Quiet Time In Trinidad

Here is a wonderful report from our Trinidad brothers and sisters of their first group Quiet Time together.

Dear Young Foundations,

The Lord bless and prosper you all richly. We truly appreciate all that you do for the young people around the world. We would like to share with you all our experience in Quiet Time, last Saturday. Since the advent of Quiet Time in Still Waters some couple of years ago, we have been encouraging our youth and elders alike to take that time for the Lord, as often as possible, and especially on Saturdays, when we could join with the Bride around the world. Often, when a Jubilee sermon was preached on a Saturday morning, like a Christian Businessman Breakfast, we would all gather at church and listen to Brother Branham during Quiet Time. Since the putting up of the YF Event Calendar at the beginning of the year, we have always wanted to experience QT together as YF does on the first Saturday of each month at YFYC. Thus far, we would usually spend that time personally, at home or otherwise. The Lord, however, gave us a lovely opportunity to have our heart’s desire, last Saturday.

A brother among us had recently been blessed of the Lord to acquire the purchase of a couple acres of land in the south region of our country, where he intends to eventually live, a portion of which, it was upon his heart to dedicate to the believers to have a little spot where someone could steal away and have some time with the Lord, if they so desired. Even though the land is still in its development stage, with some recent landscaping being done, he felt that he should open it up to the youth to have QT together. With good dry weather, even though the surface grass has not yet regrown, he felt it would still be a nice quiet spot. The invitation was made to the youth, and was well received. The event was set for Sat. 7th June, strangely enough, not even thinking of YFYC, it just dawned upon us a couple days before. We felt led that we should come together and listen to the sermon, “ Come, Follow Me 63–0601”, which, actually was preached on the first Saturday of June, 1963,( just realized that, while writing this testimony, as I checked the date code on the Index book on my phone, amazing!).

We gathered at the location before 7 am, sang some worship songs and had prayer together, before handing out the past YF quiz for this sermon, which the youth would complete while they listened. Around thirty of us were there, both youth and adults, all given quizzes. The country of Trinidad had been mightily blessed to receive a past Jesus Jar sponsorship from YF, which provided for the youth personal MP3 players, fully loaded with all Brother Branham’s sermons, videos and pictures, so those who had received came armed with them. Everything was set to have a wonderful time with the Lord, but there was one element left that was about to give our faith a little test,…rain. The night before Sat. there was quite a bit of rain, which changed the conditions somewhat, to a bit soggy. The morning itself was overcast, dark, with a very slight drizzle falling incessantly. We all left home anyhow, the youth so excited, not willing to let some miniscule rain drops get in the way of our time with our Lord Jesus. We gave out some prayer mats suited for the conditions, and had some pieces of cardboard to help (most used it over their heads!).

It proved to be a very special experience. When one might think that a little rain would spoil the day, it actually inspired the believers to fight their way through to victory. That slight drizzle fell all the way through our QT, but we believe that Something else was also falling, the Holy Spirit, as we all listened to His Word for this day.

As we regrouped after QT, we had a time of singing together and encouraged the youth to press the battle, and that we would look back some day to this unforgettable experience as one of our first gatherings of this kind, but certainly not our last. As we went back to our vehicles, we had a little light breakfast prepared, which everyone enjoyed, even though we forgot the cups for the juice ( we had to improvise a little!). We also handed out some Quiet Time bookmarks to the quiz takers and everyone to remember the occasion.

After some nice fellowship together, we left the location, hoping to return some day, maybe under “better” conditions, but truly satisfied that the Lord did meet with us there.

All our love in Christ to YF and Bride around the world,


