7/138:00 AM


Are you ashamed of, say, of Divine healing? Are you ashamed of the full Gospel? Are you ashamed of your pentecostal experience? That’s being ashamed of His Word. That’s His Word made flesh in you.

Click here for the journaling themes for 65-0711 Ashamed, and here for a Sunday School storybook from the Cub Corner archives!

7/68:00 AM

Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? - 

God don’t change His mind. Stay right with His Word, ’cause that’s what’s going to come out in the end, the Word, Word by Word.

Click here for the journaling theme on this sermon.

6/227:30 AM

Marriage And Divorce - 

This is to my church only. Not my church…The little flock that believes me and follows me, this is to them.

Click here for the journaling themes on this sermon.

6/158:00 AM

God's Chosen Place Of Worship -

We are under great anticipation to continue this powerful series with the Bride around the world!

here for this week’s journaling themes.

6/88:00 AM

This Day This Scripture Is Fulfilled - 

The Word had said that He would come just the way He come. And there He stood, reading the Word, and saying to them, “This day this Scripture is fulfilled in your eyes.” And still they fail to see Him or recognize Him, like they did in all other ages.

Click here for this Sunday’s journaling themes.