A Proud Mommy

Brother Branham said "Just keep drilling that into their minds, drilling it, constantly. That's what you do to your children, mother."That's exactly what this proud mother did, and she's seeing it in the lives of her children.

Dear YF,

Lately I had been wondering if I was doing a good enough job teaching my children about the Lord and the Message. I had even shared my concerns with my husband. He seemed to think I was expecting a little much out of my children, who are 11, 9, and 6.

Well the other day while driving around town my daughter who is 6, was asking me questions about random things. She is quit a talker. One of her questions was, “mommy, we don’t know when Jesus will come and get us, right?” I said, “yes. That’s right.” she paused for a little while and then said, “I can’t wait to get to Heaven. I really want to see Jesus. I can’t wait to see Jesus! I really love Jesus!” my heart bubbled over.

My middle son, who is 9, prays during our devotions like he really knows who he is talking to. It’s so sweet listening to his little humble way of speaking to the Lord.

Then just this last Wednesday night at church ( we have been going through the 7 seals at church and we were listening to the 5th seal) my son, who is 11, got really excited during church. He started writing something down in his notebook. After church he started telling my husband and I about how excited he was about something that Bro. Branham had said. He had caught the meaning and understood it. He said, “now I know how those people who always shout Amen feel.” I couldn’t help but smile. He then continued to talk about it all the way back home.

Im thanking the Lord for showing me that I was doing a good job with my children and it only makes me want to work harder. And I'm giving praise to the Lord for speaking to my children at such a young age.

God bless you all

And every evening when I'm home, after we--everything's cleaned out, I take my little girls and give them a Bible study: put them in the car (so nobody interrupts us) and ride around, wife and baby. And I give them questions like, "Who was Elijah? What was he?" And right quick them little old six-year-old and eight-year-old girls say, "Tishbite." See, right quick. And I'd say, "How do you know that he was a... How could you tell if you'd a meet him today, what kind of a man was he?" "Oh, he was a hairy man and had leather around his loins." Little Rebekah and Sarah want to holler out. See? Just keep drilling that into their minds, drilling it, constantly. That's what you do to your children, mother. Quit running around over the city and gadding about; give your children Bible lectures and things. That's--that's the thing to do. 56-1002E
