
65-0711 Ashamed

Are you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you ashamed of your pentecostal experience? That’s being ashamed of His Word. That’s His Word made flesh in you.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 65-0711
  • Location: Jeffersonville IN - Branham Tabernacle
  • Duration: 100 min
  • Scripture: Mark 8:34-38
Scores will be accepted until Sunday, August 2, 2015
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Old Brother Smith was kind of a quiet sort of a fellow. What would he say to Brother Branham when he walked in?
When you get to a spot, you’re so smart that you know everything, that’s when God can do something with you.
The first thing is, if you feel led to do anything, then _____.
Who was the model servant of the Bible? He was sent to hunt a bride for Isaac, just like Brother Branham was here to call out a Bride.
Brother Branham would jot down notes in symbols and scratches on the things he wanted to preach about. What did he say these notes were like?
“For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and lose his own _____?”
That Spirit must _____ every promise of God with an “amen”! If it isn’t, then you never met God, you met a deceiving spirit. And the world is full of it today!
Moses didn’t just speak to Pharaoh, he got on his knees and begged for him to let the children of Israel go.
“A man who has once come in contact with God, which is the Word, and the Word has been made plain and manifested to him, there is no _____ about that.”
“But whosoever is _____ of Me and My Word, in this generation, him will I be _____ of before My Father and the holy Angels.”

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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65-0711 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Ashamed. Anyone taking the quiz after Sunday, August 2, 2015 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen10016
Aaron Wenger10021
Abbey Kingston10017
Abel Meighoo10014
Abigail Barber908
Abigail Garcia1006
Abigail Milner10011
Abigail Olin10014
Abigail Sanger10017
Adam Connell1004
Adam Geransky1007
Adam Weber9018
Adelaide Connell1006
Adina Muresan10023
Alex Mpepereki10023
Alicia Gokool10016
Alix Lacombe10022
Allison Matty10018
Allison Sanger1006
Amalys Kiener10029
Amanda Mutchler10024
Amber Pister10011
Amelia Hyde1007
Amelia Klopp10017
Andrew Bomberger10018
Andrew Chambless1009
Andrew Farrie1007
Andrew Watson9022
Angel Castelo Branco1003
Angelo Kane9015
Anna Alexander10013
Anna Andrews10013
Anna Crutchfield10017
Anna Harris10015
Anna Myers10016
Anna Phillips1005
Anna Sampson10010
Annie Zepeda Pacheco1008
Antipas Asaka1005
Anton Cherednichenko10019
Arsen Prysiazhniy10012
Asaph Singh1007
Ashlea Mccullough10017
Ashlee Greene10018
Ashley Doodnath10013
Ashley Pister10016
Ashley Vandenbosch10014
Austen Dockens10025
Austin Pister10018
Autumn Klopp10014
Ava Toy1008
Bartosz Sikora9010
Beloved Akanji10011
Benaiah Alexander1008
Benaiah Fritzinger1002
Béni Moussounda Paka10011
Bénie Endzondzi10016
Benjamin Ceballos10012
Benjamin Fritzinger1005
Benjamin Kuchel1009
Benjamin Mahadeo1005
Benjamin Rains10010
Bethann Fritzinger1006
Bethany Lavin10012
Billy Joe Cullinan10015
Billy Nzouanda10013
Boaz Kilasi10010
Bobby Marsteller10011
Brooke Waller10012
Caleb Carbonneau10014
Caleb Cook1006
Caleb Harris10013
Caleb Hess10023
Caleb O'dwyer1009
Caleb Reese10014
Câline Wright9024
Carol Garcia10013
Cassia Martin10015
Celeste Jones908
Celeste Muimpe Wadiala10013
Céphas Bongolota9022
Chai Smith10014
Chantel Mellema10017
Chantelle Andrews10011
Charity Brodeur10012
Charity Freeman10029
Charity Southworth10017
Charlie Farrie Iii10014
Charlie Morales10015
Christ Bassoukissina10020
Christ Moussounda Paka1009
Christian Crawford10016
Christian Hare9012
Christian Leadingham10013
Christian Plante10026
Christina Manecci10024
Christine Robinson9013
Christopher Wenger9019
Damaris Pot10026
Daniel Dickson1004
Daniel Evans Jr10013
Daniel Hagmann10014
Daniel Kenworthy10014
Daniel Kuchel1008
Daniel Martens10019
Daniel Sampson10014
Daniel Sanger1008
Danielle Browne1008
Danielle Ibaressongo10014
Danielle Perry9021
Darnell Clarke9012
Darnich Xxx10010
David Mancassola9022
David Mellema10013
David Nazireu9024
Deisy Celis Preciado10027
Derek Sutton10010
Dieudonné Cléopas904
Dmitry Foster10017
Dorcas Mukendi10018
Dorose Diambela Kaya1007
Echo Cook1008
Eden Gutierrez10014
Edinson Sánchez Sanchez10019
Eilie Telgenhoff10015
Elaina Kaptain10013
Elainah Sanger1007
Elhy Tala9015
Eli Locke10012
Eliana Milner1005
Elias Singh1008
Eliezer Gabriel10014
Elijah Holmes10012
Elijah Mahadeo1008
Elijah Meighoo1002
Elijah Mutchler10011
Elijah Sieunath10011
Elijah Teelucksingh1008
Elisabeth Gabriel10010
Elisabeth Landrum10015
Elisabeth Ponder10022
Elise Rotsch1009
Ella Ngatse1004
Ella Toy1007
Ellen Martens10019
Emerald Maple8012
Emily Garcia1006
Emily Holmes10016
Emily Lavin9013
Emily Salzman9021
Emily Sampson10020
Emma Moncada10016
Emma Moore10013
Enoch Fritzinger1005
Enoch Rains1008
Ephraim Hssiheuhssi Fokou9027
Ephraim Vormawor10010
Erec Kingston10020
Erin Millis10025
Essie Gasper10019
Esther Caicedo Lopez10020
Esther Nzouanda10016
Esther Vormawor10010
Esther Wenger10017
Ethan Shabaga1006
Eunice Strite10010
Evans Paka809
Ezekiel Milner1008
Ezra Doyle1008
Faith Brandt10014
Faith Chambless10013
Faith Thorson10011
Francisco Pacheco Herrera10025
Frederik Kofod1002
Gabriel Cook9016
Gabriel Page Waller10014
Gabriel Wittmeier1006
Gabriella Landrum10012
Gabriella Mohammed1008
Gavin Cook10010
Genesis Suarez1006
Georges Mananga9027
Gerardo Suarez10015
Giovanna Suarez10010
Giulianna Suarez10013
Glorianna Williams10011
Grace Dickson1005
Grace Lunsford10012
Grace Milner10013
Grace Mukendi10016
Grace Wells10015
Hadassah Brewster10013
Hadassah Forde10011
Hadassah Phillips1008
Haley Vallance10014
Halle Householder8014
Hannah Gary10015
Hannah Gokool10023
Hannah Holmes10018
Hannah Hunt1007
Hannah Kenworthy9016
Hannah Lev10012
Hannah Mcmasters9019
Hannah Olin9011
Hannah Sampson10016
Hannah Vallance10012
Hannah Wahl10015
Hannah Wilson10020
Hannah Wittmeier1005
Hannah Yancey10017
Harmony Kofod10011
Harmony Olson1004
Hattie Gadzoura1007
Haylie Mckinney10015
Heidi Kofod1007
Heidi Thorson1008
Hellen Zepeda Pacheco1006
Hope Chambless10013
Hope Cook10013
Hope Sanger10012
Hope Schultz1008
Hoseah Gokool10012
Hunter Curtis10013
Hunter Vallance1009
Ilya Samonenko10016
Isaac Dawson10011
Isaac Martens10016
Isaac Meighoo10019
Isaac Tala10010
Isabel Kenworthy10019
Isabelah Kofod1004
Isabele Toy10011
Isabella Collins1007
Isaiah Baboolal1002
Isaiah Collins10019
Isaiah Fritzinger10015
Isaiah Lunsford10016
Isaiah Mayers10015
Isaiah Stutzman10013
Isha Lacombe10019
Isheanopa Mushongwi10020
Israel Doyle10013
Ivan Wittmeier10014
James Wiltshire10016
Jared Strite10012
Jehoiada Barratt1005
Jemima Orakwue10012
Jenna Kingston10022
Jenna Warme10022
Jeremiah Cook9012
Jeremiah Olin8012
Jeremy Tala9016
Jesse Cullinan10013
Jesse Dyck10027
Jesse Myers10012
Jessica Dawson1009
Jethro Blemur10012
Jethro Cook10012
Jewel Samuel10015
Joanna Hess10018
Joanna Premaka1009
Joanna Strite10017
Joel Acat8010
Joel Alexander10010
Joel Dyck10026
Joel Ferrante10021
Joel Kaptain1006
Joël Pambou807
Joel Wilson10018
Johanna Kofod1009
John Ezra Andrews907
John Hyde Iii9021
John Moses Erickson1005
Johnny Boggs10012
Jonah Derksen10016
Jonathan Schultz10014
Jørn-Caleb Kofod10013
Joseph Davis1002
Joseph Evans1006
Joseph Gadzoura1003
Joseph Gary1003
Joseph Geransky1008
Joseph Gonzalez9016
Joseph Owona Ngueoung10019
Joseph Strite1008
Joshua Campominosi10014
Joshua Clarke1005
Joshua Fritzinger10011
Joshua Garrett10024
Joshua Gary1006
Joshua Kaptain10013
Joshua Kesslar10020
Joshua Landrum1008
Joshua O'dwyer10017
Joshua Phillips9013
Joshua Premaka10013
Joshua Sanger10016
Joshua Schultz1003
Joshua Strite10014
Joshua Taylor9014
Joshua Williams10018
Josiah Dickson1008
Josiah Forde10012
Josiah Isaacson10013
Josiah Lunsford10013
Josiah Olson1009
Josiah Teelucksingh1005
Josue Massouama9024
Josué Segura Gutiérrez9016
Joy Alexander1005
Joy Rinas10013
Joy Salzman10020
Joyanna Sanger1009
Joylin Strite9021
Judah Connell1008
Julia Perozok10016
Juliana Amalong10016
Julianna Hare10017
Kapinga Asaka10022
Kara Morales10014
Katelyn Kingston10015
Katherine Kuchel1005
Katherine Crutchfield10025
Katie Kenworthy10011
Katie Sutton10012
Kayleigh Beaver1007
Keila Belony10010
Kendall Speed10017
Kimberly Beejadhar10010
Kimberly Florian10026
Kristen Martell10023
Kyria Asaka9015
Laura Carbonneau10012
Lauren Reilly10024
Laurisa Borlovan10023
Leah Martin10019
Leah Mayers10010
Lerina Mputu10025
Levi Hare10010
Leydi Pinilla Berbesí10025
Lilia Gary1008
Lilija Kovalenko10021
Lillia Sanger10014
Lillian Holmes10010
Lillian Hyde10011
Lily Clarke10010
Lily Weerts1005
Lilyann Myers10017
Lincoln Sanger9013
Lizbeth Lizarazo Celis10017
Luke Cook10011
Luke Kaptain10015
Luke Kingston10011
Luke Smith10011
Lydia Wahl10017
Lys Moussavou10013
Madelyn Evans10015
Madelynn Landrum10010
Malachi Olson907
Malu Mbayabu10016
Maria Cherednichenko10018
Maria Gutierrez10019
Mark Perozok10014
Mary Wiltshire10011
Matías Hidalgo Baranauska9010
Matthew Brodeur10016
Matthew Browne10012
Matthew Fritzinger10013
Matthew Kaptain10010
Matthew Martens10017
Matthew Schultz10019
Matthieu Hagmann10011
Mckenna Kitchen10013
Meaghan Geransky10010
Meda Evans1004
Meda Meighoo1003
Meda Nzouanda9019
Meda Smith10015
Megan Mccullough10015
Meghan Kenworthy10021
Melissa Parker10027
Melodia Jones10010
Melody Brown10015
Melody Olson1006
Melody Walker-Campbell10021
Merary Lizarazo Celis10014
Meschac Ballend Pouna8015
Micah Garcia1003
Micah Harvey1006
Micah Kaptain1006
Micah Kesslar10022
Micaiah Baboolal1004
Michael David Weerts1006
Michael Dickson10010
Michael Freitas10015
Michael Musangu10012
Michel Mukadi10012
Michelle Tempo10022
Moriah Lunsford10016
Moses Barratt1004
Moses Rotsch1007
Muhanga Matinda9022
Mulanga Mbayabu10017
Myriam Roussil10020
Myriane Ouellette10027
Naomi Crutchfield10023
Naomi Forde10015
Naomi Fritzinger1003
Natalie Phillips909
Natalya Wittmeier10013
Nathan Brandt10024
Nathanael Locke1009
Nathaniel Dickson1006
Nehemiah Gokool10014
Nelvie Tati Apembet10014
Noah Harvey1009
Noah Martens10016
Noemy Santos10025
Olakunle Olatunji10012
Olivia Borlovan9019
Omotunde Sotuminu8017
Oscar Geunolet Moussougou10023
Patience Brown10017
Patience Smith1005
Patrick Sanger10010
Paul Blemur10016
Paul Fritzinger Jr.1009
Paul Hyde10018
Paul Kaptain1009
Paul Kenworthy10012
Paul Mcmasters10022
Peniel Nkoua9021
Phebe Dickson1002
Philip Perozok9011
Phoebe Owusu10011
Poara Alexandra10013
Praise Mushongwi10023
Précieuse Pele9015
Precious Jones10012
Preda Adrian10018
Priscilla Phillips1003
Promise Kayembe9012
Racheal Gary10021
Rachel Andrews10011
Rachel Dawson10015
Rachel Gnihinga Paka1009
Rachel Perry10018
Rachel West10022
Rachelle Meza10027
Rahela Badarau10018
Raquel Peralta10020
Rebeca Segura Páez10016
Rebecca Gokool10022
Rebecca Mabiala10010
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Ramkhelawan10019
Rebecca Vallee10020
Rebekah Gabriel10016
Rebekah Campominosi10018
Rebekah Gosine1009
Reine Dimbou8012
Reuben Fritzinger10020
Riasa Shabaga1009
Rocher Ngatse10013
Roldi Wamba10015
Rosca Darius10022
Rose Reonigneaud9014
Ruth Gokool10020
Ruth Hyde10014
Ruth Kilasi10011
Ruth Pambou9018
Ruth Perozok1009
Ruthanna Fritzinger10019
Saadi Ayami Latoundou10024
Salome Forde1007
Samuel Gasper10012
Samuel Gokool10024
Samuel Harris1008
Samuel James1004
Samuel Lacombe10029
Samuel Myers10013
Samuel Segura Gutiérrez9013
Samyil Belan10010
Sara Oumaouma10016
Sarah Andrews10015
Sarah Batakanwa10017
Sarah Beejadhar1003
Sarah Keller10027
Sarah O'dwyer9012
Sarah Pele9017
Sarah Perry10024
Sarah Scott10017
Sarah Teelucksingh1004
Savanna Anderson10017
Savannah Naber10013
Saviour Dube10012
Serenity Cook10014
Sergey Degtiar10028
Shalem Laguna10014
Shalloum Gokool10019
Shalom Leadingham905
Shalom Strite10012
Shalom Wiltshire1008
Shamgar Gabriel1007
Sharon Escobar Cheves9013
Sharon Espinoza Ayala8023
Sharon-Rose Basdeo10015
Sharon-Rose Boisvert10016
Sharon-Rose Broome8024
Sharon-Rose Mukendi10013
Shaylyn Hubert10017
Shepherd Kitchen10010
Silas Garcia1004
Silas Lunsford10014
Simeon Fritzinger1005
Solomon Alexander10015
Speranza Bertuzzi10021
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia9019
Stephen Gosine10014
Stephen Schultz10016
Susan Olin10017
Susanna Leadingham1009
Tabitha Barber10015
Talitha Katalayi10010
Tamara Dyck10025
Tamara Stephen10016
Taylor Evans10014
Tayo Sotuminu10015
Thara Belony10011
Thea Stephen10016
Theo Harvey1004
Thirtsa Ishiari10015
Timo Pot10014
Timothy Allison10026
Titus Garcia1004
Trisha Fisher10018
Valarie Byers10016
Valarie Hyde1008
Violet Martens1004
William Diaz10012
William Dickson1009
William Honnête Loumbou10012
William Kuchel10010
William Mcmasters10029
William Seraiah10011
William Yancey9014
Winston Ditlow9019
Zach Sanger1004
Zachary Wilson10014
Zoe Dolabaille10012
Zoe Mutambirwa10022
Zoe O'dwyer10015
Zoë Sanger10019
Zoe Triana Ontiveros10017