Nigeria Missionary Sponsorship Project

We just finished up our sponsorship project for the young children in the country of Haiti, and we are moving on to a new project. Our next sponsorship project is along those same lines, but this time the Cub Corner kids will be helping the "older youth," in Nigeria!

If the Lord is willing, Young Foundations will be hosting a banquet for a large number of young Nigerian believers, and YOU can help make it possible. This will be a very special event for the Message believing youth of Nigeria, because it will be the first time to have anything like this.

As you might already know, Nigeria is the most populated country in all of Africa, and with that large population there is a lot of poverty. Many of the youth there have never been inside a hotel or even eaten inside of a restaurant. With your help, they will finally have the chance to not only meet and fellowship with other believers from around their diverse country, but they will enjoy something that most of them have never experienced before, and that is a first class meal in a hotel. This event will be centered around singing and wonderful fellowship, and most importantly, the Word of God. And to think, it'll all happen because some very special young believers joined together to supply this special blessing.

The banquet is coming up soon, so if you want to participate, please remember that this sponsorship will only last a month or so. We will announce the deadline a little in advance so that you will know when to send in your Jesus Jars.

We will be telling the young people in Nigeria who it was that helped sponsor the banquet they are enjoying, so we want you to send in a special note; from you to them. The notes will be on display for the Nigerian youth to read during the banquet.

Just write to Cub Corner "Nigerian Youth Banquet" P.O. Box 950 Jeffersonville, IN 47131

Here are some neat facts about Nigeria:

  • † Nigeria has the highest population of any African country.
  • † It is estimated that 60% of the population lives on less than $1 per day.
  • † The country is home to gorillas, giraffes, elephants, lions, cheetahs, antelope and many more cool animals.
  • † It is estimated that over 500 different languages are spoken in Nigeria.
  • † The money in Nigeria is called Naira.
