The morning service was devoted to praying for the sick in the sermon titled, “Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.” If you would like to hear that sermon, you can click here to download 57-0922M
Brother Branham gets back to the Book of Hebrews in the evening service. In Hebrews Chapter 7 #2, we continue our lesson about the mysterious Melchisedec, but as a special blessing, Brother Branham also goes into a few other subjects like church order and Christian character. He goes through a baptismal service at the end.
And Divine healing is based upon your faith. But according to God's Word, THUS SAITH THE LORD, that every person was healed when Jesus died at Calvary, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we were healed." That right? We were. The Bible said, "You were healed."
And any persons that knows a guilty person, and you don't go to them and talk, then you're the part of the church of God is going to answer for that sin.
We have no bishops and overseers, and boards and so forth, moves this one in and got a lot of authority. There's nobody got authority here but the Holy Ghost. That's right. He does the moving. And we take Him as the majority of the people, the way the people go. And then if one side wants to do this, and the other side wants to do that, and the side wins. The losing side, what do they do about it? Join right in with the rest of them, say, "We were wrong, then. We'll go right on, 'cause the Holy Ghost has made that choice."
You, now I want you to know that. This is tape recorded, remember, this Message. And the tape recordings of the church, the orders and rules of the church, it's on tape recording. That's according to the Bible. We don't run it; there's nobody in head. No. All, we're all the same. But, we got a leader, that is the pastor, as long as he's led by the Holy Ghost.
Now, who was this Melchisedec? He was the priest of the Most High God. He was the King of Salem, which was the King of Jerusalem. He didn't have any father, or He did not have any mother. He had no time He was ever born, or He will never have a time that He will die. Now, we find out that that has to be Eternal.
And this Melchisedec was not Jesus, for He was God. And what made Jesus and God different, that, Jesus was the tabernacle that God dwelt in. See? Now, Melchisedec. Jesus had both father and mother. And this Man never had father or mother. Jesus had a beginning of life and He had an end of life. This Man had no father, no mother, no beginning of days or ending of life. But, It was the selfsame Person, it was. Melchisedec and Jesus was One; but Jesus was the earthly body, born and fashioned after sin. God's own body, His own son, born and fashioned after sin, to take the sting out of death, to pay the ransom, and to receive sons and daughters unto Himself.
I have no holiness to present to Him. But I'm trusting in His, oh, His grace, and I have it in my heart. I've unmerited it, nothing I could do to deserve it, but by grace He called me and invited me to come.
Be careful. You're guilty if you speak a word (against your brother) that's not right, not just, go around and tear down it. You don't have to stick a knife in a man's back to kill him. You can break his character and kill him, kill his influence.
But the minute that I lay my hands upon the blessed head of the Lord Jesus, and say, "Lord, I'm no good. Will You take me as Your servant?" and God kisses away my sin, I stand perfect in the sight of God. That's right. Why? I'm not standing on my own merit. I'm standing on His. And He has perfected us, through His suffering and His Blood.
Now listen, legalist friend. See, God took Abraham completely out of the picture, nothing at all he had to do into it. And that's the way He got you. You said, "Oh, I sought God." You didn't. God sought you, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." See? It's God seeking you, not you seeking God.
And He took His dead body from the grave, on the first day of the week, and brought it up into Heaven, and sat it there as the High Priest, as a memorial; setting there, perfect, forever. And He sent the Spirit that He tore out of that body, right back down on the Church. And that Church will have to have the same Spirit that was in that body, or it won't dovetail with It in the resurrection. Those two pieces must come perfectly together. And if this Church isn't perfectly, just exactly the same Spirit that was in Christ, you'll never go in the Rapture.