A Script For Healing

There are SOOO many things that an 8 year old mind can think of. Ask them to come up with a little play to act out before a group of people, and see how many cute, funny, bizarre, goofy ideas they will come up with! When 8 year old Zoe was delivered from migraine headaches, she came up with the best way to testify of the glory of God before her class in school.

God richly bless His children everywhere.

My daughter has been suffering with terrible migraine headaches where she had to miss school, and at the age of eight didn't like medicine nor missing school. We share the teaching of our prophet with our children that all things are possible in Jesus Christ if we only believe. Zoe was asked to write a script for school in which her group would act out, and she choose to give her testimony of the Lord. The Word of God says "out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise."

This is what Zoe wrote: "I came home from school with a terrible headache, I don't like this feeling very much. My mom gave me medicine, prayed and told me to take a nap. I got up and prayed and asked Jesus to heal me from this terrible pain. My mom says Jesus died and all that we have need of we should ask in His Precious Name, believing one day He will give it to me. As I finished my prayer to the Lord, it was our family prayer time and I realized that I had no headache anymore. I thank God and for His son Jesus Christ, His Precious Word, our beloved Brother Branham, and my mother who always gives me the best advise whenever I have any problem. I hope you can understand this play, but it means a lot to me. I love Jesus."

We understand Sister Zoe! Thank you for sharing your wonderful little testimony with us, and we thank the Lord for healing you! God bless you, YF
