Highways & Byways Phase Two - Round 2

With Round One of the battle over, and a victorious outcome, it was time to call in a second set of troops to go to battle in round 2 of the Highways and Byways Sponsorship Project. Below is the report of the triumphant soldiers.

Word of the wonderful time the youths had had at the first Highways & Byways witnessing expedition had gotten round; some of the youths had shared their testimonies with their friends how one or two of the people they’d talked to in that last week had already begun to attend service, while others kept showing a fiery zest for the Word and kept in touch. There was again a lot of anticipation for this next one. Most of the young people going this time were not there for the first one and were keen to find out for themselves and experience what they had heard about first hand.

Much like the first round, the youths arrived at VGR about 7:45 that morning. The chaperones were waiting to check them in and direct them to get their meaningful witnessing T-shirts. After this the youths went into their witnessing-groups and collected their tract-packs. As we got ready to leave you could hear some pretty good conversations about the tracts as each team got acquainted with each other and discussed how they were going to work together effectively for the next couple of hours. We loaded up onto the huge chariots of fire and headed for downtown Harare.

As we dropped off at our drop off point, the people immediately began to ask who we were and what we were all about, from there we began to converse or handed them a tract as we made our way to our tent base. Upon arrival we sang a few songs and then prayed for guidance, unction and direction. We hit the road at the right time, just when the Saturday morning crowds had begun to throng the streets about their different missions; we happened to be on a mission too, a very serious mission.

The groups set out in search of those who the Lord would direct them to talk to, and direct them HE did. Groups in serious conversations and deep scriptural discussions were at every street corner in that vicinity. Bible pages were flipped and tracts read out loud to attentive ears. The whole point was to let as many people as possible know about the Message God has sent in our day. Their decision would ultimately be their responsibility, but our desire and duty was and is to make sure they hear the Gospel.

This happened in a lot of different ways at the same time. Some of the young people simply passed tracts to passersby, others took time to talk to the different people on a specific subject, opening Scripture and discussing about the Word at length. Others sat around our tent and listened to a translated tape where Brother Branham explains the Godhead (61–0425B). A lot of people visited our tent. Each one of them got some Spoken Word books to read and a few tracts to work on their spiritual gastronomics!! A lot of them really appreciated the Shona material and the dedicated staff who were constantly on their feet in the tent attending to queries, handing out books, explaining a particular subject or handing out a local VGR contact details card. One man walked up and said something like, “What is all this about?” One brother answered, “It is about the Word!” he says “but who is this?”(pointing at the books), said, “The Word brought by the Prophet William Branham.” he says, ”Now you’re talking,” he hungrily took several books, and as he walked away with a satisfied look he echoed, “this is the stuff I like to deal with. The rest of the things out there confuse me.” It sounded like an eaglet that had just seen mama eagle swoop low over the chicken coop, who knows that in a few days that eaglet will be gliding in the God provided heavenlies!

Several street preachers from different denominations were out that Saturday and happened to meet this eager group of young believers. The young people were definitely ready to give an answer on what they believed and the hope that lays in them.

By the time we had to regroup and leave, it was hard to pull away from the precious people! One by one the groups returned to base at the appointed time. As exciting, challenging and enjoyable as it was, we had to wind up and get back. We had a word of prayer and walked back to the waiting busses. As the busses rolled out, the youths excitedly shared their different experiences, the different people they had met and how they handled the situations they encountered. Collectively, we realized more and more that we need to get and keep our heads in the Word, to feed on the Word the more, in order to be fully established and ready to impart Eternal Life.

We stopped briefly to get a group picture at another of the two Jesus Jar Billboards around town. We were proud to be identified with the Message and each of the young people around the world who were involved in getting these Billboards up. Be assured it is not in vain.

Back at the office, food was waiting to feed the hungry army. Hands were washed clean, food-lines initiated and lunch was served. The tracts, the Billboards and the witnessing expeditions have definitely redefined the responsibility of testifying and shed a whole new light to spreading the Gospel.

Through these efforts, no doubt a lot of ‘Harareans’ have been privileged to hear about what God has done in their day, and what the Word says about some important Bible truths like the Godhead, the Serpent Seed etc. It was an honor to be able to share this Message and Truth with God’s people. We are looking forward to more of these times and pray our lives are the biggest testifying tool ever, by His Grace.
