Creations Cub Day - Brother Branham's Birthday

Below is a sweet report we received from today's Creation Cub Day class in Jeffersonville, in honor of Brother Branham's birthday.

Since today is Brother Branham's birthday we had an extra special class for the 4 and 5 year old cubs at Cub Day to remind them of God’s great prophet.

The children were just as excited as any other Cub Day, but today it seemed as if their "Scripture of the Prophet" song "Malachi 4:5-6" became more real to them! "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet.." First, they would learn that God truly fulfilled that Scripture by sending us His prophet, Brother Branham! And without Brother Branham we would not have the pure Word of God. We would not have the Tapes!

Next, they would learn of Brother Branham's humble beginnings. It seemed as if they were amazed to learn that the little one room, one door (window) cabin only had a dirt floor, and no carpet! They were so intrigued as we used the flannel graph to act out the special morning of his birth. They quickly realized that the same Light (Pillar of Fire) that came and hung over Brother Branham that morning when he was born was the same Light (Pillar of Fire) that followed him throughout his life. It even had It's picture taken with him when he was all grown up.

After the lesson, they quickly got busy piecing together their little cabin in the mountains of Kentucky!

Once they finished their hard work, they were ready for snack time. Today we had some special treats for them...cupcakes and balloons! The children were so excited to see the cabin scene on top of their cupcake. After singing "Happy Birthday" and thanking the Lord Jesus for sending us His prophet, they started eating without delay! We couldn't help but laugh as their little hands tried to get such a huge cupcake into their little mouths. And they still had room for their healthier snacks! After snack time they have gym, so they were able to run off some of the excitement and energy.

Next it was time to get quiet. After we gathered them in, they marched like little soldiers into our reading nook where they heard the story, "The Footsteps of the Prophet". Once they were settled, it was time for Quiet Time! We reminded them to thank Jesus once again for sending us His prophet. Quiet time is such a special time during our Cub Day. It is so precious to see such young children pray and look through their Bibles. You just know our Heavenly Father is so proud!

Finally, after a busy morning it was time to leave. They were all so excited to learn that they got to take a balloon home with them!

What a special day! Thank you Lord Jesus for sending us Your great prophet, Brother Branham!

