God Rich In Mercy

God is rich in mercy to relieve our sufferings and provide healing for our weak bodies. Our sister from Australia wants to tell you of this rich mercy in her life.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I would like to share this testimony to the full glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It had been months since I had been feeling sick and unsure what it was that was causing me to be weak, have headaches and at times losing weight. It would seem as if it was headaches, then next thing it would be tonsils, and then next thing a throat infection. The devil had just been on my case for approximately 4 months.

Brothers and Sisters, there are times when I would pray selfish prayers, asking God to take me home cause I felt as if I had had enough of the pain and suffering. After months of agony and just taking painkillers, the situation went worse when my blood pressure went high. I could literally feel my heart beating so fast and so uncontrollably. I started praying but it seemed the more I prayed the worse I got.

It then happened that my parents opted for me to go to the hospital because I was now having black outs at school, dizziness and always feeling nauseas. I went to one doctor who told me I should just drink pain killers whenever I felt the pain. I literally took 6-8 pain killers in a day. After I got transferred to the hospital, I prayed to God and said "Lord, please I don’t want to hear any bad news that I am dying or I have a tumor, but please if it is that I'm sick, please heal me now."

I arrived at the hospital, and my faith just dropped down to zero, I automatically felt as if I was dying and I had a tumor and the lot. On arrival they took my blood pressure and it was really high. They then told me to sit down. Here I was, only 21, and yet my blood pressure was as life threatening as someone who was really sick. After a while they took my blood tests then took an ECG. I just felt like this was it, I was dying. But God rich in mercy, just prevailed. My blood was said to be normal and that I only lacked a bit of something in my white blood cells and encouraged me to drink water. The ECG was said to be 100% perfect and I was just given an antibiotic to fight the sore throat.

God has done a lot in my life, but this testimony just gives me chills when I think of it. When all hope was gone, God stood in the gap for me and fought for me again. Please help me praise the Lord and may you continue praying for me. I told God "if You heal me I am going to sing for you," and that same week I gave my testimony and sang in church, and the Spirit of the Lord was ever present in that room. All praises being given back to God.

To all those who are passing through a hard time, He is still the same God. When your family or friend doesn’t have enough faith, join your faith with theirs and see what the Lord can do. God bless you all.

Sister Anna (Australia)
