Creations Class in Aticama-México

Below is the report and some pictures of a sweet little group of young believers in the little town of Nayarit Mexico at their first Creations class.

God bless Brother Joseph and brothers at VGR.

We would like to share our experience in a class of Creations in January 1st at Aticama, a little town in Nayarit, Mexico.

Believers that hear the tapes were gathered from 7 different places to take the Lord’s Supper and feet-washing in the last hours of 2015 and the first ones of 2016.

For our first Creations Class, we were expecting more people than normal. The tabernacle couldn’t lodge all the people, so we found a place where kids between 4 and 12 years old could gather. The children would be there with a group of teachers, having different activities focused on the Message and the Bible.

The class date was on January 1st at 6:00 pm, and we chose the Creations Class of Noah’s Ark.

Having 45 kids, we began the activity with a prayer, asking God to prosper our activity, trusting that it would be useful for the participants. Then, we read about Noah’s ark topic, including Genesis 8 and another Bible passages about this.

We gave them an illustration board, glue and blue construction paper; they glued the blue paper onto the illustration board and then, a girl read the quote for our class. Then we gave them printed games about Noah’s Ark and when they finished, we gave them coloring pages and songs about our topic and we sang them (a sister played the guitar). Kids were so happy and God blessed us. We asked the older ones to help the youngest and everyone was busy.

After singing, we gave them packages which contained the material they would use, as similar as possible to the tutorial in Creations. While they waited for the glue to dry, they were coloring some drawings.

After this, a sister arrived with dinner and we prayed and ate. Then we sang the songs we practiced earlier beforing going to meet their parents.

It’s wonderful to see their faces in dedication and enthusiasm for the activities about God. It was a blessing to participate in this event and meet Christian children.

May God richly bless brothers in Aticama, they worked so hard for the meeting. May God bless the Creations staff in Jeffersonville for giving us those beautiful tutorials for kids, they’re of blessing to everyone. May God bless brother Joseph Branham and all collaborators for all that you do for the Bride.

