58-0928M The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Now, the Old Testament Urim Thummim has been done away with, because it changed priesthoods. Now the Urim Thummim is the Word of God, the Bible. Yes, sir. In here, the Bible said, “Let every man’s word be a lie, and Mine be true.” And no matter how real it seems when a man is a telling it, or how real his dream is, or his revelation is, if it, every Book in the Bible, the entire Bible, doesn’t reflect the light on It, that it’s the Truth, leave it alone, leave it alone.
Sermon Info
- Date: Sunday, 58-0928M
- Location: Jeffersonville, IN - Branham Tabernacle
- Duration: 2 Hours and 2 min
- Scripture: Revelations 13:8 and 17:8