Being Under Satan's Yoke

It can be so easy to let the attractions and distractions of the world yoke us under Satan's deceiving hand. Here is another feedback testimony from a recent article we posted called, “Taking a Stand.” This sister recognized the danger and refused to be bound under Satan's yoke.

Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I felt lead to add a comment on the article called “Taking a Stand” that was posted on 22 August 2012. I would like you to post this, but please edit wherever you see fit. God Bless you.

Technology has proven to be a blessing in many ways for those of us who enjoy the privilege of listening to the prophet whenever we want to, but I’m afraid Facebook isn’t one of those blessings.

I wonder how much longer and more often people use Facebook than what they initially anticipated on. We can reason all we want and use it for the most innocent of purposes, but it’s still very time consuming. Time…the one thing that should be so precious to us, for there is less of it than we think. We have all the material, but so little time it seems. Satan makes it his job to keep us busy. (BUSY= Being Under Satan’s Yoke) I can’t help but think this is just another one of his innocent looking schemes.

I’ve never been a fan of it and especially didn’t want any of my old school friends to find me on it, so I was never intending on joining. But, I recently got my visa and passport ready to be able to attend next year’s Still Waters camp. Five days (duration of the camp) is just so short considering the amount of money I will be spending on traveling, and I wanted to try and find a believer or a believing family in Jeffersonville or Louisville where I could visit and sightsee for a few days before and after the camp.

Facebook seemed to be the only logical way of doing so, since I really don’t know anyone here or overseas. As soon as I could find someone I was planning on canceling my page and keeping contact via e-mail. It all kept feeling wrong though, it wasn’t what I expected it to be and nothing worked out either. I became increasingly disappointed to see what people kept themselves busy with, their interests reflected upon who and what they are and I realized I didn’t want to have any part of it, no matter how innocent my intensions. That still small Voice kept tugging- this was not the will of the Lord. I cancelled after a week of joining.

July the 25th my testimony was posted on It was called “The God who is rich in mercy” I mentioned there that the healing of my body was taking time. My health has improved a lot since then, but for the entire week, that week I joined Facebook, my health deteriorated again which proves to me that it was a gap for Satan to come in. And as you can guess it improved again as soon as I cancelled.

I enjoy spending my time wisely again. Our wonderful Lord deserves all our time, let’s dedicate it to Him! Let’s be cautious not to give Satan a gap.

May the Lord Bless you all!

Love, your sister in Christ.
