
58-0928M The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

Now, the Old Testament Urim Thummim has been done away with, because it changed priesthoods. Now the Urim Thummim is the Word of God, the Bible. Yes, sir. In here, the Bible said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine be true.” And no matter how real it seems when a man is a telling it, or how real his dream is, or his revelation is, if it, every Book in the Bible, the entire Bible, doesn’t reflect the light on It, that it’s the Truth, leave it alone, leave it alone.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 58-0928M
  • Location: Jeffersonville, IN - Branham Tabernacle
  • Duration: 2 Hours and 2 min
  • Scripture: Revelations 13:8 and 17:8
The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Scores will be accepted until Friday, September 30, 2016
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After Brother Branham came back to the Tabernacle and found some of the members holding little enmities against each other, he said, “You say, "Well, this guy did a certain-certain thing." Your brother didn't do that; your sister didn't do that; that was the _______ got into them that did it. So don't blame the brother, the sister; blame the _______. That's the one who caused it.”
“God will reveal a little something to somebody, and they'll come and make a _______ around that belief that they have, and then God can't move any farther.”
In the Old Testament, what were the three ways they had of knowing a message?
“And Christ come to _______ the law. He said, “You've heard them say, them of old times, ‘Thou shalt not kill’; but I say unto you, whosoever is angry with his brother, without a cause, has killed already.””
Brother Branham had to scream out against it because God’s got to have a _______ so He can bring judgment and say “There it was. You're not ignorant of it.”
“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names were not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Who is it that they shall worship?
The moment this world was created, Jesus Christ died to save it.
Brother Branham asked the question: “Which was first, the Saviour or a sinner?” What is the correct answer?
When was your name written in the Book of Life?
If He saved you once, you are saved for all Eternity. There's no demons in hell could upset you.
"If you live by the Bible, God will live by you. And if your _______ disagrees with what God says, then you're not living by the Bible." Fill in the blank with the correct answer from this message.
How did Brother Branham say he could prove that he had never taken an offering in his life and that he didn't owe the government anything?
What does Brother Branham say a three-cornered piece of glass will reflect?
Who was Levi’s great-grandfather?
Who said, “We can't forbid water, seeing that these have received the Holy Ghost like we did in the beginning.”
_______ works through “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
Brother Branham said there's one that's bringing forth the real, true, born-again creatures of God. She's a mystical Church. She don't have any denomination. She carries none of these great big fancy names and big buildings. She meets wherever the members of the Body gathers together. They worship in Spirit and in Truth. They were predestinated before the foundation of the world. Who is she?
Jesus Christ made you, before the foundation of the world, _______ in the presence of His grace.
The baptism of the Holy Ghost isn’t a personal experience; it happens the same for all believers.
Brother Branham said when speaking of the church: “It's sovereign in itself. We have no bishops. We have no general overseers. We have Jesus. Amen! He's the Bishop. He's the General Overseer. He's the Head Pastor. He's the King. He's the Lord. He's the Healer. He's All-and-All. And we're just His _______, walking in the Light. Amen.”

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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58-0928M Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit. Anyone taking the quiz after Friday, September 30, 2016 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Borders10024
Aaron Derksen10017
Aaron Householder1009
Aaron Kenworthy958
Abbey Kingston9518
Abel Meighoo9515
Abigail Barber9510
Abigail Garcia1007
Abigail Gerkin9512
Abigail Kenworthy10010
Abigail Martens10010
Abigail Milner10012
Abigail Olin9515
Adam Connell1006
Adam Geransky1008
Adam Harris1003
Adelaide Connell1008
Adoniram Hyde1007
Adriana Sanchez10024
Alayna Wittmeier1003
Alexander Martens10018
Alicia Balgobin9011
Alix Lacombe10024
Allison Matty9519
Allison Sanger1007
Alysha Helm1007
Alyssa Nicholson1008
Amalys Kiener10029
Amanda Andries10015
Amanda Mutchler10025
Amber Pister10012
Amber Rains1007
Amelia Hyde958
Amelia Klopp10018
Ana Sanchez1004
Anaclaire Dockens8013
Anderson Beejadhar9515
Andrea Sanchez1004
Andrew Bomberger9019
Andrew Chambless9010
Andrew Martens10013
Angel Castelo Branco1004
Anna Alexander10014
Anna Cobb9014
Anna Crutchfield10018
Anna Phillips1006
Anna Sampson10012
Anna Sanger10016
Anna Shepperd1005
April Geransky955
Areli Sánchez 1006
Arsen Prysiazhnyy9514
Asher Kibozi10011
Ashlea Mccullough9518
Ashley Pister10017
Ashley Roberts10017
Auriana Larkin857
Austin Pister10019
Autumn Guidry908
Autumn Klopp10015
Ava Toy10010
Aza Smith1006
Azariah Emond10013
Bartosz Sikora9011
Belia Frazier1006
Benaiah Alexander1009
Benaiah Fritzinger1004
Benjamin Ceballos9014
Benjamin Chavez10018
Benjamin Evans9514
Benjamin Fritzinger1006
Benjamin Householder10014
Benjamin Mahadeo1007
Benjamin Phillips10014
Benjamin Rains10011
Bethann Fritzinger1007
Bethany Derksen9022
Bethany Sanger959
Blithe Smith9512
Brooke Waller10014
Caitlyn Robinson9520
Caleb Carbonneau9515
Caleb Chavez1008
Caleb Cook1007
Caleb Harris10014
Caleb Isaacson10011
Caleb O'dwyer10010
Caleb Páez9513
Carol Garcia9514
Carter Smith958
Cassia Smith10017
Celeste Jones1009
Chai Smith10015
Charity Brodeur10013
Charity Southworth9518
Charlie Farrie Iii10015
Chishamiso Mafura10023
Christiaan Pot9521
Christian Buchholz10012
Christian Dexter1006
Christian Hare9513
Christian Leadingham8514
Christianna Smith10010
Christine Robinson9515
Christy Thorson1006
Daesha Johnson8521
Daniel Bayona9016
Daniel Dickson1005
Daniel Kenworthy9515
Daniel Roberts10012
Daniel Sampson10015
Daniel Sanger1009
Danielle Browne909
Darnell Clarke10013
David Cogdill9510
David Martens10020
David Owusu959
David Sanger956
Deborah King9528
Delphina Kejo9518
Derek Sutton10011
Dmitry Foster10018
Dorcas Mukendi10019
Echo Cook1009
Elaina Kaptain9514
Elainah Sanger858
Eli Frankfurter1008
Eliana Milner1006
Elias Lambie1009
Elias Sanchez1008
Eliezer Gabriel10015
Elijah Holmes10013
Elijah Mahadeo1009
Elijah Mutchler10012
Elijah Nicholson10010
Elijah Sieunath10012
Elisa Jones1006
Elisabeth Fritzinger1002
Elisabeth Gabriel10012
Elisabeth Garrett10027
Elisabeth Landrum10016
Elisabeth Ponder10023
Elisabeth Scott10019
Elise Rotsch10010
Eliseo Sanchez1008
Elisha Pruette10019
Eliza Golden1004
Ella Sanger10011
Ella Shepperd1003
Ella Smith1004
Ella Toy1008
Ellen Martens10021
Emanuelle Bottamedi Santana1003
Emily Cook9517
Emily Garcia1007
Emily Holmes10017
Emily Salzman10022
Emma Martens10011
Emma Moncada9517
Emmalee West10014
Emyly Neves Mello1008
Enoch Fritzinger1007
Enoch Rains1009
Erec Kingston10021
Esli Isaac9524
Essie Bennett9520
Esther Black9014
Esther Olin10019
Esther Wenger10018
Ethan Truelock9517
Eunice Strite10012
Evan Garcia956
Ezekiel Milner1009
Ezra Doyle959
Faith Chambless10014
Faith Thorson10012
Fiona Riley9515
Gabriel Bottamedi Santana1006
Gabriel Cook10017
Gabriël Erickson1003
Gabriel Isaacson10013
Gabriel Suarez9512
Gabriel Waller10015
Gabriel Wittmeier1007
Gabriella Landrum10013
Gabriella Mohammed1009
Gauge Hammond8014
Gavin Cook9511
Genesis Suarez1007
Genia Barber956
Gerardo Suarez9016
Gideon Harris1006
Giovanna Suarez9511
Giulianna Suarez10014
Glorianna Emond10010
Glorianna Williams10012
Grace Kejo809
Grace Lunsford9013
Grace Milner9514
Grace Mukendi10017
Grace Wells9517
Grant Matty959
Hadassah Brewster10014
Hadassah Lambie10011
Hadassah Phillips1009
Hannah Gary10016
Hannah Holmes10019
Hannah Householder10015
Hannah Kenworthy10017
Hannah Lev9013
Hannah Mcmasters10020
Hannah Olin10012
Hannah Reavis10019
Hannah Rissler10016
Hannah Wahl9517
Hannah Wittmeier1006
Harmony Kofod10012
Harmony Olson1006
Heidi Kofod1008
Heidi Thorson1009
Helene Selvik10022
Hope Chambless9514
Hope Cook10015
Hope Davis1005
Hope Dexter1007
Hope Sanger10013
Hope Schultz909
Hope Wagner8010
Hosanna Shepperd1007
Isaac Gerkin1009
Isaac Householder1007
Isaac Kenworthy9011
Isaac Martens10017
Isaac Meighoo10020
Isaac Sharp9514
Isabel Kenworthy10020
Isabelah Kofod955
Isabele Toy10012
Isaiah Andersen9510
Isaiah Baboolal1003
Isaiah Frankfurter9511
Isaiah Fritzinger10016
Isaiah Hudson10012
Isaiah Mayers9516
Isaiah Smith809
Israel Doyle10014
Israel Rotsch1005
Israel Stricker10010
Jackline Kibozi1009
Jackson Borders1005
Jacob Sanchez10017
James Phillips1004
James Wiltshire10017
Jamie Hudson1009
Jared Strite10014
Jason Hess9020
Jehoiada Barratt1007
Jenna Kingston10023
Jeremiah Bray8514
Jeremiah Cook9013
Jeremiah Olin9513
Jeremiah Shepperd1009
Jeremie Tousignant10015
Jeremy Householder9012
Jesse Erickson1002
Jesse Myers9013
Jesse Ortiz9520
Jesse Strite9512
Jethro Cook9513
Joanna Dawson10016
Joanna Hess9519
Joanna Premaka9011
Joanna Strite9018
Joel Alexander10012
Joel Ballard1008
Joel Dyck10027
Joel Evans10011
Joel Kaptain957
Johanna Kofod10011
John Keding1004
John Moses Erickson956
Jonah Householder859
Jonathan Nunweiler10011
Jonathan Schultz10015
Jorge Paez10015
Josaiah Garcia908
José Sánchez 1005
Jose Paez10011
Joseph Beejadhar903
Joseph Blaine Olin10021
Joseph Chavez10012
Joseph Chavez Morales10012
Joseph Dawson9515
Joseph Evans1008
Joseph Gary954
Joseph Geransky9510
Joseph Strite1009
Joshua Clarke1006
Joshua Fritzinger10013
Joshua Gary1007
Joshua Kaptain10014
Joshua Kesslar9521
Joshua Koenig9527
Joshua Landrum1009
Joshua O'dwyer8018
Joshua Phillips9514
Joshua Premaka10014
Joshua Pruette10016
Joshua Rains1005
Joshua Roberts10018
Joshua Sanger9517
Joshua Schultz1004
Joshua Stephens8014
Joshua Strite10015
Joshua Wolters906
Josiah Dickson1009
Josiah Forde10013
Josiah Isaacson10014
Josiah Newman10010
Josiah Olson10010
Josiah Sanger10013
Josue Ceballos10010
Joy Alexander1006
Joy Salzman10021
Joyanna Sanger9010
Joylin Strite9522
Jubilee Barratt1003
Jubilee Strite1003
Judah Connell10010
Judah Roberts902
Julia Perozok10017
Julianna Hare9518
Kaci Hammond9016
Kamilly Soares1007
Kara Morales9515
Karla Rubio Rodriguez10020
Katelyn Connell1003
Katelyn Kingston9017
Katie Sutton10013
Kayla Frazier1003
Kaylee Black959
Kevin Wilson10026
Kimberly Beejadhar9511
Kimberly Florian10027
Korina Persaud10014
Krista Thomas9515
Kristen Bomberger9522
Laura Carbonneau10013
Lauren Reilly10025
Lekeisha Daniels9015
Levi Hare10011
Lídia Lobato9514
Lilah Buchholz10011
Lilia Gary1009
Lillia Sanger9515
Lillian Holmes9511
Lillian Hyde10012
Lily Clarke10011
Lily Weerts1006
Lilyanne Keding1008
Lincoln Hyde1004
Lincoln Sanger10015
Lóide Monteiro10012
Louis Andries9525
Loyce Andries9524
Luke Buchholz1008
Luke Cook10012
Luke Hyde1002
Luke Isaacson1004
Luke Kingston10012
Luke Smith9512
Luz Jiménez10017
Lydia Phillips10012
Lydia Wahl10018
Madeleine Yonkam Ketia Mankaa9519
Madelyn Evans9016
Madelynn Landrum10011
Malachi Dexter1005
Maria Lambie1007
Maria Sanchez10014
Mark Perozok10015
Marrion Gyepi-Garbrah10022
Marrion Lauver959
Mary Lapp10023
Matthew Brodeur10017
Matthew Browne9013
Matthew Doodnath10012
Matthew Fritzinger9515
Matthew Kaptain9511
Matthew Martens10019
Matthew Olson956
Matthew Schultz10020
Mayla Ardiel10013
Mckenna Kitchen9514
Meaghan Geransky10011
Meda Evans1005
Meda Golden1007
Meda Smith10016
Melissa Parker10028
Melodia Jones10011
Melody Lauver1008
Melody Olson1007
Miah Howansky1005
Micah Campominosi10011
Micah Garcia954
Micah Harvey1007
Micah Kaptain907
Micah Kesslar9523
Micaiah Baboolal1005
Michael David Weerts1007
Michael Dickson10012
Michael Musangu8514
Michaela Hudson9512
Moriah Lunsford10017
Moriah Martin10017
Moses Barratt1005
Moses Rotsch1008
N'mey N'doua9019
Naomi Ardiel1009
Naomi Balgobin907
Naomi Crutchfield10024
Naomi Forde10017
Naomi Fritzinger1004
Naomi Nicholson1006
Naomie Litanda9514
Natalia Santos9016
Natalie Phillips9510
Natalye Militão8014
Nathan Barber1009
Nathan Brandt10025
Nathan Dockens10023
Nathan Sharp959
Nathanael Keding1006
Nathaniel Dickson1007
Nathaniel Sanger9010
Noah Harvey10010
Noah Helm1005
Noemy De Menezes Santos9520
Olivia Borlovan10020
Olivia Guidry9510
Owen Smith9511
Patience Brown9518
Patience Smith1007
Paul Fritzinger Jr.9010
Paul Hyde10019
Paul Johnson8010
Paul Kaptain10010
Paul Kenworthy10013
Paul Lauver9010
Paul Mcmasters10023
Phebe Andries10018
Phebe Dickson1003
Philip Perozok10013
Phoebe Owusu10012
Precious Jones10013
Preda Adrian9520
Rachel Andrews9512
Rachel Carpenter9016
Rebecca Molony8019
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9520
Rebecca Vallee9522
Rebekah Campominosi10019
Rebekah Erickson1003
Rebekah Gabriel10017
Rebekah Gosine9511
Rebekah Premaka9518
Rich Kibozi10012
Rita Gatse9525
Roberta Augustine10014
Rose Keding1002
Ruth Hyde9516
Ruth Sanchez10013
Ruthanna Fritzinger10020
Salome Forde1008
Salomey Adjei-Doku9522
Samuel Gary1002
Samuel Ballard10016
Samuel Ceballos956
Samuel Harris1009
Samuel Nunweiler9513
Samuel Wolters958
Sandra Vanté9527
Sara Jimenez9514
Sara Sánchez 1005
Sarah Beejadhar1004
Sarah Keller10028
Sarah Perry10025
Savannah Gonzalez10015
Selah Andersen856
Seth Guidry9512
Seth Householder1009
Shalom Strite9014
Shalom Wiltshire959
Shamgar Gabriel958
Sharon Doss9513
Sharon Sanchez10011
Shawn Doss10016
Shepherd Kitchen9512
Shyann Taylor9510
Silas Garcia1005
Silas Lunsford10016
Silas Stricker1008
Simeon Fritzinger1006
Solomon Alexander10016
Sophia Foster10010
Stephen Gosine10016
Stephen Kibozi10014
Susanna Leadingham10011
Tabitha Doris10020
Tabitha Wiltshire10012
Tamara Dyck10026
Tamara Stephen10017
Thea Stephen10018
Theo Harvey1006
Timo Pot10015
Timothy Allison9527
Timothy Forde9516
Titus Garcia1005
Tresha Andries9523
Trisha Fisher9519
Uriah Garcia1003
Valarie Byers9517
Valarie Hyde1009
Valerie Guidry1005
Violet Martens1005
Vladyslav Kolesnyk10026
Wesley Dexter1004
Wesley Stricker906
William Chavez Morales959
William Dickson10010
William Seraiah10012
Zach Sanger1006
Zachariah Black9516
Zachariah Kenworthy1006
Zachary Martens10015
Zachary Wilson10015
Zayda Craven9513
Zebediah Kofod10014
Zemma Craven9514
Zion Emond10015
Zoe Dembe8025
Zoe O'dwyer9516
Zoe Smith956