
55-0109M Melchisedec, The Great Prince And King

Then, He was born in humility, right in a manger. He was made fun of; as you would be, or anyone else who serves Him. But while on earth, He, “Who had no respect of person,” He loved all. He—He healed all. He blessed all. He did good wherever He went. He gave His life as a sacrifice; died, buried. Rose, ascended up, as the forerunner to us.

And the very Spirit that was upon Him has come back to be with the Church, to lead and guide It. Speaking, “A little while and the world seeth Me no more. Yet, ye shall see Me, for I…” “I” is a personal pronoun. “I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world.” As, directing our minds to His great supreme sacrifice, as the forerunner of our blessed hope we have within the veil now.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 55-0109M
  • Location: Jeffersonville, IN
  • Duration: 1 hr and 20 min
  • Scripture: Hebrews 6:13-20
Melchisedec, The Great Prince And King
Scores will be accepted until Friday, February 28, 2025
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Which organization did Brother Branham say they were trying to represent?
"Jesus Christ lives and reigns, for the supreme _______ that He arose from the dead and is with us this day."
"'And faith cometh by _______, _______ by the Word of God.' The Word!"
"For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by _______…"
It never gets excited. It never rushes itself. It knows what it’s talking about. It’s always undisturbed.
The children of Abraham are Jews outwardly.
"Could you imagine Jesus saying, 'Now let Me check My faith and see if I’ve got enough faith to do this. See if I’ll have to fast a while, to see if I’ll have enough faith to do this'? He was perfectly _______ of the faith that He had. He just spoke it, and knew that it would be so."
Abraham was an old man, a hundred years old, when God appeared to him in the name of _______.
"No matter how much rises up to try to counterfeit or impersonate It, how many things raise up to try to contradict It or take It down, It’ll _______, for God has swore by Himself that He would keep it."
If you fail to believe It, there’ll be somebody stepping in your place to believe It, instead of you.
What do the men on the sea do when the waves get to dashing too hard for the boat?
"For He was wounded for our ___________, bruised for our __________, the chastisement of our __________ upon Him, and with His stripes we were ___________."
In order to obtain the same promise that Abraham had, you have to separate yourself from all worldly contacts and all the things of the world.
"Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin doth so easily beset us."
After Abraham returned from the slaughter of the kings, what did Melchisedec bring forth and give to him?
Jerusalem was first in Jewish possession.
What did Brother Branham say still stands in a memorial today, as it’s charred-over and held?
"And here is my greatest victories, the greatest pleasures I have, is when I come up against something. I can’t see over it, around it, or under it. I just keep _______, believing this, that God will make a way when I get there."
"When we rally There, with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, those who were heirs of the promise, looking forward to us not to fail, 'for without us they cannot be made _______.'"
"…What then? When the great Book is opened, what then? When the ones that rejecting _______ today, Will be asked to give a reason-What Then?"

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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55-0109M Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Melchisedec, The Great Prince And King. Anyone taking the quiz after Friday, February 28, 2025 will not have their score posted.

« Wyanita Cook »10021
Aaaajoshua Rains9513
Aaleah Brown10015
Abayo Valois9516
Abigael Haule10020
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Garcia10015
Acacia Gomes1008
Acacia Tati Oneay1006
Acaciashetim Nzihou Clide1009
Adina Bouyep Djomo1003
Adina Strite1005
Adino Andries1007
Adjowa Kougnaglo10023
Adoniram Hyde10015
Afanwi Che8513
Agusto Quimino10015
Aime Nzembi Manganga10026
Akiva Yao1006
Akpela Branham10014
Alannah Helm1007
Alayna Cook9011
Alayna Wittmeier10011
Alba Ivania Sánchez10028
Albert Enock10019
Albert Mokono10011
Albertina Mpono10016
Alberto Bemponga10012
Alberto Tati10015
Aleah Davis10010
Alégresse Aboto Ngwa9514
Alex Tsoumou10016
Alice Repass1009
Aline Jiménez10018
Aline Moreira10019
Allison Sanger10015
Altesse Ngadio9511
Alvie Loemba10012
Alyssa Abernethy10013
Amani Kiraka10010
Amber Rains10016
Amber Repass10012
Amélia Botnica955
Amelia Halley1005
Amelia Jackson10012
Amelia Phelps10017
Amira Ikouadja1008
Amos Gary1003
Amourvie Miambanzila10023
Amram Joseph Smith1006
Amy Cook10017
Ana Esperanza Etuba Ayong906
Ana Maria Mum Castillo8013
Anacleto Conde10012
Anaïse Tsoumou10018
Andrea García9014
Andrew Bomberger9528
Andrew Farrie10016
Ange Essama Owona9516
Angela Montaño10016
Angelica Halley10012
Angelo Romano9017
Ann Muthungu10028
Annah Fiator1009
Anne Yema10024
Annesophie Deschaines1002
Annikah Helm10014
Antipas Asaka10015
Antonio Gabilondo954
April Gary1000
Aquilas Ngbanda10012
Archange Babela10013
Areli Sanchez9514
Ariel Prince Donald Gweth1005
Arlie Bronson951
Arnold Kaninda10019
Aryana Mouanga954
Ashley Pister10026
Ashley Roberts10025
Astride Gomes10015
Aurora Newton10012
Ava Repass1007
Ava Toy10018
Awa Medibe1001
Bamutake Rubingisa10013
Baraka Kinyua10012
Bartolome Edu Abegue10018
Bella Jackson10015
Benaiah Alexander9518
Benaiah Halverson10011
Benaiah Strite1007
Bénédicte Toko10018
Bénédiction Mutwedu10018
Benjam Jamba902
Benjamin Cardozo1006
Benjamin Evedzi10013
Benjamin Sanger9511
Benjamin Silva1006
Benjamine Sandjong9510
Bennett Naber1003
Betty Nkounkou9511
Bianca Valencia10015
Bienvenue Ognouga9013
Billy Cleopas10017
Bokortsey Korsiwor10012
Bokortsey Yao10015
Bonheur Buttin10010
Branham Daso9513
Branham Khamdem1006
Branham Nzogue904
Brayanne Mafoua10011
Brenda Cortes Juarez8021
Caleb Kabeya10010
Caleb Odwyer10018
Caleb Páez10021
Caleb Simeu10010
Calton Chingonzo9522
Camaél Bahouma9013
Camila Martinez Sosa959
Carla Antsiabot9516
Carlee Barber1009
Céleste Tchikaya Makaya10023
César Gomes1002
César Huezo Ayala10020
Cessilia Ndolo Bumba10012
Chadrak Bumba1004
Chanelle Abogo10018
Charity Brodeur10021
Chaste Rubingisa1005
Chella Zoe1005
Chris Sitou10013
Chris Tshimungu9519
Christ Bassoukissina10021
Christ Foja8510
Christabel Adina1009
Christabel Makoni10027
Christevie Tsoumou9510
Christian Dexter10015
Christiana Apealete1008
Christiane Biazi9516
Christy Thorson10014
Cindy Davis10020
Claire Barber1008
Clara Jackson1007
Clare Phambu9513
Claudia Tati10018
Cláudio Harissone10024
Claúdio Magalhães Cláudio9520
Claver Kondi10015
Clem Sitou10010
Clemence Lodo10016
Cody Barber10015
Collins Eale10022
Colombe Djila Kodio9514
Corban Barber10012
Crechmina Kampala Bouligui9525
Crispin Lumuma10021
Cristian Taquez Durán10010
Cristina Quimino1005
Cynthia Maketo1008
Dabira Yao1008
Dàdiva Futi1005
Daniel Akpela10017
Daniel Bahouma9510
Daniel Bemponga1004
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Kabangu10014
Daniel Mungai10010
Daniel Respect1008
Daniella Ojar803
Danielle Sandza Peppe8012
Daudi Mlelwa10026
Davi Lima955
David Akpela10018
David Bengono Mbang950
David Chambi10026
David Chikambi9525
David Davis1004
David Eribó9513
David Gomes10012
David Hanyabui10012
David Mopembe10019
David Sanger10014
Dawson Naber1006
Dayana Moussolo10012
Deborah Aok10017
Deborah Apapealete10010
Deborah Vidzraku10021
Deivid Ramos10023
Delali Precious Dzorkpe10013
Delices Meda Mberi Kimpolo10014
Delphin Kasongo9016
Denisette Waka10017
Desire Bure10028
Destinée Massamba10016
Devise Kashama10022
Divina Avuglah1006
Divine Manga1007
Divine Ndoli10017
Dorcas Ndouma10022
Dorlinda Futi10014
Dorose Diambela Kaya909
Douanla Precious10010
Drivin Mabiala10016
Dublin Kimangou10028
Edudzi Adekahlor9011
Effie Macheza10026
Ehud Nzihou Clide9513
Elainah Sanger10016
Elia Mattei9511
Elia Quimino1009
Eliana De Souza959
Eliana Milner10014
Elias Botnico9510
Elias Dumbi1008
Elias Roman Rubio1007
Elias Zau10012
Eliel De Souza10011
Eliezer Kachulu10016
Eliezer Kores9522
Eliezer Seke9012
Elijah Buitenkamp1009
Elisabeth Senneville10024
Elisee Dickson1005
Eliza Bumba1004
Elizabeth Diaz Marin8524
Elizabeth Riehl9522
Elizabeth Vidzah10025
Ella Mcmasters9512
Ella Toy10017
Elohim Bouyou10018
Éloi Lacombe1008
Eloisa Aguiar E Silva10016
Elolo Adekahlor959
Elyon Urbain954
Emanuel Tchicaia Luemba10011
Emanuelly Silva1009
Emelyn Benedith Mendoza8522
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emily Cook10025
Emmanuel Boumbad8022
Emmanuel Mavoungou10021
Emmanuel Nkondje10015
Emmanuel Zonyra10011
Emmanuella Ilunga9025
Emmanuella Sapey10019
Emmanuelle Ndoli10018
Enalah Mbale10026
Enoc Valencia10012
Enoch Dickson1007
Enoch Garcia9515
Enoch Lemediak959
Enoch Wilson1004
Enselmo Zau10014
Ephraïm Mananga1007
Eric Gbeklui9528
Esaie Israël10018
Esmeralda Jiménez Montoya10014
Esperança Bemponga1009
Esperance Botoko10024
Espoir Ngoma10019
Essohanam Wembou9527
Esther Disuma10023
Esther Mbelu9014
Esther Narh Donkor8525
Esther Nkondje10011
Esther Pungwe9014
Esther Rushanika10015
Ethan Jackson10018
Eugène Tchakounte1005
Eunice De Loyce Yoa1009
Eunice Pemba Tchicaia9525
Eunice Sapey10011
Euredice Pungwe9515
Evodie Scotch9518
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou1003
Ezra Daulton10014
Ezra Olivares1002
Faith Sapey1006
Faith Tetsa10010
Faith Thorson10020
Faustino Condé10019
Favour Hanyabui10014
Fidèle Nkondje10013
Flávia Da Silva Cardoso10017
Florence Lacombe1003
Florência Kinga9019
Francisca Pouyou Chika8517
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Franyelys Laguna9517
Freddyne Okoumone10023
Gabriella Mohammed10017
Gabrielle Basraj10013
Gabrielly Freire9523
Galilee Basraj1001
Gédéon Fotio Tadzoua959
Gédéon Kepko10016
Gemima Zoa10019
Genesis Ana Rubio10018
Genia Barber10015
Geofrey Metugmabwe10024
George Banda10022
Georges Manguelle9511
Gerssey Tchicaya1008
Gideon Cook8528
Gideon Strite1002
Gift Chilomo9524
Gildas Mouloungui Moussavou10012
Gildas Moussavou959
Gloire Mafoua10013
Gloire Nvounda9517
Gloire Toko1008
Gloria Bedzrah9515
Gloriana Likibi10019
Godefroy Akena Zambe10011
Godsway Atafo1009
Godsway Bedzrah9517
Graça Dianzambi10025
Grace Basdeo10016
Grace Buitenkamp954
Grâce De Lys Yoa1006
Grace Dickson10014
Grace Dowati10023
Grace Kedy Bounanghan9013
Grace Mwila10021
Grâce Okoumoné10015
Grace Paul10016
Gracelyn Basraj1007
Graciano Dumbi1005
Gracious Cleopas1009
Gweth Jean Danielle1008
Gweth Priscille1005
Hacena Yao1002
Hadassah Ngomeni Tchouansi9011
Halo Medie Branham1000
Hannah Archibong10023
Hannah Hunt10017
Hannah Mwila10026
Hannah Uchechinaeke10024
Heidi Fowler8020
Heidi Thorson10018
Helen Ortiz Mosquera10011
Henry Joel González Orozco9024
Hope Kenworthy9515
Hope Malala10023
Hope Mpono1009
Hopeschipphrah Nzihou Clide10011
Horeb Rodriguez10011
Humble Achennewang Mafotsing Fokou10023
Imani Maene10023
Innocent Kiwara10026
Ira Nzuki10023
Irineu Futi10013
Isaac King10010
Isaac Myers10014
Isaac Shartiel10017
Isabel Kenworthy10028
Isabella Erazo Garcia10013
Isabella Silva1004
Isaiah Nyakpo1006
Isaque Vicente9513
Israël Bassilekin Wehoel853
Isreal Bedzrah10012
James Nkonde10021
James Tchouani908
Jaziz Kongo10016
Jazmyn Davis1005
Jeancy Lukusa9514
Jebadiah Kofod1000
Jecoliah Nutefeworla Apealete1002
Jedidiah Apealete1003
Jehu Longila Empompolongo10015
Jemima Fotso Koueyam1007
Jemima Nehon1007
Jephthah Evedzi10019
Jérémie Yonkam10020
Jerhed Miambanzila10014
Jessejoseph Alanwi10014
Jesús Aúriel Mba Fernández954
Jewel Njoroge1008
Jezaiah Halverson1006
Jhon Ortega Aguillon10023
Jireh Urbain10012
Joana Bilombe Muyenge10022
Joana Condé10010
Joana Evedzi9515
Joana Gomes1002
Joana Nyakpo10013
Joao Bumbi10015
João Miguel Rafael1008
João Pereira10027
Jobregal Wallace1007
Jochebed Ukpong10021
Joel Choupo9510
Joel Ruiz Orozco1005
Johanna Boodoo10023
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez8028
John Brown1006
John Halley9510
John Mburu10016
Jonah Dondo10021
Jonathan Benjamin Muleba10011
Jonathan Davis10013
Jonathan Fortunat9524
Jonathan King10012
Jonathan Meighoo1004
Jonathan Mountou10016
Jonathan Nyakpo1004
Jonathan Ognouga9510
Jordaie Doria Kiassakouka10028
José Aniel Botes Eduardo Eduardo901
José Bemponga10014
José Conde10027
José Condé10015
José Fosso10012
José Gutiérrez10017
José Jamba904
Jose Joaquín Etuba Ayong902
José Kinga10013
José Laguna9512
José Molache Eribo1007
José Mpono10012
José Pablo Gabilondo1007
José Pereira De Aguiar E Silva1007
Jose Rodriguez Velez10014
José Sadrac Paez9519
Joseline Manda Mouetoua9019
Joseph Ahiagbede10027
Joseph Aok1007
Joseph Bisimwa1009
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Choupo10014
Joseph Gary8513
Joseph Gerard9512
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos10013
Joseph Manga1003
Joseph Mountou10012
Joseph Mumo10011
Joseph Munzekere10025
Joseph Nchoussi10016
Joseph Niyo9518
Joseph Nyakpo954
Joseph Percéveré9514
Joseph Sikukuu8023
Joseph Tetsa1005
Joseph Tsoumou10012
Joseph William Mayaka10011
Josepha Fopa10010
Josephine Fiator1007
Joséphine Rushanika9528
Joshua Bunguli10024
Joshua Gary10015
Joshua Halley10014
Joshua Wolters10015
Josue Ceballos10018
Josué Djevou10023
Josué Waffo1003
Joy Manzi10020
Joy Mbogo9522
Joy Uchechinaeke10019
Joyce Konga10025
Juan Jose Jaimes Santacruz9511
Jubilee Strite10012
Judá Jimenéz Montoya9516
Judah Helm1009
Jude Harrision10015
Judith Harrision9512
Juliano Dumbi10012
Juliet Lodo959
Junior Atafo9514
Junior Leba10023
Junior Nkou10012
Juste Ngoma10019
Justine Toualeu1000
Kafui Adzinyo10020
Kant Mabsaye10028
Karelle Mvouama10022
Karla Baeza Cárdenas10018
Kashoba Abel9527
Kate Davis10017
Katelyn Kingston10025
Katilene Moraes10018
Kelyn Brown10016
Kerene Mpono10019
Kerzia Urbain10012
Kethia Samba10014
Kethura Nsiété9514
Kezia Thouansi858
Kofi Ahiagbede9518
Kokou Adoma10024
Komango Kaite959
La Daronne Buttin1007
La Perle Buttin1007
Lamech Branham10018
Landry Nombo1006
Larissa Alves Teixeira10014
Larosée Okoumone10018
Laura Cogdill10016
Laura Geswein10024
Léa Mavoungou10016
Léonie Lacombe1001
Leopold Manguelle9516
Lesleigh Van Heerden10023
Letizia Mattei10013
Levi King1006
Lewis Donfack9026
Lídia Lobato9022
Light Cleopas10017
Lilia Toy10017
Lillian Tjostheim10012
Lily Andries10011
Lily King1003
Lily Rowland1008
Lincoln Hyde10012
Linda Rodriguez Ordieres9514
Liriel Alfredo Da Silva10014
Livingstone Hoffmann10018
Lohan Lacombe1006
Lois Banda10023
Loïs Ikouadja1006
Loise Muisyo9510
Lord Ikouadja10012
Lorenzo Daniel Udo Bevega857
Love Njoroge1006
Loyce Ognouga9515
Lucas Maboumba10012
Lucy Mburu10014
Luke Kingston10021
Lumnwi Ndangang10022
Lussiana Conde10013
Lyne Boume9513
Madelyn Wilson1002
Magdala Choupo10016
Makena Weyenga10012
Malachi Dexter10013
Malachi Gary857
Malachi Riehl10013
Manassé Kifutu10023
Manassé Miambanzila10014
Manassé Mukendi9519
Marc Fegue Nke1008
Marcos Mavindi9521
Maria Baza10019
Maria Condé10016
María Gutiérrez Rivas10014
Maria Jesusa Etuba Ayong9019
María Molache Eribo10011
Maria Quimino10013
Maria Tati10011
Marian Jocabed Rodriguez Rosero1004
Marie Fotso Ndjegwe1006
Marie Mavoungou10016
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Marie Um9517
Marie Zoa Biba1008
Marline Angela Gweth1001
Marrion Andeng10013
Marsselino Quimino1003
Martin Gaviria10011
Mary Warutere8010
Maryam Ondoa957
Matthew Dewar1002
Matthew Troyer10019
Maurice Dieudonné Poes10010
Mawutor Bedzrah10010
Mckenna Kitchen10022
Meagan Chikaka1006
Meaghan Geransky10019
Mechak Bumba10010
Meda Amelia Mayaka1008
Meda Bosaba10019
Méda Branham1001
Meda Fouomekong1003
Meda Matondo9512
Meda Toko10016
Medah Mpasela10022
Merçia Nom Ondongo9524
Mercy Makau9519
Merveille Foja1006
Meschac Makita10010
Messie Révélé Egreba1009
Mia Siler10022
Micah Tjostheim1003
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Halverson10014
Michael Shammah9517
Miguel Mavungo9521
Milo Naber10011
Miriam Hangi10021
Misael Santos9513
Miwafu Obia10012
Moise Kalamba10010
Moïse Nkondje908
Moneth Davis9523
Mordecai Jainarine10010
Moses Buitenkamp907
Muhanga Matinda10024
Naboth Longila10013
Naomi Lodo10013
Naomie Bahouma9012
Naomie Matondo10015
Naomie Pambou10024
Natasha Naber1009
Nathan Barber9517
Nathan Kepko8510
Nathanaël Moupojou Sandjong1002
Nathanaël Nda Zambe10016
Nathanaël Nzogue903
Nathanael Odwyer1006
Nautresor Makosso10020
Ndangang Jokha10018
Ndangang Joseph Shobi9518
Ndem Zoé10017
Neema Kajungu9525
Neema Njoroge1003
Nehemiah Gbedemah10023
Nelson Mavindi9510
Neville Makala10022
Neville Mutombo10021
Ngum Fru8027
Nhyira Vinyomens10020
Nicolau Lussiano Ndolo1009
Nissi Shammah Vangu10022
Noclea Oyombi9528
Noé Bindzi10012
Noemí Mum Castillo1005
Noemy Santos10028
Nyasha Zvinowanda10021
Obadiah Meighoo1000
Obey Atafo1008
Obie Halverson1009
Olivia Brown10012
Ophelia Brown1004
Oracle Toko10020
Orman Neville Vangu10023
Ornel Beya9512
Panashe Muropa10024
Paola Bouanga1008
Parousia Bosau10011
Patience Gbeki10024
Patience Kanu10026
Patience Nzomo1003
Patrick Bidje1007
Paul Evambali954
Paul Johnson9518
Paul Preda9516
Peace Nzomo1004
Pedro Zusi Ndolo10015
Pendo Nzioki1009
Peniel Ikona Longila Empompolongo10011
Peniel Tetsa10011
Perfect Zilevu9520
Pergentino Ela Esono Meñena9524
Peter Tjostheim1007
Peter Uchechinaeke10027
Petra Mum Castillo9016
Phebe Dickson9012
Philippe Andeng1005
Phillip Jackson10016
Phoebe Gbagba9515
Precieuse Mukanya9515
Prefer Kanu9516
Prevaillia Kanu10021
Prince Rescapé Vangu10011
Prince Vidzraku10019
Princesse Madeleine Nehanen8515
Princesse Moupojou Tsafack1000
Princesse Nkantsa9510
Princesse Nkondi10012
Princesse Tchakounte Tankeu1002
Priscilla Brown10018
Priscille Lodjio Kouamo1002
Priscille Nsegue Atsa9523
Prodige Tekele10024
Prophet Kanu10013
Prosper Makiwa10018
Prospérité Makongo Kaya10012
Purity Kanu9019
Purvianve Mavoungou10014
Rabecca Mazuba10022
Rafael Condé10013
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong10027
Raquel Zoe Molache Eribo10011
Rebeca Concepción Etuba Ayong902
Rebeca Gomes10010
Rebeca Gutiérrez Rivas9513
Rebeca Mum Castillo9011
Rebeca Oliveira9514
Rebeca Poba10018
Rebecca Agbolosu1005
Rebecca Mpono10013
Rebecca Sapey10017
Rebecca Toko10013
Rebecca Tsoumou1007
Rebekah Andries907
Rebekah Ayianduma10021
Rebekah Manga10010
Reginaldo Martín Engonga Obama Abuy10019
Renee Diaz9025
Rhoda Wallace10010
Rhodes Pungwe10012
Rhuth Amatcha10010
Rodwige Miambanzila10010
Romaël Mbouka10019
Rose Lacombe10010
Rose Mouele Moussale8515
Roseline Bidzogo Ngono10023
Rosiana Ngungu954
Rosilia Ibourou Kounda9015
Roy Dziyanjanani9025
Roza Musenga10015
Ruben Bouyou10011
Rubiedove Cleopas10012
Rustel Nwaha9514
Ruth Dyck1000
Ruth Katongo8521
Ruth Léon10016
Ruth London Chipola8524
Ruth Molache Eribo10015
Ruth Respect Aok10015
Rylan Hunt10012
Ryleigh Bure1006
Salem Ndoli9511
Salem Phyllipard10023
Salome Bakandi9515
Samuel Amram Rodriguez Rosero1004
Samuel Choupo10014
Samuel Gary10011
Samuel Khiendo1001
Samuel Ngangue9511
Samuel Román Rubio1003
Samy Mulunda10028
Santiago Rincón10014
Sara Bahouma808
Sara Dianzambi10025
Sara Futi8515
Sara Gutiérrez10018
Sarah Beejadhar10012
Sarah Celine Ciabu9522
Sarah Hope Mayaka956
Sarah Kapinga9518
Sarah Manga1008
Sarah Mbiri10022
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda954
Sarah Odwyer10022
Sarah Tjostheim10010
Sarah Wallace10012
Sarahbeulah Anvene Acasia10021
Seema Dewar10016
Sefora Leon10020
Sephora Andegue9522
Sephora Mananga10012
Serafina Dumbi10016
Serah Tengey1003
Serenah Sanger1008
Seth Nsitu1004
Shadrack Mshindi10012
Shalem Laguna9514
Shalom Wiltshire9518
Shamah Bouyou1007
Shania Dewar10013
Sharom Laguna10012
Sharon Bemputa8512
Sharon Espinoza Ayala10025
Sharon Kariuki9519
Sharon Kisala10022
Sharon Rose Mayaka10013
Sharonrose Dakwa9021
Sharrit Pungwe1009
Shedrack Kisegendo8524
Shekina Kepko10018
Shenel Landero Caldera10016
Shepherd Kitchen8520
Silas Thorson10012
Silas Ziyambi10019
Simão Baco10012
Simão Zau1008
Simeon Phiri9520
Siméon Salomon Ngalou8524
Simon Tsayem9015
Simonpierre Sandjong10012
Simphe Routouroutou9527
Skinner Lekibi10013
Sofia Bungo10014
Sonia Madelena Muyenge9514
Spencer Phelps10012
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia10021
Stella Mavoungou10015
Stephen Mwihaki10015
Stephen William Tenguem Bongni1000
Sublime Ngungu1002
Suzanne Ngo Batida1008
Symphonie Mbole958
Tabitha Kimuyu1005
Tabitha Mabiala10026
Tabitha Sthill10012
Tabitha Wiltshire10021
Tenguem Lily853
Teresa João10025
Terrilynn Cook10014
Thea Stephen10026
Theresia Tsambou9526
Timothée Nmi10019
Timothy Meighoo1006
Timothy Mzonda10026
Titus Harrision10017
Titus Helm9512
Trust Evedzi958
Tsophnathpaneah Kamte Djomo Obed1008
Ulrich Mitela10015
Unicia Davis10017
Vainquer Kalamba9513
Valerie Dickson10010
Valerie Ray9516
Valery Taquez Durán10013
Vali Ngouadihouy Konga9512
Vandana Tadala1003
Vanesa Bumba9514
Veronica Biziki9517
Veronica Bumba10016
Veronica Riehl10010
Vertueuse Yoa9511
Victoire Gweth1003
Victoire Kasongo10015
Victoire Nkondje10017
Victor Magwira10016
Victor Moussolo1007
Victor Zau10018
Victoria Vidzraku10022
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa9016
Vitoria Vih9515
Wael Nkok10017
Wetsu Kelvin1009
Wetsu Prince10013
William Chavez Morales9514
William Chavez Morales10019
William Dyck1002
William Honnête Loumbou8512
William Pierre9514
William Seraiah10020
William Tetsa10019
Williams Manguelle958
Winner Apealete1004
Winner Atafo10011
Wonder Bokortsey9521
Wonderful Vangu10017
Xornam Fiadowu10016
Yinneth Araque Taquez10015
Yohan Kepko1007
Yurley Arias Jaimes10020
Yvemie Ekoueya10027
Zacarias Baco1008
Zach Sanger10014
Zaida Arias Jaimes10019
Zavier Hunt1009
Zelie Cyurimpundu10011
Zelie Kainda10026
Zephaniah Meighoo1002
Zivanai Irikidzai10019
Zoe Kiraka10013
Zoe Odwyer10024
Zoe Rosella Ayeni10027
Zulia Sanchez10014