A Birthday Request

We receive a lot of requests here in Young Foundations; prayer requests, material requests, support requests, camp requests, and much more. But the other day we received something a little different, a birthday request. It was a very sweet letter from a precious sister in Zimbabwe, and we thought we would share the story with you.

Shalom. I am a Zimbabwean young lady who just turned 21 today. I follow the Voice of God and the young foundations websites and all the postings on an almost daily basis. I always appreciate and love the quote of the day section, because it always serves to encourage, sometimes rebuke & chastise, but ever keep me in line. If it's not too much to ask, I wonder if you could kindly find me a special quote for this day (it is very special to me, 'cause above all that He's bestowed on me, I have received salvation and the promise of Eternal life!!!) that you could send me, maybe something that blesses you, or something in line with the age. Thank you and God richly bless for the Blessed Work you do for Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Greetings Sister Ruth. Happy Birthday! Our prayer is that this year you will draw even closer to the Lord than ever before. Brother Joseph recently sent this quote from Brother Branham to everyone here at Voice of God in an email. We trust you have a blessed day.

Young Foundations

The believer has something to live for. We ought to live like it, reaching every day for everything that we can get a hold of from God. Leaving the world behind, burning your ships every day, burning the track behind you; keep on moving, reaching, pulling, seeking, hungering, thirsting for God. Be real fanatically about it. Just move on. A fanatic is a over enthused person. I'm an--I'm an--really a fanatic. I'm over enthused about my Lord. How did He ever save me? How did He ever give me the Holy Ghost? Why did He ever let me preach? How did He let me love people and people love me? Oh, I'm so thrilled over Him, I just keep reaching with all that's in me, stretching my skin to try to get to Him, just moving with everything that I've got. That's what we should do. 60-0607

Thank you so much for the quote. It is very appropriate, and I am going to let It become sort of my 21st 'key' and the roadmap for the rest of my life's journey, where I'll continually strive to keep moving, reaching, pulling, seeking hungering and thirsting for more of Him 'til the day I'm taken off the scene. God bless.
