How to play the What Word game.
What Word? is a multiplayer game to help keep believers focused on the Word of God. You will need 4 or more players. (If you only have two or three people see the bottom of this article)
Sit in a circle alternating players from each team.
Hand the phone or tablet to a player on TEAM ONE, and they will select a category from the menu. Select the NORMAL difficulty if the option is given. (EASY and HARD are described at the bottom of this article)
When the timer begins, their job is to describe the word or phrase that is on the screen. But they may not use any part of the word or phrase in their description. When their team guesses correctly, the phone is passed to the next person in the circle.

They will then describe the phrase to their team. Play continues in this way until the buzzer sounds. At this point, the team who last guessed correctly will get a point.
Example where TEAM ONE would get a point:
- TEAM ONE guesses a word correctly and passes the phone to TEAM TWO.
- TEAM TWO is now trying to guess the phrase being described by their team member, but the buzzer sounds before they could guess correctly.
- TEAM ONE gets a point, because they were the last team to guess correctly.
The goal is for a team to get 7 points. The game will alert you when a team has won.
More ways to play:
the same as normal play except the game will give you several words to help you describe the phrase to your team
the same as normal play except the game will give you several words that you are not allowed to use when describing the phrase to your team
Use this option if you only have two or three people or not enough to make teams. You can just take turns describing the phrases to each other just for fun without keeping score. Or come up with your own way to keep score with only two or three people.