Below we have a wonderful report, video and pictures of another Creations project in Trinidad.
God bless you all at Young Foundations,
Quiet Time and Creations have become an exciting part of the lives of our young people here in Trinidad. It encourages us greatly to see blogs with pictures of Quiet Time gatherings around the world. We thank the Lord for Still Waters Camp, where this inspiration of QT first appeared, and we pray daily for the Lord to give them the victory during its construction. We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the youth, if He should tarry.
The Lord reward you all at YF and Creations for your labor of love and the sacrifice of time and effort, it truly is building a solid foundation for the next generation of young believers of this Message. The YF event calendar has always, since its posting, been an encouragement and source of excitement to us here, as we are always looking forward to times that we could gather at the same time together with you all, to have some youth event, just as we gather for Quiet Time on Saturday mornings. We noticed on the calendar that sometimes there is QT at YFYC on the first Sat. of the month, and later in the day, would have a Creations class. We felt that it would be wonderful to have such a combination of events.
On the first Saturday of August we had our first opportunity to do so, as we assembled together, with around 25 youth between the ages of 7–28, boys and girls, with a handful of chaperones, to have Quiet Time together, light breakfast and singing after, followed by a lovely Creations class, doing the “Let Your Light Shine” (Lighthouse) project.
It was beautiful to see how the young people came armed with their mp3 players, Bibles, Cub Corners, and each finding a spot to spend some quality time with Our Lord. We thought that it would be good to begin with the Quiet Time bell, like on Still Waters, so we took one of the videos from the blog with the bell ringing, and played that recording. It felt so special.
As we regrouped after QT, we sang some worship choruses, just before breakfast was served. Setting up for the class then began. We must mention that those Creations PDFs are outstanding and very encouraging to work with, thanks for making them available to us all. We were able to set up a projector to display the PDF on screen, and we printed out PDFs for the youth to complete their worksheets. It was AWESOME! We enjoyed the class lesson, especially going through the Notes on ‘What identifies us with Christ’- the music we listen to, what we read, the games we play, etc. Then we got to the hands-on part of assembling the project together, which was a part most anticipated by all. When they completed their projects, we gathered and sang, “This Little Light of mine,” with all the lights off and their Lighthouses lit. It was so nice.
It all felt so special, especially knowing that at the same time in YFYC and other parts of the world, young people like us was also enjoying the fellowship of the Lord and each other, together. God bless Bro. Joseph, and the burden the Lord placed on his heart for the young people around the world, and the way it has blessed our youth and enriched their lives.
Just thought that we might send you all some pictures and a video clip of our memorable little time.
God bless you, Young Warriors for Christ around the world,
From your fellow Prisoners for Christ in Trinidad.