Jasper Family Camp Youth Banquet

Below is a report from a recent youth banquet held in Jasper Texas, and how the Lord moved on the scene and blessed many of the young people present. We're thankful to hear how God is still speaking to the hearts of His children.

During the camp the group gathered together to watch a special presentation that the youth had put together. We have attached the video for you to watch, and we think you will agree that it is a well spent 10 minutes and 43 seconds! It really puts a visual with one of the cherished stories from our prophet. And the narration couldn't be better!

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We just want to thank the Lord for all He has done for so many young believers in this precious Message. Brother Albert Stowell and the Believers Fellowship Tabernacle in Jasper, Texas recently held their annual family camp over Memorial Day weekend and we just want to testify to the work that the Lord has done in the lives of the young people that attended the youth banquet.

All of us know how our prophet, William Branham, loved the West! In fact, he even told us how he wanted to move out west and become a cowboy. The believers from Jasper decided to use this western/cowboy style as the theme of their youth banquet. The preparation that went into making this event is what set the stage for such a special and memorable evening. While all the young believers began to line up outside the doors, dressed in their finest cowboy and cowgirl attire, the volunteers inside worked tirelessly to make the final preparation details just perfect.

After getting pictures taken as they walked through the entrance, the young people were asked to sit with people that they did not already know. The overall camp theme this year was from "The Conflict Between God and Satan 62-0531," where Brother Branham said, "The Bride must be unified, unified together by the Word." With this Truth in mind, the young people began to find seats around the banquet hall and fellowshipped with other young believers.

Before dinner was served, the activity chosen for the young people to complete was the latest Young Foundations crossword puzzle. Brother Stowell welcomed everyone and gave out two of the new VGR Scofield Bibles as prizes. What a blessing those Bibles are to not only the "older" believers, but to the young people as well. The ear-to-ear smiles on their faces as they received their prizes said it all. After the Lord was invited into our presence and the food was blessed, it was time to chow down!

The dinner served was nothing short of what Brother Branham called a "gastronomical jubilee!" Each western-style plate was filled with BBQ brisket, baked beans, corn, potato salad, and biscuits. The desert was Texas-shaped brownies with whipped cream and a cherry placed where Jasper is located in the state. This was very creative and delicious!

Now that we had received our physical food, it was time for us to enter into the service and receive the spiritual blessings that the Lord had in store for the evening. There was an outstanding job of leading the song and worship service, as the young people of all ages were raising their hands to "lift Jesus higher" and lowering their hands to "stomp Satan lower." Brother Stowell had everyone flopping their wings to his special as he sang about how we are all heavenly creatures that just need to set our wings and soar on home! The young people became so enthused and ready to receive whatever the Lord had in store for them, as the main part of the evening approached.

A special young brother then greeted the young people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and shared a few testimonies that the Lord had laid on his heart. He encouraged the young believers to be fearless in their testimony and to believe that all things truly are possible in Him. After testifying for a few moments on how prayer changes things and how important it is to constantly stay before God in prayer, he then introduced another brother who felt led to share his testimony with the young people. After listening to the Adoption series every morning of camp, his testimony beautifully illustrated exactly how Brother Branham explained the journey of a Christian must be in order to be placed in Christ. The young people were so responsive to the testimonies they were hearing!

After they finished up with the testimonies and the music began to play, we could just feel the presence of the Lord sweeping through the building. As everyone was worshipping the Lord, the young people were asked if there was anyone in the building who would want to fully surrender their lives to the Lord. Within five seconds, a sea of hands was raised and the Holy Spirit began to work on the lives of many young people. For the next two hours, all the young people wanted to do was worship the Lord. Several of them came through the prayer line and because of their faith, received exactly what they had asked for right there! It was so precious to see our Lord dealing with so many at once. What a mighty God we serve!

We just want to praise the Lord for all He has done for the young people of this Message in these last days! We hope and pray that this report will encourage the hearts of all His children all over the world.

Thank you and God bless you!

