Our whole ministry in Young Foundations has always been, "Encouraging Young Christians In Their Walk With Christ." By the help of the Lord, we have been able to do this in many ways; through youth camps or banquets, posting encouraging testimonies and reports from fellow young believers, sending Cub Corner magazines, Missionary Sponsorship Projects, and most importantly, by pointing the youth back to the Word of God.
We just recovered these sweet videos from the young believers of a Message church in Rusape, Zimbabwe. At the time of this video, most of the youth had only benefitted from the YF website. They had never received anything in the mail from YF, never had a banquet or camp, never had been sent any youth material, but they were so encouraged by what they had seen, that they wrote a song of how it encouraged and changed their lives. We're humbled and thankful at how blessed these children were, with so little.