Italy Bistro Reports

Brother Gerald sends this report to tell us how the mobile bistro trips went in Palermo and Verona Italy, and also to testify how the Lord is not only working among the youth, but among bystanders who can't help but notice the attractive YF trailer and the Christian youth that follow. We have also posted a few pictures and video of their short stop at the Vatican on their way to Palermo. Young Foundations has now been identified in Rome!

It is with great joy to look back and see what the Lord has done!

Being on the road for 4000 miles (6400 km), it truly was a wonderful time we had with the young people at the YF bistros. Words cannot express the thankfulness of the believers that we met during this long journey to these bistros. Meeting people from all walks of life during our travels, it is such a joy to be able to give them this life-giving Message.

We highly enjoyed seeing Gods creation along the way, passing though the high mountains, beautiful valleys, countryside, and going from coast to coast. God is everywhere.

Seeing the condition of the world, there is a greater burden and desire to do all we can to reach that last predestinated seed of God.

We thank God for giving us yet an opportunity to be a light in this dark World. As we travel and stop along the way, the Ford pick up truck and YF trailer has attracted many people’s attention. Some asked us about what we carry inside the vehicle and trailer. Because it is not a common site with the Young Foundations name and cross on the sides of the trailer, it sure makes people wonder what we are all about.

Our first bistro was scheduled near Verona, in Northern Italy, and the second location was arranged in the South of Italy, on the Island of Sicily. Like in any place we go, young people were eagerly waiting for our arrival.

We set up early in the morning in order to have the bistro open by 10:00 AM. When the first young people arrived, they were ready to try their first cup of coffee. They could choose from many different flavors and blends of coffee, hot chocolate, and tea.

While the first arrivals were enjoying their coffee, more young people arrived. Soon they were all busy playing games, enjoying their time together, and talking to new friends. The morning passed by so fast! After some vigorous games were played, everybody was ready for some real Italian pasta. Quiet Times followed shortly after this. As everybody was getting ready to take this special hour that we have set aside to pray for others around the world, it sure is a wonderful thing to know that others are praying for us at the same time. After Quiet time, we took some time to sing some songs together. By now the youth felt really relaxed and everybody enjoyed the wonderful time together praising the Lord. After being filled up with natural food, real Italian pizza of course!, all were more than ready for spiritual food.

Spirits were high, and we were all really expecting something from the Lord. We gathered in a room set aside for a worship service and enjoyed the many precious words that flowed from the prophet’s mouth. For us it was truly the best part of the day! The Message that we heard, delivered by God’s servant and prophet, Brother Branham, was “By Faith Moses”. What a blessing it is every time we come together to hear the Word of God! The youth all had a wonderful day and were really giving their full attention to the Voice of God for this day. There was a wonderful presence among the youth that was gathered in unity. It seems like every time we come to the end of the service, it always seems hard to separate! It truly was a blessing to end with praying for the youth before they all went their ways. Truly it was worth it all to see the youth with a smile on their faces and asking: “When will be the next bistro again?”

Testimony of a doctor in Palermo, Sicily:

A medical doctor that worked in a hospital across the street from where we were unloading the trailer was so attracted by the truck and YF trailer that he had to come out and talk to us. He was a doctor and worked in the emergency room of the hospital. We were already inside the gym when he followed us and asked what kind of people we are. “I have seen your smiles and seen something different. For many years I looked around but was disappointed with church and doctrines. Now my search has ended and I have found what I am looking for. I wanted to see the face of Jesus. I have found it. You don’t know how many people I see every day in the emergency room that need Jesus.” We gave him a Man Sent From God book and exchanged contact details. He wanted to be sure to stay in touch with us. Then he bowed down his head and said, "don’t forget me and don’t let me down."

Testimony about the facility caretaker:

We had the building until 8 pm. The service was going over time, past 8, and the caretaker was getting nervous because he wanted to lock up the place. Then one of the VGR chaperons started talking, and excusing ourselves for being late. The conversation continued and he asked what kind of religion this is. So a brother read to him the entire quote from the back of a Message book “Not for one moment do I bring a message to the people that they may follow me or join my church…” (It’s the last paragraph of the Church Age book. ) "What nice words," he said, “My wife is a Jehovah Witness, and I am catholic.” Then we gave him two books we had on hand and told him, “Well, this can get you both together again.” I asked him, “Tell me, every time you come out of the catholic church, you come out the same as you went in.” He reluctantly nodded that was true. Then I said, “But if you meet Jesus, you are changed.” The singing started and I could tell the service was about ending, and told him, “Just wait a few minutes. When you see the faces of these kids coming out, tell me if it was worth the few extra thirty minutes.” As the the youth exited the meeting room, they were shaking hands, hugging each other, just so sweetly and Christian like. I looked back and saw the caretaker shed tears, saying, “Yes, it was worth it.”

Testimony of a person that saw the truck and trailer pull up in the parking lot:

As we were unloading the trailer we happened to notice that he was playing our YF music on his iPhone! As soon as we met him, he pointed to the trailer and the website that is listed on the back of the trailer. With a big smile and thumbs up, he made it known to us that he liked our music that he downloaded on his iPhone .We quickly showed him how to go to the Italian website, which he then was able to see what we were all about.

God bless you.
