
62-1007 The Key To The Door

When you got the key, there’s no fear, there’s no doubt, there’s no question. You don’t have to ask anybody else about it, you know exactly. You’ve got it in your hands, you know what to do. Amen. You know what the score is, you know the door’s going to unlock. You’ve checked the levers and you know it’s strictly the right thing, the door’s going to fly open when you throw the key in it.

Sermon Info

  • Date: Sunday, 62-1007
  • Location: Jeffersonville, IN
  • Duration: 1 hr and 31 min
  • Scripture: Revelation 20:1
The Key To The Door
Scores will be accepted until Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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If you are between the ages of 2 and 28 and are signed up in YF, you can take the Foundation tape quizzes for points AND have your quiz results posted online! Before taking the quiz, be sure to login below, or the quiz will not be recorded on your YF account. Note, that in order to submit the quiz at the end, you MUST first listen to the entire message. Filling out the answers while listening to the tape is acceptable. All past quizzes can still be taken at any time, but you will only receive 50% of the points.

Is infant baptism in the Bible?
_______ is a confession that an inward work of grace has been done.
"And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having a key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand."
"Now, and in the key I’m going to speak about tonight, is only one hand can hold this key, and that’s the hand of ______."
He was the inventor of the light bulb. They say he had a knowledge that he could make electricity light.
"A key that locks, unlocks, too. See? You can _______ or _______."
When you got the key, there’s _______.
What did Brother Branham kill on the road back from getting his animal with forty-two-inch horns?
"What the church needs tonight is not creed. What the church needs tonight is the key to _______, the Door. Which, Christ is the Door, and He is the Word. Faith in the Word of the living God unlocks every door."
What did Brother Branham say has been the greatest dispute of any doctrine of the Bible?
"But, communion, it’s called '_______.'"
Rome doesn’t call it "communion," they call it "mass," which means _______. The Protestants call it "communion," which means _______.
Who is Communion for?
"When you think you’re _______, then He didn’t come to save you. He come to save them that He knows are _______. See? Christ died to save sinners. See?"
"Now, when He went away, He said, ‘It’s expedient for Me that I go away. For, if I go not away, the Holy Ghost will not come.’ See? Then when He comes, He will reprove the world of sin, and teach righteousness, and show you things to come (that’s _______)."
When Paul received the Holy Ghost, how long did he go down in Asia and study the Scriptures?
"See, the Holy Spirit stays right straight with the Scriptures. Its faith in That unlocks every _______."
"But first you must receive the Holy Ghost, and that is the _______ of God, see, to manifest and demonstrate."
Before communion, where did Brother Neville read from in the Scripture?
Did Brother Branham have closed communion?

If you would like to participate in our online quiz and send your results to Young Foundations, please type in your full name and age below and click the "Check & Submit Answers" button. Only those between the ages of 2-28 who are logged in with their YF ID# will receive points and have their names posted on the quiz results page.

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62-1007 Quiz Results

Here are the current quiz results for The Key To The Door. Anyone taking the quiz after Tuesday, April 30, 2024 will not have their score posted.

Aaron Eshun10024
Abel Phiri10025
Abigaïl Douma9511
Abigail Farrie1009
Abigail Garcia10015
Abigail Martens10017
Abigail Milner10019
Acacia Bivigou10012
Acacia Etongomex1007
Acacia Kalombu10015
Acacia Tati Oneay956
Accacia Matala9515
Adallae Martens10011
Adam Manfoumbi10019
Adan Sanchez9013
Adelaide Connell10015
Adelaide Gabriela Mundongo Dondo Dondo10016
Adéliah Leclerc1005
Adina Dickson1002
Adria Ruth9024
Afanwi Che9012
Agusto Quimino10014
Aimé Likeng9510
Aimée Eyebe10020
Akossiwa Komlakouma9516
Akouvi Komlakouma10019
Akpela Branham10013
Alain Ndjengwes Nonga1009
Alame Kubuya10023
Alayna Cook10010
Alayna Morrison1003
Alba Sánchez10027
Albert Enock10019
Alberto Bemponga10011
Alberto Tati10014
Alégresse Aboto Ngwa10014
Alegria Manongo1005
Alex Tsoumou10015
Alexander Martens10026
Alexander Simfukwe9528
Alexandre Vieira10013
Alfi Thomas10016
Alice Repass959
Aline Ngapesie Seche9511
Allison Sanger10014
Alwin Kambidi10022
Alysha Helm10014
Alyssa Hyland10015
Alyssia Bélanger1003
Amber Rains10015
Amber Repass10011
Amedé Ndamba10020
Amelia Andersen10016
Amélia Botnica1004
Amelia Jackson10011
Amelia Mccoy909
Amida Ramazani10012
Amos Koileken9525
Amos Tsoka10011
Amourvie Miambanzila10022
Amoyah Akambo Oniangue10012
Amram Aggee10024
Amy Cook10016
Ana Lulendo10020
Anahi Villalba Piñanez9515
Anaïse Tsoumou10018
Andrea Chávez9519
Andrea García10013
Andrew Farrie10016
Andrew Freitas10014
Andrew Martens10020
Ange Berenice Yakam1004
Ange Miki9519
Ange Ngoumogni1007
Angel Joseph10016
Angel Ousseni9518
Aniceto Carlos Ondo Obama10023
Anna Alexander10021
Anna Phillips9514
Anna Ramsey1008
Annalise Billesberger10010
Anne Malonga Bouwala1009
Anne Yema10023
Annie Gabrielle Margie Segha Ndong9512
Annie Maina10019
Annie Zepeda Pacheco1008
Anthony Aflo10017
Antipas Asaka9514
Antonio Gabilondo1004
Antonio Mitogo Afugu Eleng1006
Aquilas Ngbanda10011
Arcanjo Mwini10013
Areli Sanchez9513
Ariel Koenig10024
Aristote Bolebole8014
Artheya St Louis10013
Ashley Nkala10028
Ashley Pister10025
Ashly Díaz Orozco1006
Asnat Mukeba9512
Asongwhing Seth Ngong1003
Astrid Kubuya10016
Astride Gomes10014
Aude Batamba Mamfoumbi10024
Audin Massengo Ngantsele10025
Augustine Mulenga10018
Augustine Ndebvu10017
Aurora Newton10011
Ava Repass1006
Ava Toy10017
Awa Abdou10023
Ayanna Monderoy10020
Aza Smith10014
Baraka Kinyua10011
Belbora Deudjui10018
Beleive Etongomex1004
Belhina Schancylia Ayeni10026
Belia Frazier10014
Believe Ndebvu10012
Bella Jackson10014
Ben Mayela1007
Ben Mutombo9520
Benaiah Halverson10011
Bénédicte Toko9517
Benedito Mavanha10016
Beni Moukenguissi1004
Benicia Akora9017
Bénie Mbielingo10018
Benigna Ndong Ibongo9512
Bénit Massima Wandja10015
Benjamim Atalaia8022
Benjamim Malonda9519
Benjamin Evedzi10012
Benjamin Marcano9513
Benjamin Panzo10010
Benjamin Plante1009
Benjamin Sanger10010
Benjamin Silva906
Benjamine Sandjong809
Bérénice Abega Mouer1004
Bérénice Kongo1009
Bérénice Yatou Touani8014
Berryl Akiambong805
Bethany Nzapu10026
Beulah Ngouadi1004
Bevan Rutechura908
Billy Akota10023
Billy Banza8515
Billy Cleopas10017
Billy Gabriel Muakuku Cham10014
Billy Kabundi10017
Billy Mubenga9519
Billy Paul Seche Ndesie852
Billyden Rutechura9010
Blessed Rutechura9015
Bokortsey Korsiwor10012
Bokortsey Kwaku10023
Bokortsey Yao10014
Boniface Nohote10017
Branham Karanja9021
Branham Khamdem1005
Branham Nka8511
Branham Nzogue1003
Branham Tiago9516
Brawn David Kabamba10012
Bride Mulenga10023
Bridget Banda10015
Bridget Chileshe9024
Bright Rutechura10014
Byron Colcha Flores10025
Caleb Dupuis1008
Caleb Kirui10019
Caleb Mounguengué10019
Caleb Steward10012
Câline Wright9523
Calvin Manika959
Camila Villalba Piñanez10011
Candice Abega1006
Cândida Manongo10019
Carine Mutombo8525
Carla Antsiabot9515
Catherine Sousse10012
Cathy Muleba9518
Cecília Vimbuende9513
Celestin Mukendi10024
Cesilia Muaca958
Cessilia Ndolo Bumba10011
Chadrak Bumba1004
Chanelle Abogo10017
Charity Brodeur10020
Chelda Oko10022
Chella Zoe1004
Chérubin Nimi9524
Chibwe Kawanga10017
Chico Yengo10018
Christ Bassoukissina10020
Christ Boumbenda10011
Christ Foja959
Christabel Adina1008
Christabel Makoni9526
Christelle Kouadio9516
Christevie Tsoumou1009
Christian Dexter10014
Christian Mukoka9524
Christian Paki9523
Christiane Biazi10015
Christianne Kongo9010
Christine Golla10017
Christine Robinson10022
Christoph Wittmeier10014
Christophe Plante10011
Christy Thorson10014
Cindy Davis9519
Clara Koukambidila10012
Clare Phambu10012
Claude Niaty10018
Claudia Tati10017
Claudina Issa10017
Cláudio Harissone10023
Clautulde Mapenzi10022
Collins Eale10021
Cris Ngassi10025
Cristina Quimino1004
Damaris Rivera Cordova9517
Dan Mayele10026
Danica Mentoor1007
Daniel Akpela10016
Daniel Bosso1008
Daniel Buzgo10015
Daniel Lodi9527
Daniel Malonga9010
Daniel Munhu9025
Daniel Ndungu9527
Daniela Payés Castilblanco1007
Danielle Ibaressongo9522
Danna Morales Gallego956
Davi Dos Santos9515
Davi Lima1004
David Akpela10018
David Buohari10018
David Gomes10011
David Joseph1008
David Kubuya10014
David Lysyanskyj10019
David Manyara10017
David Mbuyi10028
David Mubanga8521
David Mukwakwami8524
David Olguin10013
David Raphael Dondo1006
David Respect9518
David Sanger10013
David Telou9512
Davy Jeremie Kernel Bakenda Tongo1009
Deborah Aok10016
Deborah Apapealete1009
Déborah Compaore10022
Deborah Vidzraku9520
Deivixon Orozco Calderon9012
Delali Precious Dzorkpe8012
Denise Mariam Narugano9527
Denise Telo10025
Derrick Mwende9027
Desire Bure10027
Desiree Wallace10015
Devin Bagaya10015
Dieu Merveilleux Vangu10016
Dieudonné Cléopas1004
Dieuveille Moukenguissi10017
Dina Bopimo9517
Diosdado Salomón Muakuku Cham9510
Divina Avuglah1005
Divine Ndoli10016
Divine Tsambou10013
Domingos Raúl10027
Dominic Gallegos9514
Doni Rodrigues907
Dora Capalo Diva952
Dorcas Ambassa1003
Dorcas Mombanda Meya1009
Dorcas Obenga9021
Dorcas Sassa10011
Dorivaldo Manongo10013
Dosangio Dondo10016
Dukuze Rubingisa954
Ebenezer Joao Dondo1008
Ebi Joshua D10012
Éclat Bakaya9024
Eden Helm1009
Edita Lorena Avoro Moyong Meyie10013
Ednah Matoi10023
Eghaghe Rejoice10019
El Benie Munduku9022
Elaina Roush1003
Elbethel Kandiyado1005
Éléïna Germain10015
Elia Mattei10010
Elia Quimino1008
Eliana Milner10013
Élianne Dupuis10011
Elias Armando Edjang Ebuka905
Elias Botnico1009
Elias Dumbi1007
Elias Garcia10014
Elias Luis Miranda10016
Elias Roman Rubio1006
Elías Samaniego Piñanez955
Elias Zau10011
Elie Mavoungou10011
Élie Ndongo10016
Eliel Banza9518
Eliel De Souza10010
Eliezer Atchade9017
Eliezer Kores9021
Eliezer Mpasela9518
Eliezer Musara10015
Elihu Kifalme Rugendo1002
Elijah Bottazzi1003
Elijah Matanda9521
Elijah Misemer10011
Elijah Teelucksingh10017
Elisabet Andres10012
Elishama Kandiyado10012
Elisheba Kandiyado1009
Eliza Bumba1003
Eliza Oliveira8510
Elizabeth Ibaressongo8010
Elizabeth Mpasela10020
Elizabeth Otieno10020
Elizabeth Riehl9521
Elizabeth Vidzah10024
Ella Mcmasters10011
Ella Sanger10018
Ella Smith10012
Ella Toy10016
Elliott Sganzerla1003
Elsa Aabø1009
Emanuel Gomes De Sousa9520
Emelda Nyumba8014
Emelyn Benedith Mendoza8521
Émilienne Nkondje10019
Emily Cook9524
Emma Martens10019
Emmanuel Boumbad9521
Emmanuel Jourdain10028
Emmanuel Mukendi9527
Emmanuel Nkondje10014
Emmanuel Zonyra10011
Emmanuella Sapey10019
Emmanuelle Ndoli10017
Emmanuelle Toguira10019
Enalah Mbale8525
Enoch Fritzinger10014
Enoch Garcia10014
Enock Ndongo857
Enselmo Zau10013
Eric Gbeklui10028
Erin Helm1005
Esperança Bemponga1009
Esperanza Ngüí Ekoo Oyana9525
Espoir Ngoma10018
Estella Awana1008
Ester Andres10015
Ester Pawelski9515
Esther Ab10014
Esther Daka10016
Esther Ibaressongo10015
Esther Marima9526
Esther Maya1008
Esther Mbelu10014
Esther Nkondje10010
Esther Nzouanda9015
Estherh Amatcha1006
Ethan Hyland10017
Ethan Musara10013
Ethan Numer9017
Eugène Tchakounte954
Eugènie Tchakou9017
Eunice Abega Nkoulou9510
Eunice Sapey10010
Evans Paka8510
Evelyn Nohemy Alas10020
Exauce Kabeya9011
Exauce Mukadi10018
Exaucée Ilunga10021
Exaucée Pouna Nzaou952
Ezekiel Francis1006
Ezekiel Milner9517
Ezra Daulton10013
Ezra Doyle10017
Ezra Sukhu1007
Faith Mackson10010
Faith Sapey1005
Faith Tetsa959
Faith Thorson10020
Faith Yatou Kamte857
Faizal Fazenda10026
Fancizia Nzoghe1009
Faustino Condé10018
Febe Rodríguez Rosero10013
Félicité Pito9524
Felix Funk10012
Felix Leevaylle Kemene959
Fermina Mangue Ondo10017
Fernando Mabiala1006
Fernando Perez9510
Fidel Ntiza10022
Fidèle Nkondje10012
Florah Ndebvu10020
Florence Lacombe902
Florência Kinga10018
Fomefo Clarisse1009
Fortune Baraka10011
Francheska Nzoghe9513
Francia Nzoghe10017
Francisco Pacheco Herrera10025
Franck Hervé Nkondje10018
Franck Nzoghe9515
Franckia Obone1004
François Boumbi Deudjui10014
Frank Bahagaze10020
Freddyne Okoumone10022
Gabriel Angüe Bokara10017
Gabriel Njege8511
Gabriella Costides10019
Gabrielly Freire9522
Gaddiel Mpassi9523
Gael Dondo10012
Gael Nsue Ndong Abeso9525
Gédéon Dupuis1007
Gédéon Kaniki10025
Gédéon Kepko10015
Gemima Kelemba10018
Gemima Zoa10018
Genesis Rubio10018
Genesis Suarez10015
Genia Barber10014
Geordina Bawelatoma10010
Georges Mananga10028
Gerbe Banzouzi10013
Gideon Njege10014
Gloria Bedzrah10014
Gloria Bintu10012
Glorianna Williams10020
Glorianne Gélinas1008
Godefroy Akena Zambe9510
Godsway Atafo959
Godsway Bedzrah10016
Gofer Jerónimo10015
Goodwill Dzorkpe9013
Gorgonio Owono Nguema Eyang10027
Goshen Karwali10024
Grace Gutierrez9511
Grace Kuoha8512
Grace Maranga10023
Grace Milner10022
Grâce Okoumoné10014
Grâce Ongamba10028
Grâce Simande Seche9510
Graciano Dumbi1004
Graciano Panzo10013
Graciela Bendelo8518
Gracious Cleopas1008
Grant Kiser1004
Guerschom Boumbenda10013
Hannah Divine Kinanga Berry10013
Hannah Mwila10026
Harmony Olson10013
Hattie Baya10022
Haty Poba10016
Hebert Ferrer Adames1007
Hector Alima9516
Heidi Fowler9519
Heidi Thorson10017
Helena Neema10025
Henriette Biloa1004
Henry Joel González Orozco9024
Hilaviel Hope Baptista1007
Holy Ketsia Ikouyou1007
Hope Ayoung Poll1005
Hope Chanda9527
Hope Kenworthy10014
Hope Mutsago10016
Horcia Efegneni9525
Horeb Rodriguez10010
Houssiqué Koné10010
Ibonge Kubuya958
Imani Maene10022
Innocent Kiwara9525
Innocent Mwansa10018
Ireine Mitang10020
Isaac King959
Isaac Myers10013
Isaac Ndoli9021
Isabella Erazo Garcia9512
Isaiah Andersen8518
Isaiah Djeumo8512
Isaiah Nyakpo1006
Isaías Manongo1009
Isaias Perez10011
Israel Doyle9522
Israel Poll10010
Israël Tchinda1004
Isreal Bedzrah10012
Ivy Njeruh10013
Jade Pacheco Varela957
Jaden Fehr10019
James Freitas10012
James Nkonde10020
Janet Zavala9519
Janvier Nkengue10022
Jason Bahner10014
Jason Njeruh9510
Jasvin Ngatsoni10028
Javier Guaima Arsile9516
Jaycee Kiser10010
Jean Avomo Onguene10025
Jean Daniel Dang10020
Jean Wensly Raymond10011
Jeanclaude Mbassong1005
Jedidiah Apealete1002
Jehu Longila Empompolongo10015
Jelene Morrison1009
Jemima Dimengui9024
Jemima Kalombu9513
Jemima Nehon1006
Jemima Takwe1002
Jenica Toha1006
Jephthah Evedzi9518
Jeremiah Marcano10011
Jeremiah Olin10021
Jeremias Manongo10010
Jérémie Ikia Mando10023
Jeremy Olofin8022
Jerusalem Joseph1003
Jeshurum Chenwi808
Jess Edison1005
Jesse Marcano809
Jireh Andries9519
Jireh Urbain10011
Joakym Belanger1002
Joana Condé1009
Joana Evedzi10014
Joana Nyakpo10012
Joanne Murambiwa10018
Joao Bumbi10014
João Mussassi10011
João Pereira8527
Joaquim M Mapassi9018
Jobregal Wallace1006
Joceline Bonganzemba9514
Jochebed Ukpong10020
Jockebed Baya10023
Joël Dinabo1005
Joel Ruiz Orozco1004
Johanna Boodoo10022
John Sharrit Mboungou1002
John Wagner9511
Jolie Siewe Deudjui10014
Jonah Cogdill10013
Jonas Canada10011
Jonathan Fortunat10023
Jonathan King10011
Jonathan Meighoo953
Jonathan Mutsago9010
José Bemponga10013
Jose Cardoza Gutierrez10015
José Conde10026
José Condé10014
José Fosso9511
José Gutiérrez10016
José Pablo Gabilondo1006
Joseline Manda Mouetoua9518
Joseph Ahiagbede10026
Joseph Amatcha10011
Joseph Chanda8026
Joseph Chavez Morales9016
Joseph Dinabo1006
Joseph Gerard10012
Joseph Hilkija Tchidjo10015
Joseph Jeremiah Gallegos10012
Joseph Karanja9521
Joseph Laku Wani859
Joseph Malonga1004
Joseph Marrion Yakam1005
Joseph Mbem Ngog Bissay1002
Joseph Mukendi9013
Joseph Munzekere10024
Joseph Oben Nzogue1007
Joseph Ochieng1003
Joseph Percéveré8513
Joseph Singoy9520
Joseph Tchinda1007
Joseph Tetsa904
Joseph Tsoumou10011
Joseph Yakin1004
Josepha Fopa1009
Joshua Bunguli10023
Joshua Clarke9514
Joshua Massengale9017
Joshua Rains9512
Joshua Telgenhoff10013
Joshua Tsoka10017
Josiah Billesberger1008
Josiah Dickson10017
Josiah Teelucksingh10014
Josie Troyer9513
Josué Agnagna Destin1007
Josué Bahati1009
Josué Djevou10022
Josue Kalubi10028
Josué Sivitsomanwa10028
Josué Touambon Poll1007
Josué Waffo1002
Joy Alexander10014
Joy Weyenga10015
Joyce Orozco Lorente9524
Joycomfort Davies8016
Juan Arias9511
Jubilé Telou1008
Jubilee Strite9511
Jude Péniel Ndjengwes1005
Julia Celeste Mikue10010
Juliette Afana Mbene8022
Juliette Martens10010
Junior Atafo8513
Junior Koukambidila10014
Junior Mayala10020
Kafui Adzinyo10020
Kaisa Aabø1006
Kaitlyn Misemer10014
Kambale Musumba10027
Kamyla De Sousa10023
Kaps Kabamba10010
Kashoba Abel8526
Kate Davis10016
Katelyn Kingston10024
Katilene Moraes8517
Kayla Frazier10011
Kelly Mukanaka10021
Kelvin Daud10024
Kenne Ngaboni Oyouba10026
Keren Malangu9520
Kerene Jaime9019
Kerzia Urbain10011
Ketsia Koukambidila10016
Ketsia Mumba9520
Kimia Mbielingo1008
Klívia Oliveira8521
Kofi Ahiagbede10017
Kokou Adoma10023
Kossi Komla Kouma10021
Kuchinevie Samuel954
Kudiva Samuel1009
Kudzai Dambudzo10026
La Vie Kubuya10015
Lamech Lavish10017
Laperle Ipemba1006
Larosée Okoumone9517
Laura Cogdill10015
Laura Geswein10023
Laura Kenworthy10017
Leah Block9024
Leah Josephine Rushanika10027
Letizia Mattei9012
Levi Hare10018
Levi Misemer10013
Levy Wanet10015
Liam Marcano1005
Light Cleopas10016
Lillia Misemer10016
Lilliana Troyer10016
Lily Faith Kinanga Berry1006
Linda Rodriguez Ordieres10013
Lindasonia Nyoni10016
Lionel Njoikou10027
Lirio María Nsa Edu955
Livingstone Hoffmann9518
Loic Ayemele10017
Loïce Mounguengué9513
Lois Antwi10014
Lois Katomba9015
Loraine Phiri9519
Louise Aina10012
Lourdes Avomo Moyong Meyie10014
Luckson Chilambe855
Luís Mabiala10011
Luís Mussassi10016
Luke Kingston9520
Luke Mayers1004
Luke Sanger10015
Lumnwi Ndangang10021
Lussiana Conde10012
Luz Muakuku Ondo953
Lyne Boume10012
Madeleine Ntumba10024
Madeleine Youbissie9523
Mahalya Germain10020
Maikweki Joe10019
Makaela Pantalacci9511
Mako Kanda10018
Malachi Dexter10012
Manasse Ilunga9525
Manuel Alas10027
Marceline Biloa Ngono10012
Marcos Mavindi10020
Marcus Visagie10017
Maria Condé10015
María Luisa Aute Motú10018
Maria Quimino10012
María Reina Elá Aute9510
Maria Silva10017
Maria Tati10011
Maria Yocheved De Djoko Otulu10010
Marie Kongo10013
Marie Louise Manga10010
Marie Naomi10018
Marie Nzogue10012
Marie Précieuse Vangu9018
Marié Rachel10014
Marie Um10017
Marie Zoa Biba1008
Marieandré Ngono10011
Marinela Da Silva1004
Marissa Numer9520
Marrion Andeng10013
Marrion Evans1005
Marrion Kabongo10013
Marrion Masango1005
Marrion Ngbanda10014
Marsselino Quimino1002
Martha Caballero Zambrano9028
Martha Gill10016
Martin Chanda10021
Martine Babokana1008
Mary Banviri1007
Mary Chilekana10026
Maryam Ondoa1006
Materne Olama10012
Mathews Sichela10019
Matice Divin Moukenguissi Mbama10011
Mattew Sahadeo1009
Mattheo Germain10013
Matthew Wagner9015
Mawutor Bedzrah1009
Mcjaden Toha1008
Meagan Chikaka955
Mechak Bumba1009
Meda Evans9512
Meda Fouomekong952
Meda Mbunda8520
Medah Mpasela10022
Megane Metougou Mve10011
Melchisédech Boumbenda1009
Melody Mayers1002
Melody Mubanga9522
Melody Olson10014
Mengong Esther10011
Mercia Malanda9523
Mercy Chamiruka9527
Mercy Dube10022
Mercy Moono9519
Mercy Tenguem1007
Mercy Thiga10021
Merdieucia Nkenzo Nounguini10023
Merise Etongomex1007
Merveille Foja1005
Merveille Okombi10027
Merveille Sandjong9017
Meschac Ballend Pouna10018
Meschac Makita859
Mia Siler10021
Micaiah Brown10012
Micaiah Halverson10013
Michael Adda Mve10010
Michael Benga Nkengue1002
Michael Dickson10019
Michael Roush955
Michael Shammah9016
Michelle Díaz10026
Miguel Mavungo10020
Milesime Akambo858
Milka Silva10021
Miradie Nguewoa10022
Miriã Ngoma Panzo1003
Mirlanda Cenesca10017
Mirna Herrera10024
Miryam Pierre9512
Moise Kalamba1009
Moïse Nkondje1007
Moore Kanemavara1006
Moriah Daniel1003
Muhanga Matinda10023
Muhoko Kubuya10017
Muringa Modeste10024
Mwajuma Honorina10023
Myriame Léon10012
Naboth Mboyo Longila Empompolongo9012
Nana Divine Grace8013
Naomi Goodridge9512
Naomi Nsumbu9026
Naomie Pambou10023
Natan Andres10010
Natanael Melo Santos10020
Nataniel Mavindi9516
Natasha Natasha9524
Nathan Barber10016
Nathan David1008
Nathan Ndisetse9514
Nathanael Kabongo9515
Nathanaël Nda Zambe10015
Nathanaël Nzogue1002
Nathaniel Black9511
Nathaniel Dickson8015
Nathaniela Baptista1004
Naturedivine Itoua1002
Ndaane Kubuya9514
Ndaane Kubuya10014
Ndem Zoé10016
Neema Kajungu10025
Nehemiah Gbedemah10023
Neill Tayo10022
Nelma Joao1004
Nelson Mavindi1009
Nelvie Tati Apembet9515
Nemalie Auxia Matsanga Émane9510
Netanetie Pierre Louis9513
Ngam Kemene10014
Nhyira Vinyomens10020
Nicolau Lussiano Ndolo1009
Nikolai Selvik10027
Nissi Shammah Vangu10021
Nkoum Samuel1004
Nkumba Juliana Juliana10023
Noah Bottazzi10013
Noah Harvey10018
Noah Helm10013
Noé Bindzi10011
Noelle Black10015
Noemy Santos10027
Noubo Ndiolewoundem Grace Pm 1Ere9021
Nyaga Nessy Gacaria9520
Obey Atafo1007
Obie Halverson1008
Oceane Imack10011
Oladimeji Zion9517
Oliver Oduor9028
Olivia Sakatala9019
Onyx Bawelatoma10015
Osvald Mengue9016
Pascaline Tepeyla958
Patricia Mubanga10024
Patricia Mubanga9525
Paul Ndangang9017
Paulina Mabiala10013
Paulina Sambo1009
Pearl Issiyo Longila Empompolongo8516
Pedro Gregório10027
Pedro Zusi Ndolo10014
Peniel Ikona Longila Empompolongo9010
Peniel Tetsa9010
Perfect Zilevu10019
Perfectafe Fouty1007
Peter Waithaka10021
Phaltiel Kinoti10013
Philip Joseph1004
Philippe Andeng1005
Phillip Jackson10015
Pierre Jean Jacques Léon1009
Praymore Tsoka10018
Precieuse Bivigou1003
Precieuse Mukanya10014
Precious Yombwe10018
Prefer Kanu10015
Prevaillia Kanu9520
Prince Okoumone10016
Prince Rescapé Vangu9010
Prince Vidzraku10018
Princesse Bivigou1009
Princesse Madeleine Nehanen9514
Princesse Nkantsa10010
Princesse Tchakounte Tankeu952
Princesse Tsimba Vangu9522
Prisca Chanda10019
Priscilla Brown9517
Priscille Nsegue Atsa10022
Priscillia Mimpeh Nkengue953
Prisila Ako8017
Prodige Tekele9523
Prophet Kanu10012
Prospère Mayele859
Purity Kanu10018
Rabecca Hangoma9518
Rabecca Mazuba10021
Rabecca Shonge10025
Rachel Chavungama957
Rachel Ngo Bassong9024
Rachelle Ndongo8511
Rafael Condé10012
Rafael Vela10019
Raíssa Magalhães10018
Raoul Ngounou10026
Raquel Bueme Ndong Mosobuy10013
Raquel Vasquez9514
Rebeca Poba10017
Rebecca Agbolosu1005
Rebecca Chavungama958
Rebecca Guylaine Moukenguissi Wassende1006
Rebecca Komla Kouma10023
Rebecca Mato8012
Rebecca Mballa10015
Rebecca Noumonvi9528
Rebecca Nzouanda10021
Rebecca Nzuki10023
Rebecca Pierre9016
Rebecca Prey10019
Rebecca Sapey10016
Rebecca Shalom Golou10024
Rebecca Tsoumou1006
Rebekah Ambassa1002
Rebekah Antony9514
Rebekah Ayianduma9020
Rebekah Ndangang10022
Reimar Ruiz10014
Reina Sublime Fouty1005
Reine Dimbou8012
Renate Thorsen9525
René Benjamín Gutiérrez Rivas1009
Renee Diaz9525
Reuben Irungu9517
Rhoda Wallace1009
Rhuth Amatcha1009
Richmond Atsu10012
Risasi Sharonrose10015
Rocher Patamule9521
Rochi Issaka10026
Roldi Wamba10016
Ronald Mapiye10024
Rosalba Bengono10013
Rose Manebo Tchinda959
Rose Ndongo9014
Rose Ngo Net1008
Rosella Yandili9518
Rosellajane Mizero1007
Rosemary Nsouami9514
Rosiana Ngungu1003
Ruben Joshua Joel10017
Ruben Muñoz Rodriguez959
Rubí Landero Caldera8512
Rubiedove Cleopas10011
Ruht Vidal Benitez953
Rumbidzai Shoko8020
Rutendo Mutsago10014
Ruth Banda10025
Ruth Buzgo9513
Ruth Gabriela De Djoko Otulu1007
Ruth Gavanga9519
Ruth Hofisi9019
Ruth Kuoha10014
Ruth Léon10015
Ruth London Chipola10023
Ruth Munangati9518
Ruth Murei10017
Ruth Nachela10025
Ruth Nyambura9522
Ruth Respect Aok10015
Ruth Yombi10025
Ruvarashe Kalebe10015
Ruvimbo Masungo10023
Ryleigh Bure1005
Saadi Ayami Latoundou10024
Saah Awawah10010
Saah Beshia10012
Sadie Funk10010
Sagesse Bataringué10018
Salem Phyllipard10022
Salma Pérez Reyes859
Salome Bakandi10014
Salome Mato9011
Samara Choguya955
Samuel Ceballos10014
Samuel Chongo8017
Samuel Kuoha10017
Samuel Miantoudila8016
Samuel Román Rubio1003
Samuel Villalba Piñanez905
Samuel Wolters9516
Sandjong Dimba856
Santiago Bastidas Taquez10013
Santiago Blanco Gonzalez9521
Sara Sánchez Peña10024
Sarah Amatcha10013
Sarah Funda10018
Sarah Mbiri10021
Sarah Teelucksingh10013
Sarah Wallace10011
Sarahbeulah Anvene Acasia10020
Sarha Mounguengué10015
Savannah Bottazzi10010
Schilo Paul Claudine Ikouyou Libedi10015
Sefora Leon9019
Selah Andersen10013
Selah Bottazzi1007
Selah Romo9519
Sephora Andegue10021
Séphora Baya10025
Sephora Ifomo1009
Sephora Ngatse10021
Serafina Dumbi10015
Serenah Sanger1007
Seth Dondo10010
Seth Jackson10019
Seth Nsitu1003
Shadrack Odhiambo8520
Shadrick Siame9021
Shalom Banza10010
Shalom Mulenga10017
Sharon Bemputa10011
Sharon Chávez10012
Sharon Gwehonah8028
Sharon Mumba10023
Sharon Nyandoro9519
Sharon Nzerhumana8510
Sharon Peña Moza9515
Sharon Rose Banza9515
Sharon Rose Nzogue1006
Sharon Yab Ngantcha8011
Sharone Guela Bodiong10010
Sharonrose Danleu Ngakak955
Sharonrose Tshamala9512
Shashi Kubuya10013
Shedrack Kisegendo9023
Sheila Bunnei10025
Shekinah Banza10012
Shekinah Masango10012
Shenel Landero Caldera10015
Shepherd Mudiwa10024
Shiloh Marima1007
Shukuru Mossi10022
Silas Garcia10013
Silas Thorson10011
Silas Ziyambi10018
Simão Zau1007
Siméon Botélé Bodiong958
Simon Tsayem10014
Simphe Routouroutou10026
Sipiwe Siamaluba9525
Skinner Lekibi10012
Soit Loué Ngaluila10010
Sophia Canada909
Sothman Baya8520
Stephen Bahner10021
Stephen Kiyai9522
Stephen Ngouadi958
Sterling Williams1002
Steven Munsaka9524
Susanna Ross10013
Symphonie Mbole1007
Tabitha Kaumba8021
Tabitha Wiltshire10020
Takwe Adaanwi Enjeck1006
Takwe Mankaa1003
Taliane Bivigou Ndombi10015
Talitha Kanemavara1004
Talla Blessing1008
Talla Rebecca1006
Tamara Mulenga10018
Tanaka Kalebe8513
Tanatswa Kalebe8018
Tanya Moyo8517
Tatiana Rodríguez González8522
Tawananyasha Kanemavara10012
Tenguem Lily1002
Térence Bamutake9512
Terrilynn Cook10013
Thea Stephen9525
Theodor Selvik10023
Theodore Carter8014
Thérèsa Nkengue10021
Theresia Tsambou10025
Timothee Levy Kinanga Berry10010
Timothy Meighoo1005
Tina Francis10016
Tinaishe Kufazvineyi10024
Tinashe Hando10019
Titus Garcia10013
Tiwa Jefferson1007
Trésor Ampion De Dzala9520
Trust Evedzi1007
Tyrell Wallace10016
Unicia Davis9517
Vainquer Kalamba10012
Valarie Hyde10018
Valois Abayo10015
Vandana Tadala1002
Vanesa Bumba10013
Venite Muscadin10028
Veronica Bumba10015
Verônica Mussassi10013
Vicente Tati10015
Victoire Kasongo9514
Victoire Nkondje10016
Victor Masungo10015
Victor Zau10017
Victoria Perez Reyes1002
Victoria Vidzraku10021
Virginia Rubia10022
Vitória Irik Caetano Costa10015
Wankumbu Nanyangwe8024
Welima Asonglia9515
Wetsu Kelvin1008
Wetsu Prince10012
Wetsu Ruth1004
Willia Mouwembe Mouboudy10018
William Chavez Morales10013
William Chavez Morales10018
William Dickson10018
William Kenworthy10011
William Mbem Ngog Nyambe1004
William Owusu10011
William Panzo1007
William Pitian10011
Winner Atafo10011
Winner Fouty10013
Wishlord Dilus9014
Wonder Bokortsey10020
Wyanita Cook10021
Yapo Assamoi10027
Yaretzi Jardinesortega10011
Yona Dickson1005
Yvemie Ekoueya10026
Zach Sanger10013
Zachariah Kenworthy9513
Zachary Martens10023
Zagabe Fikiri9513
Zaira Gómez Carvajal9015
Zedekiah Rodrigues1004
Zélie Cyurimpundu9010
Zelie Kainda10025
Zerubbabel Addy Selby9524
Zion Masango10010
Zion Olson1006
Zoé Agnagna Destin1009
Zoe Choguya9012
Zoe Danleu Zeefack1004
Zoe Jardinesortega1005
Zoégrâce Miantoudila10013
Zurisaday Muñoz Pinto1008