This poem came from a sister all the way over in England who fights the battles in public schools and other worldly places, as do many Message believing youth.
Hello and God bless you. Just wanted to share a poem that I wrote at the beginning of last year. I wrote it when I was at school and surrounded by other students and was just expressing the Message I wished for them to see. Hope it will touch someone in some way.
Held Accountable
Why don't they see the light?
Is it because they have no sight?
What kind of world is this that mocks the truth?
Do they all think that they always stay in their youth?
I look at them all, feeding on filth
One day it will all vanish and be spilth
It ain't right so come off it
But no, they just want to stay there with it
Destruction is coming my friend
You better hurry before we get to the end
There will be no favors made on that day
It will be too late and there'll be no time to pray
Why do you want to wait until it's too late?
When you have all the time in the world to change your fate
What will you say on that day when you stand before the throne?
And Jesus asks, "Wasn't it enough that I died for your sins to atone?"
Did I not take your sin as mine?
Was the blind being healed not enough of a sign
Why did you forsake the truth when it was placed right in front of you?
I took the blame for you to be free from the accusations satan threw
But yet you went back to the things that were wrong
Just wanting to mingle with the world where you don't belong
It's been too long its time to change
You may think this is a joke and it's just too strange
But one day you'll be forced to accept the Word
You'll have to say why you didn't accept what you heard
Mercy is calling, will you not hear
God is there to answer, His spirit is always near
Let today be the day
That you will change your life without delay
Take up your cross, and follow Jesus
Say, "I'm going all the way"
Are you ready, Are you willing?