Raking Leaves 2013

This past Saturday morning, right after quiet time, 79 local Jeffersonville kids showed up at VGR with their rakes in hand ready to tackle another year of “RAKING LEAVES!”

What started a few years ago as a couple dozen kids, 4 dozen donuts, a few vans and some rakes has turned into an all out mass of almost 100 kids, a whole rented out pizza hut, a school bus, a van, and two pick up trucks!

We always wonder what the neighbors must think when nearly 100 kids pile out of a packed out bus and attack a yard full of leaves like a well oiled machine. It is a funny sight for sure, nearly as funny as the look on the neighbor’s faces as they watch us turn an all day job into 15 minutes of fun.

By the end of the day, we had 19 yards under our belt! A new record. After a couple hour break, everyone was up for more fun, so we closed out the evening at the YF Youth Center. We were all a little tired at the end of our long, fun day but we are already looking forward to next fall!
