We had a wonderful time with you studying the Hebrews series, and now's it time to finish off a blessed year with the 1964 Jubilee Messages.
"The Harvest Time" will be our next tape, and we're sure the Jubilee will continue in your hearts as you feed on the Word of God. This quiz will be available for the entire month of December.
Here are a few quotes to get you excited about what is in store when you hear "The Harvest Time."
And He said, in His Bible, that He would judge the world by Jesus Christ. And we read here that Jesus is the Word. In Hebrews 13:8, said, "He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." So, therefore, He will judge the church by their attitude towards Christ, Who is the Word. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
And I want to bring you conscious of that, before we approach farther, that God is in this room. The Author of this Word is here. So, it doesn't matter how you are dressed, or what degree you live in life, or what kind of a home you live in, or what type of car you drive, or how much education you've got, God looks at your heart. And He looks in my heart. And we're judged from our heart, not even our words. Our heart judges us. "From the heart speaketh the mouth." If it isn't, it's hypocrisy.
But that you might be one with God, like Christ and God was one, that's what the prayer is. That, He was the Word, and Jesus prayed that we might be the Word, reflecting Him. That's His prayer to be answered.
All things are unclean, but it's sanctified by the Word of God and prayer. The Bible said, "If thou be a good minister of Jesus Christ, thou shall remind the brother of these things. See, all things are sanctified, nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving," First Timothy :3.
And, remember, your faith in this Word is like a chain. A chain is its strongest at its weakest link. That's right. It's the strongest, that, 'cause that's all it'll hold. And if there is something in the Word that's puzzling to you, something that you have heard different, but they said, "Thee? Oh, that was for the apostles, and them things was for days gone by," when the Scripture said Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, don't let that be a weakness! Fortify It and hold It, and wrap your life into It, because that's the only thing that'll take you over the flames of hell. That's right.
And if, the beginning, which God in His grace and mercy could have bypassed all the sufferings that we've done, all these deaths of little babies, and everything, and the wars, and internals, and crucifixions, and things that we've had; if He could have bypassed it, His sovereignty of His Word would have permitted Him to bypass it, He would have been unjust if He didn't bypass it then. Do you get it? He can't bypass it. He never bypassed it for Adam, to begin with. And He won't bypass it for you or I, to begin with. We must come to that thing, the Word only. "Let every man's word be a lie, and mine be true," He said.
The candle just takes the place of the sun, just shows a certain amount of light. We are God's children, we are sons and daughters of God, only by the Spirit with portion. He had It without a portion. We are a star that's shining, all of us together make a Light to the world, but He is the entire Son that reflects the Light to every star. Hallelujah! I believe Him. God help my unbelief!
Who is that man to tell me the days of miracles is passed, when I was once a blind man? Hallelujah. I once laid where the doctors give me three minutes to live, and I'm a-living today. How can they tell me any different? Once a lukewarm church member, now filled with the Holy Ghost. God don't need any interpreter. The Spirit Itself, which is the Word, interprets it to be the Truth. If a man will dare to stand out and take It. He is His Own interpreter. Try Him one time, and find out if that isn't right. Don't pay attention to what somebody said. Do what God said do.
I'm going to ask you something. How can a man or a woman who claims to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which is the Word (that right?), and how can you be the flesh of that Holy Spirit, has made you part of Him, to reflect the Gospel of your age, and deny the Word that He wrote?
The Word Bread always means to be fed on. "And man shall not live by bread, like this bread, alone, but by every Word." So that's the Word Bread, keep that in mind, this is this Bread that the church through every age has fed on, has been the hidden Manna just for the overcomer only.
And when the man and woman goes into God, complete now, not under some spell, not under some emotion, but really when the Word and Him becomes one; God has saved that person, sanctified him from the things of the world, renovate everything of the world away from him, with the Fire of the Holy Ghost, and lives in that person, reflecting Himself, that perfect man or woman living by the Word. See, that's the earth that's cleansed. He'll use the earth the same way, He redeems it.