
60-0522E Adoption #4

And when the Christian is packed with the Gospel, filled with the goodness of God, all the good things of God laying in him, with an open heart, ready to work, willing to be positionally placed, do anything that the Holy Spirit tells him to do, passed from death unto Life, sanctified from all the things of the world, walking in the Light as the Light comes to him, moving on, he's ready. Then God shuts the door of the world behind him, and kicks it together like that, and seals him with the Holy Ghost of promise. Hallelujah! How long? Until the destination. Don't get him out here on the railroad track and break it open and see if everything's all right again. It's all right, just leave it alone. The Inspector has done inspected it. How long are you sealed? Until the day of your redemption. That's how long you're sealed. "Well, when you die, then, Brother Branham, what about after you die, you said you still have It?" You have It forever. Where does Life begin? At the altar. Right there you see a little bit of shadow. That's the shadow, the Seal of the Holy Spirit. Then it's a shadow of the shadows of the shadows, as I said the other day. But when you die, you keep on going through those shadows until you come to moisture, from moisture to a little trickling spring, from a spring to a creek, from a creek to a river, from a river to an ocean, see, of the love of God. You're just the same person.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 60-0522E
  • Location: Jeffersonville IN - Branham Tabernacle
  • Duration: 133 min
  • Scripture: Ephesians 1:8-23
Adoption #4
Scores will be accepted until Friday, June 5, 2015
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

"God's will is a _______. And each man has to seek out the will of God for his or her self, God's _______."
God wrote two Bibles, one written in stone and one written on paper.
What does the virgin and the lion in the Zodiac represent?
The Rapture will be hundreds of thousands, but they'll be made up in _______ years of salvation too.
What Scripture did Brother Branham have the people turn to so that the story of Melchisedec from Hebrews 7 would be made plainer?
Jerusalem was first called _______, which was peace.
Jesus _______.
Brother Branham said, "Sometimes we _______ too many people that's _______, too much malice and strife, and there's too much in the church."
"... I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."
"Cancer's a _______ to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had _______."
Men that are sons of God are amateur gods.
Works is the manifestation that _______ has taken place.
Brother Branham said "THUS SAITH THE LORD, it'll take _______ to put you in that place, for that's all there was there."
The Devil can deceive a woman a hundred times quicker than a man.
A seal shows ________.
Who said, "Why did you call me, seeing you've become an enemy to God?"
What does "quickened" mean?
Who was credited for paying tithes to Melchisedec when he was in the loins of Abraham?
Who asked Brother Branham, "Daddy, has Jesus got a hand like yours?"
Who did Brother Branham tell to "stay into the harness?"

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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60-0522E Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Adoption #4. Anyone taking the quiz after Friday, June 5, 2015 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Derksen10016
Abbey Kingston10017
Abel Meighoo10013
Abigail Garcia1006
Abigail Olin10014
Abner Perez Gomez10012
Adam Connell954
Adam Geransky957
Adam Harris1002
Adan Sanchez1007
Adelaide Connell956
Adina Muresan10023
Adolfo Sanchez1003
Adriana Pele9510
Adriana Sanchez9525
Alba Aguilar9521
Alex Mpepereki9023
Alicia Gokool10016
Alix Lacombe9522
Aliyah Powe10013
Amalys Kiener9529
Amber Pister10011
Amber Rains1006
Amber Reed10016
Amelia Hyde1007
Amelia Klopp10017
Ana Sanchez1005
Anaïse Makaya9026
Anderson Beejadhar9514
Andrea Sanchez1005
Andrew Farrie1007
Angel Castelo Branco1003
Anna Alexander9513
Anna Andrews9513
Anna Crutchfield10017
Anna Harris10015
Anna Sanger8515
Annalisa Sieunath1009
Antipas Asaka905
Anton Cherednichenko8519
Ashlea Mccullough9017
Ashlee Greene10018
Ashley Pister10016
Audrey Wallace8016
Austin Pister9518
Autumn Klopp10014
Ava Toy1008
Axel Sanchez1008
Benaiah Alexander958
Benjamin Buitenkamp9019
Benjamin Chavez10017
Benjamin Evans9012
Benjamin Kuchel959
Benjamin Marcano904
Benjamin Phillips10012
Bernadette Ebambi8012
Bethann Fritzinger1006
Bethany Derksen10021
Bethany Nzapu9517
Bethany Sanger908
Bianey Jimenez1002
Billy Joe Cullinan10015
Boaz Kilasi10010
Bobby Marsteller10011
Brooke Waller10012
Caleb Chavez1007
Caleb Harris10013
Caleb Jimenez9510
Caleb O'dwyer1008
Caleb Páez10014
Caleb Reese9514
Candy Martinez10015
Carissa Powe10016
Carol Garcia9513
Caroline Crawford10011
Catalina Abadia9512
Cesia Cisneros Garcia908
Chai Smith10014
Charity Braithwaite1006
Charity Brodeur10012
Charlie Farrie Iii10014
Chikava Andrew10021
Chishamiso Mafura10022
Christian Crawford10016
Christian Leadingham9513
Christina Manecci10024
Christine Robinson8513
Christopher Wenger9519
Chrys Djatche De Kamgaing10020
Claudia Cantor Cisneros1007
Cora Goldsmith9514
Cosmas Zvikaramba10028
Dafne Perez Gomez1005
Daniel Dickson954
Daniel Kuchel958
Danielle Browne1008
Danielle Perry10021
David Mancassola8522
Denis Martinez10011
Dieudonné Ngoli8022
Echo Cook1008
Eden Gutierrez10014
Eduardo Perez Gomez1009
Elaina Kaptain9013
Elainah Sanger1007
Elias Lambie1007
Elias Sanchez1009
Eliezer Gabriel10014
Elijah Meighoo1002
Elijah Mutchler8010
Elijah Sieunath9511
Elijah Teelucksingh1008
Elijah Weber1002
Elisabeth Gabriel9510
Elisabeth Garrett10026
Elisabeth Hines9515
Elisabeth Landrum10015
Elisabeth Ponder9522
Eliseo Sanchez1009
Ella Moore10016
Ella Toy1007
Ellen Martens10019
Emily Garcia1006
Emily Salzman8521
Emma Moncada8516
Emmalyn Hagmann10012
Emmanuel Mananga8023
Emmanuel Sánchez10011
Enoch Rains1008
Erec Kingston10020
Erick Sanchez903
Erin Millis10025
Essie Gasper9519
Esteban Cantor Cisneros856
Esther Olin10018
Esther Wenger9517
Ethan Shabaga1006
Eunice Strite10010
Ezra Doyle1008
Faith Chambless9513
Faith Thorson10011
François Wosha9519
Francy Pele9010
Frederick Kasongo10028
Fruisna Mabouana Nkengue9520
Gabriel Cook8016
Gabriel Waller9514
Gabriel Weber1007
Gabriel Wittmeier1006
Gabriela Abadia10014
Gabriella Landrum10012
Gavin Cook10010
Gideon Harris1005
Glorianna Williams10011
Grace Dickson955
Grace Wells9515
Gracia Bayo1009
Hadassah Brewster9013
Hadassah Lambie1009
Hadassah Phillips1007
Hannah Day10012
Hannah Gary10015
Hannah Gokool10023
Hannah Hunt957
Hannah Lev10012
Hannah Mago9519
Hannah Olin10011
Hannah Wahl10015
Hannah Wilson10020
Hannah Wittmeier1005
Hannah Yancey9517
Heidi Thorson1008
Hope Chambless10013
Hope Cook10013
Hope Sanger10012
Hope Schultz1007
Hoseah Gokool10012
Hushai Nzapu10015
Isaac Dawson9511
Isaac Martens9516
Isaac Meighoo9519
Isabel Kenworthy10018
Isabele Toy10011
Isaiah Baboolal1002
Isaiah Fritzinger10015
Isaiah Mayers10015
Isaiah Newman9518
Isaias Sanchez10010
Isha Lacombe10019
Isheanopa Mushongwi10020
Israel Doyle9513
Ivan Wittmeier10014
Jacob Cisneros Garcia906
James Wiltshire10016
Jared Strite9512
Jeannelle Malima9012
Jehoiada Barratt1005
Jenna Kingston9521
Jenna Warme9522
Jeremiah Cook10011
Jeremiah Olin10012
Jeremie Tousignant8014
Jesse Cullinan10013
Jesse Dyck10027
Jesse Strite10010
Jessica Dawson1009
Jessica Sanchez8514
Jethro Cook10011
Jimena Sánchez1007
Joanna Dawson10015
Joanna Hess9518
Joanna Strite9517
Jochebed Dolabaille10013
Joel Dyck10026
Joel Evans9010
Joel Ferrante10021
Joel Kaptain906
Joel Wilson10017
John Hyde Iii10021
John Moses Erickson955
Johnny Boggs9512
Jonah Dickson1005
Jonathan Perez Gomez10010
Jonathan Schultz9514
Jorge Paez9016
Jose Mendoza10010
Jose Paez9512
Jose Sanchez1006
Jose Sanchez9013
Joseph Blaine Olin9019
Joseph Chavez10010
Joseph Chavez Morales1009
Joseph Dawson9513
Joseph Evans906
Joseph Gary953
Joseph Geransky1008
Joshua Campominosi9514
Joshua Gary1005
Joshua Kesslar9020
Joshua Landrum1008
Joshua Premaka9512
Joshua Rains1004
Joshua Sanger9515
Joshua Schultz1003
Joshua Strite9514
Josiah Dickson1008
Josiah Forde9512
Josiah Isaacson10013
Josiah Newman958
Josiah Teelucksingh1005
Josue Cordero9511
Joy Alexander955
Joyanna Sanger1009
Juan Sanchez1006
Judah Connell958
Julia Perozok10016
Juliana Amalong10015
Kapinga Asaka10022
Karen Barreiro Narvaez9020
Karla Rubio Rodriguez9521
Katelyn Kingston10015
Katherine Kuchel955
Katherine Crutchfield10025
Kendall Speed9516
Kimberly Beejadhar9510
Kimberly Florian10026
Kristen Martell10022
Kylie Morrison1004
Lauren Reilly10024
Leonardo Sánchez10010
Levi Hare10010
Levi Powe10014
Lewis Donfack10022
Lilia Gary1008
Lillia Sanger10014
Lois Hyde10020
Luke Cook10011
Luke Kaptain9515
Luke Kingston10011
Luke Smith9511
Lydia Wahl10017
Madelynn Landrum10010
Malachi Olson1006
Marcos Hernandez10028
Maria Cherednichenko10017
Maria Lambie1005
Maria Martinez9516
Maria Sanchez10015
Mark Perozok10014
Mary Wiltshire10011
Mateo Sanchez1003
Matthew Brodeur10016
Matthew Browne10012
Matthew Martens9517
Matthew Schultz9518
Matthew Yancey10011
Mckenna Kitchen9012
Meaghan Geransky1009
Meda Evans1004
Meda Meighoo1003
Meghan Kenworthy9521
Melissa Parker10027
Melissa Sanchez955
Melody Brown9015
Micah Garcia1003
Micah Harvey1006
Micah Kaptain1006
Micah Kesslar9522
Micaiah Baboolal1004
Michael Dickson10010
Michael Musangu9512
Michail Belan10015
Miguel Cordero908
Moriah Lunsford10016
Moses Barratt1003
Myriam Roussil9520
Myriane Ouellette9527
Nadege Mbuyi10021
Naomi Crutchfield10023
Naomi Fritzinger1003
Natalia Abadia9512
Natalia Puga10011
Natalya Wittmeier10013
Nathan Kabwela9522
Nathaniel Dickson1006
Nehemiah Gokool10014
Noah Harvey1009
Noah Martens9516
Noah Smith8517
Noé Cisneros García903
Noemi Jimenez955
Noemi Ruiz10016
Noemy Santos9521
Oana Badelita9021
Olivia Borlovan10019
Patience Brown10017
Patience Smith1005
Patrick Sanger10010
Paul Hyde9517
Paul Mcmasters8522
Phebe Dickson1002
Philip Perozok10011
Phoebe Owusu10011
Pierre Milambo8526
Praise Mushongwi10023
Précieuse Pele8515
Preda Adrian10018
Princess Nero10021
Priscilla Joseph8513
Priscilla Mattei8524
Rachel Andrews9011
Rachel Chikambi8019
Rachel Dawson10015
Rahela Badarau10018
Rebeca Sanchez1009
Rebecca Gokool10022
Rebecca Ramkhelawan9019
Rebecca Vallee10020
Rebekah Gabriel10015
Rebekah Campominosi10018
Rebekah Chavez10020
Rebekah Gosine1009
Riasa Shabaga859
Rodé Rodríguez Ordierez10011
Rosa Sanchez9534
Ruth Gokool9520
Ruth Hyde10014
Ruth Kilasi10011
Ruth Perozok1008
Ruth Sanchez10014
Salem Mwenyi9519
Salma Jimenez10011
Samantha Mendoza10012
Samuel Dickson1003
Samuel Gasper10012
Samuel Gokool10024
Samuel Harris1008
Samyil Belan1009
Sara Sánchez 1007
Sarah Beejadhar953
Sarah Keller10027
Sarah O'dwyer10012
Sarah Perry10024
Sarah Teelucksingh1004
Serenity Cook10014
Seth Hanson9513
Shalloum Gokool10019
Shalom Leadingham905
Shalom Strite10012
Shalom Wiltshire1008
Shamgar Gabriel957
Sharon Calva Cordones9520
Sharon Sanchez10013
Sharon Tshala956
Sharon-Rose Broome9024
Shaylyn Hubert10017
Shepherd Kitchen9010
Shingai Machiri9522
Silas Garcia1004
Silas Lunsford9514
Simeon Fritzinger1005
Solomon Alexander9515
Speranza Bertuzzi10021
Stacy Mendoza905
Stephen Gosine10014
Stephen Schultz10015
Susanna Leadingham909
Tamara Dyck10025
Tamara Stephen10016
Taylor Evans10014
Theo Harvey1004
Timotheus Taruvinga9522
Timothy Forde9014
Titus Garcia1004
Trisha Fisher10018
Urias Sanchez9512
Uriel Sánchez1004
Valarie Byers10016
Viviana Castañeda9527
Vladyslav Kolesnyk10024
Wilbert Gunyangu9021
William Asaka10020
William Chavez Morales1007
William Chavez Morales10011
William Dickson1009
William Kuchel9510
William Sanchez1006
William Seraiah10010
William Yancey10013
Yves Okoko10019
Zachary Wilson10014
Zaret Sánchez1004
Zoe Dolabaille10012
Zoe Garcia955
Zoe O'dwyer9515
Zulia Sánchez1007