
61-0424 The Greatest News Flash In History

Our message, therefore, is truly the greatest news flash that history's ever known. There's been all kinds of make beliefs and so forth, but the message the church has is the greatest news flash that ever struck the world. Yes, sir. We buried Him dead, but He's up and alive again. He was dead when we buried Him and now He's alive forevermore. It's truly the facts. He is not dead, but He is alive forevermore. What a message, what a flash.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Monday, 61-0424
  • Location: Chicago IL - Stephen Mather High School
  • Duration: 1 Hour and 41 min
  • Scripture: Luke 24:32
The Greatest News Flash In History
Scores will be accepted until Saturday, April 30, 2016
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

Brother Branham's text for this Message was “The Greatest News Flash in History,” but what did he say was his subject?
Brother Branham said, "And now, isn't it a strange thing that it takes something on the side of _______ to make us understand that it's Him, that teaching itself won't do it."
Jesus only appeared to believers after He rose from the grave.
"See, we're too busy with other things. Why not take a little time to study it out? Set down before Him and "Come, let us reason together, saith God: though your unbelief be like _______, it'll be white like snow; though it be red like _______, it'll be white like wool.""
We are to follow, not to look back to the tomb, but to look forward to where's He's leading, for He is our Leader.
Even if you can't believe in the physical resurrection, you can still preach a Christ that's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
When the disciples heard the message, they believed it, and the Bible said they were _______.
What did Cleopas and them do after they found out the truth, that He was resurrected, because they'd seen Him keep His Word and fulfill it and do exactly like He did before He was crucified?
"He gave us what He was so that we would not be _______ in what He is today. Oh, I like that. Amen. Don't take anybody's word for it, take God's Word for it."
Why did the children of Israel never pitch their tents permanently when they stopped and made a little camp?
"Let's give them something they haven't got. Hallelujah. The one thing they don't have is _______. Amen. Don't try to _______ with them; you're meeting them on their ground."
Jesus is not a glitter like the world glitters, but He's a _______ of Light. And you can't shine it. You have to let it shine.
"...the greatest _______ that ever flashed the world is Christ died for us, and is raised again, living in us, moving with us, alive with us, to prove Hisself in us the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Jesus never did nothing till He saw a vision.
Where is this Scripture found that Brother Branham quoted? “God, in sundry times spoke to the fathers through the prophets, in this last day through His Son, Jesus Christ.”
"So He's come to His elected people who will believe it and showing Himself that He's still Messiah, the resurrected One. Amen. That's the _______, my brother."
The branches doesn't bear fruit, the vine bears fruit. The branches energize the vine.
What does Brother Branham use as an example in this message that the price is paid and we are redeemed?
When Brother Branham was explaining his gift of laying on of hands he said, "But see, what is it? It's your _______ hand to me, that you believe me. It's my _______ hand to you, to my heart that I love you, and my _______ hand to God that He's my—He's my Guide, my Saviour."
In Brother Branham's ending prayer he prayed, "Our heavenly Father, we commit this audience to You as believing people, the resurrected Christ. Beyond a shadow of doubt, You are not dead, but You're alive forevermore, the great Conqueror. They have _______; they have _______; now may they _______ others that He's not dead, and not in a tomb or a organization, but He's alive in the hearts of His people."

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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61-0424 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for The Greatest News Flash In History. Anyone taking the quiz after Saturday, April 30, 2016 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen10017
Aaron Kenworthy1008
Abbey Kingston10018
Abel Meighoo9514
Abigail Barber1009
Abigail Garcia1007
Abigail Milner10011
Adam Connell1005
Adam Geransky1008
Adam Harris1003
Adelaide Connell1007
Adina Muresan10024
Alicia Gokool9517
Alix Lacombe9023
Allison Riley954
Alysha Helm1006
Amber Pister10012
Amber Rains957
Amelia Hyde958
Amelia Klopp10018
Amos Chigangawa10028
Anderson Beejadhar10015
Andrew Chambless9510
Andrew Farrie958
Angel Castelo Branco1004
Anna Crutchfield9518
Anna Durrett10010
Anna Harris10016
Anna Robson1007
Antipas Asaka1006
Arsen Prysiazhnyy10013
Asaph Singh858
Asher Kibozi10011
Ashlea Mccullough10018
Ashlee Greene10019
Ashley Pister10017
Austin Pister10019
Autumn Klopp10015
Ava Toy1009
Belia Frazier1006
Benaiah Alexander1009
Benjamin Ceballos8013
Benjamin Chavez10018
Benjamin Mahadeo956
Benjamin Marcano905
Benjamin Rains10010
Bethann Fritzinger1007
Bethany Sanger959
Billy Joe Cullinan10016
Billy Silva9517
Brooke Waller10013
Caleb Carbonneau10015
Caleb Chavez1008
Caleb Cook957
Caleb Harris10014
Caleb O'dwyer1009
Carol Garcia10014
Charity Braithwaite1007
Charity Brodeur10012
Charity Southworth10018
Charlie Farrie Iii10015
Christian Buchholz10012
Christian Hare10013
Christianna Smith10010
Christina Manecci10025
Christina Robson1009
Christine Robinson8514
Christoph Wittmeier906
Clarissa Perez9020
Cora Goldsmith10015
Daesha Johnson9520
Daniel Dickson1005
Daniel Evans Jr10014
Daniel Kenworthy10015
Daniel Sampson10015
Danielle Browne1009
David Owusu1008
David Sanger955
Dayna Barlow9513
Deborah King9028
Deloris Asaka9523
Dillon Robson10013
Eden Gutierrez10015
Elaina Kaptain10014
Elainah Sanger958
Elena Dupont1009
Eliana Milner1005
Elias Lambie1008
Eliezer Gabriel10015
Elijah Green1006
Elijah Mahadeo959
Elijah Meighoo953
Elijah Teelucksingh1009
Elisa Jones1006
Elisabeth Fritzinger1002
Elisabeth Gabriel10011
Elisabeth Garrett10027
Elisabeth Landrum10016
Elisabeth Ponder9523
Ella Sanger9010
Ella Toy958
Ellen Martens10020
Emily Holmes10017
Emily Salzman9022
Emily Telgenhoff9512
Emma Moncada9017
Enoch Fritzinger1006
Enoch Rains1009
Erin Millis10026
Essie Gasper10020
Esther Lashley10025
Eunice Strite10011
Ezekiel Milner1009
Ezra Doyle1009
Faith Brandt9515
Faith Chambless9514
Faith Thorson9512
Gabriel Suarez9512
Gabriel Waller9515
Gabriella Landrum10013
Gerardo Suarez10015
Gideon Harris1005
Giovanna Suarez10010
Giulianna Suarez10014
Glorianna Williams9512
Grace Dickson1006
Grace Lunsford9012
Grace Milner10014
Grace Mukendi9517
Grace Wells10016
Hadassah Brewster10014
Hadassah Forde8512
Hadassah Lambie10010
Hannah Kenworthy9516
Hannah Lev10013
Hannah Mcmasters10020
Hannah Prescott10013
Hannah Rissler10016
Hannah Wahl9516
Hannah Wilson10021
Hannah Ye10020
Harmony Olson1005
Heidi Thorson959
Hope Chambless9514
Hope Cook10014
Hope Sanger10013
Hope Schultz1008
Imani Maene10014
Isaac Kenworthy10011
Isaac Martens10016
Isaac Meighoo10020
Isaac Sharp9013
Isabele Toy9012
Isabella Collins958
Isaiah Baboolal1003
Isaiah Fritzinger10016
Isaiah Hudson10011
Isaiah Kayser10012
Isaiah Lunsford9517
Isaiah Mayers10016
Isaiah Smith1009
Isaiah Stutzman9514
Israel Doyle10014
Ivan Wittmeier9515
Jackline Kibozi1009
Jacob Sanchez10016
Jamie Hudson1009
Jared Strite9513
Jehoiada Barratt1006
Jemima Abraham1006
Jenna Kingston10022
Jenna Warme10023
Jeremiah Bray9514
Jeremiah Salzman10019
Jeremie Tousignant10014
Jesse Cullinan10014
Jesse Dyck10028
Jesse Ortiz10020
Jesse Strite10011
Joanna Dawson10016
Joanna Hess10019
Joanna Prescott859
Joanna Strite10018
Joel Alexander10011
Joel Dyck10027
Joel Kaptain1007
Joel Wilson10018
John Durrett8513
John Keding1004
John Moses Erickson1005
Johnny Boggs10013
Jonah Dickson856
Jonathan Schultz9015
Joseph Beejadhar1002
Joseph Chavez10011
Joseph Dawson10014
Joseph Evans1007
Joseph Gary1004
Joseph Geransky1009
Joseph Strite1008
Joshua Clarke1006
Joshua Fritzinger10012
Joshua Garrett10024
Joshua Gary1006
Joshua Kesslar9521
Joshua Landrum1008
Joshua Moncada10013
Joshua O'dwyer10018
Joshua Rains1004
Joshua Sanger10016
Joshua Schultz1003
Joshua Williams9519
Josiah Dickson1009
Josiah Forde10013
Josiah Isaacson10014
Josiah Olson1009
Josiah Teelucksingh1006
Joy Alexander1006
Joy Salzman10020
Joyanna Sanger10010
Joylin Strite10022
Jubilee Barratt1002
Jubilee Strite1003
Judah Connell1009
Julia Perozok10017
Julianna Hare10018
Kadence Joseph959
Katelyn Kingston10016
Kathryn Robson10012
Katie Sutton10013
Kayla Frazier1003
Kimberly Beejadhar10011
Kimberly Florian10027
Krista Thomas9514
Kyria Asaka10016
Laura Carbonneau10013
Lauren Reilly10025
Laurisa Borlovan9523
Leah Mayers10011
Levi Hare9511
Lilah Buchholz10010
Lilia Gary1009
Lillia Sanger10015
Lillian Holmes10011
Lily Clarke10011
Lilyanne Keding1007
Lincoln Sanger9514
Lois Prescott9516
Luke Buchholz1008
Luke Cook10012
Luke Kingston10012
Luke Smith10012
Luther Maene8011
Lydia Wahl10017
Madeleine Yonkam Ketia Mankaa9519
Madelyn Evans9516
Madelynn Landrum10010
Malachi Kayser10016
Maria Lambie1006
Mark Forde10027
Mark Perozok10015
Mary Lapp10023
Mary Wiltshire9512
Matthew Brodeur10017
Matthew Browne10013
Matthew Fritzinger9514
Matthew Martens10018
Matthew Schultz9019
Matthew Williams9522
Mckenna Kitchen9513
Meaghan Geransky10010
Meda Evans1004
Meda Meighoo1004
Melissa Parker10028
Melodia Jones9511
Melody Durrett957
Melody Olson1006
Mia Dupont1007
Micah Campominosi10010
Micah Garcia1004
Micah Harvey1007
Micah Kaptain1007
Micah Kesslar10023
Micaiah Baboolal1005
Micaiah Greene958
Michael Dickson10011
Michaela Hudson10011
Mollie Pister9510
Moriah Lunsford10016
Moses Barratt1004
Myriam Hayes Roussil9521
Naomi Crutchfield10024
Naomi Forde9516
Naomi Fritzinger1004
Naomie Litanda9014
Natalya Wittmeier9014
Nataniah Kayser10010
Nathan Brandt9525
Nathan Dockens10023
Nathan Dupont1004
Nathan Sharp958
Nathanael Ferreira9016
Nathanael Keding1006
Nathaniel Dickson1007
Noah Harvey10010
Noah Helm1005
Olivia Borlovan10019
Patience Smith1006
Patrick Sanger10011
Paul Hyde10018
Paul Kaptain959
Paul Kenworthy10013
Paul Mcmasters10022
Phebe Dickson1003
Philip Perozok10012
Phoebe Owusu10012
Rachel West9523
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9520
Rebecca Vallee9521
Rebekah Campominosi9519
Rebekah Gabriel9516
Rebekah Gosine10010
Reuben Fritzinger9521
Rich Kibozi9512
Rosca Darius10023
Rose Keding1002
Roy K Maweja9023
Rutendo Vera10015
Ruth Litanda10011
Ruth Mtoko9024
Ruth Perozok1009
Ruthanna Fritzinger9519
Salome Forde858
Samuel Dickson954
Samuel Ferreira8518
Samuel Gasper10013
Samuel Harris1009
Sarah Batakanwa10017
Sarah Beejadhar1004
Sarah Freitas10018
Sarah Keller10028
Sarah Mukadi10028
Sarah O'dwyer9013
Sarah Perry10025
Sarah Robson10010
Sarah Teelucksingh1005
Savannah Naber10014
Shalom Strite9513
Shalom Wiltshire1009
Shamgar Gabriel1008
Sharon Doss10012
Shawn Doss10015
Shepherd Kitchen9511
Silas Dickson952
Silas Garcia1005
Silas Lunsford10015
Simeon Fritzinger1006
Stephen Gosine10015
Stephen Schultz10016
Tabitha Barber10016
Tabitha Doris10020
Tamara Dyck10025
Thea Stephen8017
Theo Harvey1005
Timothy Robson956
Titus Garcia1005
Trisha Fisher9519
Tyran Vallance956
Uriah Garcia1002
Valarie Byers9517
Violet Martens1004
William Dickson10010
William King10025
William Seraiah10011
Zachary Wilson9515
Zebediah Kofod9513
Zoe Godwin8023
Zoe O'dwyer10015