
65-0424 One In A Million

When Israel left Egypt, there was approximately two million people left at the same time. Every one of them heard the message of a prophet. Every one of them saw the Pillar of Fire. Every one of them was baptized to Moses, in the Red Sea. Every one of them shouted in the—in the Spirit, beat the tambourines and run up and down the bank, with Miriam, when Moses sang in the Spirit. They, every one, drank from the same spiritual Rock. They, every one, eat fresh Manna every night. Every one of them! But there was two made the land, one out of a million.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Saturday, 65-0424
  • Location: Los Angeles CA - Clifton’s Cafeteria
  • Duration: 48 min
One In A Million
Scores will be accepted until Friday, May 8, 2015
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Between what two places did Brother Branham say, “We just try to keep the road hot.”?
Anyone who can explain anything, you don’t have to accept it anymore by faith.
To advance without official authority is to what?
God doesn’t want us to do things haphazardly; He wants us to know what He has said about this day, and then meet it by _____.
What struck Brother Branham’s hand while he was in Sabino Canyon, asking for strength for the hour he was facing?
_____ usually draws an attention to people, and brings them in the Presence of God.
Brother Branham said, “If I don’t speak my _____, I’m a hypocrite and now I’m not even honest with you.”
Which of the following is correct?
When Israel left Egypt, there were approximately two million people. Every one of them heard the message of a prophet and saw the Pillar of Fire. Every one ate fresh Manna every night. But there was _____ made the land, one out of a million.
What happens when the sheepfold is full?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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65-0424 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for One In A Million. Anyone taking the quiz after Friday, May 8, 2015 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Borders10022
Aaron Derksen10016
Abbey Kingston10017
Abel Meighoo10013
Abigail Barber1008
Abigail Garcia1006
Abigail Milner10011
Abigail Olin10014
Abigail Sanger10017
Adam Connell1004
Adam Geransky1007
Adam Harris1002
Adan Sanchez1006
Addison Johnson1002
Adelaide Connell1006
Adina Muresan10023
Adriana Sanchez10024
Alayna Wittmeier1002
Alicia Gokool10016
Alix Lacombe10022
Allison Matty10017
Allison Sanger1006
Alysha Helm1005
Amalys Kiener10029
Amber Pister10011
Amelia Hyde907
Amelia Khan10010
Amelia Klopp10017
Ana Sánchez1004
Anaclaire Dockens10012
Anca Lazea9022
Anderson Beejadhar10014
Andrea Sanchez1004
Andrew Bomberger9018
Andrew Chambless909
Andrew Farrie1007
Andrew Martens10011
Andrew Watson10022
Angalina Edwards10014
Anna Alexander10012
Anna Andrews10013
Anna Crutchfield10017
Anna Harris10015
Anna Myers10015
Anna Najera9022
Anna Sampson10010
Anna Sanger10014
Annalisa Sieunath1009
Annisha Gonzales9013
Antipas Asaka805
Anton Cherednichenko10019
Araceli Rodriguez Reyes10026
Arsen Prysiazhniy10012
Asaph Singh907
Ashlea Mccullough10017
Ashlee Greene9018
Ashley Pister10016
Austin Pister10018
Autumn Klopp10014
Ava Toy1008
Axel Sanchez1006
Belén Samaniego10024
Benaiah Alexander1008
Benjamin Buitenkamp10022
Benjamin Chavez10017
Benjamin Evans10012
Benjamin Kuchel1009
Benjamin Mahadeo1005
Bethann Fritzinger1006
Bethany Lavin10011
Bethany Sanger1008
Billy Joe Cullinan10015
Blanchard Butandu10028
Blanche Asssouguena Noah9020
Blithe Smith9011
Boaz Kilasi10010
Bobby Marsteller10011
Brooke Waller10012
Caleb Carbonneau10014
Caleb Chavez1007
Caleb Cook1006
Caleb Ellis10011
Caleb Harris10013
Caleb O'dwyer1008
Caleb Páez10012
Candy Martinez10013
Carol Garcia10013
Caroline Crawford10011
Caroline Scott10012
Cassia Smith10015
Chai Smith10014
Charity Braithwaite1006
Charity Brodeur10012
Charity Freeman9029
Charity Southworth10017
Charles Deschamps907
Charlie Farrie Iii10014
Charlie Morales10015
Chishamiso Mafura10022
Christian Crawford10015
Christian Hare10012
Christian Leadingham9013
Christian Plante10026
Christianna Smith1009
Christina Manecci10024
Christine Robinson10013
Christoph Wittmeier1005
Christopher Wenger10019
Damaris Pot10026
Daniel Dickson1004
Daniel Evans Jr10013
Daniel Hagmann10014
Daniel James10011
Daniel Johnson1006
Daniel Kuchel1007
Daniel Martens10018
Daniel Sampson10014
Daniel Sanger1007
Daniela Hernandez9014
Danielle Browne1008
Danielle Perry10021
Darnell Clarke9012
David Jimenez10011
David Kilasi10015
David Mancassola10022
David Mellema10013
David Nazireu9024
Débora Noemi8014
Deborah King10027
Denis Martinez1008
Dorcas Mukendi10018
Eden Gutierrez10014
Elaina Kaptain10013
Elainah Sanger1007
Eli Locke9012
Eliana Milner1004
Elias Lambie1007
Elias Sanchez1008
Elias Singh1008
Eliezer Gabriel10014
Elijah Mahadeo1008
Elijah Meighoo1002
Elijah Mutchler8010
Elijah Sieunath10011
Elijah Teelucksingh1008
Elisabeth Gabriel10010
Elisabeth Garrett10026
Elisabeth Hines9015
Elisabeth Landrum10015
Elisabeth Ponder10022
Elisabeth Scott10018
Eliseo Sanchez1008
Ella Moore10016
Ella Sanger1009
Ella Toy1007
Ellen Martens10019
Elma Albuquerque908
Elsalem Jongwe10016
Emily Holmes10016
Emily Lavin10013
Emily Salzman9021
Emma Moncada9016
Emma Moore10013
Emmalyn Hagmann10012
Emmanuel Sánchez1009
Enock Mukadi10020
Erec Kingston10020
Erin Millis10025
Essie Gasper10019
Esther Olin10018
Esther Wenger10017
Ethan Shabaga906
Ethan Truelock10015
Etienne Deschamps909
Eunice Strite10010
Exode Loumbou10018
Ezekiel Milner1008
Ezra Doyle1008
Faith Beltran Alvarez10017
Faith Brandt10014
Faith Chambless10013
Faith Freehan10015
Faith Thorson10011
Félicité Narugano10019
Fiona Riley10014
Frederik Kofod1002
Gabriel Borlovan8013
Gabriel Cook10016
Gabriel Suarez10011
Gabriel Waller10014
Gabriel Wittmeier1006
Gabriella Landrum10012
Gabriella Mohammed1007
Genesis Suarez1006
Gerardo Suarez10014
Gideon Harris1005
Giulianna Suarez10013
Glorianna Williams10011
Grace Dickson1005
Grace Lunsford10011
Grace Milner10013
Grace Wells10015
Hadassah Brewster10013
Hadassah Lambie1009
Haley Vallance10014
Hannah Gary10015
Hannah Gokool10023
Hannah Kenworthy10016
Hannah Lev10012
Hannah Mcmasters10019
Hannah Olin10011
Hannah Vallance10012
Hannah Wahl10015
Hannah Wilson10020
Hannah Wittmeier1004
Harmony Kofod10011
Harmony Olson1004
Haylie Mckinney9014
Heidi Kofod1007
Heidi Thorson1008
Hope Chambless10013
Hope Cook10013
Hope Sanger10012
Hope Schultz907
Hoseah Gokool10012
Hunter Vallance1008
Isaac Dawson10011
Isaac Deschamps10011
Isaac Martens10015
Isaac Meighoo10019
Isabel Kenworthy10018
Isabelah Kofod1004
Isabele Toy10011
Isabella Collins1007
Isaiah Baboolal1002
Isaiah Collins10018
Isaiah Fritzinger10015
Isaiah Lunsford10016
Isaiah Smith1008
Isaiah Stutzman10013
Isaías Sánchez1008
Isha Lacombe10019
Israel Doyle10013
Ivan Wittmeier10014
Jacob Sanchez10017
James Wiltshire10016
Jared Strite10012
Jehoiada Barratt1005
Jemima Abraham1005
Jenna Kingston10021
Jenna Warme10022
Jeremiah Bray10013
Jeremiah Salzman10018
Jeremy Hagmann1007
Jeremy Householder9011
Jesse Cullinan10013
Jesse Dyck10027
Jesse Strite10010
Jessica Cook10024
Jessica Dawson1009
Jethro Cook8011
Jimena Hernandez10012
Jimena Sánchez1005
Joanna Dawson10015
Joanna Hess10018
Joanna Premaka1009
Joanna Strite10017
Joel Acat909
Joel Alexander10010
Joel Dyck10026
Joel Evans1009
Joel Ferrante10021
Joel Kaptain1006
Johanna Kofod1009
John Hyde Iii10021
John Moses Erickson1004
Johnny Boggs10012
Jonah Dickson1005
Jonah Householder808
Jonathan Ramsundar1009
Jonathan Schultz10014
Jorge Paez10014
Jørn-Caleb Kofod10012
José Sánchez 1005
Jose Mercado10012
Jose Sanchez9011
Joseph Blaine Olin10019
Joseph Chavez10010
Joseph Dawson10013
Joseph Evans1006
Joseph Gary1003
Joseph Geransky1008
Joseph Smith10018
Joseph Strite1007
Joshua Campominosi10014
Joshua Fritzinger9011
Joshua Garrett10023
Joshua Gary1005
Joshua Kaptain10013
Joshua Kesslar10020
Joshua Landrum1008
Joshua O'dwyer10017
Joshua Premaka10012
Joshua Sanger10015
Joshua Schultz1002
Joshua Strite10014
Josiah Dickson1008
Josiah Isaacson10013
Josiah Lunsford10013
Josiah Newman1008
Josiah Olson1008
Josiah Teelucksingh1005
Joy Alexander1005
Joy Rinas10013
Joy Salzman10019
Joyanna Sanger1009
Joylin Strite10021
Juan Sanchez1005
Judah Connell1008
Julia Perozok10016
Juliana Amalong10015
Julianna Hare10017
Kapinga Asaka10022
Kara Morales10014
Karla Rubio Rodriguez10020
Katelyn Kingston10015
Katherine Kuchel905
Katherine Crutchfield10025
Katie Kenworthy10011
Kay Olson1008
Kendall Speed10016
Kevin Wilson10025
Kimberly Beejadhar10010
Kimberly Florian10026
Kristen Martell10022
Kristine Thorsen10014
Kylie Morrison1003
Kyria Asaka9015
Laura Carbonneau10012
Laura Kenworthy1008
Lauren Reilly10024
Laurisa Borlovan10022
Leah Martin10019
Ledys Lopez10026
Leonardo Sánchez1008
Lesley Ek10017
Levi Hare909
Lilia Gary1008
Liliana Smith10022
Lillia Sanger10014
Lilly-Rose Gubwe100115
Lily Clarke10010
Lily Weerts1004
Lincoln Sanger9013
Lois Hyde10020
Luke Cook10011
Luke Kaptain10015
Luke Kingston10011
Luke Smith10011
Luz Jiménez10017
Lydia Wahl10016
Madelyn Evans10015
Madelynn Landrum1009
Marcos Hernandez10027
Maria Caballero Zambrano10022
Maria Cherednichenko9017
Maria Dalmaus Ortega9019
Maria Lambie1005
Maria Martinez9015
Maria Sanchez10014
Mariely Solis Ortega10020
Mark Perozok10014
Mary Villacorta10025
Matthew Brodeur10016
Matthew Browne10012
Matthew Fritzinger10013
Matthew Kaptain10010
Matthew Martens10017
Matthew Schultz10018
Mckenna Kitchen10012
Meaghan Geransky1009
Meda Evans1003
Meda Meighoo1003
Meda Smith10015
Meda-Joy Ramsundar10016
Meghan Kenworthy10021
Melisa Ponce8017
Melissa Parker10027
Melissa Sanchez1004
Melody Brown10015
Melody Olson1005
Melody Schamel10015
Melody Walker-Campbell10020
Merry Williams10011
Micah Campominosi909
Micah Garcia1003
Micah Harvey1006
Micah Kaptain1006
Micah Kesslar10022
Micaiah Baboolal1004
Michael David Weerts1006
Michael Dickson10010
Michael Musangu9012
Miqueas Enoc Velazquez9025
Moises Hernandez10027
Moriah Lunsford10015
Moses Barratt1003
Myriam Roussil10020
Myriane Ouellette10027
Naboth Mboyo Longila Empompolongo9012
Naomi Crutchfield10023
Naomi Fritzinger1003
Natalya Wittmeier10013
Nathan Berthiaume10011
Nathan Brandt10024
Nathaniel Dickson1006
Nehemiah Gokool10013
Noah Harvey909
Noah Helm1004
Noah Martens9016
Noah Smith10017
Noé Sánchez1007
Noemy De Menezes Santos10019
Olivia Borlovan10018
Olivia Ellis10013
Olivia Marsteller10012
Omotunde Sotuminu9016
Patience Brown10017
Patience Smith1005
Patrick Sanger10010
Paul Blemur10015
Paul Fritzinger Jr.1008
Paul Hyde10017
Paul Kaptain1009
Paul Mcmasters10021
Paula Oliveira9023
Peter Tempo10026
Phebe Dickson1002
Philip Perozok10011
Phoebe Owusu10011
Preda Adrian10018
Priscilla Mattei10024
Racheal Gary10021
Rachel Andrews10011
Rachel Dawson10015
Rachel Perry10017
Rachel West10022
Rachelle Meza10027
Rahela Badarau10018
Raquel Peralta10015
Rebeca Gómez Sandoval10025
Rebecca Gokool10022
Rebecca Ramkhelawan10019
Rebecca Vallee8020
Rebekah Gabriel10015
Rebekah Campominosi10018
Rebekah Chavez10020
Rebekah Gosine1009
Reuben Fritzinger10020
Riasa Shabaga1009
Rishard Khan1009
Rosa Polanco García10020
Ruth Gokool9020
Ruth Hyde10013
Ruth Perozok1008
Ruth Sanchez10013
Samuel Dickson1003
Samuel Gasper10012
Samuel Gokool10024
Samuel Harris1008
Samuel Lacombe9029
Samyil Belan1009
Sara Jimenez10014
Sara Sánchez 1005
Sarah Amber Ferrante10020
Sarah Andrews10015
Sarah Beejadhar1003
Sarah Keller10027
Sarah O'dwyer10012
Sarah Perry10024
Sarah Scott10017
Sarah Teelucksingh1004
Savannah Naber10013
Saviour Dube10012
Serenity Cook9014
Shalloum Gokool10019
Shalom Leadingham1005
Shalom Mtetwa10019
Shalom Strite10012
Shalom Wiltshire1008
Shamgar Gabriel1007
Sharon Sanchez10011
Sharon-Rose Boisvert10016
Sharon-Rose Broome10024
Sharon-Rose Mukendi10013
Sharon-Rose Stephen10019
Shaylyn Hubert10016
Silas Garcia1004
Silas Lunsford10014
Simeon Fritzinger1005
Solomon Alexander10015
Speranza Bertuzzi10021
Stephen Gosine10014
Stephen Schultz10015
Susan Olin10016
Susanna Leadingham1009
Tabacaru Andrei10014
Tabacaru Iosif10016
Tabitha Barber10015
Talitha Katalayi9010
Tamara Dyck10025
Tamara Stephen10016
Taylor Evans10014
Thea Stephen10016
Theo Harvey1004
Theodore Carter1005
Timo Pot10013
Timothy Allison10026
Titus Garcia1004
Trisha Fisher10018
Ulises Sanchez9012
Urias Sanchez9011
Uriel Sánchez1003
Valarie Byers10016
Violet Martens903
Vladyslav Kolesnyk10024
William Asaka10020
William Cundar10012
William Dickson1009
William King10023
William Kuchel10010
William Mcmasters10028
William Sanchez1004
William Sanchez1007
William Seraiah8010
Winston Ditlow9019
Yasmin Irik Costa10020
Zach Sanger1004
Zachary Martens10014
Zachary Puryear10028
Zachary Wilson10014
Zaret Sánchez1003
Zoe O'dwyer10014
Zoë Sanger10018
Zulia Sánchez1005