Heroes Of The Bible

While kids of the world were dressing up as ghosts, goblins, and fantasy characters during Halloween, we were proud to see our young believers dressing up as God's heroes. Below are some of the fun pictures and reports we received from little groups and families around the world, in response to our Halloween Article.

Group 1

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We share some photos of the event for the little ones. We thank the invitation that was made on the website to realize this event, since it was of great motivation for our young people. -Colombia

Group 2

Shalom Saints, Last week, we were talking about heroes of the Bible during our family altar. Then I asked my kids to tell me their favorite heroes: Daniel (8) said "Samuel", Lys (7) said "Daniel", Caleb was a bit moody that night so he didn't answer. Abel (2) rose his hand saying "me me me" so that I could choose him. After I chose him, he stood up and said "Brother Branham". God bless you. PS: I just thought I could share a photo of my 3 year old Caleb and his brother Abel 2 years. -Rep South Afirca

Group 3

Here is Lilia as "Ruth", Joshua as "Shamgar", and Samuel as "Little David".

Group 5

The kids dressed up and we took them to the park to take some pictures. It was a fun time and there were others at the park that witnessed our little Bible Heroes.

Group 4

Dear YF, Here are some pics of Hadassah's Bible hero, Queen Esther, before she was queen and after. Then on the last image, we adults had to guess who was who: Left to right: Hero Joshua, Hero TapeGirl, Hero Lydia, Hero Jochebed, Hero Rahab, Hero Queen of Sheba, Hero Queen Esther.

Group 6

Thank you so much, for the inspiring article at young foundation about the Halloween. IT really saved the day and was a helping hand! Because of this, we planned a gathering, for the children. Everyone came dressed up as a hero of the Bible: Joshua , David, Salamon, Ruth , Esther, Mary. Each of Them told us why they were heroes. They went out from door to door and made the difference! Then the Children got lovely food and sweets. We ended the evening by asking them Bible questions and singing songs. Even if it was darkness outside, we did not notice, because IT was happiness inside. The children really enjoyed this evening!

As parents we are so thankful and touched about how the Lord uses you in a special way! Days like this are difficult for the children and the pressure on the young ones is high!! This happening was just great and made blessed fellowship for the children! God bless you!

Group 7

Thank you, VGR! God bless you!

We are at Nochistlán Mexico, and we enjoyed being part of the invitation you made in YF to encourage the little ones to be like the heroes of God instead of the heroes that the world offers. While the world was acting and dressing like evil creatures and worldly heroes, the Christian children out here were so excited to dress like those great biblical characters.

They learned some Bible quotes about each character and they shared those words with other children and parents. We saw David, Esther, Judah, Ruth, Queen of Sheba, Naaman’s servant girl and Betsabe. The little ones acted like Aaron and Miriam indeed!

We had a nice afternoon, parents were in the activity and they were proud of their children. I know that you are proud in YF, and we know that our Heavenly Father is as well.

Dear YF and brother Joseph, thank you for sharing those activities that God has given you to keep the little ones focused in the Message and in the Voice of the Lord, we really need these more than ever. We will continue praying for you. Please don’t forget about us in your prayers.

May God richly bless you,

Brothers in Nochistlán
