YF Summer Vacation Schedule

Yes, 2015 is already half gone, and VGR vacation is quickly approaching! With that said, we will soon be going into rest mode, and Lord willing we will spend a few weeks with our families and, more importantly, with our Lord.

All of the local YF calendar events will be put on hold for the month of July, so there will be no local YF Bistros, YF gym days, or Creations classes for the month of July, and there will be no local Global Quiet Time at YFYC on July 4th Saturday.

Lord willing, we will come back to work refreshed and strong with our updated schedule for the remaining 2015 year. Believe it or not, Giving Thanks, Raking Leaves, YF Jubilee Tour, and the rest of the busy fall schedule is just around the corner. Ready or not, here we come! After vacation, of course.

Pray for us, as we pray for you!

God bless you,

Young Foundations

