro Blemur9016
Jethro Cook9515
Jimena Sanchez1008
Jireh Andries10013
Joanna Dawson9518
Joanna Hess10022
Joanna Premaka9513
Jocabed Jiménez10013
Jochebed Davis1004
Jochebed Mahadeo953
Jochebed Musara10011
Jockebed Baya10019
Joel Alexander10014
Joel Ballard10010
Joel Evans9513
Joel Kaptain9010
Joël Telaw10018
Joélie Gagné10020
Joelle Hope Bondo9519
Johan Viramontes956
Johanna Haataja9022
Johanna Kofod9013
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez9523
John Ezra Andrews10011
John Halley853
John Maple10012
John Moses Erickson1008
Jonah Cogdill1008
Jonah Derksen9019
Jonah Dickson958
Jonah Householder10012
Jonas Canada1006
Jonathan Henson10015
Jonathan Kalonji9018
Jonathan King956
Jonathan Perez Gomez10011
Jonathan Pesce954
Jonathan Schultz9517
Jonathan Skau10018
Jordan Kouba9015
Jorge Paez9517
José Massiala10010
Jose Paez10013
Jose Sanchez1007
Jose Sanchez10014
Joseph Beejadhar1005
Joseph Buitenkamp1003
Joseph Chavez10014
Joseph Chavez Morales10010
Joseph Ciyombo9510
Joseph Cogdill1005
Joseph Cook10010
Joseph Davis1005
Joseph Dawson9517
Joseph Elabo9012
Joseph Evans10010
Joseph Ferrante1002
Joseph Fritzinger1002
Joseph Gary1007
Joseph Geransky10012
Joseph Gerard1006
Joseph Hernandez1008
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos1007
Joseph Johnson859
Joseph Kabeya9513
Joseph Kanyinda9019
Joseph Kasongo1007
Joseph Mukeba10021
Joseph Mulumba10014
Joseph Muñoz Rodríguez958
Joseph Munzekere9520
Joseph Ndziga8518
Joseph Ngwakah956
Joseph Sissoko10015
Joseph Strite10011
Joseph Tshipata9515
Joseph Tsimba957
Joseph Umba8513
Joseph Vest9521
Joseph-Benjamin Afful10011
Joshua Clarke1009
Joshua Collins10016
Joshua Cook957
Joshua Fritzinger9515
Joshua Garrett10027
Joshua Gary959
Joshua Halley958
Joshua Johnson10014
Joshua Kaptain9516
Joshua Kesslar10023
Joshua Koenig10030
Joshua Landrum10011
Joshua O'dwyer9520
Joshua Phillips10016
Joshua Premaka9016
Joshua Rains957
Joshua Sanger10019
Joshua Schultz906
Joshua Strite9518
Joshua Telgenhoff957
Joshua Wolters959
Josiah Canada10016
Josiah Dickson9511
Josiah Forde10016
Josiah Grigg1006
Josiah Isaacson9516
Josiah Lunsford10016
Josiah Newman10012
Josiah Olson10012
Josiah Sanger10015
Josiah Teelucksingh1009
Josie Troyer1007
Josué Bilanga9525
Josue Ceballos10012
Josue Cordero10013
Josue Vudu10017
Joy Alexander1008
Joy Baxter9526
Joy Kasongo1005
Joy Rigei10010
Joy Salzman9523
Joyanna Sanger10013
Juan Estupiñan10022
Juan Martinez1009
Juan Sanchez957
Jubilee Barratt1005
Jubilee Strite1006
Judah Connell10012
Judah Garcia953
Judah Roberts805
Judith Boulé957
Judith Reece9517
Julia Perozok9520
Juliana Amalong9519
Juliana Do Nascimento1005
Julianna Hare10020
Juliette Hart/Ellis10012
Juliette Martens1005
Julna Phaku9015
Junior Kabeya10010
Junior Mbog10025
Justin Bailey10017
Justin Van Aarde1009
Jylia Mattison9022
Karla Rubio9522
Kashoba Abel8021
Kate Davis10011
Katelyn Connell1005
Katelyn Kingston9519
Katelyn Phillips1004
Katherine Kuchel958
Kathlene James10019
Kathryn Sutton10015
Katie Kenworthy10014
Katie Troyer9517
Kay Olson10012
Kayla Frazier1006
Kayla Hernandez9516
Kayla Walker10012
Kelyn Brown10010
Kendall Speed10020
Kenne Ngaboni8521
Kennedy Samba952
Keren Fofeu905
Keren St.Hill10023
Kester Stephen10015
Kezia Derksen1005
Kimberly Beejadhar10013
Kimberly Florian9529
Kinley Speed10015
Kirstyn Johnson1008
Koeure Bintsangou Kalangangou9025
Krista Thomas10017
Kristen Bomberger10024
Kristine Thorsen10017
Kyle O'bryan9026
Kyria Asaka10019
La Douce Akono9015
Lajoie Amazone9521
Landers Hernandez959
Landon Chipman10010
Larissa Daulton10019
Laura Carbonneau9516
Laura Cogdill8010
Laura Geswein10018
Laura Kenworthy10012
Lauren Bedair9024
Lauren Reilly10027
Laurynn Skaggs10019
Layla Hart/Ellis10013
Lazaro Sanchez853
Lazarus Enoch10024
Léa Tiago10019
Leah Block10019
Leah Mayers9013
Léon Asitaki10017
Leonardo Sanchez10011
Leticia Ojeda8520
Levi Gagnon10011
Levi Hare9013
Levi Olson1003
Levi Powe10018
Levi Walker1007
Levy Wanet9510
Liam Andrews1009
Lídia Lobato10016
Lienoue Elischeba10015
Lilah Buchholz10013
Lilah Chipman1002
Lilia Gary10011
Lilia Toy9511
Liliana Pruitt9016
Liliane Ambassa Ephreme9519
Lillia Sanger10017
Lillian Hyde9515
Lillian Pesce1006
Lilliana Troyer10010
Lillie Pister10021
Lily Andries1005
Lily Clarke10013
Lily Moncada959
Lily Paz Rodríguez9013
Lily Vale Alo8517
Lily Weerts1008
Lily-Ann Monderoy9511
Lilyanne Keding9510
Lincoln Hyde1006
Linda Rodríguez Ordierez8010
Lionnel Ngono Eyebe9017
Lisa Lei10013
Lita Ketzer10015
Loic Ayemele9512
Lóide Lobato10015
Lois Chapman10022
Lois Phillips1004
Lori Williams10022
Louis Andries9527
Loyce Andries10027
Loyce Kapinga958
Lucas Black10012
Lucas Collins1005
Lucie Mayele1006
Luis & Fabiana Suarez100118
Luke Evans1005
Luke Buchholz10010
Luke Cook10014
Luke Hyde1004
Luke Kaptain9519
Luke Kingston10014
Luke Robinson10010
Luke Sanger10010
Luke Smith8015
Luke Taylor10025
Luke Vandenbosch9014
Lumnwi Ndangang8016
Lutte Nziengui Mabounda10020
Luz Jiménez10019
Lydia Lambie1006
Lydia Phillips10014
Lydienne Ngonde8524
Mackenzie Yates10016
Madelyn Evans10018
Madelynn Landrum10013
Madison Chadwell955
Madison Collins10018
Maeva Djoupou9015
Magdalene Mbou'eke10020
Mahalya Germain9514
Maïva Ngaffo8013
Malachi Dexter1007
Malachi Grigg1005
Malachi Isaacson956
Malachi Jones1003
Malachi Mellema10019
Malachi Olson10010
Malachi Riehl1007
Malachi Strunk1007
Malu Mbayabu9520
Mamie Suki9015
Manne Maiworai9510
Marcus Cornett10017
Mardala Phongi9515
Mardochee Kouogang9524
Maria Claudia Ibula1006
Maria Lambie959
Maria Sanchez10016
Marianne Fofeu909
Marianne Sambwanga8518
Marie Ndom10022
Mariely Solis Ortega9523
Marissa Numer8515
Mark Perozok10017
Marrion Gyepi-Garbrah9525
Martha Gill10011
Martin Maene9513
Mary Lapp10025
Masela Ikuta9520
Mateo Sanchez1004
Matthew Brodeur9520
Matthew Browne9515
Matthew Doodnath10014
Matthew Fortunat9516
Matthew Fritzinger1009
Matthew Fritzinger10017
Matthew Kaptain9014
Matthew Martens9521
Matthew Olson1008
Matthew Riehl9511
Matthew Schultz10022
Matthew Troyer10013
Matthew Wagner9510
Matthew-Ryan Scott10010
Matthieu Hagmann9515
Mayla Ardiel10015
Mboyon Michael10019
Mckenna Kitchen10016
Meaghan Geransky10013
Meda Evans1007
Meda Fritzinger1003
Meda Golden1009
Meda Mccoy10011
Meda Meighoo1007
Médard Ndzomo Eyebe9523
Megan Walker1005
Meghan Kenworthy10025
Melisa Ponce9020
Melissa Sanchez1006
Melodia Jones10013
Melody Dominguez10017
Melody Morales-Wolters809
Melody Olson1009
Melody Rose Khan10011
Melody Sesay9515
Mercy Bonnette909
Mercy Dexter1004
Mercy Williams1007
Merdi Mayasi10015
Merite Luemba10013
Merry Williams10015
Merveille Masengu10020
Mia Dupont9010
Mia Siler10016
Miah Howansky907
Micah Campominosi9013
Micah Garcia1007
Micah Harvey9510
Micah Kaptain9010
Micah Williams10016
Micaiah Baboolal1007
Micaiah Coley957
Micaiah Halverson1007
Michael Dickson9014
Michael Ouellette10012
Michael Weerts1009
Michael Yves8515
Michaela Hudson10014
Michée Ada9521
Michel Ongiwe10018
Miguel Ángel Bautista9518
Miguel Chimi Lele8010
Miguel Cordero10010
Miguel Martinez Raigoso1009
Mikayla Guerra9517
Miriam Merlin10017
Miriam Miandabu9015
Miséricorde Ngassa Chimi10016
Mitchell Bailey10019
Moise Phongi906
Moises Cadena9524
Mollie Pister10013
Monica Bayona10023
Moreblessing Mawango10022
Morgan Chadwell955
Moriah Lunsford10019
Moriah Martin9020
Moses Barratt1007
Moses Mccoy1008
Moyo Tandu9018
Mundi Kabengela10011
Mylah Gagnon1005
Mylah Jones1006
Myra Riley10011
N'mey N'doua9022
Nacky Kidaya8027
Nadege Mbuyi10023
Nana Divine Grace859
Naomi Ardiel10012
Naomi Balgobin1009
Naomi Crutchfield10026
Naomi Fritzinger1007
Naomi Nicholson1008
Natalia Puga9512
Natalie Phillips8513
Natalya Wittmeier10017
Nataniah Kayser9512
Nathan Barber10011
Nathan Dockens10026
Nathan Dupont907
Nathan Kabwela10024
Nathan Sharp10011
Nathanael Floyd10018
Nathanael Keding1008
Nathanael Locke10012
Nathanael Pruitt10020
Nathaniel Black1006
Nathaniel Dickson959
Nathaniel Sanger10012
Nehemiah Elder10011
Nehemiah Johnson1005
Neville Beya10012
Neville Bondo9515
Neville Kemcha Awudu1003
Neville Kengmol808
Neville Sosia10012
Neville Tshimanga953
Newhannah Ross1002
Ngono Julienne Eyebe10022
Nicholas Holmes10014
Nissi Meighoo1004
Noah Bottazzi1007
Noah Fogelsanger10016
Noah Harvey9512
Noah Helm1007
Noah Martens9019
Noah Mccoy9514
Noah Ray10016
Noah Smith958
Noah Smith8020
Noah Walker10010
Noe Cisneros Garcia955
Noe Sanchez9510
Noelle Black1009
Noemi Benedetti10021
Noemi Jimenez1007
Noïcke Lingouassi10027
Ntambwe Kabengela10015
Nyasha Chidyausiku8523
Obed Cook1009
Odia Kabengela10018
Odrine Kaja9014
Oliver Wood1005
Olivia Borlovan9522
Olivia Canada10015
Olivia Guidry9012
Olivia Marsteller10016
Olivia Nawezi808
Olyvia Ross1007
Oman Pacheco Herrera8025
Onyx Bawelatoma9510
Othniel Isaacson1004
Owen Smith10013
Pablo Sanchez9510
Patience Brown10020
Patience Smith1009
Patrick Prejean Jr10012
Patrick Sanger10014
Paul & Heather Zimmerman10032
Paul Daniel Sissoko8514
Paul Fritzinger Jr.10012
Paul Gerard1006
Paul Habegger9510
Paul Hyde10021
Paul Johnson9012
Paul Kaptain9012
Paul Kenworthy9515
Paule Etoga10020
Paulina Aguillon10015
Pearle Bawelatoma1008
Perla Diaz10017
Peter Bennett858
Phebe Dickson1005
Philip & Gabrielle Garcia10029
Philip Perozok10015
Phillip Daulton10018
Phillip Jackson9510
Phinées Bukasa10016
Phoebe Owusu10014
Precious Jones10015
Pricylle Mballa Mabon8014
Primrose Jones1006
Prince Fofou Nantia1006
Princesa Cadena Parga904
Priscilla Bugg10018
Priscilla Phillips1007
Prodige Nsamba953
Qena Ndinga Biyenga10021
Rachel Andrews9515
Rachel Kabamba10019
Rachel Lapp10027
Rachel Mukeba10019
Rachel Mulumba10016
Randy Andries10013
Raoul Ngounou10022
Raquel Marcano Orozco9522
Raquel Peralta10018
Rebeca Diaz9020
Rebeca Ndongo10023
Rebeca Pineda8523
Rebecca Dobu10020
Rebecca Kinanga1009
Rebecca Matanda10015
Rebecca Molony On'iyele9522
Rébecca Mpuekela1005
Rébecca Mwenyi9518
Rebecca Ngono8013
Rébecca Odia9516
Rebecca Phongi9521
Rebecca Raccawo958
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9522
Rebekah Ainerua9511
Rebekah Campominosi9021
Rebekah Erickson1006
Rebekah Gabriel10019
Rebekah Lapp1009
Rebekah Moore1004
Rebekah Mukeba10016
Rebekah Premaka9520
Rebekah Ross1009
Rebekah Ross10012
Rehoboth Luemba10015
Remy Kaleka9523
Renate Thorsen10019
Renee Black9013
Renee Diaz9519
Richard Mingwiki10013
Rita Gatse9027
Roberson Luemba1008
Robert Moore10010
Rohi Khan10012
Rosa Sanchez10035
Rosaline Taine9014
Rose Of Sharon Camacena9013
Rose Olson1006
Rosie Erickson1004
Roy Paka9513
Ruben Kamunga9020
Rustel Mwana859
Ruth Hyde9518
Ruth Litanda9514
Ruth Mamboma9019
Ruth Mukeba10014
Ruth Nawezi9510
Ruth Perozok10012
Ruth Sanchez10015
Ruth Tshikuna10021
Sahily Segura Paez954
Salem Desbiens10021
Salma Jimenez9513
Salome Forde9511
Salome John10020
Sam Wang10010
Samira Fofeu9014
Samson Molna807
Samuel Bahner10019
Samuel Ballard9018
Samuel Ceballos958
Samuel Dickson1007
Samuel Freitas10012
Samuel Gary1004
Samuel Gasper9516
Samuel Harris10011
Samuel Kalanda10025
Samuel Kinanga10011
Samuel Medlin10015
Samuel Myers9517
Samuel Wolters9510
Samuela Dembe9517
Santiago Zamora Ávila10015
Sara Beya1008
Sara Jimenez10016
Sara Peralta9514
Sara Sanchez1008
Sara Sánchez Peña9019
Sarah Amber Ferrante10023
Sarah Andrews10019
Sarah Beejadhar1006
Sarah Bileko10016
Sarah Bonsomi8526
Sarah Cook10019
Sarah Cooper10015
Sarah Keller10031
Sarah O'dwyer9516
Sarah Pedersen10017
Sarah Pele8018
Sarah Subryan1003
Sarah Teelucksingh1007
Savanna Anderson9520
Savannah Bottazzi1005
Schadrac Nsitu10022
Selah Andersen858
Selah Bottazzi1002
Selah Mcmasters1004
Selva Olivares9523
Sephora Biki10023
Sephora Khasa10020
Serene Williams10012
Serenity Cook9017
Seth Guidry9014
Seth Hanson10017
Seth Householder10012
Seth Jackson10014
Shacquana Broomes9514
Shalom Leadingham959
Shalom Strite9516
Shalom Wiltshire8512
Shaloom Kapinga10016
Shamah Mimana9517
Shamgar Gabriel10010
Shamir Jonas1008
Shammah Dunga9511
Sharon Doss10015
Sharon Hernandez957
Sharon Huallpa Condori8023
Sharon Lyons9520
Sharon Ntumba9517
Sharon Rigei10013
Sharon Sahadeo9524
Sharon Sanchez10014
Sharon Sandovál9516
Sharon-Rose Mukendi10016
Shawn Doss10018
Shaylyn Hubert10020
Shekinah Bakupa8024
Shekinah Kanyeba10018
Shekinah Lubuya9013
Shekinah Tsimba959
Sheldon & Sharon Strite95118
Shemaiah Dunga909
Shemille Fortune10015
Shepherd Kitchen10014
Shermaiah Fortune10013
Shiloh Cook10022
Shingai Machiri8525
Shyann Taylor10012
Silas Dickson1004
Silas Garcia1007
Silas Stricker10010
Silas Thorson1006
Silvia Nzerhumana10013
Simeon Fritzinger1009
Solomon Alexander9518
Solomon Koenig9523
Sophia Canada1004
Sophia Foster9012
Sophia Walker1004
Spencer Phelps1006
Speranza Bertuzzi10024
Stéphanie Ngudia9517
Stephen Bahner10016
Stephen Kibozi10016
Stephen Schultz10019
Stephen Tutani10027
Stephie Bambale10016
Summer Kavanagh955
Susana Gutierrez1005
Susanna Leadingham9513
Susanna Ross1007
Tabitha Wiltshire9515
Tamara Dyck10028
Tamara Stephen10020
Tatiana Andries10017
Tatyana Kouba10015
Taze Davis10022
Terri-Lynn Cook1007
Thaddaeus Ross1004
The Voice Of The 7Th Angle Kids10015
Thea Stephen10020
Theo Harvey958
Therese Ngole10020
Tiffany Forde10026
Timo Pot10017
Timothy Andes8025
Timothy Forde8018
Titani Mkanalumo8024
Titus Garcia1007
Titus Helm1006
Titus Moore1008
Tonya Blair9023
Toussaints Mayele10019
Trenton Bossier9510
Tresha Andries10025
Tresor Nzerhumana8515
Trisha Fisher10021
Ty Siler10014
Tyler Gagnon10013
Tyrell Wallace9511
Uriah Garcia1005
Urias Sanchez10013
Uriel Sanchez1005
Ushindi Kasongo1009
Valarie Hyde10012
Valerie Dickson904
Valerie Guidry957
Valerie Ray10010
Veronica Riehl1003
Victoire Leke10019
Violet Martens1007
Wesley Dexter1006
Wesley Stricker958
William Branham8512
William Chavez Morales1008
William Chavez Morales10012
William Cook10016
William Diaz9510
William Dickson9513
William Grother10012
William Isaac955
William Kenworthy1006
William King10027
William Koenig804
William Kuchel9514
William Mcmasters952
William Mulumba10012
William Ndongmo Nogeng9012
William Owusu1006
William Pitian1006
William Pruitt9518
William Rigei1007
William Sanchez907
William Sanchez809
William Seraiah9514
Winner Ngombabu953
Winston Ditlow9523
Wisdom Sh Jeremiah9524
Wise Duho8023
Wiyao Gnozi10019
Wyanita Cook10015
Xavier Tibilbe10024
Yaretzi Jardines-Ortega1006
Yuri Candelo Saa9024
Zach Sanger1008
Zachary Koenig10021
Zachary Lavin1007
Zachary Martens10017
Zachary Wilson9517
Zane Guidry1003
Zara Gutierrez1003
Zayda Craven10015
Zebediah Kofod10016
Zion Emond10017
Zoe Garcia Cisneros907
Zoe Gomez1008
Zoe Habegger1006
Zoe Monderoy1003
Zoe Musafiri9523
Zoé Nawezi1005
Zoe O'dwyer10018
Zoe Smith1008
Zoe Wanet1004
Zoe Williams1002
Zulia Sanchez808