God's Perfect Timing

Without fail, God's timing is never off, but perfect in every case.

Greetings to all the brothers and sisters out there!

This testimony has meant so much to me, I have spent a long time in a backslidden condition, and it is still a struggle for me sometimes to keep away from certain things. The Lord in His grace is so mindful of us, and this is where this testimony comes in!

I was sitting in the livingroom when my husband put a movie on that I knew I should not really be watching, and that still small Voice kept tugging. So this time I was obedient and came to my study and went on this website, which together with VOGR’s branham.org is my saving grace and my solice!

This was the first testimony that I read (FOLLOW LINK ABOVE), and it just confirmed it was The Lord speaking to me about spending my time, and then I realized it was written by my sister! When I phoned her she was so surprized because she had already sent the testimony a year earlier and wondered why it was never placed. Now we know, talk about His Perfect Timing! This happened a few months ago but I felt now I should send it to you.

God Bless,

A Sister from South Africa

How can they explain this earth standing in the sockets, hanging in the air like this, turning perfectly, and so perfectly timed, till the astronomers can tell the very minute the eclipse will come in the moon, between the moon and sun twenty and thirty years ahead of time?

There's not a piece of machinery ever invented that can move that, not move that perfect. Your watch won't do it. There's no watch can keep perfect time, not for any space of time. It'll lose tick or two, or gain a tick or two. There--there's nothing man can do like that. But God is perfect. He's right on time.

