Another Round Of Creations Classes In Italy

The Creations crew in Italy is growing, and they have already had to move to a larger facility. They recently completed their second round of classes, and below is the report, with some neat ideas, along with some great pictures and a few singing videos.

Dear YF,

Greetings in the Precious Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are happy to send you another report about our last two lessons of Creations Class. After having seen what such a blessing the first two had been, we decided to go on helping the kids with the learning of the Lord, the Message and the prophet of God.

So, because of the number of kids and the need to have a place appropriate to the activity, we rented (and shall continue to rent) a town room for each Creations Class.

The Sword Of The King Class:

For our third lesson we chose: “The Sword Of The King.” We started with a prayer and right after the kids began raising their hands up, willing to tell the first portion of the verse of Hebrew 4:12 they had learnt by heart. It was really nice listening to also the youngest and to the oldest who knew the whole verse (our class is 3-14). Each one of them deserved the prize: a sword Bible book marker with the verse written both in Italian and English.

Then, all that can read, read alternately the verse and, then, we listened to the proposed Message quote: The Seventh Seal 63-0324E. So we started creating our sword. While waiting for the color to get dry, we sang a new song composed by a sister, dedicated to the this verse:

For the Word of God is quick and powerful, quick and powerful, quick and powerful, the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. La Parola di Dio è viva ed efficacy vi è pic tagliente di uno spade a due tail, è la Parola di Dio.

After having the sword assembled, we had a short break with some food and, then, we did a game all together.

At the end, the kids went home happy, and their parents, too, for this opportunity from the Lord.

The Stature Of A Perfect Man Class:

After a month, we planned another Creations Class. We had just listened to The Stature Of A Perfect Man, so we chose this lesson and to do our “pyramid”. After the prayer, we started showing the kids how Brother Branham represented it at the Tabernacle, following YF instructions. We prepared wax crayons, felt pens and watercolors, then, we pressed play on the computer and we went on like this: for each layer, first we listened to the quote; second, a short explanation; third, layer coloring. When we had our pyramid done, we asked the kids, one by one, to come to the board and them writing and explaining what they had just learnt.

Now, it was time for a short break with food and, then, for a game. We played a rope on the floor and we wrote Old Testament on one side, and New Testament on the other side. The kids had to stay in the middle, where the rope was, and with the eyes closed. We asked them questions about Bible characters or Bible events. They had to jump on the side where the answer belonged. If the question didn’t belong to the Bible, they had to stand still in the middle. Who answered wrong was eliminated. They enjoyed this game so much.

We are so grateful to the Lord for the blessings He is giving to these kids. We always pray for the Lord to protect them. Thanks to the Voice Of God Recordings team all over the world and a special thanks to Brother Joseph for his care to the Bride.

Creations Class - Verona, Italy.

Sword Of The King Class

Stature Of A Perfect Man Class
