
63-0803B Investments

Notice, when this, your sins are confessed, and your sins are dropped into the bleach of the Blood of the Son of God, it remits sin so much that it’s—it’s put in the Sea of God’s Forgetfulness, and can never even be remembered in His sight anymore. Then what, that, does that make a man? A son of God. God never remembers you to be a sinner. You are a son, you are a daughter, there is no more remembrance of sin at all. God puts it in the Sea of Forgetfulness, the bleach. The Sea of Forgetfulness is Christ’s Blood that was shed for you. And therefore, then, you and God, are Father and son, by Jesus Christ’s grace; not by anything you done, but by His grace. You are sons and daughters of God, and a partaker of His blessings and of His power and of His Life. His Life is in you, for you are a son of God. Oh, if the church could, we would only to represent that!

Sermon Info

  • Date: Saturday, 63-0803B
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Duration: 1 hr and 45 min
  • Scripture: St. Mark 10:17-22
Scores will be accepted until Tuesday, December 31, 2024
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If you are between the ages of 0 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

What song did Brother Branham request Brother Mel Johnson to sing?
"All of His compound redemptive names was represented _____________, and there is where they were brought out and magnified what God was."
"As the generations goes, and the enemy comes in, God keeps ____________ higher and higher and higher, until finally we’ll meet with Christ."
What is one of the evidences that Brother Branham knew that he passed from death unto Life?
It is only a policeman that points you to your sins, but it has no grace to pardon your sin. It only points you and tells you that you are a sinner.
"And then when we—we believe that if this original Vine ever puts forth another branch, they’ll ______________, because it’s the same Life that’s in the Vine."
There is Scripture for a “hereafter repentance.”
There is only one original color, and that’s _______.
What is the Sea of Forgetfulness?
"If you take the Gospel, then you become part of the Gospel. And if you become a part of it, like Peter, James, and John, and them, did on Pentecost, your life is another living Book of _______."
This is the age that when the manifestation of Christ comes so perfect in the image of Christ, in His Church, until the churches are closing the door.
"And now you are presented with the opportunity to make an investment in this Eternal Life. Your business may be legitimate and great, but there is no business any greater than _____________. See? You have the opportunity."
What is the last thing that the Church is going to see?
A beast is a "_______."
"And if you read the Bible and don’t see ___________, then you better ride back and read that Scripture again."
If you have made your investment, and got your policy stamped and sealed by the Holy Spirit, there is nothing going to rub it out.
Which of the following did Brother Branham mention, that made an investment?
What was Matthew’s occupation?
Does prosperity always mean you’re a Christian?
How did the little boy ride his bike on a foot-wide board standing two-foot high in the air, for thirty yards, when every one of the other boys fell off?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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63-0803B Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for Investments. Anyone taking the quiz after Tuesday, December 31, 2024 will not have their score posted.

« Wyanita Cook »9521
Aaleah Brown9515
Aaron Nangame8511
Aaron Waughtel1004
Abel Daso10017
Abel Tshivuadi10010
Abigael Ngono Menounga9517
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Garcia10015
Abigail Geer1008
Abigail Mushavire10024
Abijah Kinoti10010
Abisai Paez10023
Abraham Rubio Perez1002
Acacia Etongomex1008
Acacia Tati Oneay1006
Acaciashetim Nzihou Clide1009
Acsa Diaz Torres9514
Adam Weber10028
Adapshon Yohunsthon9024
Adelaide Connell10016
Adelina Mubiayi9514
Adina Strite1005
Adino Andries957
Adir Rincon Vaca1006
Adolfo Sanchez10010
Adoniram Hyde10015
Adria Ruth10025
Agness Nalupumbwe9523
Aimée Eyebe10021
Akpela Branham9514
Alayna Cook10011
Alayna Wittmeier10011
Alba Sánchez10028
Albert Enock10019
Albert Mokono9511
Albert Mushimba8021
Albertina Mpono10016
Alegria Manongo1006
Alejandro Mba Asogo10023
Alexander Martens10027
Alexis Barfield8515
Alice Repass1009
Alicia Mombo1006
Aline Jiménez10018
Aline Moreira9519
Allegresse Koyange1008
Alliance Massamba10012
Altesse Ngadio10011
Alvie Loemba10012
Alwin Kambidi10023
Alyssa Hyland10016
Alyssia Bélanger1004
Amani Kiraka9510
Amber Rains10015
Amber Repass10012
Amelia Abraham1006
Amelia Hyde10017
Amelia Jackson10012
Amélia Jessinau8520
Amelia Phelps10017
Amelie Polanco Rivas10011
Amram Aggee10025
Amy Cook9517
Ana Sanchez10012
Anahi Villalba Piñanez9516
Anaïf Loubondo10020
Andrea Chávez10020
Andrea Eriksen10017
Andrea García10014
Andrea Sanchez10012
Andrew Farrie10016
Andrew Freitas10015
Andrew Martens10021
Ange Berenice Yakam1005
Angel Joseph10017
Angela Montaño9016
Angélica Garcés Ospina10019
Angelo Romano8517
Anna Cook10024
Annabell Sandoval10010
Annaëlle Ntsana Ibara9523
Annaize Sandoval1005
Anne Malonga Bouwala1009
Anne Marie Touna1005
Annesophie Deschaines1002
Annie Maina9020
Anthony Aflo10018
Antipas Asaka10014
Antónica Muela1006
Antonio Gabilondo1004
Apolos Olivares10010
Aquila Mbabazi959
Arão Maziku10014
Archange Babela9513
Areli Sanchez10014
Arise Mutema10019
Aristote Bolebole8515
Arlie Bronson1001
Arnold Kaninda10019
Ashley Pister10026
Ashley Roberts10025
Ashly Díaz Orozco1007
Asnaida Mubiayi958
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Aspen Hollar10016
Asunciòn Oná Nzang10018
Atty Lungo955
Aurora Newton10012
Ava Repass1007
Ava Toy10018
Awa Abdou10024
Axel Castro Mercado1004
Aza Smith10014
Azariah Emond10021
Baketi Mwakikunga10022
Banks Baya9519
Baraka Kinyua9512
Bartolome Edu Abegue9518
Baruc Ngaboni Bouchard1000
Beleive Etongomex1004
Believe Kasongo1002
Bella Jackson10015
Bella Toy10016
Ben Kinkondi10016
Benaiah Halverson10011
Benaiah Strite1007
Bene Pendeza10028
Bénédiction Mutwedu10018
Beni Bokungu9023
Beni Kemene Ewoundi10019
Bénie Mbielingo10018
Benjamin Amblalsso9523
Benjamin Biboutou855
Benjamin Ceballos10022
Benjamin Evedzi10013
Benjamin Gichunge10013
Benjamin Kasongo1004
Benjamin Marcano9514
Benjamin Mazyambo10022
Benjamin Sanger10011
Berekyah Kaniki959
Bérénice Abega Mouer1005
Bernado Jay10021
Bethany Cavaree10017
Bethel Shumba9518
Betty Nkounkou9510
Beulah Ngouadi1005
Beulah Rains1003
Bezaleel Kadzirange10014
Bianca Valencia10015
Bibin Raj Raj S8513
Billy Cleopas10017
Billy Herman10010
Billy Nzouanda10013
Blessed Zimba9024
Bliss Herman10018
Blythe Olson10011
Boaz Gichunge10015
Boaz Gouakoubele10020
Boaz Olivares955
Bokortsey Korsiwor10012
Bokortsey Yao10015
Bonheur Mapana10014
Borel Tchinda9521
Bosworth Bosau10017
Branham Bosau10012
Branham Daso8013
Branham Khamdem956
Branham Nzogue1004
Bransen Wilbert9513
Brian Orellana Crespín10017
Bride Mulenga9524
Byron Colcha Flores10026
Caleb Kabeya10010
Caleb Odwyer10018
Caleb Simeu10010
Caleb Tshivuadi9512
Calebe Carneiro De Oliveira10027
Calton Chingonzo10022
Calvin Manika1009
Camila Villalba Piñanez9512
Candice Abega1007
Cândida Manongo10019
Cardelle Mbandzoulou9024
Carisa Masango952
Carissa Cook10017
Carla Antsiabot9016
Carter Phelps10014
Catherine Sousse10013
Céleste Tchikaya Makaya9523
César Huezo Ayala10020
Charity Brodeur10021
Charity Rains955
Charity Raphael10017
Charity Wallace1002
Charlie Waughtel1001
Chaste Rubingisa1005
Chella Zoe1004
Chequinah Nzungu9516
Chico Yengo10019
Chloe Newman1008
Chris Kiplagat10014
Chris Sitou10013
Chris Tshimungu10019
Christ Bassoukissina10021
Christ Foja9510
Christ Mampassi1006
Christabel Adina1009
Christabel Makoni10027
Christian Banzadio Jr10010
Christian Dexter10014
Christian Etamba10027
Christian Hare9521
Christian Stutzman10016
Christiana Apealete1007
Christiane Biazi10016
Christine Golla10018
Christine Robinson10023
Christy Thorson10014
Cindy Subryan10011
Citadin Kalonji10027
Clara Jackson1007
Clare Phambu10013
Claver Kondi10015
Clem Sitou9510
Colesse Muassuana1007
Colombe Nzoussi8515
Concepción Bosara Sialo1004
Connie Chengo10026
Cris Ngassi10026
Daniel Abraham1001
Daniel Akpela10016
Daniel Barrera10021
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Kabangu10014
Daniel Lodi9527
Daniel Macheza10021
Daniel Malonga10010
Daniel Nguempio8510
Daniel Respect958
Daniel Tshivuadi9516
Daniela Payés Castilblanco1007
Daniella Mubwete10016
Daniella Ojar1003
Danielle Browne10018
Daryl Cabrera Lezama8514
Daudi Mlelwa10026
Davi Dos Santos9016
Davi Lima1005
David Akpela10018
David Desouza9510
David Jiménez Olave9512
David Macheza10023
David Maingi10012
David Masakwa1009
David Mubenga10013
David Robinson10013
David Sanger10014
David Santander Diaz10014
David Telou10012
David Wafula9524
Davy Jeremie Kernel Bakenda Tongo9510
Dayana Moussolo10012
Deborah Aok9517
Deborah Apapealete10010
Deborah Chikumba10018
Deborah Kambani9516
Deborah Romol9510
Deborah Vidzraku10021
Deisy Celis Preciado10027
Delali Precious Dzorkpe9513
Delices Meda Mberi Kimpolo10014
Deloris Romol9511
Derrick Mwende10028
Dieu Merci Mambote9520
Dina Bopimo9018
Divina Avuglah1006
Divine Fopa Menounga1009
Divine Moubolou Kombila10012
Divine Ndoli10017
Domingos Raúl9528
Dominic Gallegos9515
Dominique Atanga Essengue10025
Donanneliesse Dzennia Martha1004
Donel Diha9510
Donevans Dzennia10012
Donroselah Kimia Dzennia1008
Dorcas Ambassa1004
Dorcas Gitonga8017
Dorcas Ndouma10022
Dorivaldo Manongo10014
Dorose Diambela Kaya959
Dosangio Dondo9517
Douanla Precious10010
Dove Esther Hôll Evina1003
Dove Kabangu1006
Dove Nguem9514
Drivin Mabiala10015
Drovel Boumba10021
Dumba Kudzai9526
Ebenezer Lungu908
Ebi Joshua D10013
Éclat Bakaya10025
Eden Joel D1008
Edison Colcha10022
Ednah Matoi10024
Edudzi Adekahlor10010
Effie Macheza9025
Efraim Bleachechen9514
Ehud Nzihou Clide10013
El Benie Munduku9523
Elange Tshingej9512
Elbethel Kandiyado1005
Elia Mattei10011
Eliana De Souza809
Eliana Milner10014
Elias Garcia9515
Elías Samaniego Piñanez1005
Eliel De Souza10011
Eliezer Banda958
Eliezer Engoni Menounga956
Eliezer Kores10022
Eliezer Mpasela10019
Eliezer Ortega Aguillon9528
Elihu Kifalme Rugendo1003
Elijah Bottazzi1004
Elijah Buitenkamp1008
Elijah Riehl10015
Elijah Umunnabuike10023
Elijahbill Nguem Nguem10016
Elin Vold10025
Elisabeth Buitenkamp10011
Elisee Onana10017
Elisha Coley10016
Elishama Kandiyado10013
Elisheba Kandiyado1009
Eliu Perez Olivares9514
Elizabeth Garcés Ospina10022
Elizabeth Riehl10022
Elizabeth Vidzah10025
Ella Daulton10017
Ella Mcmasters9512
Ella Rose Mwangi1005
Ella Saidi10026
Ella Smith10012
Ella Toy9516
Ella Weerts10011
Ella Yuan10010
Elliott Sganzerla1004
Elma Menezes Santos Peixe De Albuquerque10013
Elohim Bouyou10018
Elolo Adekahlor1009
Elyona Kowouvi957
Emanuel Dianbo1006
Emanuelly Silva1009
Emerald Bosau1008
Emerald Sandoval1008
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emily Cook10025
Emma Danleu902
Emmanuel Kayembe9026
Emmanuel Makoto9514
Emmanuel Malikope10022
Emmanuel Mavoungou9521
Emmanuel Munangati9522
Emmanuel Nkondje10015
Emmanuel Shima Kabiro1003
Emmanuel Yada852
Emmanuel Zonyra10011
Emmanuelle Ndoli10018
Emyly Mello10016
Engrácia Muamba10017
Enoc Houanfe10013
Enoch Pambou10012
Enoch Wilson1004
Ephraïm Mananga1007
Esaie Biboutou905
Ésaïe Buntu Kabiro1005
Esaie Israël10018
Esdras Reyes De Los Santos9515
Esmeralda Jiménez Montoya10014
Esmeralda Maziku10016
Esperancia Luzolo8519
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana10026
Espoir Mampassi10012
Espoir Ngoma10019
Estefania Sergio Ndong Mokuy10013
Ester Polanco Rivas1006
Esther Ambassa1000
Esther Banda1007
Esther Fouty10011
Esther Marima9527
Esther Narh Donkor9525
Esther Nkondje10010
Esther Nzouanda10016
Esther Rushanika10015
Esther Yada9511
Estherh Amatcha957
Eternity Rains1000
Ethan Jackson10018
Ethan Musara9514
Ethan Smith10012
Eula Bonnette10012
Eunice Abega Nkoulou10010
Eunice Mboloko10015
Eunice Sapey10011
Eunice Segura Paez10013
Eva Cuaialunga9016
Evelyn Nohemy Alas10021
Evelyn Quintanilla10022
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou903
Ezra Daulton9513
Ezra Olivares1001
Ezra Sukhu1007
Ezra Waughtel1000
Fabian Geana10021
Faith Chambless10023
Faith Chidyausiku9520
Faith Kalaka10017
Faith Macheza10020
Faith Mwangi9020
Faith Nyaga10017
Faith Sapey1005
Faith Tetsa1009
Faith Thorson10020
Faith Tshuma8525
Fanoé Makosso9018
Fé Maiema1007
Félicité Pito9024
Felipe Daniel Souza10019
Felix Leevaylle Kemene1009
Fernando Perez10011
Fidèle Nkondje10013
Florence Lacombe1003
Florence Mukondo10026
Florência Kinga10018
Francisco Leo9520
Francisco Luemba1006
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Frank Bahagaze10021
Freddyne Okoumone10022
Gabriel Martin Mubenga10016
Gabriel Tungo9510
Gabriela Sánchez Moreno10024
Gabriella Landrum10021
Gabriella Mohammed10017
Gabrielle Basraj10012
Gabrielle Matty10012
Gabrielly Freire10023
Galilee Basraj1000
Gédéon Ampion De Dzala9524
Gédéon Kanyiki10025
Gédéon Kepko9015
Gemima Nsamba10017
Gemima Zoa10019
Geneva Adzome8012
Genia Barber10015
Geremie Babissi10014
Gideon Boakye10018
Gideon Strite1001
Gladness Kisinini9525
Glod El Lukusa1005
Gloria Bedzrah10015
Gloriana Likibi9519
Glorianne Gélinas1009
Glory Mbuebue9010
Godmie Tshinguta1005
Godsway Atafo1009
Godsway Bedzrah10016
Goshen Karwali10024
Grace Ann Maingi1007
Grace Basdeo10016
Grace Buitenkamp1004
Grace Chikonde10023
Grace Dowati10023
Grace Gakinya9010
Grace Kasongo10016
Grace Maina10021
Grace Mbem Ngog1000
Grace Milner10022
Grace Mwepu10013
Grace Mwila10021
Grâce Okoumoné10015
Grâce Ongamba10028
Grace Paul10016
Grace Tshibemba10020
Grace Wachira9520
Gracelyn Basraj1006
Gracia Mbuyi10021
Hadassah Balbosa9515
Hadassah Belinga955
Hadassah Deckous10017
Halo Medie Branham1000
Hanna Navarro Olivares1005
Hannah Basdeo10014
Hannah Divine Kinanga Berry10014
Hannah Hunt10017
Hannah Kofod10011
Hannah Monderoy10016
Hannah Mwila10026
Hannah Schultz1008
Hannah Wahl10025
Harmony Bonnette10014
Harmony Olson10014
Hattie Ambassa1001
Hattie Baya9522
Hattie Mwangi1000
Hattie Wright Mberi Kimpolo9516
Hatty Polanco Rivas1009
Hazel Linde1004
Heaven Ntumba9510
Heidi Fowler10020
Heidi Thorson10018
Hekima Rugendo Ngenda1001
Helen Ortiz Mosquera10011
Helena Manongo1003
Héna Nsouami10011
Henry Salinas Banegas1001
Hermenegildo Muassuana10018
Hope Ayoung Poll1006
Hope Grace Mello1007
Hope Kasongo10024
Hope Makoto957
Hope Malala10023
Hope Mpono1009
Hope Muassuana10012
Hope Schultz10017
Hope Theuri10015
Hope Tsimba9013
Hope Wallace1006
Hopeschipphrah Nzihou Clide10011
Hosea Ndiwa10025
Ian Geer10015
Idiate Emeraude1007
Imani Maene10022
Innocent Kiwara10026
Inocencia Raquel Nzang Nguema Nguende9528
Isaac King10010
Isaac Mabale Nguama907
Isaac Myers10014
Isaac Ndoli10021
Isaac Wachira9516
Isaac Yakam1001
Isabel Pacheco Hidalgo10014
Isabella Silva1004
Isabelle Borton9518
Isahí Sánchez Moreno10016
Isaiah Coley10021
Isaiah Hudson10021
Isaiah Nyakpo1006
Isaías Manongo10010
Isaias Perez10012
Israel Poll10011
Israel Rotsch9514
Isreal Bedzrah10012
Itzel Sanchez1005
Ivah Bonnette10010
Ivy Njeruh10013
Jackline Kyalo9024
Jackson Borders10014
Jacque Afane Kemene10015
James Freitas10013
James Nkonde10020
Jamie Hudson10018
Janet Zavala10020
Jason Njeruh10010
Jayden Billesberger9513
Jayden Newman10011
Jean Daniel Dang9521
Jeannettecie Sadidimo9519
Jecoliah Nutefeworla Apealete1001
Jedidiah Apealete1003
Jeff Gichimu9510
Jehu Khan9510
Jemima Abraham10015
Jemima Joilicia Mandzoundou10011
Jemima Nehon1007
Jemima Ngono Menounga952
Jemima Takwe1002
Jephtar Hlakuinjeya10026
Jeremiah Andries9517
Jeremiah Marcano9512
Jeremias Manongo10011
Jeremie Pambou10014
Jérémie Yonkam9520
Jeremy Polanco Rivas10013
Jerin Samuel10013
Jesse Marcano10010
Jessejoseph Alanwi10014
Jesús Aúriel Mba Fernández854
Jewel Njoroge958
Jezaiah Halverson1006
Jhonatas Oliveira10012
Jireh Urbain10011
Joakym Belanger1003
Joan Yashim9510
Joana Bilombe Muyenge10022
Joana Dianbo956
Joana Evedzi10015
Joana Nyakpo10013
Joanna King1007
Joanne Murambiwa9519
João Maziku10019
Joao Zoe9512
Job Wasolua8011
Job Wohali10017
Jobregal Wallace1006
Jochebed Musara10017
Jochebed Rono10020
Joed Simango10010
Joel Esono Abomo9520
Joel Kaptain10016
Joel Maingi10010
Joel Santander Diaz1008
Johan Araque Taquez10013
Johanna Boodoo10023
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez9528
Johanna Sanger1001
John Brown1006
John Lowe10024
John Mburu10016
John Sandoval9511
John Sharrit Mboungou1003
Johseph Amatcha10012
Jokebed Ngono Etoga10014
Jolina Dianbo958
Jonah Dondo10021
Jonah Kofod10013
Jonathan Benjamin Muleba10011
Jonathan Kasompho10012
Jonathan King10012
Jonathan Meighoo1003
Jonathan Mountou10016
Jonathan Nyakpo1004
Jonathan Ognouga10010
Jonathan Páez Segura10013
Jordon Kouyengola9022
José Andrés Nkulu Asong9511
José Conde10026
José Fosso10012
José Gomes901
José Gutiérrez10016
José Laguna10011
José Mpono10011
José Pablo Gabilondo1007
Jose Segura Páez1002
Joseph Ahiagbede10026
Joseph Beyeck1007
Joseph Biboutou9511
Joseph Bisimwa1008
Joseph Branham De Djoko Otulu1004
Joseph Buitenkamp1009
Joseph Chávez1004
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Denga10017
Joseph Essimi Touna9510
Joseph Galebach Jr1006
Joseph Han1005
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos10013
Joseph Karanja10022
Joseph Kasongo10013
Joseph Malonga1005
Joseph Marrion Yakam1006
Joseph Matele10024
Joseph Mbem Ngog Bissay1002
Joseph Muchai8510
Joseph Mumo10011
Joseph Munzekere10024
Joseph Nchoussi8015
Joseph Nyakpo1004
Joseph Oben Nzogue1008
Joseph Percéveré10014
Joseph Reyes Olivares1007
Joseph Sandoval1009
Joseph Schurer10016
Joseph Tetsa1005
Joseph Yakin1005
Joseph Zoé Ngako1002
Josepha Fopa9510
Josephine Mbuyi10020
Joshua Bunguli10024
Joshua Landrum10017
Joshua Massengale10018
Joshua Rains10013
Joshua Sandiagu907
Joshua Schultz10012
Joshua Theuri9517
Joshua Weerts1008
Joshua Wolters10015
Josiah Grigg9512
Josue Ceballos10018
Josué Djevou10023
Josué Marriom Cham Mathe10010
Josue Noa Menounga10014
Josué Touambon Poll1008
Josué Waffo1003
Joy Kasongo10010
Joy Manzi10020
Joyce Kasongo1008
Joyce Konga10025
Juan Jose Jaimes Santacruz10011
Juan Rondon Gallardo10011
Juanjo Ospina10023
Jubilé Telou1008
Jubilee Strite9512
Judá Jimenéz Montoya10015
Jude Harrision9015
Jude Tempo1002
Judith Harrision10012
Julie Samnick Mabon1009
Junior Atafo10014
Juniper Sganzerla1001
Justice Larbi9528
Justine Toualeu950
Kafui Adzinyo10020
Kaitlynn Kenworthy10012
Kale Nelson10013
Karelle Mvouama10022
Kashoba Abel9526
Kate Davis10017
Katherine Rodríguez Valle10013
Kavira Armantine1009
Kavira Bunguli9510
Keila Nuñez Gutierrez9511
Kelvin Daud10024
Kelvin Kasompho10020
Kelyn Brown10016
Kémuel Kowouvi10011
Keren Alegre9516
Keren Tshimanga9023
Kerene Mpono9519
Kerzia Urbain10012
Kesia Furmann9518
Kethia Mavoungou10010
Kethia Samba10014
Ketura Kombila Bouanga1007
Kimberly Beejadhar10019
Kimia Mbielingo959
Kofi Ahiagbede10018
Kokou Adoma10024
Komango Kaite909
Kuchinevie Samuel1005
Kudakwashe Mafura9517
Kudiva Samuel9510
Kudzai Dambudzo10027
La Daronne Buttin1006
La Perle Buttin1006
Laetitia Mudingayi10020
Lamech Branham9518
Larissa Alves Teixeira10014
Larosée Okoumone10018
Laura Bedoya Gómez10013
Léa Mavoungou10016
Léonie Lacombe1001
Lesleigh Van Heerden10022
Levi Kenworthy9511
Levi King1005
Liam Marcano1005
Lídia Lobato10022
Lighty Martin8525
Lilia Toy10017
Lilialtina Dos Prazeres10015
Liliia Lysianska9522
Lillian Tjostheim10011
Lily Gome954
Lily Keding10016
Lily King1003
Lily Weerts10014
Lily Zoe Mwangi10010
Lilyann Monderoy10017
Lincoln Hyde10012
Linda Rodriguez Ordieres10014
Lino Miguel10027
Liss Kombila Moubeyi1007
Livingstone Hoffmann10018
Lizbeth Lizarazo Celis10017
Loice Isabel Tungo1008
Loïce Mounguengué9514
Lord Ikouadja10012
Louise Aina10013
Love Njoroge1006
Lubao Hamuli10021
Lucas Maboumba10012
Lucy Mburu10014
Luís Mussassi10016
Luisa Angel9014
Luke Mayers1004
Luke Robinson9016
Luke Smith959
Lumnwi Ndangang10021
Luz Cabrera9521
Lwiindi James8019
Lydia Geer10013
Lyne Boume9513
Lys Tshivuadi10015
Madeleine Ntumba9025
Madelyn Wilson1002
Madelynn Landrum10019
Maikweki Joe10020
Malachi Dexter10013
Malachi Jones1009
Malaquias Maiema1003
Manasee Ketty10017
Manassé Kifutu10023
Margarita Logan9514
María Carmen Oyeng Ekang10020
Maria Cordero García10022
Maria Gutierrez9519
María Gutiérrez Rivas10014
María Luisa Aute Motú9019
Maria Otulu Beyaho1008
María Reina Elá Aute10010
Maria Sheriff10025
Maria Yocheved De Djoko Otulu10011
Marie Mavoungou10016
Marie Nzogue10012
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Marie Zoa Biba1008
Mariejo Ouando8515
Mariette Leudeu Wendji10028
Mark Gichuki10015
Mark Maina10015
Marko Mlelwa10021
Marrion Masango1006
Marrion Ndouolo Branham10012
Marrion Pambou1009
Marrion Wallace1004
Marry Karonga10011
Martin Dogbe9525
Martin Gichunge1008
Mary Banviri1007
Mary Kamba8011
Mary Njoroge10018
Mary Warutere9010
Maryam Ondoa857
Maryi Salinas Zuniga9519
Maska Lungo10012
Mateo Sandoval8512
Mattew Sahadeo10010
Matthew Browne10021
Mawunyo Gossou10019
Mawutor Bedzrah10010
Mbusa Bunguli1008
Mcjaden Toha1009
Mckenna Kitchen10022
Meda Bosaba9519
Meda Fouomekong1002
Meda Ikumu Daso9514
Meda Matondo10012
Meda Nzouanda9519
Medah Mpasela9522
Megane Malieuze10022
Melissa Hyde1002
Melody Mayers1003
Melody Olson10015
Melodyrose Khan10017
Merary Lizarazo Celis10015
Mercy Bonnette10015
Mercy Jacob1009
Mercy Muthee9515
Mercy Tenguem1007
Merise Etongomex1008
Merphy Allegresse Nkouka10026
Merveille Foja1006
Merveille Sandjong9518
Meschac Ballend Pouna9518
Messie Mampassi10015
Mia Flannigan10013
Mia Siler10022
Micah Garcia10013
Micah Harvey10016
Micah Reyes Olivares951
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Coley10013
Micaiah Halverson10013
Michael Shammah10017
Michael Shumba1004
Michael Weerts10015
Michael Wu1004
Michee Tsimi Menounga9519
Michel Silva9516
Michelle Díaz10026
Miguel Diando954
Miguel Jiménez Olave10016
Miguel Mavungo10021
Miguel Perez Olivares906
Mila Rodriguez905
Milagrosa Kiambul10016
Millicent Romol9513
Miriam Banegas Osorto10020
Miwafu Obia9012
Moise Kalamba1009
Moïse Nkondje1008
Moises Elá Aute1002
Moriah Daniel1003
Moses Buitenkamp1007
Muhanga Matinda9524
Mukendi Kamba9517
Mukundi Makoto905
Myriame Léon9512
Nana Divine Grace10014
Naomi Marie10019
Naomie Matondo10015
Naomie Pambou10024
Natalya Wittmeier10023
Natanael Oliveira9015
Nathan Barber10017
Nathan David1009
Nathan Katalayi909
Nathan Ngay10011
Nathan Noumbissi Nouango9018
Nathanael Keding10014
Nathanaël Nzogue1003
Nathanael Touna Touna10014
Naturedivine Itoua1002
Naty Mbouala Ngambou8524
Nautresor Makosso10020
Ndangang Jokha9518
Neema Kajungu10025
Neema Njoroge902
Nehema Pongo10016
Nehemiah Gbedemah10023
Nestor Escalante Campos8016
Neville Bill Olihré952
Neville Mutombo10021
Neville Noumbilingo Touna9512
Ngam Kemene10015
Ngongwhig Ngong1001
Ngonidzashe Vangana10021
Ngum Fru8526
Nhyira Vinyomens10020
Ninela Mavoungou10014
Nissi Shammah Vangu9521
Niumar Samutunga9013
Njavwa Chipasha8516
Noah Bottazzi10013
Noah Harvey10018
Noah Smith10014
Nokutenda Makoto905
Nolvia Banegas Osorto10024
Nomatter Muhasva10022
Nyasha Musara10023
Nyasha Shumba8522
Nyasha Zanga9521
Nyasha Zvinowanda10021
Obadiah Meighoo1000
Obey Atafo1007
Obie Halverson1009
Olivia Brown10012
Olivia Weerts1007
Omega Mbuna8018
Ophelia Brown1004
Orman Neville Vangu10023
Orrin Olson10013
Oscar Geunolet Moussougou9523
Oscarys Laguna9516
Pacífica Botey Sialo10011
Paradoxe Nzoussi9518
Parfait Mayele1003
Parousia Bosau10011
Pascal Joseph Kabangu10026
Pascaline Tepeyla1008
Patience Ireri10020
Patience Nzomo1003
Patrick Bidje907
Patrick Mabureki10023
Paul Chikumba957
Paul Imboussi10012
Pauline Essanga Eyoka1008
Peace Nzomo954
Pélagie Betchem10025
Peniel Tetsa9511
Perfect Zilevu10020
Perfectafe Fouty1007
Peter Mwangi9020
Peter Tjostheim1007
Phaltiel Kinoti10014
Philipe Mabon10012
Phillip Jackson10016
Pierre Jean Jacques Léon9510
Pierrette Fouomekong10016
Plaxcedes Karonga10021
Praise Katuga9511
Praisemore Sara9522
Precieuse Mukanya10015
Prefer Kanu10016
Press Play Munduku952
Primrose Jones10012
Prince Okoumone10016
Prince Rescapé Vangu9511
Prince Vidzraku10019
Princesa Maziku9512
Princesse Nkantsa10010
Princesse Tsimba Vangu9523
Priscilla Brown9518
Priscille Mudingayi10024
Priscille Ouedraogo9517
Prodiges Makelet10016
Promise Topola9022
Prophet Kanu10013
Purity Kanu9519
Rachel Biboutou9018
Racheté Bolebole8514
Raoul Ngounou Sonkong10027
Raphaël Mulumba10028
Raquel Mubiayi10021
Rebeca Gutiérrez Rivas10012
Rebeca Sanchez10016
Rebeca Segura Páez10017
Rebecca Agbolosu955
Rebecca Babaka10021
Rebecca Banzadio1006
Rebecca Mpono10013
Rebecca Nyambura9011
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Pierre10017
Rebecca Poudzou9022
Rebecca Sapey10017
Rebekah Ambassa1002
Rebekah Andries957
Rebekah Mhlanga10018
Rebekah Samaniego Piñanez1002
Reckham Muyeya Mulowayi9510
Redvina Elise Ngako1003
Reina Sublime Fouty1006
Renate Thorsen10025
René Benjamín Gutiérrez Rivas1009
Reuben Boakye10016
Rhoda Wallace1009
Rhuth Amatcha10010
Ricardo Baeza Cárdenas9520
Rigobrerto Sima Esono10020
River Monster8510
Robert Geer10017
Robustiano José Edu Asong909
Rodé Rodríguez Ordierez10016
Rohi Khan10018
Roldy Wamba9517
Romaël Mbouka10018
Rommel Richards10021
Ronald Mapiye10025
Rose Flannigan10015
Rosemary Nsouami10015
Rosiana Ngungu954
Roy Dziyanjanani10025
Ruben Bouyou10011
Ruben Joshua Joel10017
Ruben Muñoz Rodriguez10010
Rustel Nwaha10014
Ruth Amajih10012
Ruth Díaz Torres10015
Ruth Dobu10027
Ruth Dyck1000
Ruth Gabriela De Djoko Otulu1008
Ruth Gavanga10020
Ruth Gichunge1008
Ruth Léon10016
Ruth Marimwe10017
Ruth Matiza9517
Ruth Mulinge10023
Ruth Nanguwo9525
Rylan Hunt10011
Saah Awawah10011
Saah Beshia10013
Sahily Segura Paez10010
Salem Bamvangila10022
Salem Ndoli9511
Salma Jimenez9518
Salma Pérez Reyes1009
Salome Bakandi9015
Salome Fuma10014
Salomon Dimba10019
Salomon Matondo10018
Salomon Sandoval10010
Samantha Yashim10012
Samuel Ceballos10014
Samuel Khiendo1001
Samuel Nguema Mangue10018
Samuel Villalba Piñanez956
Samuel Waithaka10013
Samuel Yada10014
Sandra Adzoyi9526
Santiago Pérez Rubio850
Santiago Rincón10013
Sara Castro Mercado954
Sara Gutiérrez10018
Sara Oliveira9519
Sara Tanga Menounga10012
Sarah Amatcha9013
Sarah Beejadhar10012
Sarah Chipilipili10021
Sarah Kapinga10018
Sarah Mbuebue9513
Sarah Mfangavo8027
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda954
Sarah Sarah9015
Sarah Subryan1009
Sarah Tjostheim10010
Sarah Wallace10012
Sarahbeulah Anvene Acasia10021
Sarha Mounguengué10016
Savannah Bottazzi10011
Savia Moutoula10014
Schilo Paul Claudine Ikouyou Libedi9016
Scintille Fouty1002
Scofield Etongomex1002
Séfora Lebossi10026
Sefora Leon9520
Selah Bottazzi1008
Séphora Baya10026
Sephora Mananga10011
Sephora Mudingayi10026
Serafin Pacheco Hidalgo10014
Serafina Manongo1003
Serenah Sanger958
Seth Dondo9011
Seth Jackson10020
Shadrack Odhiambo9520
Shalem Laguna10014
Shalom Lambi10019
Shamah Bouyou1007
Sharom Laguna10011
Sharon Chikonde10021
Sharon Diambo900
Sharon Espinoza Ayala10025
Sharon Gichunge10011
Sharon Joy Perez Olivares9512
Sharon Kariuki9519
Sharon Laniru9010
Sharon Mubiayi9512
Sharon Mumba10024
Sharon Nyandoro9520
Sharon Paez Segura10010
Sharon Pongo9510
Sharon Rose Nzogue1007
Sharon Yab Ngantcha10011
Sharonrose Danleu Ngakak1006
Sharonrose Tshamala10013
Shekinah Masango10013
Sherin Antrea10017
Shiloh Marima958
Shiloh Mudiwa10026
Shiloh Phiri9514
Shiloh Shumba10011
Shizah Dewar10011
Silas Olson1008
Silas Thorson10012
Silas Ziyambi10019
Simon Tsayem9515
Simphe Routouroutou10027
Solomon Rakoro10021
Sonia Madelena Muyenge10014
Sophie Yuan10013
Spencer Phelps10012
Splendide Grâce Bodjenga909
Stanislas Eyebe Kemene10017
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia10021
Stella Mavoungou10015
Stephanie Nagera Paez10016
Stephen Kiyai9522
Stephen Mwihaki10015
Stephen Ngouadi1009
Stephen William Tenguem Bongni1000
Steven Chikumba8519
Susana Wesley De Djoko Otulu1009
Tabitha Wiltshire9521
Takwe Adaanwi Enjeck1007
Takwe Mankaa1004
Talandira Saidi10017
Talithacumi Mtisi9517
Talla Blessing1008
Talla Rebecca856
Tate Newman1001
Tatenda Chibvongodze9520
Tatiana Rodríguez González9523
Tavonga Choruma10022
Terence Bamutake10013
Terrilynn Cook10013
Thea Stephen10026
Theophilus Romol1008
Thomas Gregolin10022
Timothee Levy Kinanga Berry10011
Timothy Meighoo1006
Tinashe Soyapi10027
Titus Harrision10017
Tiyamike Chikumba10027
Tiyamike Kasompho10018
Trust Evedzi1008
Ulrich Mitela10014
Ulrich Tchatcho10024
Uriel Kowouvi10010
Ushindi Kasongo10014
Vainquer Kalamba10013
Valentão Miguel10025
Valery Taquez Durán10012
Valois Abayo9516
Vandana Tadala952
Verónica Binam Nkot10023
Veronica Riehl1009
Veronika Halverson10013
Vertueuse Nzoussi9016
Victoire Ayoung Poll1000
Victoire Nkondje10016
Victor Masungo9516
Victor Moussolo1007
Victoria Massamba1004
Victoria Otulu1005
Victoria Perez Reyes1003
Victoria Vidzraku10022
Vimbainashe Kandiyero10021
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10016
Vitória Screpanti Teixeira10013
Vitoria Vih10015
Vongaishe Tsorai10021
Wael Nkok9517
Wankumbu Nanyangwe8025
Wesley Polanco Rivas1004
Wetsu Kelvin1009
Wetsu Prince10013
Wilfredo Villalobos Espinoza10024
Wilfried Menounga10021
William Chavez Morales10014
William Chavez Morales10018
William Dyck1002
William Flannigan10011
William Kazinga10020
William Kenworthy10012
William Mbem Ngog Nyambe1004
William Muamba10020
William Mutisya9521
William Nkombo9516
William Onzee10025
William Owusu10012
William Pitian10012
William Rigei9513
William Tetsa10018
Wilma Muassuana10016
Winfrida Augustino10025
Winner Apealete1004
Winner Atafo9511
Wiseheart Mwangi908
Wishlord Dilus10015
Wonder Bokortsey10021
Wonderful Vangu10017
Wylls Moubele Moubele9526
Yasmin Irik Caetano Costa10021
Yazlim Rubiano9013
Yinneth Araque Taquez10015
Yohan Kepko957
Yohan Mubenga9511
Yoshuah Mubenga1009
Yurley Arias Jaimes10020
Zachariah Kenworthy9514
Zachary Martens10023
Zaida Arias Jaimes10019
Zavier Hunt1008
Zelie Cyurimpundu10011
Zénas Tshishimbi9518
Zephaniah Meighoo1002
Zion Olson1007
Zion Sandoval905
Zivanai Irikidzai9519
Zoe Banzadio10012
Zoe Danleu Zeefack1004
Zoe Hyde1000
Zoe Monderoy1009
Zoe Muassuana10010
Zoe Odwyer10024
Zoe Rosella Ayeni10027
Zoe Samaniego Pimentel951
Zurisaday Muñoz Pinto1008