For over 10 years Brother Branham watched for the opportunity to come to the city of Yakima, Washington. For some reason he never could quite make it, but in the month of March, 1960, the Lord opened the door to have 10 days of services there. The services were held at the Eisenhower High School, and Brother Branham was ready to see the Lord save every lost person there was in that country.
I truly believe that the coming of the Lord Jesus is nigh at hand. I believe that if—we’re living in the shadows of His coming, and I want to do all that I know how to get everyone ready for that grand event that’s been prophesied, and people has looked for it since His going away. And we see the conditions arising, both in the political world, and also in the military world, and in the religious world, that all signs are pointing now that the coming is close at hand. To see the church in the minority, spiritual believers, and we see the—all that He spoke of taking place.
If the coming of the Lord was nigh at hand 57 years ago, how close are we now? As Brother Branham said, let's do all that we know how to get everyone ready for that grand event!
We have been taught in the Word that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, so join us as we listen to the first two messages Brother Branham preached during this series, and you will find "What It Takes To Overcome All Unbelief: Our Faith." We are certain that the Lord will "Show Us The Father And It Will Satisfy Us".
Now, we find that in this little tree, it pushes out. When it grows it pushes out. And when you are born into the Kingdom of God, just a little baby in Christ, everything that you have need of in this life's journey, is in you when you receive the Holy Spirit. Oh, then what do you have to do, is drink, and drink, and keep on drinking. Don't just stop when you join church and are baptized; just keep drinking till you have faith for this, and faith for that, and faith for this, and push out until all the manifestations of the Holy Spirit is living in the church.
The tape quizzes will be available for the entire month of March for anyone to take and submit your scores. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.