Moving The YF Articles

BIG things are happening in Young Foundations and Cub Corner this year, so we figured we better keep you in the loop so that you can follow along with us.

It's already been an action-packed first quarter, with Global Quiet Times, Creations classes around the world, and the listening of the Seven Seals, and we know there's so much more the Lord has in store for us.

The oncoming changes are going to start subtle. As of now, we are no longer going to be posting articles on the YF website. All YF, CC, and Creations articles will now be posted on

Brother Joseph loves to keep things interesting and to do all that he can for the Bride of Christ. This is just a start to bigger changes that we are praying will be a greater encouragement to God's children.

Be sure to keep watching the websites for more updates and changes!
