What Is The YF Trophy?

In order to attend any local YF event, including Bistros, Gyms, Still Waters Camps, Study Hall, and Creations classes, you must have a TROPHY Icon on your YF profile page. Your TROPHY Icon can be obtained by consistently listening to the monthly Tapes that we post on YF, and submitting the Tape quizzes linked with each message. This signifies that you are actively partaking in YF. Please note that it is a requirement to listen to each posted message as you take each quiz. Once you have obtained your trophy, you will be eligible to attend any local YF event in your age group.

*It is also a requirement to have a trophy on your YF profile page in order to redeem your points and order rewards products. Please contact us at yf@youngfoundations.org if you have any questions concerning this.

If the trophy icon does not yet appear on your account, then you have not met the requirement, and you need to continue with a consistent record of completed messages and quizzes that we post each month.

The trophy feature was added to help us maintain what we feel is the right atmosphere at all YF events. It shows us that you are in the Word, and that you still desire to be a part of the different activities and rewards we offer. We are excited to continue holding these events and offering the Tape quizzes to help keep you more fortified in the Word, and with one another, as fellow soldiers of the Cross.

"Don’t be like the world. We are different. Servants of God are different. They’re borned again; they’re new creatures in Christ. You have no right to take the things of the world and mix it with Christianity. The Christian robe’s not made up of church-made theology. The Christian robe’s made up of the baptism of the Holy Ghost and nothing less than that, and a life to follow that baptism of the Holy Ghost makes you live right, do right, act right, talk right, live right. That is true." 60-0610 - The Rejected King" Rev. William Marrion Branham

God bless you,

Young Foundations
