
64-0416 And When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him

Notice how He made Hisself known to them, after the preached Word didn’t do it, the preached Word and the identified Word. And they claimed Him to be a Prophet. And they claimed to be His disciples. And He talked to them, all day long, and they still didn’t get it by the preached Word. No, sir. They didn’t get it. But once inside, once they got inside, He opened their eyes to Who He was. He opened their eyes.

How did He do it? By doing something just like He did before His crucifixion. He opened their eyes, and seen Him perform something that they seen Him do, and He—He alone does it.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Thursday, 64-0416
  • Location: Tampa, FL
  • Duration: 1 hr and 26 min
  • Scripture: St. Luke 24:13-32
And When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him
Scores will be accepted until Saturday, November 30, 2024
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"Then said he unto them, O fools,…slow of heart to believe all that the _______ have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to entered into his glory?"
What time of day was it when the two that were on their way to Emmaus constrained Jesus to abide with them?
"But, I think, the main thing that I’m trying to—to try to bring to you, is the—the _____________, that—that you might see Him and know that it’s Him, by His identified promise for the day."
How many different interpreters did Brother Branham have in Durban, when they gathered at the race track for the meeting?
What name did Brother Branham call the Zulu man that he saw packing an idol?
In traveling the world several times, where did Brother Branham say needs missionaries worse than ever?
God only represents Himself in man. He chose man.
"And it’s usually in the _______ things that God is in. It’s the _______ things that makes Him God. See? That’s what makes Him what He is, is the things He does so _______."
Who was the Angel that visited Mary and told her she would be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit?
The Word is a secondarily way. The right way is always to a dream, first.
Why did God speak to Joseph in the secondarily way?
"God tests every one of His children. All that come to Him must first be __________."
"_______ don’t ask, it don’t reason. It searches the Scripture for it."
What were Cleophas and his friend talking about when Jesus appeared to them?
The devil takes his man but not his spirit.
Who did Brother Branham say had more fruit of the Spirit than we could ever produce?
What is the evidence of a believer?
The Bible said that Peter was an intelligent and educated man, and that's why it pleased God to give him the keys to the Kingdom.
Both Abel and Cain offered a sacrifice to God. Both boys prayed. Both boys built an altar. Both boys worshipped the same God. One was accepted, the other one turned down. Why?
Balaam and Moses were both prophets and great preachers, but what was the difference?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 0-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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64-0416 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for And When Their Eyes Were Opened, They Knew Him. Anyone taking the quiz after Saturday, November 30, 2024 will not have their score posted.

« Wyanita Cook »10021
Aaleah Brown9015
Aaron Derksen10025
Aaron Kalamba10012
Abel Daso9517
Abel Mbuyi10028
Abel Tshivuadi10010
Abigael Kipkoech10017
Abigail Banzadio1009
Abigail Farrie10010
Abigail Garcia10015
Abigail Mbayi10015
Abigail Mushavire10024
Abraham Myers10011
Abraham Yockoyocko10027
Acacia Etongomex1008
Acacia Obieme10013
Acacia Tati Oneay1006
Acaciashetim Nzihou Clide1009
Adam Geransky9016
Addison Johnson10012
Adelaida Cultid Jaramillo957
Adelaide Connell10016
Adele Almlund10024
Adelia Songanvi10020
Adelina Winner Mubiayi10014
Adino Andries907
Adjowa Kougnaglo9522
Aerilyn Davis10012
Agapao Macaia1000
Ageu Manuel10021
Agusto Quimino10015
Aime Nzembi Manganga9526
Alain Nwatsock10026
Alaina Strunk9512
Alayna Cook10011
Alayna Wittmeier9511
Alba Sánchez10028
Albert Enock10019
Albert Mokono9511
Alberto Bemponga10012
Alberto Tati10015
Aleah Davis10010
Alegria Manongo1005
Aleya Shabaga10011
Alice Repass1009
Aline Jiménez9518
Aline Ngapesie Seche8511
Alliance Massamba10012
Allison Flores959
Allison Sanger10015
Altesse Dingui1003
Altesse Ngadio10010
Alvie Loemba10012
Alyssa Abernethy9013
Alyssia Bélanger954
Amani Kiraka10010
Amber Rains10015
Amber Repass10012
Amberruth Ross10017
Amelia Halley1005
Amelia Hyde9517
Amelia Mafoueta8012
Amelia Phelps10017
Ammialma Mpama1006
Amram Joseph Smith1006
Amy Cook9517
Ana Sanchez10012
Anacleto Conde10011
Anastasia Baco1002
Andrea Chávez9020
Andrea Sanchez10012
Andrew Bomberger10028
Andrew Chambless10019
Andrew Farrie10016
Ange Berenice Yakam1005
Ange Nsengue9522
Angel Joseph10017
Angel Ngoyi8515
Angela Montaño9015
Angélica Garcés Ospina10019
Angelica Halley10011
Angelica Martínez Raigoso9520
Angelica Martínez Raigoso10020
Angelina Gomes1007
Angelo Clerger10015
Angelo Frank1007
Aniceto Mba9015
Annaëlle Ntsana Ibara9523
Anne Adande8516
Anne Marie Touna905
Annesophie Deschaines1002
Annie Maina9519
Ansel Sezenyu1009
Antipas Asaka10014
Antonio Eligui Afugu Eleng1002
Antonio Gabilondo1004
Antonio Mitogo Afugu Eleng1006
Apolos Olivares10010
Arão Maziku9014
Archange Babela10013
Areli Sanchez10014
Ariel Marijani1007
Aristote Bolebole10015
Ashley Pister9526
Ashllyn Muñoz Pinto9511
Asnaida Mubiayi958
Asnath Taty Goma1006
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Aspen Hollar10016
Astride Gomes10015
Atty Lungo905
Audlyse Maleke10020
Augustine Mulenga10019
Aurora Newton10011
Ava Repass1007
Ava Toy10018
Awa Abdou10024
Axel Castro Mercado953
Aza Smith10014
Azariah Emond10021
Azenaida Tshibangu8515
Bailey Derksen1005
Baketi Mwakikunga9022
Baltazar Joaquim1004
Baraka Alexander8014
Baraka Kinyua10012
Baraka Toha10024
Barbara Madah10020
Bartolome Edu Abegue9518
Becky Sandjong Kengmoe1008
Beeliada Joaquim952
Bela Sumixi10015
Beleive Etongomex1004
Belia Frazier10014
Believe Kasongo1002
Bella Jackson9515
Bella Toy9016
Benaiah Alexander10017
Benaiah Halverson9511
Bene Pendeza10028
Bénédicte Toko10018
Bénédiction Mutwedu9518
Beni Bokungu9523
Béni Gomes9513
Beni Moukenguissi905
Bénie Mbielingo10018
Benjam Jamba952
Benjamim Macaia1008
Benjamim Malonda9520
Benjamin Abbott8023
Benjamin Amblalsso9523
Benjamin Cogdill1008
Benjamin Gichunge10013
Benjamin Kasongo1003
Benjamin Mazaba1009
Benjamin Plante9510
Benjamin Sanger9511
Benjamin Silva1006
Benlévi Mazaba1007
Bérénice Pascale Guiedi Kymia902
Bernado Jay8521
Bethanny Mellema9021
Bethany Nzapu10026
Bethel Mutale9017
Betinha José10015
Betty Nkounkou10010
Beulah Ngouadi1005
Beulah Olofin10020
Beulah Rains1003
Bezaleel Kadzirange10014
Bianca Valencia9515
Billie Weyenga9012
Billy Akota10024
Billy Cleopas9517
Billy Herman9510
Billy Nzouanda9513
Billy Paul Seche Ndesie853
Billyden Rutechura9011
Blessed Zimba10024
Blessings Mweetwa10019
Blythe Olson10011
Boaz Gichunge10015
Boaz Gouakoubele9520
Boaz Olivares905
Bonheur Buttin10010
Bonheur Mapana10014
Branca Agostinho8011
Branham Khamdem1005
Branham Nzogue1004
Brayanne Mafoua10011
Brenda Borges8011
Brenda Koungou1007
Brianna Wani10014
Brielle Koenig10010
Brynlee Strunk909
Byron Colcha Flores9525
Caleb Dupuis1009
Caleb Kabeya9010
Caleb Mounguengué10019
Caleb Simeu10010
Caleb Tshivuadi10011
Calvin Manika959
Camille Dos Santos9020
Cândida Manongo10019
Carla Antsiabot9516
Carter Phelps10014
Cedric Funk1008
Celestin Mukendi8524
Celia Funk1008
César Gomes1002
César Huezo Ayala10020
Cessilia Ndolo Bumba10012
Charity Brodeur10021
Charity Rains1005
Charity Raphael10017
Charity Wallace1002
Charleswilliam Sir Manima1000
Chaste Rubingisa954
Chella Zoe1004
Chibwe Kawanga10018
Chico Yengo10019
Chisambo Mali10019
Chloe Newman1008
Chris Kiplagat9014
Chris Tshimungu9519
Christ Bassoukissina10021
Christ Mampassi1006
Christabel Adina1009
Christabel Makoni10027
Christella Zephenia1007
Christian Banzadio Jr10010
Christian Dexter10014
Christian Etamba10027
Christianna Smith10018
Christine Kiraka10016
Christine Robinson10023
Christophe Plante10012
Christophe Prey10016
Christopher Perez9512
Christy Thorson9514
Clare Phambu10013
Clarissa Aguilar Aguilar9521
Claudia Tati10018
Cláudio Harissone10024
Claver Kondi10015
Colesse Muassuana1007
Colombe Djila Kodio9514
Connie Chengo10026
Constância Zinha9019
Couronne Djembie958
Crechmina Kampala Bouligui9525
Cristina Quimino1004
Cristovão Joaquim8513
Croyance Bahouna9513
Custódia José9017
Cynthia Maketo1008
Daliana Mahoungou9521
Damaris Barratt1009
Daniel Barrera10021
Daniel Bemponga1004
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Dexter958
Daniel Johnson10016
Daniel Kabangu9513
Daniel Lodi9027
Daniel Ncogo Mba9010
Daniel Respect1008
Daniel Tshivuadi10016
Daniella Ojar953
Danielle Avomo Minko9015
Danielly Bouka Vanga10019
Darnell Clarke9521
Daudi Mlelwa9526
Davi Lima905
David Davis1004
David Gomes10012
David Jiménez Olave10012
David Maingi8012
David Masakwa1009
David Mubenga9513
David Mundaurimberi1009
David Respect9018
David Robinson10013
David Sanger9514
Deborah Aok10017
Deborah Kambani8515
Deborah Ongouo9023
Deisy Celis Preciado9527
Delali Precious Dzorkpe8513
Delia Gutierrez10016
Delices Meda Mberi Kimpolo9514
Desiree Wallace10016
Dieulv Tshingej10028
Dieuveille Moukenguissi8517
Diola Flora10019
Divine Manga957
Divine Moubolou Kombila10012
Divine Mukundji9523
Divine Ndoli10017
Djema Nzaba10024
Domingas Agostinho10018
Dominic Gallegos10015
Dominique Atanga Essengue10025
Donel Diha959
Dorcas Ambassa1004
Dorcas Ndouma10022
Dorivaldo Manongo9014
Dorose Diambela Kaya959
Dove Esther Hôll Evina1003
Dove Kabangu956
Drivin Mabiala10015
Dublin Kimangou9528
Dumba Kudzai10026
Dylann Parra Arellano9512
Ebenezer Lungu908
Éclat Bakaya9525
Edmundo Cham9023
Eflorda Kala Boukandou9522
Ehud Nzihou Clide10013
El Benie Munduku9523
Elah Isabelah Kofod10013
Elainah Sanger9516
Elane Gomes9519
Elchanan Gallo Siéwé10018
Elhanan Masungo9020
Elia Quimino1009
Élianne Dupuis10012
Elias Armando Edjang Ebuka1006
Elias Dumbi1008
Elias Luis Miranda10016
Elias Moya Rodríguez10012
Elías Samaniego Piñanez1005
Elias Wittmeier1003
Elias Zau10011
Eliel De Souza9511
Eliezer Mpasela10019
Elihu Kom Tchuente1006
Elijah Bottazzi954
Elijah Davis1003
Elijah Riehl9515
Elisee Onana10017
Elisha Coley10016
Eliu Perez Olivares10014
Eliza Bumba1003
Elizabeth Diaz Marin9024
Elizabeth Riehl10022
Ella Daulton10017
Ella Mcmasters10012
Ella Smith10012
Ella Toy10016
Ella Weerts10011
Ellia Jones1009
Elohim Bouyou10018
Elohïm Nsumbu9022
Emanuel Luemba10024
Emanuel Samwele10018
Emanuelly Silva909
Emelyn Benedith Mendoza8522
Emília André10022
Émilienne Nkondje10020
Emily Cook10025
Emma Danleu902
Emmanuel Kipkoech1008
Emmanuel Malikope10021
Emmanuel Mavoungou10021
Emmanuel Mbayi10013
Emmanuel Mbira9018
Emmanuel Munangati9522
Emmanuel Nkondje9515
Emmanuel Yada1002
Emmanuelle Ndoli10018
Engrácia Muamba8516
Enoch Garcia9515
Enoch Pambou10012
Enoch Rukwaro955
Enoch Wilson1003
Enock Maritim9523
Enselmo Zau10014
Ephraïm Mananga1007
Esaie Israël10017
Esdras Reyes De Los Santos8515
Esmeralda Jiménez Montoya9514
Esmeralda Maziku9516
Esperança Bemponga1009
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana10025
Espoir Mampassi10012
Espoir Ngoma10019
Essohanam Wembou10027
Ester Gervais10010
Ester Gomes1001
Ester Malonda10012
Esther Daka9517
Esther Fouty8011
Esther Kanvidia8515
Esther Marima10027
Esther Mbelu10014
Esther Mokili10026
Esther Monzenzeka10016
Esther Mundaurimberi10012
Esther Narh Donkor9525
Esther Nkondje9510
Esther Nzouanda10016
Esther Premaka10028
Esther Rushanika10015
Esther Yada9011
Eternity Rains1000
Ethan Cook1002
Ethan Numer10018
Ethan Truelock10025
Eula Bonnette9512
Eunice Mbanzi Moukoko1009
Eureka Bukasa1009
Evalyn Davis10010
Evelyn Nohemy Alas10021
Evelyn Quintanilla10022
Exaucé Kabamba10023
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou953
Excelle Ndoulou10022
Excellent Dingui10010
Ezra Daulton9513
Faith Brandt10023
Faith Chambless10022
Faith Ngandou858
Faith Tetsa1009
Faith Thorson10020
Fancizia Nzoghe9510
Fátima Martínez Aguilar908
Faustino Condé9518
Febe Montoya Pérez10012
Felicidade Malonda1006
Félicité Pito10024
Felix Funk10012
Fernando Perez8011
Fidel Ntiza9523
Fidèle Nkondje10013
Filipe Pinto9512
Filiphe Rocha8520
Filomena Rui9022
Florence Lacombe953
Florence Nsamba9018
Florência Kinga9018
Fomefo Clarisse1009
Fortune Ara10019
Francheska Nzoghe8014
Francia Nzoghe9017
Francisco José Jamba9513
Francisco Leo9520
Franck Hervé Nkondje9518
Franck Nzoghe9516
Freddyne Okoumone10022
Gabriel Martin Mubenga10016
Gabriel Njege9511
Gabriel Ntambwe10012
Gabriel Wittmeier10015
Gabriella Costides10020
Gabriella Ekenga1009
Gabriella Landrum10021
Gabriella Mohammed9517
Gabrielle Basraj10012
Gabrielly Freire9523
Galilee Basraj1000
Gaspard Macaia1003
Gédéon Ampion De Dzala9524
Gédéon Dupuis1007
Gédéon Fotio Tadzoua959
Gemima Nsamba10017
Genesis Rubio9518
Genia Barber10015
Geoffroy Onkomi9527
Geofrey Metugmabwe10024
Gerssey Tchicaya1007
Gertrudes Muamba9011
Getro Ngampo10017
Ghys Silissili10024
Gideon Boakye10018
Gideon Cook9028
Gilde Mbanzimoukoko1007
Gloire Mafoua10012
Gloire Toko1008
Gloria Malonda1009
Gloriana Likibi9519
Glorianna Williams10020
Glorianne Gélinas959
Glory Malonda10019
Glory Mbuebue9510
Godmie Tshinguta1005
Goodwill Dzorkpe9514
Goshen Karwali9524
Grace Ann Maingi1007
Grâce Babay Walela9018
Grâce Djembie9514
Grace Dowati9523
Grace Garrett10027
Grâce Hangi1009
Grace Kotolo9516
Grace Kuoha10012
Grace Maina9020
Grace Mbem Ngog1000
Grace Mbogo9019
Grâce Ngobeya9016
Grâce Okoumoné10014
Grace Paul9016
Grace Sepiso9526
Grace Wachira10020
Gracelyn Basraj1006
Gracia Mbuyi10021
Graciana Joaquim9518
Graciano Dumbi1005
Gracious Cleopas1009
Gradi Kajibwami9519
Grant Matty10017
Guerschom Pombo1007
Hadassah Dunga1007
Hadassah Forde10021
Halo Medie Branham1000
Hangi Bonheur8013
Hannah Campominosi9525
Hannah Divine Kinanga Berry9514
Hannah Hunt10016
Hannah Schultz958
Hannah Toy10016
Hannah Uchechinaeke10024
Hannah Wahl9525
Hannah Wittmeier10014
Harmony Bonnette9514
Hattie Ambassa1001
Hattie Musawu10023
Hattie Wright Mbenze Pambou10017
Hazel Linde1004
Heartie Otieno9521
Hebron Tetsa Tchuente1006
Heidi Fowler10020
Heidi Thorson10018
Helen Ortiz Mosquera9511
Helena Manongo1003
Helena Ndozuau9010
Helena Neema10026
Henry Joel González Orozco9524
Hermelinda Quispe Puma10023
Hermenegildo Muassuana9518
Hope Ayoung Poll1006
Hope Davis10014
Hope Kenworthy9515
Hope Malala9523
Hope Muassuana10012
Hope Munyao10019
Hope Ngalula8019
Hope Schultz10017
Hope Touna908
Hope Wallace1006
Hopeschipphrah Nzihou Clide10011
Horcia Efegneni10025
Hurcia Nsiloulou10016
Ian Geer10015
Idiate Emeraude1007
Imani Maene10022
Ines Dingui1005
Innocent Kiwara10026
Isaac Cazanga9514
Isaac Gomez1009
Isaac Matadi9021
Isaac Myers10014
Isaac Ndoli9521
Isaac Nunez Landeros901
Isaac Yakam1001
Isabela Malonda1009
Isabella Silva954
Isabelle Borton8517
Isaiah Coley10021
Isaías Manongo10010
Isaias Perez10012
Israël Kaniki Mitewu9020
Israël Kengne Zebaze10018
Israel Poll9511
Israël Prey1009
Itzel Soto Fernández9018
Ivah Bonnette9510
Ivory Newman1002
Jaden Fehr10019
Jadon Kalamba958
Janet Zavala10020
Jared Olson10013
Jason Bahner9515
Jason Derksen1009
Jason Kalamba10010
Jayden Newman10010
Jaziz Kongo9515
Jean Bolingo10027
Jecoliah Nutefeworla Apealete1001
Jedidiah Apealete1003
Jehoiada Barratt10015
Jehu Khan10010
Jemima Abraham10015
Jemima Nehon1007
Jennifer Moya Rodríguez10020
Jeremias Manongo9511
Jeremías Moya Rodríguez1008
Jérémie Ikia Mando10024
Jeremie Pambou10014
Jeremie Prey10018
Jérémie Yonkam10020
Jeremy Dunga1003
Jeriah Mali10025
Jerry Nouango Ntomenie10021
Jess Edison1005
Jessica Sanchez8021
Jewel Njoroge958
Jezaiah Halverson956
Jhonatas Oliveira8012
Jireh Andries10019
Jisca Moni Tchuente1005
Jô Lumosso10025
Joakym Belanger953
Joan Yashim9510
Joana Condé10010
Joana Gomes1002
Joanne Murambiwa9519
Joanne Paula Gardner1009
João Maziku9519
Joao Zoe10012
Job Forsberg1009
Job Moya Rodríguez10010
Job Wasolua9511
Jobe Adilson10013
Jobregal Wallace1006
Jockebed Baya10024
Joed Simango10010
Joël Kabuya10013
Joel Maingi909
Joel Ruza1005
Johanna Boodoo10023
Johanna Sandovál Sánchez9528
John Brown956
John Halley1009
John Luke Davis1005
John Lukusa9522
John Mburu10016
John Moses Erickson10014
John Sharrit Mboungou1002
Jokebed Mazaba10016
Jonah Dickson10014
Jonah Dondo9521
Jonas Canada9012
Jonas Gerard1006
Jonathan Davis10012
Jonathan Fortunat10024
Jonathan Meighoo1003
Jonathan Páez Segura9513
Jonathan Samuel10020
Jorge Moya Rodríguez9514
José Bemponga10014
José Conde9026
José Condé10014
José Curvelo García9513
José Fosso10012
José Jamba1004
José Laguna10011
José Macaia953
José Ngoma Panzo10020
José Pablo Gabilondo1007
Jose Rodriguez Velez10013
José Sadrac Paez10019
Joseline Manda Mouetoua8519
Joseph Bisimwa1008
Joseph Branham De Djoko Otulu1004
Joseph Branham Nsitu951
Joseph Chávez1004
Joseph Chavez Morales10016
Joseph Cogdill10011
Joseph Denga9516
Joseph Essimi Touna8510
Joseph Galebach Jr1006
Joseph Gerard10012
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos9513
Joseph Karanja10022
Joseph Kasongo10013
Joseph Kengue Blanchard1005
Joseph Kiluala8512
Joseph Manga953
Joseph Marrion Yakam1006
Joseph Mbayi9510
Joseph Mbem Ngog Bissay1002
Joseph Munzekere10024
Joseph Ngampana10017
Joseph Oben Nzogue1008
Joseph Onesim Mifoundou Samy10011
Joseph Percéveré9514
Joseph Tetsa1005
Joseph William Mayaka10010
Joseph Yakin1005
Josephine Phiri10028
Joséphine Rushanika10028
Josephson Clerger1007
Joshua Bunguli10024
Joshua Halley9014
Joshua Jeriah Gardner10011
Joshua Landrum10017
Joshua Muvhami10020
Joshua Mweetwa10017
Joshua Rains10013
Joshua Schultz10012
Joshua Telgenhoff10013
Joshua Weerts1008
Josiah Dunga1006
Josiah Mundaurimberi1007
Josmar Josué10028
Josué Agnagna Destin1007
Josué Djevou9523
Josue Dolores Ramirez10018
Josué Eklou9524
Josué Ngouari1009
Josue Sanchez9020
Josué Segura Gutiérrez10018
Josué Sodjinou959
Josué Touambon Poll1008
Josué Waffo953
Joy Alexander10014
Joy Kabamba9514
Joy Kasongo10010
Joy Mbogo10021
Joy Uchechinaeke10019
Joy Weyenga9516
Joyce Bukasa10012
Joyce Kasongo1008
Joyce Konga9025
Juan Jose Jaimes Santacruz9011
Juan Martinez9515
Juan Rondon Gallardo10011
Juanjo Ospina10023
Jubilee Barratt10011
Jubilee Strite10012
Judá Jimenéz Montoya9515
Jude Mboula9523
Júlia Alfredo10018
Juliano Dumbi10012
Julie Nkélékéhill8522
Juliet Runesu10020
Julieta Dorado Henao1005
Juliette Afana Mbene8523
Julinho Muatangui9514
Junior Dingui1008
Junior Nkou10011
Justice Larbi9528
Kabuo Kataka809
Kafui Adzinyo10020
Kanyere Lusasa8512
Karelle Mvouama10022
Karis Koenig1009
Kashoba Abel9526
Kate Davis9517
Katembo Bunguli9011
Katilene Moraes9017
Kavira Bunguli8510
Kayla Frazier10012
Kelvin Daud10024
Kelyn Brown10016
Keren Kengue10012
Keren Kotolo10018
Keren Tshimanga10023
Kesia Furmann10018
Kethia Mavoungou10010
Kethia Samba9514
Kethura Nsiété9014
Ketsia Mazaba10014
Ketura Kombila Bouanga1007
Keturah Derksen1006
Kezia Derksen10011
Kimberly Polanco Gómez9526
Kimia Mbielingo1009
Koé Olinga Koé1000
Kuchinevie Samuel1005
Kudakwashe Zhanje9025
Kudzai Dambudzo10027
Kudzaishe Ncube10025
Kutemwa Gondwe10028
Kyle Strite10010
La Daronne Buttin1006
La Perle Buttin1006
Lamech Branham9518
Larissa Alves Teixeira9514
Larosée Okoumone10018
Laura Cogdill9516
Lauren Dorado Henao1001
Leah Muthee10023
Léon Bouanga10015
Léonie Lacombe1001
Lerina Mputu10025
Letizia Mattei10013
Levy Wanet9516
Liam Helm1008
Light Cleopas10017
Lilia Toy10017
Lily Jones10010
Lily Rowland907
Lily Weerts10014
Lingson Tonga10026
Lino Miguel9527
Lírio Alfredo9514
Liss Kombila Moubeyi1007
Livingstone Hoffmann9518
Lizbeth Lizarazo Celis10017
Lizu Mali10022
Loice Kipkoech9514
Loïce Mounguengué10014
Lóide Lobato9520
Loïs Ikouadja1006
Lord Ngoma9520
Lorena Jones1005
Louanges Djembie9511
Louis Cook1004
Lourenço Macaia10010
Love Njoroge1005
Lovemore Musarara9521
Lubao Hamuli9521
Lucas Dingui1000
Lucas Helm955
Lucas Maboumba10012
Lúcia Flora10017
Lucy Makenzi10023
Lucy Mburu10014
Luís Mussassi9516
Luke Robinson10016
Luke Vandenbosch10020
Lumnwi Ndangang10021
Lussiana Conde10012
Luz Cabrera10021
Lydia Fowler8513
Lyne Boume9013
Lys Moussavou10013
Lys Tshivuadi10014
Macmillan Mhonyera10027
Madeleine Dogue Guemkouo8517
Madeleine Ntumba10025
Madelyn Wilson1001
Maeva Djoupou9020
Magdaline Thuku10024
Maguy Pombo10018
Maixent Biyoudintsana10027
Makanaka Madzivanzira10010
Makenna Koenig1002
Malachi Dexter10013
Malachi Jones1009
Manasee Ketty10017
Manassé Janvier10022
Manassé Kifutu9523
Manassés Kiluala9013
Manuel Lírio9521
Marc Fegue Nke908
Marcus Visagie9018
Mardoche Muteba8014
Maria Baza10019
Maria Condé10016
Maria Cordero García10022
Maria Eduarda Dos Santos8517
Maria Gutierrez9519
María Gutiérrez Rivas9514
María Luisa Aute Motú10019
Maria Lumbu10012
María Pineda Mayo10017
Maria Quimino10013
María Reina Elá Aute9510
Maria Schurer10012
Maria Sheriff9525
Maria Tati10011
Maria Yocheved De Djoko Otulu10011
Mariana Andrade1008
Mariana Jamba9511
Mariana Urango Hernández9015
Marie Nzogue10012
Marie Précieuse Vangu10019
Marié Rachel10015
Marissa Numer10020
Mark Salisbury9522
Marrion Fogue Moussi10015
Marrion Pambou1009
Marrion Taty Goma10011
Marrion Wallace1004
Marry Karonga9511
Marsselino Quimino1002
Martha Gill10017
Martin Chanda10022
Martin Dogbe10024
Martin Gichunge858
Mary Banviri1007
Maryam Ondoa907
Maska Lungo9512
Matice Divin Moukenguissi Mbama8511
Mawunyo Gossou9519
Maxwell Musyoki1009
Mayesta Ngangue10015
Mbusa Bunguli958
Mckenna Kitchen10022
Meda Amelia Mayaka1008
Méda Branham1001
Meda Fouomekong1002
Meda Ikumu Daso10014
Meda Kengue1007
Meda Nzouanda10019
Meda Toko10015
Medah Mpasela10022
Melanie Isaac9522
Melissa Hyde1002
Melodyrose Khan10017
Memene Makélé Makélé10020
Memory Bhanguza10022
Mengong Esther10012
Merary Lizarazo Celis10015
Mercy Bonnette9515
Mercy Kipkoech9521
Mercy Makau9519
Mercy Moono10019
Mercy Muthee9015
Mercy Tchuente Tchuente1002
Mercy Tenguem1007
Merdieucia Nkenzo Nounguini10024
Merise Etongomex1008
Merveille Sandjong8518
Meschac Ballend Pouna9518
Messi José9512
Messie Mampassi10015
Messiette Jaspine Yandouma8013
Mia Siler9522
Micaiah Brown10013
Micaiah Coley10013
Micaiah Halverson10013
Michael Benga Nkengue1003
Michael Ojowa1009
Michael Shammah10017
Michael Weerts10015
Michée Ngampana9513
Michelle Kengmo10015
Mignon Bouity10026
Miguel Jiménez Olave9516
Miguel Martinez Raigoso9515
Miguel Mavungo9021
Miguel Perez Olivares1005
Mikneja Mubeneshayi10016
Mila Rodriguez1005
Miranda Molloy10015
Miriam Banegas Osorto10020
Miriam Hangi10021
Miriam Kabangu9523
Miriam Sanchez Gutierrez1005
Mirna Herrera10022
Moïse Nkondje1007
Moises Elá Aute952
Moneth Davis10023
Monica Nyakwete9519
Monique Agapao Mabiala10010
Moriah Daniel1003
Moses Barratt10013
Muhanga Matinda10024
Muhindo Mukonzo856
Mukundi Makoto955
Mutua Gitonga10019
Mwape Mayuka8522
Myriame Léon9012
Naomi Marie9519
Naomi Nsumbu10027
Naomie Alono9015
Naomie Pambou10024
Nataly Martinez Aguilar9010
Natanael Oliveira9515
Natanya Ray10018
Nathan Barber9017
Nathan David1009
Nathan Koenig1005
Nathanaël Nzogue1003
Nathanael Touna Touna9014
Nathaniela Baptista955
Nautresor Makosso9520
Neema Kajungu9525
Neema Njoroge902
Néhémie Paul10014
Nelvie Tati Apembet8516
Nevaeh Williams952
Nevile Cazanga10012
Neville Beya9017
Neville Bukasa10013
Neville Kengmol10013
Neville Mutombo9021
Neville Noumbilingo Touna9012
Neville Pombo10013
Ngong Extel1001
Ngongwhig Ngong1001
Ngonidzashe Vangana10021
Nicolau Lussiano Ndolo1009
Ninela Mavoungou10014
Nissi Shammah Vangu10021
Noa Forsberg10017
Noah Bottazzi10013
Noah Harvey10018
Noah Ross10011
Noclea Oyombi9528
Noémy Andrade9512
Noemy Santos9528
Nokutenda Chinomwe10012
Nokutenda Kabhichi1009
Nokutenda Makoto905
Nolvia Banegas Osorto10024
Nomatter Muhasva10022
Nuptia Bouesso10023
Nyasha Zanga10021
Obadiah Meighoo1000
Obie Halverson1008
Odette Nya Ngaba10019
Olive Mpika9016
Olivia Brown9512
Olivia Mcintosh9019
Olivia Weerts1007
Olyvia Ross9512
Ophelia Brown954
Oracle Toko10019
Orman Neville Vangu9523
Orrin Olson10013
Oscarys Laguna9516
Owen Strite1007
Paciência Machaque10017
Paola Bouanga1008
Parfait Mayele953
Patience Mambowa9521
Patience Nzomo953
Patrick Bidje1007
Paul Gerard10012
Pauline Esther Bekale Ella953
Peace Nzomo1004
Pedro Zusi Ndolo10015
Peniel Mayamba10016
Peniel Tetsa10011
Penielle Ngandou1006
Peninah Gatuma8522
Perfectafe Fouty1007
Phaltiel Kinoti10014
Phillip Jackson10016
Phinees Djembie9511
Phydrich Makala9523
Pierre Jean Jacques Léon10010
Pierrette Fouomekong9016
Plaxcedes Karonga9521
Praise Katuga10011
Précieuse Lukusa9513
Precieuse Susanna Yedidiah Mpama1009
Prefina Manamoué9025
Premices Mafoueta10014
Press Play Munduku1002
Pricella Estevez8011
Pricila Rono10024
Primrose Jones9512
Prince Héritier Oniangue Elenga10026
Prince Mundaurimberi1004
Prince Nevanji10025
Prince Okoumone9516
Prince Rescapé Vangu9011
Princesa Maziku9512
Princess Marifred Merinah Mpama1003
Princesse Dingui802
Princesse Nkondi9512
Princesse Tsimba Vangu9523
Priscilla Brown10018
Priscille Nsegue Atsa9523
Priscillia Mimpeh Nkengue1004
Prisila Ako8518
Prodige Tekele10024
Prunelle Ngandou955
Rachel Chavungama957
Rafael Condé10013
Raquel Bueme Ndong Mosobuy10013
Raquel Peralta10023
Rebeca Gutiérrez Rivas9512
Rebeca Ionescu10019
Rebecca Banzadio1006
Rebecca Chavungama1008
Rebecca Guylaine Moukenguissi Wassende907
Rebecca Kandale8019
Rebecca Kani Ngouari10012
Rebecca Nyambura9511
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Nzuki10024
Rebecca Pierre9016
Rebecca Poudzou9022
Rebecca Prey10020
Rebecca Shalom Golou10025
Rebecca Toko10013
Rebekah Ambassa1002
Rebekah Andries957
Rebekah Erickson10012
Rebekah Manga10010
Rebekah Samaniego Piñanez1002
Reina Sublime Fouty1006
Reine Dimbou9012
Renate Thorsen10025
René Benjamín Gutiérrez Rivas859
Renee Diaz9525
Reuben Boakye10016
Rhoda Wallace1009
Riasa Shabaga9519
Ricardo Baeza Cárdenas9519
Ricardo Sadraque10018
River Monster9510
Robert Geer10017
Rockly Moka10011
Rodé Rodríguez Ordierez10016
Rohi Khan10018
Romaël Mbouka10018
Rosa Forsberg10014
Roseline Bidzogo Ngono10022
Rosiana Ngungu1004
Ruben Bouyou10011
Ruben Joshua Joel10017
Rubiedove Cleopas10012
Ruth Banda10026
Ruth Díaz Torres10015
Ruth Gabriela De Djoko Otulu1008
Ruth Gichunge858
Ruth Gouakoubélé Martial9028
Ruth Kipkoech9511
Ruth Kuoha10015
Ruth Léon10016
Ruth Malanda10015
Ruth Marimwe10017
Ruth Mulinge10023
Ruth Nanguwo10025
Ruth Nyambura10022
Ruth Respect Aok10015
Ruvimbo Masungo10023
Rylan Hunt10011
Saah Awawah10011
Saah Beshia10013
Sadie Funk10010
Salem Bamvangila9022
Salem Ndoli9510
Salma Jimenez10018
Salma Pérez Reyes1009
Salomon Dimba10019
Salomon Matondo9518
Samantha Yashim9512
Samara Choguya906
Samual Kolkert8514
Samuel Ceballos9014
Samuel Khiendo951
Samuel Posso Tamayo9513
Samuel Waithaka9513
Samuel Yada8514
Sandra Coríntios10017
Santiago Rincón10013
Sara Castro Mercado954
Sara Igninga Youmini9514
Sara Prey10012
Sara Sanchez10014
Sara Yada1006
Sarah Beejadhar9512
Sarah Celine Ciabu9022
Sarah Chipilipili10021
Sarah Funda10019
Sarah Gervais10011
Sarah Hope Mayaka1006
Sarah Kapinga9018
Sarah Mandabva1002
Sarah Manga1008
Sarah Mbiri9022
Sarah Mbuebue9512
Sarah Mfangavo10027
Sarah Nkounkou Loukanda1004
Sarah Wallace9512
Sarahbeulah Anvene Acasia10020
Sarha Mounguengué10016
Savannah Bottazzi10011
Scintille Fouty1002
Scofield Etongomex1002
Sefora Leon8520
Selah Bottazzi1008
Selah Ray10016
Selah Romo8519
Sephora Andegue10022
Séphora Baya10026
Sephora Mananga10011
Serafina Dumbi10016
Serafina Manongo1003
Serenah Sanger958
Serenity Cook10023
Seth Jackson9520
Seth Nsitu1004
Shadrack Odhiambo9520
Shalem Laguna10014
Shalom Mulenga10017
Shalom Romo9021
Shalom Sezenyu10012
Shalom Sodjinou957
Shalom Wiltshire10018
Shaloom Singa10017
Shamah Bouyou1007
Sharom Laguna9011
Sharon Andrade9511
Sharon Bemputa10011
Sharon Chávez10013
Sharon Espinoza Ayala9025
Sharon Gichunge10011
Sharon Joy Perez Olivares10012
Sharon Mubiayi9012
Sharon Peña Moza10015
Sharon Pombo10013
Sharon Rose Mayaka10012
Sharon Rose Nzogue1006
Sharonrose Dakwa10021
Sharonrose Danleu Ngakak956
Sharonrose Tshamala9512
Sharrit Mbuyamba10016
Shedrack Kisegendo9524
Sheila Bunnei10026
Shiloh Marima1008
Shiloh Mudiwa10026
Shiloh Newman1004
Silas Olson1008
Silas Ray10013
Silas Thorson9512
Silas Ziyambi10019
Simão Baco10012
Simão Zau1008
Simeon Phiri8519
Siméon Salomon Ngalou9523
Simphe Routouroutou9527
Sofia Bungo10014
Sofía Martínez Fajardo9016
Sophia Canada9010
Spencer Phelps10012
Stany Diambele Guindou Okia8021
Stephen Bahner10022
Stephen Mandabva1006
Stephen Mwihaki10015
Stephen Ngouadi1009
Stewart Mandabva1009
Susana Wesley De Djoko Otulu1009
Symphonie Djembie956
Tabitha Mabiala9526
Tabitha Sthill10012
Tabitha Wiltshire9521
Tadala Kandikole10021
Tadala Nanguwo10022
Tadiwanashe Chinomwe1009
Tadiwanashe Gaka10024
Talla Blessing1008
Talla Rebecca1006
Tanatswa Mabika10014
Tatenda Chibvongodze9520
Tauyanashe Mareverwa8017
Tejranie Gomes9518
Terence Bamutake9013
Teresa João10025
Teresa Mbiya8022
Terrilynn Cook10013
Theodor Selvik10024
Thérèsa Manassé10021
Theresia Tsambou10025
Timothee Levy Kinanga Berry10011
Timothy Meighoo1006
Tinashe Soyapi9527
Tinotenda Kufazvineyi10026
Trésor Ampion De Dzala10020
Trésor Bell Ange8514
Triomphe Dingui954
Tsophnathpaneah Kamte Djomo Obed958
Tyrell Wallace10017
Ulrich Mitela9514
Ushindi Kasongo10014
Valarie Hyde10018
Valeiro Fordolin10014
Valerie Guidry10013
Valois Abayo9015
Vandana Tadala952
Vanessah Banzouzi Mampassi10027
Verônica Baco10011
Veronica Biziki9016
Veronica Riehl1009
Vicente Andrade1006
Vicente Tati10016
Victoire Ayoung Poll1000
Victoire Nkondje10016
Victor Kavula9511
Victor Luis Miranda10014
Victor Santos8513
Victor Zau10017
Victoria Massamba1004
Victoria Perez Reyes953
Victorina Gabriel8513
Vilde Eriksen10020
Virtue Roberts10026
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10016
Vitoria Vih9015
Wael Nkok10017
Welcome Ngulube10024
Wesly Dilus9513
Wilfredo Villalobos Espinoza10024
William Chavez Morales10014
William Chavez Morales10018
William Dyck1002
William Gomes909
William Kazinga8520
William Mbem Ngog Nyambe1004
William Mpoyi8514
William Muamba9020
William Mvemba8016
William Owusu10012
William Pitian10012
William Tetsa10018
Wilma Muassuana9516
Winfrida Augustino10025
Winner Fouty10014
Wishlord Dilus10015
Wonderful Vangu9016
Ximena Díaz Rivera10027
Yohan Mubenga9510
Zacarias Baco1008
Zach Sanger10014
Zachary Olson10016
Zagabe Fikiri10013
Zane Guidry1009
Zangi Mali10023
Zavier Hunt958
Zelie Cyurimpundu8511
Zelie Kainda10025
Zephaniah Meighoo1001
Zion Kalamba954
Zivanai Irikidzai9519
Zoé Agnagna Destin10010
Zoe Banzadio10012
Zoe Danleu Zeefack904
Zoe Forde10010
Zoe Gomez10013
Zoe Hyde950
Zoe Issah10023
Zoe Katomba9513
Zoé Kerèn Ngouarikani10014
Zoe Kiraka9513
Zoe Masanga8511
Zoe Muassuana10010
Zoé Prey1007
Zoe Rosella Ayeni10027
Zoe Samaniego Pimentel1001
Zoe Shaddai Rodriguez9515
Zorobabel Sodjinou9510
Zurisaday Muñoz Pinto1008